List of Broken Sword 3 characters

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The following is a list of relevant characters from Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Main Characters

[edit] George Stobbart

George is once more a patent lawyer, now with an office in Idaho. He and Nico have split since Broken Sword 2. George travels to the Congo to meet the inventor Cholmondely who has apparently discovered a limitless source of power. His plane however crashes when it is hit by an unexpected storm. George finds his way into Cholmondely's underground dig only to witness him being murdered by Señor Susarro. Following a lead, in the form of a postcard from Glastonberry, George travels to England to search for a person identified only as Bruno.

Bruno turns out to be Osvalt, last seen in Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars a former member of the Neo-Templars. Bruno explains to George that the Neo-Templar order has been transformed into the Cult of the Dragon by Susarro, who is using earth/dragon energy which travels across the Earth along the lay lines. The search for strong energy concentrations lead them to an abandoned theatre in Paris where George is reunited with Nico and they discover an underground crystal-chamber which contains a clue that leads them back to the Congo, in the form of a stone baring an Omega.

They also discover an artifact identified by Bruno as the Key of Solomon, a device which is used to power a machine called the Armillary which can cause a concentration of energy anywhere in the world, but it is stolen by a shadowy figure as George and Nico escape from the theatre. In the Congo, George and Nico discover a similar crystal room and another stone, baring the letter Alpha.

During their journey to the Congo, Bruno is kidnapped and taken to Prague, to a medieval castle inhabited by Susarro and protected by his private army. In Prague George and Nico figure out that the Temple of the Dragon, which holds the Armillery is located in Egypt and discover that the Key of Solomon was stolen by a member of the St. Stefan Chapter of the Templar order, who have taken refuge under Montfaucon. Susarro, however, gets to them first and steals the key. George however finds the last of the Greek Alphabet stones, the Psi-stones and is knigted.

Using the stones the heroes discover the location of the Armillery, by finding Egyptian landmarks matching the shape of the letters. George and Nico put a stop to Susarro, but are in turn trapped in the temple by Petra and the Grand Master who turns out to have survived the last encounter with Stobbart. The Armillary shows that the earth-energy will gather at Glastonbury. George and Nico head there. Facing the Grand Master on the Glastonbury Tor, the dragon energy turns him into a dragon and George falls to a bizarre cave where he discovers Excalibur and uses it to slay the dragon.

[edit] Nicole Collard

One of the two playable characters. When going to interview a hacker named Vernon Nico comes face to face with his murderer, a woman named Petra, who intends to frame her.

Nico spends two days in jail, but eventually, with the help of Vernon's goth girlfriend Beatrice, opens Vernon's safe and discovers a DVD where Vernon explains that he decoded the Voynich manuscript and discovered that the strange weather-patterns were a result of the villains tapping into the geomantic energies. Nico follows a lead to the theatre where she is captured by Susarro and saved by George. The two then travel to Congo to discover one of the three Greek Alphabet stones.

Through Nico's doing they also discover Susarro's fortress in Prague. Nico assists George near the end by taking Petra head-on in the final battle.

[edit] Supporting characters

[edit] Harry

George's heavy-drinking Australian chauffeur, who flies George's plane in the beginning and helps him escape at the end of the first Congo chapter. Using the jeep he stole from the bad-guys, Harry sets up his own taxi-service. He finally helps George and Nico by flying them to Glastonbury.

[edit] Vernon Blier

Lives in apartment #23. A hacker hired by the Dragon Cult to crack the Voynich Manuscript for a large sum of money. However, when they threaten to kill him he arranges an interview with Nico, but is tricked and killed by Petra. Vernon is short but brilliant hacker with a severe case of acne. His girlfriend Beatrice, which he calls Mouse, helps the players during the adventure.

[edit] Beatrice (Mouse)

Vernon's goth girlfriend who helps Nico by unwittingly providing the combination to Vernon's safe. Towards the end she begins to have something of a relationship with André. And her birthday is on the 23rd of october.

