List of Carmen Sandiego characters

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This is a list of fictional characters in the Carmen Sandiego games.


[edit] ACME

[edit] The Chief

The Chief differs from program to program. The most notable is the live action Chief depicted by Lynne Thigpen. Another version of The Chief, featured in Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?, the TV series and in Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective Edition is a computerized image which almost has references to Max Headroom (In this incarnation, he was still a sentient entity, having risen through the ranks of ACME from an agent {complete with robotic body} and partner to then-detective Carmen Sandiego at one time). There are other versions, such as the Chief featured in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego: Treasures of Knowledge (2002 Edition) , but most only appear once. The Chief is not featured in Carmen Sandiego's ThinkQuick Challenge, Carmen Sandiego Word Detective, Carmen Sandiego Math Detective. In Carmen Sandiego: The Secret of the Stolen Drums, The Chief looks similar to Lynne Thigpen... perhaps a tribute to her.

[edit] Protagonist characters

[edit] Ivy

Ivy has multiple black belts in the martial arts. She's an expert pilot and has razor sharp crime tracking skills. She's more driven than her brother Zack is, and gets frustrated very easily. Ivy's last name is unknown. Ivy was featured in Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego? and in Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective Edition. Voiced by actress Jennifer Hale.

[edit] Zack

Zack has a photographic memory and can speak 35 languages. He is a kid genius who knows millions of facts. He manages to be a cool, floppy haired, baggy clothed, skate boarding teen, and takes cases less seriously than his sister Ivy does. Zack's given name is "Zackary", and his last name is unknown. Zack was featured in Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego? and in Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective Edition. Voiced by actor Scott Menville.

[edit] Chase Devineaux

Chase Devineaux is featured in Carmen Sandiego Word Detective, Carmen Sandiego Math Detective and Carmen Sandiego's ThinkQuick Challenge and is voiced by Pat Fraley. His last name is pronounced "dev-in-no."

In all three of these games, Chase fulfills the role typically held by the Chief in Carmen Sandiego products in sending the user off on missions and such. It is made clear that he is not actually the Chief since in Carmen Sandiego Word Detective and Carmen Sandiego Math Detective the user occationally receives messages from an unseen Chief. However, whereas he appears "in person" in Carmen Sandiego's ThinkQuick Challenge, he communicates with the user electronically in the other two games. Chase also informs the user of clues he's found throughout the course of the game. He is often shown to be speaking to the user from an exotic location in which he is presumably hunting for clues.

Chase was one of Carmen Sandiego's partners when she was at ACME. After Carmen left ACME, Chase Devineaux had to go undercover and started working separately from ACME. He started working with ACME again on the Babble-On-Machine Case (depicted in Carmen Sandiego Word Detective) and has since become an ACME Special Agent. In Carmen Sandiego's ThinkQuick Challenge, he is stated to be "ACME's top agent." Chase has red hair and he seems to be around the same age as Carmen. He has a pet falcon named "Phoenix" whom can usually be seen on his shoulder in Carmen Sandiego Word Detective and Carmen Sandiego Math Detective. Phoenix does not appear in Carmen Sandiego's ThinkQuick Challenge.

[edit] Jules Argent

Julia "Jules" Argent was another one of Carmen Sandiego's former partners and considers her to be the best agent ACME ever had. Julia is experienced with Carmen Sandiego's methods and is full of facts. She keeps a journal to keep track of clues. Julia Argent was featured in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego: Treasures of Knowledge (2002 Edition), and Carmen Sandiego: The Secret of the Stolen Drums.

[edit] Shadow Hawkins

Shadow Hawkins was so arrogant when he started his first assignment, that he thought he could, "catch that ACME traitor and be home in time for dinner." As the case went on though, it became clear, even to him, that Carmen Sandiego wasn't easy to catch. Shadow Hawkins seems to believe gadgets are the answer to everything. Shadow Hawkins was featured in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego: Treasures of Knowledge (2002 Edition), and Carmen Sandiego: The Secret of the Stolen Drums.

[edit] Cole Gannon

Cole Gannon (age 17) trained in ACME to be a secret agent after school and on weekends, for 1 year when he had the chance to go after Carmen Sandiego in his first "official" mission. He's a computer genius and a martial arts expert, but he's a little overconfident and doesn't seem to fear very much (ACME is still working with him on this.) In combat, Cole Gannon uses a staff. Cole Gannon was featured in Carmen Sandiego: The Secret of the Stolen Drums.

