List of Catholic American entertainers

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The following is a list of Roman Catholic Americans who could be considered entertainers, including actors, actresses, singers, commentators and hosts.

Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ [1] "A Catholic Mass open to family and friends was to be held Friday, with a memorial service expected within a week or two, he said."
  2. ^ [2] "A 9/27/05 article in the New York Times confirms YO MAMA BITCHES that Don Adams did serve in the Marines and was at Guadalcanal where he was shot and contracted blackwater fever, a usually fatal illness. He has written that he prayed to God for survival and went from being an atheist to a life-long Catholic."
  3. ^ [3] "Heritage: Ecuadorian/Irish, Catholic"
  4. ^ [4] "Both of Alan Alda's parents were devout Catholics, and he was raised as such. Although he later lapsed into inactivity, Alan Alda was a devout Catholic churchgoer throughout childhood and into early adulthood, including at the time he married his wife, Arlene Weiss, to whom he has been married up until the present time."
  5. ^ [5] "Like his parents, he was a devout Catholic with deep religious convictions."
  6. ^ [6] "penned jokes for the caustic Catholic comedian Fred Allen..."
  7. ^ [7] (George Burns on Allen) "The one issue that never came up between Gracie and me was religion. Gracie was a practicing Irish Catholic. She tried to go to Mass every Sunday."
  8. ^ [8] "You know, religion has been an important part of my life. I'm Roman Catholic."
  9. ^ [9] "In a civil ceremony, Lucy married Desi Arnaz, a musician from a devout Cuban Catholic family. In addition to being Catholic, Arnaz was also at least partially an adherent of the Afro-Caribbean religion Osha, which was practiced by a large proportion of Cubans. The couple later had a Catholic religious wedding ceremony, and Lucy studied Catholicism for a time, planning to convert. She never did."
  10. ^ [10] "Her recovery began with her joining Alcoholics Anonymous, and with her conversion to the Roman Catholic faith."
  11. ^ [11] "She died in her sleep of a stroke on April 12, 1975, after 14 successful performances of Joséphine. The Roman Catholic funeral service was held at the Church of the Madeleine in Paris, which was, after all, her true home."
  12. ^ [12] "Alec Baldwin is an Irish-Catholic boy from a blue-collar suburb, with the gifted tongue of a fledgling Jesse Jackson."
  13. ^ [13] "Kaye Ballard (Comedienne) - Part I: the veteran comedienne discusses her life and career talks about his [sic] Catholic faith and public service."
  14. ^ [14] "She was also famously married to the Jewish actor-director Mel Brooks whose mother, told that he was going to marry an Italian-American Catholic, replied "bring the girl over, I'll be in the kitchen - with my head in the oven"."
  15. ^ [15] "Joseph Barbara - song leader, songwriter, guitarist in Catholic Charismatic renewal"
  16. ^ a b c [16] "Lionel Barrymore, Ethel Barrymore and John Barrymore were all Catholics."
  17. ^ [17] "Baher describes herself as an "Italian Catholic."
  18. ^ [18] "A Roman Catholic, Ted considered being a priest when he was young. He didn't, but he remained devout, and received holy communion every day."
  19. ^ [19] "The 23-year-old star of "American Pie," "Loser" and "American Pie 2" is actually an Italian Catholic from New Jersey."
  20. ^ [20] "Twenty-two-year-old Alexis is a sheltered Catholic girl from Houston whose Mexican mother and Argentinian father had no ties to show business."
  21. ^ [21] "When the twins were born, David also decided to share with his Catholic wife and daughters in their journey of faith and was baptized ([RCIA]) along with his children."
  22. ^ [22] "Ann is a devout Roman Catholic which is shown throughout her film career and especially in the documentary Crusade for Prayer."
  23. ^ [23] "Ray Bolger knew he wanted to be a performer when, as a 16-year-old from a struggling Irish Catholic family in the Boston neighborhood of Dorchester..."
  24. ^ [24] "Theirs was a superficially unlikely love match. Taylor was Jewish, raised in a family trained in Yiddish theater. Bologna was an Italian-American Catholic and didn't make his professional stage debut until after his marriage."
  25. ^ [25] "So you're superstitious ... and Catholic. Who's your favorite saint? St. Joseph. He's a patron saint of carpenters. I used to build houses."
  26. ^ [26] "Eric attended the first Boston Catholic Men's Conference on March 19, 2005."
  27. ^ [27] "I'm Irish Catholic, so a Democrat by blood... But I'm 100 percent for Bush."
  28. ^ [28] "I was Catholic", she says. "I knew I had to get my career going and that's why I waited. I would have had a baby in nine months and that would have been it."
  29. ^ [29] "Despite her colourful language, which may have owed something to her Australian origins, she was a devout Catholic."
  30. ^ [30] "I suffer from Irish-Catholic guilt. Guilt is a good reality check. It keeps that 'do what makes you happy' thing in check."
  31. ^ [31] "I’m from south St. Louis, from a very middle class Catholic family. People don’t go to New York and become actors from my neighborhood."
  32. ^ [32] "Well, I am a Christian, but, you know, I'm open to looking at other religions... I was baptized Roman Catholic, but I'm also very much interested in other beliefs."
  33. ^ [33] "A devout Catholic and a shy, soft-spoken man off-screen, he was tired of roughing up women and playing street punks on screen."
  34. ^ [34] "He came from working-class, Irish Catholic stock..."
  35. ^ [35] "Refused to film a love scene with on-screen wife Ashley Judd for their film, "High Crimes" (2002). The idea of possible nudity conflicted with Jim's personal beliefs, based on his strong Catholic faith"
  36. ^ [36] "Keep in mind, yours truly is the same Catholic who always forgets and goes ahead and eats meat on Fridays in Lent... a huge no-no."
  37. ^ [37] "The question of a divorce was also raised. Both Ty and Linda are Catholic."
  38. ^ [38] (talking about Nick Clooney) "KING: Your father still does? GEORGE CLOONEY: Sure, he's Catholic."
  39. ^ [39] "Among the mourners gathered at Good Shepherd Catholic Church for the 7 p.m (10 p.m. ET) funeral Mass was Clooney's famous nephew, movie star George Clooney."
  40. ^ [40] "Colbert, a practicing Catholic, comes from a family of 11 children."
  41. ^ [41] "Personally Speaking" delves into the faith story behind the scenes in the lives of three Roman Catholic celebrities... The devoted wife and mother of two boys believes that God is most present in her life through her family."
  42. ^ [42] "After Cooper was already a major film star he became a convert to Catholicism. His daughter recalls that their family attended Catholic mass regularly prior to the time her father converted."