[edit] André Lobineau

Nico's old college-friend once again assists George and Nico on their adventure with his historical expertise. He starts out sarcastic towards George, as always, but becomes more friendly after befriending Beatrice, the two apparently becoming an item. Strangely, André seems to have settled with the concept that he and Nico are in deed, just friends, and in an ironic twist it is Nico who begins to feel slightly jealous for André.

[edit] Dudley Cholmondely

The scientist George was supposed to meet. Susarro kills him. It is learnt from Bruno that his name is pronounced Chumley, pronouncing it chol-mon-de-ley apparently drives him nuts.

[edit] Colonel Butley

Former British colonel who is looking for his daughter Melissa.

[edit] Melissa Butley

The daughter of Colonel Butley who went to stay with Hillage. George at first believes she's been tricked by Hillage's plagiarised poetry, but it turns out Melissa majored in Irish literature. She is the niece of lady Piermont from Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars.

[edit] Madame Zazi

A fortune-teller from Glastonbury. She has a strong similarity to the Voodoo Lady from the Monkey Island series.

[edit] Tristram Hillage

A hippie-poet and the owner of the Cosmic Faerie at Glastonbury. His poems turn out to be plagiarised.

[edit] Eamon O'Mara

An Irish BBC TV-personality who is proud of his heritage and becomes angered after realising that Hillage has plagirised famous Irish poets. He is mentioned in Broken Sword 4.

[edit] Bruno Ostvalt

Former Neo-Templar who becomes George's friend in this game. He is a Nobel Prize Winner who displays an occasional, comical lack of grasp over the English language. He leads George to Glastonbury and Paris. He is captured during George and Nico's trip to Congo and forced to work the Armillary in Egypt. He sacrifices himself so that George and Nico can stop the Grand Master.

[edit] Flobbage

The road-worker from The Shadow of the Templars whose sewer-key was used by George on a number of occasions. George gave him a racing tip which lead him to success, he now owns his own company. He appears at Montfaucon.

[edit] The English Chef

The chef at Susarro's Castle in Prague is extremely angry over the conditions of his kitchen as well as his knives. Nico encounters him while sneaking around the castle. Upon enquiring why the Chef ended up working for Susarro it turns out he once gave food poisoning to 70 people.

[edit] St. Stefan Chapter leader

He knights George and gives him the Psi-stone.

[edit] The Villains

[edit] Petra

An assassin for Susarro who kills Vernon and attempts to frame Nico. She has platinum blonde hair and carries a magnum which jams on her several times throughout the game. Despite her efforts she is unable to kill either George or Nico. She is a reputed sadist. Though she appears loyal to Susarro she betrays him in Egypt and turns out to be an agent of the Grand Master who she saved at St. Ninians.

Throughout the game George teases Nico by making positive comments about Petra's appearance in comparison to Nico's at one point asking her if she ever considered "Going blond".

She seemlessly disappears after the conclusive battle between George and the Grand Master.

[edit] Señor Susarro

An ailing, pale man who seeks the Dragon Power for himself. A former Neo-Templar and now the leader of the newly formed Dragon Cult. Sesarro has tapped into the dragon energy before and though its effects were innitially good he fell ill soon after and now searches to find the highest concentration of energy. He employs a private army from his fortress in Prague and repeatedly attempts to kill George and Nico. He is finally beaten in Egypt where the Grand Master uses his power to kill him.

[edit] Flap

The Neo-Templars' thug from the Shadows of the Templars. Flap once more fills the role of a bungling henchman. He is knocked out by both George and Nico in Paris. However he unwittingly reveals the location of the Key of Solomon to Susarro. He is last seen in Egypt and believed to have been killed in the collapsing temple.

[edit] The Grand Master

The Grand Master seems to have survived his encounter with Stobbart from the first game, having been saved and healed by Petra who turns out to be his agent. The left-side of his face is badly burned but he has mastered the power of the Broken Sword and consequently received new deadly powers such as the ability to shoot dragon energy, in the form of lightning, from his hands. Traveling to Glastonburry, he is transformed into a dragon by the earth energy and defeated by George using the lengendary sword Excalibur.