[edit] Other characters

  • Ivan Idea - Ivan Idea, an ACME Good Guide and a teenage genius invented the ACME Babble-Link Translator, the ACME Get-A-Clue Case Pad, the ACME Chronoskimmer (a time-traveling device), and just about every other ACME invention. Ivan Idea's hobby is conducting investigations of the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Wall of China and other past feats of engineering. Ivan Idea likes to study the great inventors of the past. "Ivan Idea" is a pun that sounds like "I've an idea." Ivan Idea was featured in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego? and Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time. (All of the ACME Good Guides are featured in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?: Deluxe Edition, and Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego?: Deluxe Edition.)
  • Herman Nootix - Herman Nootix is an ACME Good Guide and his nose can usually be found in a large stack of books. Herman Nootix is a very serious and hard working scholar. "Herman Nootix" is a play on "hermeneutics." Herman Nootix was featured in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?,and Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego?.
  • Dee Plomassy - Dee Plomassy is an ACME Good Guide. Dee Plomassy's career as a diplomat started in her childhood, when she convinced a classmate who stole third base to return it. Dee Plomassy can speak 19 languages fluently and is frequently called upon by world leaders, impressing people with her grace, her elegance and her very tall turban. "Dee Plomassy" is a play on "diplomacy." Dee Plomassy was featured in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? and Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego?.
  • Renee Santz - Renee Santz, an ACME Good Guide, has been interested in Art since birth, when she drew a perfect copy of The Mona Lisa with her crayons. Renee's father is renowned bassist Red Cheeks, and her mother is the famous architect Fallen Arches. Renee Santz is the head of the ACME orchestra, and her works of painting and sculpture can be found in museums through out the world. "Renee Santz" is a play on "renaissance." Renee Santz is featured in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego? and Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time.
  • Rock Solid - A geologist, forester, and an ACME Good Guide, Rock Solid may be as big and tough as a rocky mountain bolder, but has a soft heart when it comes to the well being of animals. He is fearless when it comes to exploring realms of the unknown. "Rock Solid" is a play on "rock solid." Rock Solid is featured in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego? and Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time.
  • Ann Tickwittee - Ann Tickwittee, an ACME Good Guide, has been interested in archaeology, since she read about the lost city of Troy, and wondered how was it possible to lose an entire city. She graduated from the ACME Institute of Carmenology (ACME's school of Good Guides) with a degree in "Ancient Cities and Other Dusty Stuff." Ann Tickwittee guards the world's treasures, because she wants to be sure that "the past is always present." "Ann Tickwittee" is a play on "antiquity." Ann Tickwittee is featured in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego?, and Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time.
  • Polly Tix - Polly Tix is the youngest ACME Good Guide, and is a wiz when it comes to politics. Her high school recently voted her, "Most Likely to Run a Country ... Any Country!" Polly Tix is still too young to vote. "Polly Tix" is a play on "politics." She is featured in Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time.
  • Kim Yoonity - Kim Yoonity is a firm believer in the world being just one, big, global village. Kim Yoonity is one of the most well connected people on the planet Earth, and has the telephone bill to prove it. Kim Yoonity is also an ACME Good Guide. "Kim Yoonnity" is a play on "community." Kim Yoonity is featured in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? and Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego?.
  • Stretch the Crime Dog - As a puppy, Stretch the Crime Dog nabbed so many V.I.L.E. villains, that ACME awarded him its highest and best K-9 honor: "The Golden Snout Award." Stretch the Crime Dog should be kept away from Carmen Sandiego's cat, Carmine, or they fight, quite literally, like cats and dogs. Stretch the Crime Dog was featured in Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego? and in Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective Edition.
  • Lee Jordan - Lee Jordan is the only ACME agent to have "officially" captured Carmen Sandiego. He went on hiatus from ACME for an indeterminate amount of time, during which his outlook on his career took a drastic turn. Embittered by his fame and the lack of challenge the concept of fighting crime had become, he quit working for ACME and sought out Carmen Sandiego in order to train to be a V.I.L.E. agent. However, his impulsive and unscrupulous nature clashed greatly with Carmen Sandiego's more refined, pessimistic approach and he was fired. Infuriated by this, he joined the ranks of former V.I.L.E. agents who sought to usurp Carmen Sandiego from her title as 'the world's greatest thief'. He was foiled twice in this endeavor, both by the combined efforts of ACME and Carmen Sandiego, but still remains hostile, violent, and dangerous. Unlike Carmen Sandiego, he sees nothing against putting another person's life in danger to further his own gain, and has even kidnapped and used a hostage (industrialist Malcolm Avalon, whom Carmen Sandiego believes might be her biological father) as blackmail to force Carmen Sandiego into working for him. Lee Jordan was featured in Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?.

[edit] V.I.L.E.