  43. ^ [43] "Raised as a "very strict Catholic," Cort attended Mass every Sunday (as he usually does) to pray for good health during the shoot. While in Italy, he bought all sorts of religious jewelry -- "as protection to get me through the goddamn movie," he says with a laugh. "You should see what I'm wearing now. I'm wearing a cross, I'm wearing a jade Buddha, I'm wearing a Mother Teresa from the beatification, I'm wearing a Padre Pio. What else have I got here? I'm wearing the blessed Virgin, I'm wearing St. Christopher.""
  44. ^ [44] ""I think Jeannie was really the loveliest. There was something wholesome about her." As to what that "something" could have been, Carla Davis said, "she was a bit older than Stanley, and very Catholic.""
  45. ^ [45] "Meanwhile, her marriage was going through turbulent times, but although Crain, a practising Catholic, sued Brinkman for divorce in 1956, the decree never became final and they got back together again."
  46. ^ [46] "In his will, Crosby also provided detailed funeral instructions, with a request that "my funeral services be conducted in a Catholic church; that they be completely private with attendance limited to my wife and the above-mentioned children; that a low Mass be said and that no memorial service of any kind be held. I further direct that, insofar as possible, services be held without any publicity, other than that which my family permits after my burial, which shall be in a Catholic cemetery.""
  47. ^ [47] "NG: How about his faith, Kathryn? K. CROSBY: It was strong. KING: Catholic, right? K. CROSBY: Yes. He was very quiet... KING: Are you, Catholic? K. CROSBY: Yes. We would go to mass every Sunday. And then go to the pancake house and have breakfast together. And Christmas..."
  48. ^ [48] on son John Cusack "Unlike many young actors he had a warm and busy family life to fall back into: Catholic, theatre-based, very much of the post-1960s left."
  49. ^ [49] "His decency he gets from his parents - his mum a teacher, his dad a documentary film-maker, both Irish by descent and Catholic. Cusack went to church until he was 16, then gave it up. "A recovering Catholic, yes" ([50]). "Many of them just saw themselves as Germans who just happened to be Jewish, the same way that I'm American but happen to be Catholic. I was raised Catholic but it's not like I walk around each day thinking, “I'm a Catholic. I'm a Catholic.” They were just Germans and they were patriots." [51] "So Max is kind of like me: I was raised Irish Catholic but I don't consider myself Irish Catholic: I consider myself me, an American. Max probably didn't even think of himself as Jewish. He thought of himself as German. That was probably the only naïve thing about him."
  50. ^ [52] "A parishoner at St. Monica's Catholic Church in Santa Monica. Along with other Catholic celebrities he has hosted the parish's Octoberfair."
  51. ^ [53] "From her promising beginnings as a Nice Italian Catholic girl to her headlined adventures with Nice Italian Catholic girls, among others, here is Lea DeLaria, the stand-up, lay-down, in-your-face comic who tells you everything your mom never wanted you to know."
  52. ^ [54] "Although De Niro has famously portrayed a number of overtly Catholic characters on screen, and he apparently has publicly indicated that he considers himself Catholic, there is no indication that he has ever lived as a practicing Catholic."
  53. ^ [55] "Andy Devine (1905-1977), was born in Flagstaff, Arizona, where his father ran a hotel. He briefly studied to become a Catholic priest, and he attended St. Mary's and St. Benedict's College, Arizona State Teachers College and Santa Clara University, where he was a football star."
  54. ^ [56] "Well, I'm from New Jersey and I'm Catholic. I went to a Catholic school, so there was no sex education in the classrooms with the nuns, you know? So, by around sixth grade, we started asking each other."
  55. ^ [57] "According to a Catholic newspaper, Dixon faithfully attended Mass each morning."
  56. ^ [58] The importance of faith is not foreign to 25-year-old Dominczyk, a Polish-born Catholic who moved to New York with her family at the age of seven. Dominczyk, who is presently engaged to be married, confided that her husband-to-be is planning to convert to Catholicism so they can be wed in a Catholic church. "That's so important to my family", said a smiling Dominczyk, who attends a Polish Catholic church in New York, where she and her family still reside. "I believe that part of being an immigrant is upholding our religious traditions." Her younger sister, Marika Dominczyk, is also an actress.
  57. ^ [59] "When he and Buchanan squared off on camera to debate the recent Pledge of Allegiance court ruling, they were just another pair of wealthy, middle-aged, white Irish Catholic men pontificating."
  58. ^ [60] "No, The Thin Red Line, I absolutely loved that movie. I know people didn’t like it but I think because I was raised Catholic, the movie is literally a prayer."
  59. ^ [61] "Jennifer Aniston's ex-boyfriend and O.C. star Tate Donovan wed his long-time girlfriend of six years, Corinne Kingsbury, in a barefoot Roman Catholic beach wedding in Malibu, California, on Saturday."
  60. ^ [62] "Proceeds will be used to purchase needed items for the parochial school. The annual auction is in February, but Doocy, a Catholic, wanted to help the cause, said his father, Jim."
  61. ^ [63] "Murray is the fifth of nine children in a large, Irish Catholic family. Three of Murray's siblings are also actors: John Murray, Joel Murray, and Brian Doyle-Murray."
  62. ^ [64] "A lifelong Roman Catholic, she donated a great deal of time and talent to church activities, resulting in numerous awards and even recognition from the Pope."
  63. ^ [65] "The little Catholic girl in me came out. I would say a prayer with each garment before I put it on and by the time I was fully dressed, I thought I was the cutest little nun I ever saw."
  64. ^ [66] "I'm a new Catholic. I love the church; I love mass. I go every morning at 6:30. When I'm on the right track spiritually and emotionally, things happen in my life. It's mysterious."
  65. ^ [67] "According to friend Kira, the night before Dominique's funeral, two television programs were aired (that were previously scheduled). The funeral was held at Westwood Catholic Church."
  66. ^ [68] "A staunch Republican and Catholic she was appointed Alternate Delegate to the UN in 1959 and was involved with several charitable organisations throughout her life."
  67. ^ [69] "Jeanne Eagels' wake was held at Campbell's funeral home in NYC, the site of Rudolph Valentino's services when he died three years earlier. Her last film, "Jealousy" was reported to be playing across the street from Campbell's. Another service with a Catholic high mass and requiem was held in Kansas City, where Eagels' body was laid to rest in a cemetery next to her father and a brother who pre-deceased her. Her grave is marked "Jeanne Eagles" with the original spelling of the family name."
  68. ^ [70] "bunny1: What religion are you? Erik: I'm a Catholic, man. But sometimes I'm a real bad boy!!"
  69. ^ [71] "Q: What religion are you? A: Catholic"
  70. ^ [72] "The pair fell in love, and within a year Garth was pregnant. Given Facinelli's Catholic upbringing, "this was a big deal for him and his family to have a baby out of wedlock," says Garth. "But he said, 'I'm not going to let them pressure me.'""
  71. ^ [73] "Fahey’s reaction to the buzz? "It blows my mind a little bit", he admits. "I mean, I’m just a little Irish Catholic kid from Massachusetts with freckles."
  72. ^ [74] "Now a convert to the Catholic faith, Lola has dedicated her life to giving testimony to the miracle that has healed her. She urges audiences at every opportunity to embrace God. "I am not a star. I don't want to be called that vain word," she is fond of saying. Broken by disease and reborn, "I am confirmed in Christ. I am absolute in Christ," she says. "Ain't no man in the world can compete with my Lord. I got a guy who can walk on water.""
  73. ^ [75] "On Tuesday the 23rd of December, there was a funeral mass held at Our Lady Queen of Peace Roman Catholic Church (thanks Beca), in Madison."
  74. ^ [76] "Mia Farrow is a Catholic, although not necessarily a practicing congregant."
  75. ^ [77] "...[Levant wrote:] "Frank was so strictured, both in his devotion to Catholicism and right-wing political beliefs...""
  76. ^ [78] "A family friend says, "Britney postponed her original summer at home wedding because she wanted to please her family, who are practising Christians, and Kevin's family who take their Catholic faith very seriously."
  77. ^ [79] "What's amazing for a nice Catholic girl is how uninhibited she seems about sex, even to fellow actors. "When I found out she was playing my wife in Jade, I went to see Last Seduction," says Palminteri." ""I was raised in a Catholic home... I grew up a pretty shy Catholic girl. I was the middle of eight children and I was really timid until I got out of college at 22."
  78. ^ Wearring, Myles. "The Other Side of AIDS", Sydney Star Observer, 2006-11-30. Retrieved on November 30, 2006.
  79. ^ [80] "Mary Frann's personal and professional career was eulogized in a ceremony at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Beverly Hills."
  80. ^ [81] "Annette Funicello has turned to the controversial Church of Scientology in a last-ditch attempt to save herself from the deadly multiple sclerosis that is destroying her body, friends reveal. 'She started a Scientology treatment program a few weeks ago', a family insider confides. 'Although she's a devout Catholic, she agreed to try the sect, hoping it might halt the progress of her illness'."
  81. ^ [82] "I'm actually one of six kids, Catholic. You ever notice people from big Catholic families, they always throw in that "Catholic" after the number? Like if you didn't hear the "Catholic" part, you'd think, "Six kids? His mother really likes sex."
  82. ^ [83] "Beliefs Christian / Catholic"
  83. ^ [84] "Catholic – I was the only kid who didn’t go to parochial school in my family. I went for three days. I don’t know what happened. I was out on my ear. [singing] I think I was accustomed to the public school environment."
  84. ^ [85] "Sharon Gless always wanted to be an actress, but was afraid her strict, Irish Catholic family would disapprove... I'm just Catholic enough to believe that marriage should be forever. But sometimes I like being with someone, and other times I like to be alone. I can't imagine asking someone else's permission to do something."
  85. ^ [86] "Linda's parents had given her a strict Catholic upbringing, and they were deeply concerned about her determination to become an actress. They had heard about people in show business, and were afraid that Linda's sheltered existence had not prepared her to deal with that kind of people."
  86. ^ [87] "In Vancouver in 1933, she suffered an attack of ulcerated colitis. After unsuccessful emergency surgery, a Catholic priest gave her last rites, and she died, at the age of 49, on November 5, 1933, a long way from Waco."
  87. ^ [88] "James Gunn was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri in a large Irish Catholic family."
  88. ^ [89] "Veteran character actor Bob Gunton is also a regular at St. Charles."
  89. ^ [90] "Jack was a devout Catholic. He once was honored by the Pope."
  90. ^ [91] "Raised a Roman Catholic, he wears a medallion of a cross and still goes to mass."
  91. ^ The slum angel with a dirty face
  92. ^ [92] "KING: Valerie, how did a young Catholic girl get the part of Rhoda Morganstern, the Jewish neighbor. VALERIE HARPER, ACTRESS: I know."
  93. ^ [93] "Hart, now the Rev. Mother Dolores Hart, is prioress of a Roman Catholic abbey devoted to prayer in Bethlehem, Conn."
  94. ^ [94] "SuperSAB16 asks: Do you have a specific religion? Melissa Joan Hart says: I am Catholic."
  95. ^ [95] "Josh Hartnett is a Catholic. Josh Hartnett was born in San Francisco, California, but he grew up in St. Paul Minnesota. He attended Catholic schools Nativity of Our Lord School and Cretin-Derham Hall before transferring to South High School. His parents wanted him to attend the same Catholic school that they had attended."
  96. ^ [96] "In the Boston Herald, Elisabeth, at 26 the youngest of the three finalists, felt that she would bring a political difference to The View, since she was "a different voice for my age. I'm fairly conservative." Elisabeth, who graduated from the Jesuit university Boston College, noted that she shares the pro-life view of the Catholic church and "if they brought up anything about pro-choice, it would push my button.""
  97. ^ [97] "Although maintaining a deeply Catholic commitment, June succumbed to a physical illness forcing her from the nunnery. She returned home to Hollywood to be near her family."
  98. ^ [98] "Helen Hayes was a Catholic."
  99. ^ [99] "In 1949, the world watched, enthralled, as Rita became a princess when she married the wealthy Muslim leader, Prince Aly Khan, in a town hall in Vallauris, France. They had both been married when they embarked on their affair. The Vatican declared the Catholic Hayworth's marriage "illicit," and she was condemned by the Pope."
  100. ^ [100] "Originally from Cincinnati, Ohio, where Hemmer attended Our Lady of Victory grade school and Elder High School, he remains focused on lessons learned from his family. That includes being strong in his Catholic faith, remaining confident and making his own decisions. “I don’t think there was one aspect of me that wasn’t shaped by my family, whether it was my parents or my brother and sisters. We were all close in age. We were close at home.”"
  101. ^ [101] "I find it sort of cute that I'm a minister's wife [on the show], and I'm Catholic. The fact that I have a practicing faith, meaning that you do it every week, it's like working out—I think it helps me play the role." [102] "In Catholic terms it is a chance to watch The Stations of the Cross. I'd like to see more movies about Christ prior to Good Friday. I didn't really think it was Anti Semitic. I was looking for it, because I wanted to take my Jewish friends and didn't want them to be offended." [103] "But Hicks, while admitting that she's a practicing Catholic, denies being either very religious or overly spiritual. "I just try to live a life that is somewhat exemplary and incorporates prayer," she said. "The items I collect -the Madonnas, the statues, the religious icons -- are to me reminders of those in heaven who watch over us. The Madonna, as a symbolic figure, is very reassuring to me."
  102. ^ [104] "True or not, this story and Hitchcock's Roman Catholic background encompass all the themes Hitchcock would later put in his work-- terror inflicted upon the unknowing, and sometimes innocent victim; guilt (both real guilt and the appearance of it); fear, and redemption. A devout Catholic who attended church regularly throughout his life, Hitchcock was the son of greengrocers William and Emma Hitchcock and grew up with his older siblings, William and Ellen Kathleen in Leytonstone, part of London's East End."