  • Carmine - Carmine is Carmen Sandiego's pet cat. She trained her to chase and torment ACME Agents. After an incident involving a very large sack of kitty litter, she was left with the warped mind of a master criminal. Carmen Sandiego recruited her because she is so dedicated to her career. Carmine was featured in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?,Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego?, and Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective Edition.
  • Rick and Nick ICK - Rick and Nick ICK (their last name is spelled with all caps in the game manual) originally entered their chosen profession as janitors, because they heard if they could "clean up" they'd be rich. The brothers have been fired from every cleaning job they ever had (and for a good reason) so they decided to join V.I.L.E. and attempt to clean up the tracks left by Carmen Sandiego's hench-people. The ICK brothers were featured in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego?, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?: Deluxe Edition, and Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego: Deluxe Edition.
  • RoboCrook - RoboCrook is Carmen Sandiego's right hand man... er, robot. RoboCrook's history is a mystery, but one things clear, he'll do anything Carmen Sandiego or one of her villains tells him to do. His name is presumably a pan on that of RoboCop, a cyborg police officer. RoboCrook's real name as mentioned in a phone conversation on the show is "RoboCrook Unit-059". RoboCrook is featured in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, and Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego?. Robocrook is believed to be a failed Knowbot prototype. (See below). His hobbies include: jamming satellites and eating aluminum chips.
  • Patty Larceny - Patty Larceny is a young blonde school girl around 11 who looks up to Carmen Sandiego as if she was her aunt. She was one of the original crooks in the game show Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?. She wears a pink shirt, a green jacket, green skirt and saddle shoes. She once appeared in a bikini during the Ipanema beach caper. She also had her answering machine set up during one phone tap segment which made Carmen Sandiego mad. Her name is a play on "petty larceny", a minor felony of stealing anything less than $275 in some states.
  • Vic the Slick - Vic the Slick is a shrewd salesman-type person with a seedy moustache, shifty eyes and slicked black hair. He wears loud polyester suits and an even louder tie. In one episode of Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, Vic the Slick tried to hit on Carmen Sandiego by giving her the Isla del Carmen which was located off Mexico. His motto is: "Bad taste is better than no taste at all".
  • Top Grunge - Top Grunge is Carmen Sandiego's big biker with a bad attitude and even worse hygiene habits. He rides on a badly-tuned motorcycle that spits out smoke wherever he goes. His eyes are always covered by large sunglasses -- which were also, unsurprisingly, featured in the hit Tom Cruise film Top Gun. He is featured in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?. His hobbies include: dumpster diving and trash collecting.
  • Eartha Brute - Carmen Sandiego's super strong woman with a green beehive hairdo. Eartha Brute wears a pink singlet uniform complete with weight belt that has the V.I.L.E. initials on the gold plate. Underneath her brutish exterior, it was mentioned in an episode that she loves romantic stories. She is featured in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?. Her hobbies include: chewing granite and house tossing.
  • Contessa - Like her nobility name implies, Contessa is considered herself to be high-class royalty. She's presumably Italian as most of her fashion is mostly styles from Milan. Contessa was one of the original crooks from Season 1, went missing in Seasons 2 and 3 and returned in Season 4 with a new character design. Contessa also pilots a helicopter during some capers. Contessta is featured in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?. Her motto is: "I may be a thief, but my taste is impeccable.".
  • Double Trouble - Double Trouble don't have any first names and are simply called "Double Trouble" to avoid confusion. They are mirror twins who are international playboys. Double Trouble's design has reference to the Yin and Yang principle: Black and White in perfect harmony. They move alike, talk alike and steal alike. They even stole the World Trade Center from New York City many years before the September 11 tragedy happened. They're featured in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?.
  • Wonder Rat - Wonder Rat is completely opposite of a superhero. Wonder Rat is Carmen Sandiego's personal caped criminal who considers himself "The Rat of Steel" (a reference to Harry Harrison's hero The Stainless Steel Rat. Wonder Rat can't fly on his own, so he had to resort to using the Rat-Copter (a different version of Contessa's helicopter) with himself strapped to a bungee cord while the helicopter is on automatic pilot. Wonder Rat was added to Carmen Sandiego's V.I.L.E. Gang in Season 2 of Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?.