  103. ^ [105] "Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles issued a statement on Monday expressing his joy that entertainer Bob Hope died a Catholic. "One of my greatest joys is knowing that Bob Hope died as a Catholic," he said. "Over the years I would invite him to join the church, but he would respond in his typical humour, 'My wife, Dolores, does enough praying to take care of both of us.' But eventually her prayers prevailed and he was baptised into the Catholic Church and was strengthened these past years through the regular reception of Holy Communion.""
  104. ^ [106] "Religion: Catholic"
  105. ^ [107] "Following her final film in 1957, she struggled and had her life turned around through her Catholic faith and Father Peter Maguire of Newport, R.I."
  106. ^ [108] "I went to school at St. Catherine of Sienna's on East 69th Street, and when I'm in New York, I still go to mass there...When my second marriage (to John Lowe) took place in a Catholic church some people thought the church was showing favoritism. but they didn't understand. Al (Jolson) and I were married by a justice of the peace..So, in the eyes of the church, my marriage to Al was not a blessed marriage. I don't think Al ever practiced any religion, but he did go to mass with me once or twice. You know, he was very proud of the fact that I continued to go to church. He loved to be able to say to people, 'Oh, Ruby's not here now. She's at mass."
  107. ^ [109] "Perhaps because he is a devout Roman Catholic and "Reflections" was condemned by the church, Keith teamed with Doris Day for the innocuous "With Six You Get Eggroll" (1968), as a widower and widow trying to blend families."
  108. ^ [110] "...both Dan[iel Hugh Kelly] and Frank [Ryan, the character he played on TV]share are responsible for this! They are both urban, Irish-Catholics, and both have siblings of one brother and three sisters."
  109. ^ [111] "When no one else was present, [Gene's] mother did bring up the subject of his girlfriends, or lack of them. He was, after all, nearing thirty--getting up there for a Catholic boy. Blessedly, that Jewish Marlow girl, once a worry, had gone her own way"
  110. ^ [112] "I want to thank you," he wrote to Grace Kelly, "for showing the Prince what an American Catholic girl can be, and for the very deep impression this has left upon him."
  111. ^ [113] "Kelly who belongs to an Irish Catholic family has an interesting heart's desire. Up until in the eighth grade, Kelly wanted to be a servant of the Lord by being a nun. When she started working on her first picture, she went to a priest and confessed, "I'm still torn between becoming a nun and working in the film business." (Catholic Workers, 1996)"
  112. ^ [114] "Kennedy's memoir of Catholic girlhood coming-of-age as an actress, wife and mother was published in 1996."
  113. ^ [115] "I was raised a Catholic and a big part of me is still a Catholic girl," Kidman told Newsweek in 1998. When pressed she explained: "Catholicism will keep me going. I'm a Catholic girl. It will always stay with you."
  114. ^ [116] (Sarah Silverman on Kimmel) "“I wear this St. Christopher medal sometimes because—I’m Jewish, but my boyfriend is Catholic—it was cute the way he gave it to me. He said if it doesn’t burn through my skin it will protect me.”"
  115. ^ [117] "While there will be no funeral, plans for a memorial service at St. Viator Catholic Church were pending."
  116. ^ [118] "Said Ladd, “I’m a Catholic shiksa, but I’m on a spiritual journey.”"
  117. ^ [119] "On another sad note, the funeral for Bob Hope's friend and co-star, Dorothy Lamour, was also held here at St. Charles. Famous for the sarong she wore in all those "road pictures" she made with Bob & Bing Crosby, her funeral took place here on Sept. 2, 1996. (She was later buried at the nearby Forest Lawn Hollywood.)"
  118. ^ [120] "The Catholic Church grants her a church wedding since her previous marriages were civil ceremonies. Mitzi Mayfair is maid of honor. Three days later, the girls are ordered to North Africa."
  119. ^ [121] "Pat was a busy woman. She was devoutly religious, having converted to Roman Catholicism, as had her sister Lola. The family attended church regularly, and she was involved with Catholic charities."
  120. ^ [122] "WASPy-looking Matthew Broderick is half-Jewish; Jewish-looking Nathan Lane is Irish-Catholic. In an interview just after “The Producers” opened on Broadway, Lane said, “People always think I’m Jewish and that I changed my last name from Rabinowitz. The story is that my real name is Joseph Lane. But when I joined Actors’ Equity, there was already a Joe Lane. They said I had to change either my first name or my last name.”"
  121. ^ [123] "Outside her family, Pat was a busy woman. She was devoutly religious, having converted to Roman Catholicism, as had her sister Lola. The family attended church regularly, and she was involved with Catholic charities."
  122. ^ [124] "But during one of her infrequent absences, a priest was rushed in to administer extreme unction. Unable to protest, the lapsed Catholic murmured, "I think I've joined the gang.""
  123. ^ [125] "TOM CRUISE is taking a lot of s**t for belonging to a religion, Scientology, that believes aliens came to this planet 75 million years ago. That is nothing. I was raised Catholic. We believe Mary was a virgin and Jesus ended up walking on water, creating a bottomless jug of wine and rising from the dead."
  124. ^ [126] "A devout Roman Catholic, Joan's creative energy found outlets in Catholic charities and dress designing."
  125. ^ Dominic Wills. Lindsay Lohan Biography. Retrieved on February 27, 2007.
  126. ^ [127] "Lockhart, a Catholic, said her encounter with the pope was overwhelmingly emotional. While she was shooting a film in Rome, she was invited to attend a papal audience in St. Peter’s Square with her mother, actress June Lockhart, and friend, actress Kay Lenz."
  127. ^ [128] "Eva Longoria says being the good Catholic girl she was raised as, she definitely had to exorcise some guilt about kicking a nun's butt in last Sunday's episode of the ever-irreverent 'Desperate Housewives."
  128. ^ [129] "We were quite well off and I was well looked after. I grew up as a good Catholic girl."
  129. ^ [130] "Jack, reared a Catholic in an Irish-Catholic household, doesn’t air his religious views, but his general, moral philosophy is compassionate and "square." In this respect, Steve McGarrett, the character he plays in "Hawaii Five0," is much like the off stage Lord."
  130. ^ [131] "Courtney Love is a Jewish Catholic. She is in no way an observant Jew, and appears to have little Jewish identity. She is not known to be a practicing Catholic."
  131. ^ <[132] "Jayson asks: What are your guilty pleasures? Patti Answers: I'm a Catholic, I have guilt all the time."
  132. ^ [133] "Like most Filipinos her family was Roman Catholic, an affiliation Michelle retains to this day."
  133. ^ [134] "The mouthpiece for the group, manchild, converted to the Catholic faith..."