  • Kneemoi - Carmen Sandiego's interstellar extra-terrestrial bandit from the planet Roddenberry that has a reputation on 93 planets as a space outlaw. Kneemoi is a pink ball of ectoplasm that can morph into any form she desires. Her name and origin are Star Trek references, as in Leonard Nimoy (hence her last name) and Star Trek's creator Gene Roddenberry (for her planet's name). She was added along with Wonder Rat in Season 2 of Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?.
  • Mrs. Sarah Nade - Sarah Nade came from the computer game Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?: Deluxe Edition and was also added to Carmen Sandiego's gang during Season 3 of Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?. Sarah Nade is a children's piano teacher by day and punk rocker by night. According to the computer game file, she has a small scar on her left ear shaped like New Jersey and had blonde hair. Sarah Nade's hair in the TV series has a rainbow of colors. Obviously, her name is a play on "serenade".
  • Dr. Sarah Bellum - Carmen Sandiego's mad scientist from the cartoon Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego? who makes all sorts of gadgets for Carmen Sandiego and her V.I.L.E. agents to use. In one episode, she tried to flood the Atacama Desert in Chile to retrieve something important, all while dressed as Carmen Sandiego in an effort to take over V.I.L.E.. Eventually, Carmen Sandiego, Zack and Ivy stopped Sarah Bellum's mad plan in time. Sarah Bellum is a name pun on cerebellum, a part of the brain. An animal-like Sarah Bellum is on Darkwing Duck while a faceless Sarah Bellum is on Cartoon Network's The Powerpuff Girls.
  • Jacqueline Hyde - Jacqueline Hyde has a split personality, Jacqueline is sweet and soft spoken but Hyde's berserk personality (which, when it surfaces, speaks in a voice that sounds like it has been electronically lowered by a synthesizer) loves to cause catastrophies. Jacqueline Hyde is featured in the game show, Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?, as well as the third version of the computer game known as Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time. The character is presumably a reference to the novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, first published in 1886. The novel's main character seems to suffer from Dissociative identity disorder and has created two distinct identities as the "civilised" Dr. Henry Jekyll and the misanthropic and brutal Edward Hyde. Her name is meant to sound like "Jekyll and Hyde".
  • Sir Vile - Sir Vile is an evil knight in "not-so-shining" armor, who has been in a very bad mood since the Middle Ages when he failed to corner the market on round tables. Sir Vile will do anything "Lady Carmen" tells him to. Sir Vile is featured in the game show, Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?, as well as the third version of the computer game know as Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time. The Round Table of Camelot is part of the legend of King Arthur and his knights. "Sir Vile" is a play on "servile." It is also worth noting that "Vile" is prononced the same as "V.I.L.E."
  • Mediva - Mediva is a sorceress who graduated from a witch's charm school centuries ago, and even her victims say she's enchanting. Mediva is featured in the game show, Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?, as well as the third version of the computer game known as Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time. Her name is presumably a pun on that of the Medieval period and possibly the Greek sorceress Medea. Like Sir Vile she also seems to come from this period of European history. How the two of survived hundreds of years is anyone's guess; presumably Carmen Sandiego found them while playing with the ACME Chronoskimmer.
  • Dr. Belljar - Dr. Belljar is a cyborg scientist. He works as Carmen Sandiego's computerized scientist-in-residence, and plans to rewrite history, and record himself as the world's greatest scientist. Dr. Belljar is featured in the game show, Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?, as well as the third version of the computer game known as Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time. His name apparently refers to bell jars.
  • Buggs Zapper - Buggs Zapper has a "pin-striped suit and a pin-sized brain" who's got one fear: insects. His goal is to "rub out" the single fly that endlessly torments him. Buggs Zapper is featured in the game show, Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?, as well as the third version of the computer game known as Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time. "Buggs Zapper" is a play on "bug zapper."
  • Baron Grinnit - Baron Grinnit is an aviator who has devoted himself to a life of high flying crime. For years, he has "used his million dollar smile to steal millions." The Baron is Carmen Sandiego's ace in the hole. Baron Grinnit is featured in Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time, the computer game. "Baron Grinnit" is a play on "grin and bear it."
  • Baron Wasteland - Baron Wasteland is the archetype moustached and monocled villain on Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? the TV series who absolutely loves pollution and detests a clean and healthy environment. Baron Wasteland's time era is supposedly during the Industrial Era around the late 1800s. His name is a play on "barren wasteland".
  • Jane Reaction - Jane Reaction was a "well-behaved kid from a supportive nuclear family" until she had a "personal meltdown". She was once a chemistry wiz and respected scientist, but now she's an accident waiting to happen. Jane Reaction is one of Carmens six Master Thieves. Jane Reaction is featured in Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time, the computer game and Carmen Sandiego's ThinkQuick Challenge. "Jane Reaction" is a play on "chain reaction."
  • Lars Vegas - Lars Vegas is a big shot and is V.I.L.E.'s most greediest member. He always complains when he is trapped in a net because it always messes up his hair. His greediness can always foil his plans. Lars Vegas is featured in Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?. Lars Vegas is a play on "Las Vegas".
  • Hannah Lulu - Hannah Lulu is an expert when it comes to Hawaiian treasures and locations. Hannah Lulu is very superstious and is afraid of almost everything. In one episode of Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?, Carmen Sandiego tried to make Hannah Lulu face her fears by stealing an object from the place where a Hawaiian queen died. Hannah Lulu is a play on "Honolulu."
  • Mason Dixon - Mason Dixon is Carmen Sandiego's former henchman who likes to steal things from history using Carmen Sandiego's time machine. Mason Dixon is featured in Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?. In one episode, he attempted to change the outcome of the Civil War by stealing a series of items. In the same episode, he used Carmen Sandiego's time machine and replaced Carmen Sandiego as the world's greatest thief and also became the head of V.I.L.E. at once. Later though, Carmen Sandiego, Zack, and Ivy stopped his mad plan just in time. His name is a play on the surveyors Mason and Dixon who divided the North and South in the American Civil War via the Mason-Dixon Line.
  • Dr. Gunnar Maelstrom - Dr. Gunnar Maelstrom (pronounced "goonar") is a wicked and extremely violent master criminal who absolutely despises Carmen Sandiego. He hates her because she captured him back in her detective days at ACME in 1985, and got him sent to Folsom State Prison is northern California for a life sentence. In the movie "Carmen's Revenge", (which is part of the series Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?), he escapes from prison by using a bomb attached to his watch to explode part of the prison as a diversion so he could escape through the back door. Carmen Sandiego was forced to team up with Zack and Ivy to help capture him and send him back to prison. Dr. Maelstrom has vowed to break out again and get revenge on Carmen Sandiego and send her to prison. Also, the robotic Chief whom is featured in Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego? was partnered to Carmen Sandiego back in her days of ACME}, helped capture him.
  • General Mayham - After Mayham was thrown out the Boy Scouts for stealing merit badges, Mayhem formed his own militia and promoted himself to General. General Mayhem brags that he's the greatest military mind in history, and wants to alter history to make that true. General Mayham is featured in Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time, the computer game. "General Mayham" is a play on "general mayhem."
  • Dee Cryption - Dee Cryption is a hacker with a microchip on her shoulder, and ever since she caught a nasty computer virus, she has been pursuing a program to take over the world's computer networks. However, Dee Cryption's fuzzy logic hasn't helped her reach her goal. Dee Cryption is featured in Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time, the computer game. "Dee Cryption" is a play on "decryption."
  • Dr. Ima LeZaarde - Space alien or a haughty French scientist? You decide. She appears as both during the gameplay. "Ima LeZaarde" is a play on "I'm a lizard." In Carmen Sandiego's ThinkQuick Challenge, she is known as Madame LeZaarde. Madame LeZaarde is one of Carmen Sandiego's top Master Thieves. Madame LeZaarde was featured in Carmen Sandiego Word Detective, and Carmen Sandiego's ThinkQuick Challenge.
  • Dr. Depth - Dr. Depth is an egomaniacal master of the underworld, whose plans for world domination are about as fuzzy as his eyesight. Dr. Depth is one of Carmen Sandiego's top Master Thieves. Dr. Depth was featured in Carmen Sandiego Math Detective, and Carmen Sandiego's ThinkQuick Challenge.
  • Snarla Swing - Snarla Swing is a tomb-raider and technology hater who has a penchant for ssssnakes. Step on her and you will sssssuffer the conssssequencesssss. Snarla Swing is one of Carmen Sandiego's top Master Thieves. Snarla Swing was featured in Carmen Sandiego Word Detective, and Carmen Sandiego's ThinkQuick Challenge.
  • Otto Readmore - Otto Readmore (also known as "Gnash") is "the bruiser with a bookworm soul." Otto Readmore has a terrible fear of the dentist. "Otto Readmore" is a play on "Ought to read more." In Carmen Sandiego's ThinkQuick Challenge, he is known as "Gnash." Gnash is one of Carmen Sandiego's top Master Thieves. Otto Readmore was featured in Carmen Sandiego Word Detective, and Gnash was featured in Carmen Sandiego's ThinkQuick Challenge.
  • Count Hypno - Count Hypno is "a master of hypnotic rhythms and mind-bending fashion apparel." ACME Agents are advised not to look him in the eye. Carmen Sandiego's ThinkQuick Challenge is the only computer game Count Hypno is featured in. Count Hypno is one of Carmen Sandiego's top Master Thieves. Count Hypno was featured in Carmen Sandiego's ThinkQuick Challenge.

[edit] External links