  134. ^ [135] "Matthews, 59, a former altar boy who grew up "in a very Catholic world" in the Northeast, has been in Rome since Saturday, spearheading MSNBC's coverage... The speed-talking host of Hardball (7 p.m. weekdays) says he's a believer. Still, he lives "in the real Catholic world," where feelings about complicated social issues are sharply divided."
  135. ^ [136] "A Northerner in a Southern school was a problem in itself; a headstrong Northerner who was also a Catholic"
  136. ^ [137] "Born in 1916 in Joliet, Ill., Charlotte Mercedes Agnes McCambridge grew up Catholic, middle class, Midwestern, and, as she acknowledged in her episodic but entertaining 1981 autobiography The Quality of Mercy, a good liar."
  137. ^ [138] "Leo McCarey was a devout Catholic."
  138. ^ [139] "According to those who know him, McGoohan is a devout Roman Catholic..."
  139. ^ [140] "By her own definition a "recovering Catholic," McGovern was born in 1949 in Youngstown, Ohio, then a small thriving steel town, and now just a faded memory."
  140. ^ [141] "Stiller's mum Anne Meara is an Irish Catholic... "We had a very strange dichotomy happening because my mom converted to Judaism""
  141. ^ [142] "I'm such a lump. I won't cut the line. It's my Catholic guilt. I gotta get used to it."
  142. ^ [143] "She is a Catholic whose Hollywood Hills home is filled with Virgin Mary statues. She calls people she just met "honey."
  143. ^ [144] "Miller converted to the Catholic Church at the age of 25."
  144. ^ [145] "Minnelli was raised in a small mid-west town (Delaware, Ohio) where he grew up in a Catholic, French-Italian, traveling tent-show family. Chicago, where his extended family resided, represented the bastion of non-provinciality."
  145. ^ [146] "BH: Are you religious? SM: Privately, yeah. I'm sure no stickler for all those Catholic rules, anyway."
  146. ^ [147] "Monaco sees herself as a "good Catholic girl" from a traditional Italian-American family, who believes in God"
  147. ^ [148] "He said his Catholic faith has been and is the most important thing in his life and is followed closely by his marriage to his wife of over 50 years and his family, his two countries, Mexico and the United States, and his acting profession."
  148. ^ [149] "Here I was, an Irish-Catholic girl being pitched into this situation with these three single Italian men."
  149. ^ [150] "Now, here's the progress of what I call the reincarnation of American history. I'm not insisting on a Roman Catholic Presidency. I'm suggesting that my own, unequivocal stance on abortion makes me Catholic. It is that Catholic position, however, which Abortion, Inc. cannot possibly allow in the White House."
  150. ^ [151] "A member of a large, close-knit Irish Catholic family, Mulgrew has also missed visiting with her mother and siblings. When she encountered Hagan - whom she had met briefly but memorably several years ago on a trip to Ireland, following an introduction by Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith - she decided, "I was not going to miss this man, not again.""
  151. ^ [152] "Marianne Muellerleile - Gloria the Housekeeper on "Life with Bonnie" has spent a tremendous amount of her energy doing for others. She remains president of an after-school program in South Central LA and continues to be a lay minister for the Christ the King Catholic Church in L.A.."
  152. ^ [153] "Raised: Roman Catholic, then Protestant Now: "journeyman Christian" Attends: St. Mary of the Angels Roman Catholic Church"
  153. ^ [154] "in the Bronx section of New York City, New York to an Irish-Catholic family."
  154. ^ [155] "Murray is the fifth of nine children in a large, Irish Catholic family. Three of Murray's siblings are also actors: John Murray, Joel Murray, and Brian Doyle-Murray."
  155. ^ [156] "Murray is the fifth of nine children in a large, Irish Catholic family. Three of Murray's siblings are also actors: John Murray, Joel Murray, and Brian Doyle-Murray."
  156. ^ [157] "On The O'Reilly Factor, Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano accused "the left" of being "desperate to keep a Catholic off the [Supreme] Court.""
  157. ^ [158] "By the 1980s, however, Neville had replaced his dependence on drugs with a renewed devotion to his Catholic faith, and he exploded back onto the music scene in 1988..."
  158. ^ [159] "I'm Irish-Catholic, 3/4 Irish 1/4 German, and I'm pretty sure the humor comes from the Irish side, since the Germans have never been known as one of the great fun races of all time."
  159. ^ Before the release of the popular manga, Trigun, Nightow studied Roman Catholicism, and converted, while retaining many Buddhist principles.
  160. ^ [160] "But when I ask if he'd moderated his behavior since becoming a Catholic, some of that famous Novak bile bubbles up. "Well, 'moderated' suggested that there was something excessive," he says with irritation. "A lot of people want to say, 'Have you turned into a liberal?' because they think the only good people are liberals. I haven't become more liberal, no.… If you say has it made me more supportive of homosexuals, has it made me against capital punishment, has it done things that I don't think have anything to do with the Catholic faith, no." (Following the baptism, Bob Shrum reminded Novak that Catholics were obligated to help the poor. "Buchanan doesn't!" Novak shot back.)"
  161. ^ [161] "Beyond Paradise rectifies this major omission in American motion picture history. It is the first book to provide a serious and comprehensive study of Novarro's life by examining the conflicts faced by a traditional, Catholic, Mexican man who was also a gay film star".
  162. ^ [162] "Kate: You're not only Irish Catholic and charming, but I know that you're fascinated by all things having to do with outer space. Conan: [chuckles] Yes, I'm an..."
  163. ^ [163] "After that he just briefly mentions the rest of his life, talking only about the more strandout events like visiting Ireland and meeting the pope (two very big things for an Irish-American Catholic). He ends the book with a short mention of what his faith means to him."
  164. ^ [164] "Actor Carroll O'Connor was remembered in a June 26 Roman Catholic funeral mass in Los Angeles."
  165. ^ [165] "He grew up in a conservative Catholic family and now lives in Chicago. He does not smoke, has never been arrested and never dated a supermodel."
  166. ^ [166] "O’DONNELL: No, I don’t believe that God has desires. What we were taught in Catholic education is God’s ways are unknowable. The essence of the Catholic God is that God works in mysterious ways. George W. Bush doesn’t think God works in mysterious ways. George W. Bush thinks he knows what God wants, and George W. Bush then says, I am here to execute what God wants."
  167. ^ [167] "KING: Couple of quick things, Rosie, before we wind it up, the problems in the Catholic church, you're Irish Catholic, what are your thoughts? O'DONNELL: I thing I'm very thankful that it is coming out now. It will probably be the demise of the Catholic church as I knew it as I was raised. And I think it is time in a way to change some of those archaic rules and laws. But you know, the fact that nobody in the church has actually apologized that the pope has not apologized, that Cardinal Law is not resigning is astounding to me."
  168. ^ [168] ""Is it true, Maureen, that you are a Catholic?" "Yes I am," I answered. "But you don't look like one," he replied with surprise. I never did figure out what a Catholic was supposed to look like but was happy to be the first Catholic Northern Assurance had ever hired."
  169. ^ [169] "Dan O'Herlihy's segment is the best. He talks about how he arrived in the U.S. as a very conservative, Irish-Catholic immigrant, but then he witnessed the paranoia and persecutions of the McCarthy era and became a staunch socialist. Great interview!"
  170. ^ [170] "O'Malley's latest play once again draws on his personal experience. "Searching for Certainty" is about Pre-Cana, the marriage preparation workshop that couples must attend, as Mike and Lisa O'Malley did, before marrying in the Catholic Church."
  171. ^ [171] "On the Sept. 3, 2002 program, O'Reilly, a Roman Catholic, called Bennett a "religious fanatic" who wants to "deny people rights" and suggested the minister wanted "all gays to go to hell... Calling Bennett a "self-proclaimed 'ex-gay'", Aravosis quotes the minister commenting on behalf of CWA, "For a man to come right out and say that he does not believe in the Old Testament … I think that many Catholics across this nation as well as the world are offended by Bill O'Reilly claiming he's an Irish Catholic."
  172. ^ [172] "He says: "When such a great actor dies, a guiding light is missing in the international community. I am Catholic and I have Italian origins: my mother Rose loved Italian movies and theater, and she taught me to follow them.""
  173. ^ [173] "And that's coming from someone like me, who's incredibly pro-cop. You know, I'm Irish Catholic. I grew up with them. I play softball with them. And so it was pretty stunning."
  174. ^ [174] "Because of Catholic prohibitions about divorced persons receiving Church weddings, Peck's second and final marriage was performed by a Justice of the Peace."
  175. ^ [175] "She was engaged in 1927 to Universal Studio executive, Paul Kohner; but due to her parents disuasion from the union (as she was Catholic and he was a staunch Czech Jew), she obeyed her parents orders and the engagement was called off, although she remained in love with Paul till her death."
  176. ^ [176] "Part of an Irish-American Catholic family, he was the eldest son of Frank and Florence Philbin, and grew up in the South Bronx."
  177. ^ [177]
  178. ^ [178] "Mary Pickford was born to a Methodist father and a Catholic mother. She was baptized into both denominations. Mary Pickford was raised as a Catholic and considered herself a devout Catholic as an adult. Her devotion to her Catholic religious beliefs about marriage and divorce was the main reason why she stayed so long with her abusive first husband and delayed marrying fellow movie star Douglas Fairbanks, with whom she had fallen in love. Fairbanks was also a Catholic, but was not devout in his beliefs, nor was he particularly adverse to getting a divorce from his first wife."
  179. ^ [179] "CHRISTINA: Were you Catholic? PARKER: Yeah, they thought Catholics were like alcoholics 'cause they serve wine in mass. And the Jews were all shot or killed. I mean, where are they?"
  180. ^ [180] "She wanted to be an actor one day. Or maybe a nun. Around the age of 14, the Irish Catholic was attracted to the calm and order of the orders, but her final career decision was helped along by the fact that she was married and pregnant at 19."
  181. ^ [181] "The question of a divorce was also raised. Both Ty and Linda are Catholic."
  182. ^ [182] "A Catholic by baptism, Power doesn't follow a particular religion although she does go to mass "from time to time." Speaking of Catholicism, she notes, "I think it is one of the great religions, like Buddhism and Taoism-all with wonderful thoughts and beliefs. I can't believe they don't have a real value. Certainly, faith has a great value, maybe because it's bigger than you are.""
  183. ^ [183] "Quinn, who calls himself a non-observant Irish Catholic, went miles to understand his Episcopalian character. After attending services in New York, New Jersey and California, he came away impressed."
  184. ^ [184] "A public memorial service and mass was scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Sacramento. The service will be followed by a private graveside service."
  185. ^ [185] "I grew up a Catholic and went regularly to church. When I made the decision to make acting my vocation, I used to joke that the theatre is my church now. But, especially doing live theatre, where you have to do eight performances in six days, you really have to kind of live like a monk. Then you go to this big, dark place and experience emotions, and it's very spiritual."
  186. ^ [186] "She is not anything like those characters she portrait in the movies. In reality she is a faithful Catholic girl who has dated Patrick Muldoon for several years."
  187. ^ [187] "They ruminate on their early worries about their different faiths -- she's Catholic, he's Jewish -- and describe their wedding day at Cokie's childhood home."
  188. ^ [188] "Hollywood star Mickey Rourke has told a British magazine that his strong commitment to his Catholic faith has saved him from slipping back into his formerly chaotic lifestyle... "If I wasn't Catholic I would have blown my brains out.""
  189. ^ [189] "I think Roz Russell is the best example of a practicing believer; her Catholicism is very strong, but she doesn't impose it on others. Not like Loretta Young and Irene Dunne; those ladies seem to be rehearsing to play the next Virgin Mary. I think faith is wonderful, but when you try to impose it on others, it's irritating and boring."
  190. ^ [190] ""I grew up in a south Buffalo Irish Catholic neighborhood. Everybody was Catholic," Russert remembered. "The reason (his dad) worked two jobs was to send his four kids to parochial school." Russert's own Catholic faith plays a central part in his book, as it does in his life. He and his wife, writer Maureen Orth, and their son, Luke, are members of Holy Trinity Parish in Georgetown."
  191. ^ [191] "I'm half-Irish, half-Italian, I'm a practising Catholic, I was married to a non-practising Jew for forty-one years, and I'd have been married to him until the day I died, except he died before me. We adored each other, we had a great marriage."
  192. ^ [192] "During the early '50s, he'd fully expected to be named in investigations and called by the House Select Committee on Un-American Activities or Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, but somehow Ryan was never cited, despite his public positions. In later years, he attributed it to his Irish last name, his Catholic faith, and the fact that he'd been a marine."
  193. ^ [193] "Saint James said while she was raised a Catholic and has faith, she was forced to redefine her beliefs after her son's death in order to come to terms with the accident."
  194. ^ Sarsgaard - [194] "Peter [Sarsgaard] is Catholic"
  195. ^ [195] "Schaech, who was raised a Catholic, credits his experience on the set of "Judas" with a spiritual high that has started him on a new path. "I got to see Jesus in the flesh," he said. "Just listening to what Jesus was saying in that movie made me question a lot of things I grew up with. Jesus was all about love. So many other things can be diversions.""
  196. ^ [196] "CrankyCritic: Was your faith and religion part of the package? Arnold Schwarzenegger: I think that, of me being a Catholic and Maria being Catholic, had nothing to do with me doing this film."
  197. ^ [197] "Keystone does a fine job of tracing the trajectory of this Irish-Catholic (rather than Jewish) movie mogul as well as what Louvish calls "Sennett's ... America, contagious, nervous, always at high speed."
  198. ^ [198] "CrankyCritic: So where does Mary come from? Molly Shannon: It's a lot based on my own experience. I'm from an Irish Catholic family. My dad was really wild when we were growing up do it's a lot based on me but a lot fictionalized, too. When I was little I definitely was sad a lot and I used to dream. I used to get these obsessive crushes on non-available guys. Not any more, but that was my life for a long time. I liked this boy in high school for 3 years and he wouldn't look at me and I longed for him. I thought it would be funny to have a story about that."
  199. ^ [199] "Although Miles was Jewish, Grant is not. He is actually Irish-Catholic."
  200. ^ [200] "Martin Sheen was born Ramon Estevez in Dayton, Ohio, on August 3, 1940. (His stage name was inspired by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen.) His father, an immigrant from Spain, and his mother, an immigrant from Ireland, were devout Catholics who sent their 10 children to Catholic schools... Another trait common to the fictional president and the actor who plays him is that they’re both Catholic."
  201. ^ [201] "At first, it was kind of a Catholic thing I had, that it was taboo and scary. And, although my mom explained the birds and bees to me and was quite sexual herself - God, she was a total predator of men when she was drunk - it just didn't enter my little stunted universe."
  202. ^ [202] "I was brought up a Catholic - I became an ex-Catholic - but somehow for me the message of the Catholic Church was, if you have talent, deny it."
  203. ^ Short - [203] "Martin is Catholic, not Jewish." [204] "Even though Short is Catholic, it made sense for the comedian to perform for JUF because he has always felt a connection with Jewish people. When baptized Catholic at the age of seven, he turned to his priest asked, "Am I Jewish now?""
  204. ^ [205] "Governator" ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER married into one of the strongest Catholic dynasties in the nation, the Kennedy clan, and still attends late Mass with wife MARIA SHRIVER and children at St. Monica Catholic Church when he's in L.A."
  205. ^ [206] "It was the 1950s, and many fans turned their back on Sinatra since the Catholic father of three had left his wife for a glamorous movie star."
  206. ^ [207] Here was a girl, after all, who left college in the Sixties "to marry and have sex because I was raised Catholic and Italian".
  207. ^ [208]Hollywood-based Catholics in Media Associates honored actor Gary Sinise with its Humanitarian Award during its 13th annual Mass and awards luncheon Nov. 6. Sinise, star of the television show "CSI: NY," was honored for visiting American troops abroad and supporting Iraqi schoolchildren. Sinise thanked his wife of 29 years, actress Moira Harris, for leading their family by her decision to embrace her Catholic faith, by enrolling their three children in Catholic school and for inspiring him to commit significant time to service projects. "She has made me a better man", he said.
  208. ^ [209] "director KEVIN SMITH is a devout Catholic who actually gives God a credit at the top of each of his films." [210] "Smith: (referring to his Catholic upbringing) The communion thing, later in life, just became harder and harder to swallow. No pun intended. When you're a kid, they say, "Here's the body of Christ." And you're like, "Yeah, of course it is." And they're like, "No, it's the body of Christ!" When that dude stands up there and transubstantiates, it's the body of Christ! It's no longer a wafer! You're like, "All right!"
  209. ^ [211] "Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, Somerville grew up in a large and close-knit Irish Catholic family."
  210. ^ [212] "Springsteen also told the Times that although he's "not a churchgoer," his childhood experience in Catholic schools has made him realize, over time, "that my music is filled with Catholic imagery. It's not a negative thing. There was a powerful world of potent imagery that became alive and vital and vibrant. … As I got older, I got less defensive about it. I thought, I've inherited this particular landscape and I can build it into something of my own.""
  211. ^ [213] "Stallone, who describes himself as a practicing Catholic with confidence in his local parish, said he believes CBS President Les Moonves would have been blunt if the show didn't have a chance."
  212. ^ [214] "Brought up in a strict Irish Catholic family with an alcoholic father, Stapleton left home in Troy, N.Y., right after high school."
  213. ^ [215] "one of four children in a close-knit Irish-Italian, Roman Catholic family"
  214. ^ [216] "The actress recounts her strict Catholic upbringing in Detroit, convent education and star-bound escape to Manhattan, aged 17. She made her Broadway debut in 1947 and was soon being feted as "the theatre-goer's actress" [217] Elaine Stritch once described herself as "a Catholic, diabetic, alcoholic pain in the ass". Stritch is also a niece of the late Samuel Alphonsus Cardinal Stritch, Archbishop of Chicago.
  215. ^ [218] "Against this was the fact that Sharon made no secret of her strong desire to have a child. Although she never mentioned marriage, and despite her liberated California life-style, I knew that her Catholic upbringing made marriage important to her."
  216. ^ [219] (Marlo Thomas on her father) "KING: He was a devout Catholic, right? THOMAS: Devout. And he made a said - and made prayer in church that, you know he just wanted guidance. He said I'm not praying for success. Just give me guidance. You know my dad was a child of immigrant parents. My father is a first generation American. His immigrant parents came here with no money. They were very poor."
  217. ^ [220] "KING: Are you a practicing Catholic? THOMAS: I'm stunned. I'm a Catholic. You're always a Catholic. I'm not as practicing as I was when I was younger, but yes I'm Catholic, certainly."
  218. ^ [221] "Tingle explains that from an early age he wanted to be a Jewish comedian — a bit of a reach given that he’s Catholic."
  219. ^ [222] "Tracy's whole life seems a paradox somehow... the conservative stance and the love for Hepburn; the 44-year marriage to Louise Treadwell, and the staunch Catholicism that kept him from divorcing her; his 25-year affair with Hepburn which flaunted the rules of the Church."
  220. ^ [223] "Glib explanations for her affinity with the tormented and her compulsion to tackle tough parts range from her Irish-Catholic background (her father, Patrick, came to the US as a teenager), to her strong family work ethic (dad sold cars; mother was a bartender) to her being the youngest of four children."
  221. ^ [224] "I'm a practicing Catholic, and it's the same thing at mass. I always learn something at Jivamukti; they really educate the students."
  222. ^ [225] "Is John Turturro Jewish? - No, he is Catholic. His wife, Katherine Borowitz, is Jewish. It must be interesting for their children since you are Jewish if your mom is Jewish and Catholic if your dad is Catholic (if one believes it's all left up to birth)."
  223. ^ [226] "KING: Are you Catholic? R. URICH: We were raised Catholic, yes. But we've heard from, everything from Zen Buddhist, to -- I mean every denomination." [227] "Like many Americans of Rusyn descent, Urich recognizes that religious faith occupied a central role in his childhood development. His religious upbringing reflects the interfaith traditions of his parents. His father was Byzantine Catholic and his mother Roman Catholic. As a child, he attended two churches, St. Joseph's Byzantine Catholic Church and St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, both in the town of Toronto. Although baptized in the Byzantine Catholic church, he received his first Holy Communion in both churches with one ceremony just 24 hours after the other. The young Urich was educated by the Sisters of St. Cyril and Methodius, and he served as an altar boy at St. Joseph's Byzantine Catholic Church. He recalls what a profound effect his religious training had on him, offering him an appreciation of ritual, tradition, and closeness to God and to one's culture."
  224. ^ [228] "In December of that year she found herself pregnant and unmarried, and so the depressed actress refused to have an abortion because it was against her Catholic religion. Her solution was to overdose on downers. Velez fixed up her hair and makeup and put on sexy lingerie."
  225. ^ [229] "Vester credits her Catholic education with teaching her “a fundamental level of compassion.”"
  226. ^ [230] "Voight, a Catholic, isn't the first actor who tried to step into the shoes of Pope John Paul II, a thespian himself who transformed the papacy into one of history's most telegenic roles. But Voight might be the first to take an almost devotional approach to the part."
  227. ^ [231] "Wahlberg said he's also a devout Roman Catholic. During a dinner interview at the Polo Lounge in Beverly Hills, Wahlberg says a silent blessing over his red wine, tortilla soup and chicken pasta before digging in."
  228. ^ [232] "WALSH: I think it's about damn time. I can say that because I was raised as a Roman Catholic. My cousin is a Monsignor. There are priests in my family. I went to Catholic high school and I'll say this, over the last 10 years, over 800 priests have resigned because of accusations or proof that they were pedophiles and sexually molested boys or girls."
  229. ^ [233] "The spirituality of Andy Warhol has been gradually emerging into the light ever since his memorial service at St Patrick's cathedral, New York, in 1987, when it was revealed that the pop artist was a devout, practising Catholic. Since then there have been more revelations. As in an Oscar Wilde story, the carefully contrived mask of callousness that Warhol wore has been exposed as a fraud, behind which lay shameful excesses of emotion and belief. In the last part of his career his major preoccupation was with religious art, culminating in his final series of paintings, The Last Supper."
  230. ^ [234] "When she was 6, Ethel almost died from typhoid fever and pneumonia. By then working in a local hospital, her mother asked the priest at St. Peter Claver Church to come there and baptize her. Although she always considered herself a Catholic, Ethel Waters felt at home in other denominations too. “I started to go to church every Sunday,” she writes, adding: “Any church to me has always been the home of God.” It was during a children’s revival at a Protestant church, in fact, that she discovered in God “an ally, a friend close by to strengthen me.”"
  231. ^ [235] "John Wayne was a lifelong Protestant (raised as a Presbyterian), but he was married to a Catholic (in a Catholic ceremony) and his children were raised as Catholics. According to some sources, John Wayne's son Patrick Wayne has stated that his father converted to Catholicism two days before he died."
  232. ^ [236] "John Wayne was a lifelong Protestant (raised as a Presbyterian), but he was married to a Catholic (in a Catholic ceremony) and his children were raised as Catholics. According to some sources, John Wayne's son Patrick Wayne has stated that his father converted to Catholicism two days before he died."
  233. ^ [237] "Welk was the sixth of eight children in a devoutly Roman Catholic, German-Russian family whose religious faith and strict standards of conduct received strong reinforcement from the surrounding community, which was predominantly German and Catholic in origin. The values and precepts which were instilled in Welk as a child maintained their grip on him throughout his life... Welk attended Catholic mass regularly, even when it was inconvenient for him while out on the road. He constructed a shrine to the virgin in his home, regularly read religious books and pamphlets, included religious songs on his television programs, and spoke frequently about the necessity for religious values in magazine articles and books to which he attached his name."
  234. ^ Welles stated to Peter Bogdonavitch that he was rasied a Roman Catholic. "You know what they say: 'Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.'" Welles, Bogdanovich, and Rosenbaum, This Is Orson Welles, De Capo Press, 1998.
  235. ^ [238] "During his short time as a Catholic University student, Williams, who is Catholic, said he remembered being particularly impressed with the religious scholars who taught at the university. "That was one of the greatest benefits of going to school there," said Williams, adding he grew up in average middle class Catholic home in New Jersey."
  236. ^ [239] "Did you get any ideas for your own future wedding from this movie? Owen Wilson: Yeah, I think that I would like to have a traditional wedding, like a church. I'm Catholic so I would like to have a Catholic wedding. I like the tradition of it." Owen Wilson was received into the Roman Catholic church via RCIA because his parents were lapsed and did not bring their children up as Catholics.
  237. ^ [240] "Debut CD by Catholic actor/songwriter Tom Wilson (a.k.a. "Biff" from "Back to the Future")."
  238. ^ [241] "“I was raised Catholic. Well, not that my mother wanted to make a priest out of me or anything.” Fragile looking Wood, who, since the success of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ trilogy can call himself a word star, gives us a wide smile. “You could call me a Catholic light.” When you watch his latest film, the violent footballdrama ‘Hooligans’, you wouldn’t be able to tell that Wood (24) has a Catholic background."
  239. ^ [242] "Getting back to her own personal story, Wyatt comments on her own family and Catholic upbringing. She attributes her interest in Catholicism to her mother, who was a convert to the Catholic faith. Her mother, Euphemia Van Rensselaer Wyatt, was a writer for Commonweal and, for many years, a drama critic for Catholic World, published by the Paulists."
  240. ^ [243] "He had been raised Roman Catholic by his mother, actress Jane Wyman, who converted to that faith as an adult."
  241. ^ [244] "The actress described being raised a Quaker in a Protestant evangelical family that was very Christ-centered. But at 16, when she was questioning Quaker doctrine as she studied it, a friend introduced her to the Catholic Church...By her senior year she had decided to become a Catholic, but her parents asked her to wait until she was out of the house. They didn't want her going to Mass either. Yet she went daily. Then on May 31, 2001, after filming ended, Younce was baptized and confirmed in Portland, Ore., by retired Bishop John Basil Meeking of Christchurch, New Zealand, who now lives in Chicago and played the pope in the movie."
  242. ^ [245],[246] "I think Roz Russell is the best example of a practicing believer; her Catholicism is very strong, but she doesn't impose it on others. Not like Loretta Young and Irene Dunne; those ladies seem to be rehearsing to play the next Virgin Mary."
  243. ^ [247] "I’m Catholic and I was baptised in St. Patrick’s Cathedral and when I was baptised, there was some boyscout convention going on. My mother told me this, I don’t know for sure. I was yelling so loud they had to stop the whole thing and the head of the convention came in and said, “This kid is gonna be an opera singer."
  244. ^ [248] "Jim Zulevic, a white, straight, Irish Catholic, south sider would not seem like the most likely director for a group created to promote the gay agenda."