List of Broken Sword 2 characters

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The following is a list of characters from the video game Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Main characters

[edit] George Stobbart

See also: George Stobbart

The main hero of the last game and one of two playable characters in the game. George is knocked out at the beginning of the game and tied to a chair while Titipoco unleashes a venomous spider on him and Pablo sets Oubier's house on fire. After escaping and rendezvousing with André Lobineu George traces the kidnappers to Marseilles and rescues Nico, learning of the alleged drug-smuggler, Karzac, his quest to get the Mayan stone that was sent to Nico and that his base of operations is located in (the fictional) South American Nation of Quaramonte.

In Quaramonte George learns that the nation is under the rule of Madame La Presidenta Grasiento and is arrested for trying to rescue the rebellious band-leader Miguel, he and Nico flee up river, but are shot by a helicopter late at night. George meets father Hubert and finds that Nico has been poisoned by a river snake. He travels to a native village where the shaman tells George the importance of the stone and that there are two other such stones which are required to prevent the Mayan god, Tezcatlipoca, from returning to this world. The shaman then gives George a root to cure Nico and the two start to trace the stones. George travels to the Caribbean while Nico goes to London.

In the Caribbean George encounters the Ketch sisters (descendants of a pirate who stole one of the stones), their clever and nosy niece Emily and a film-crew doing a film adaption of Treasure Island on the nearby Zombie Island (geographically shaped like a skull). George recovers the stone and returns to Quaramonte only to be captured by Grasiento.

The villains plan to sacrifice George to Tezcatlipoca during a total eclipse of the sun, which is to mark the end of the fifth end and the beginning of Tezcatlipoca's rule on earth. George is luckily saved by Nico and Titipoco and together they head to the bowels of Tezcatlipoca's pyramid to put a stop to Karzac's plan. They get separated but all eventually end up in the innermost chamber where the titular Smoking Mirror is situated. At first George can't get the Coyote Stone to fit into its slot, but as Tezcatlipoca steps out of the mirror and impales Karzac, whose flesh seemingly melts upon the event, the temple shakes and the rocks blocking the slot break away. George puts the stone in place and the spirit stones force Tezcatlipoca back into his prison.

[edit] Nicole Collard

See also: Nico Collard

Nicole is now the second playable character. The player first controls her in Quaramonte, as well as the London sections of the game and in parts of the game's conclusion.

Investigating the suspected drug-smuggling operation of Karzac, Nico uncovers the Coyote Stone and is kidnapped by Pablo and Titipoco when visiting the estate of Professor Oubier, knocked out by a tranquilizer dart from Titipoco and is carried away unconscious by Pablo. She is saved by George and the two head to Quaramonte in order to uncover the truth behind Karzac. Upon arriving they learn that Oubier is at Quaramonte, excavating, and that Karzac's company Condor Transglobal has mysteriously gone bankrupt. George finds clues with the rebellious musician Miguel, whilst Nico is forced to distract General Raoul Grasiento, head of Quaramonte's police-force and military as well as the son of Madame La Presidenta Grasiento.

While Raoul is being forced to propose to her by his mother the racket caused by George's jailbreak causes a distraction and George and Nico are able to escape up-river. Their boat is gunned down late at night by a helicopter. Both wash up on the river-bank, but Nico is bitten by a river snake and found by father Hubert. George once more saves her life by retrieving a healing root from a native village. He explains that there are two other spirit stones, similar to the Coyote Stone that need to be found in order to stop Karzac's plot to revive Tezcatlipoca. While George goes to search for the Eagle Stone in the Caribbean, Nico goes to London to search for the Jaguar Stone.

At the British Museum she runs into Professor Oubier who is in a hurry to the docks. Not too surprisingly the Jaguar Stone is found stolen with the exhibit key still in the lock, meaning Oubier was the thief. Nico escapes through a hidden exit to a forgotten Underground station where she stops the subway-train after a fairly simple puzzle (she receives a prediction from a weighing machine that comes true at the end of the game).

At the docks Nico sneaks on board Karzac's ship and witnesses Karzac unveil his plot to Oubier, killing him immediately afterwards. Nico recovers the Jaguar Stone but is almost strangled by Karzac. She however manages to stab a ceremonial dagger in Karzac's leg and escape.

Returning to Quaramonte she is reunited with Titipoco after discovering the native village, burned to the ground. With Titipoco's help she saves George and the three escape inside the pyramid to stop Tezcatlipoca. They are separated and each character goes through various puzzles to reach the pyramid's inner sanctum (Nicole's puzzle can be solved by clicking a particular hot-point resulting in the activation of an amusing Easter egg).

Nicole has the least amount of problems getting the stone into place. Once George and Titipoco also succeed Tezcatlipoca is once again imprisoned.

[edit] Villains

[edit] Karzac

Suspected drug-smuggler, Karzac plots to revive Tezcatlipoca and to prevent the heroes from stopping him he plans to destroy the spirit stones. He kills Oubier's wife and gets him addicted to drugs in order to make him useful to his cause. He later organises Nico's abduction to get the Coyote Stone back. After his confrontation with Nico he is not seen until the London part where he reveals his plot to Oubier and then kills him.

Karzac is successful in bringing Tezcatlipoca out of the Smoking Mirror, but in doing so he seals his own fate. Tezcatlipoca impales him and he seemingly melts upon the event.

karzac is based on the real life activities of an english-man, Dr. A. Furbey

[edit] Pablo

Karzac's main henchman, a menacing tall South American man. He poses as Oubier's butler and captures Nico leaving George to die at the burning house. He meets George and is knocked out in Marseilles. He appears again in London where Karzac kills Oubier. His last appearance is near the ending. He is killed in the games final cinematic, seen running away from the pyramid in tribal clothing he is killed by a blast of energy upon Tezcatlipoca's return.

[edit] Madame La Presidenta Grasiento

The dictator of Quaramonte and most likely Karzac's superior. She only appears twice, once to force her son to propose to Nico and at the end where he tries to choke Titipoco. The two trip and are left hanging from a ledge. Raoul appears and rescues Titipoco allowing his mother to fall to her death.

[edit] General Raoul Grasiento

Though starting out as a pawn to his mother Raoul is convinced by Nico that Karzac plans to dispose of him as soon as Tezcatlipoca has been freed. He has a brief struggle with Pablo off-screen, which he somehow survives to save Titipoco. He is rather tall with long blonde hair. In a conversation with Pearl, George realises that he carries his medals on the wrong (the right) side of his chest.

[edit] Supporting characters

[edit] André Lobineau

Nicole's friend from college who also played a supporting role in the previous game. During George's absence he has been trying, unsuccessfully, to seduce Nicole, going as far as sending a pair of red, nylon panties to her (this item is ironically used by George to further his quest). He keeps the Coyote Stone safe while George is in Marseilles but plays no role in the game afterwards.

[edit] Titipoco

A dwarf who barely speaks English and originally a lackey for Karzac, he knocks Nico unconscious with a blow-dart at the beginning of the game. Later in Marseilles, he is freed by George. He returns near the end of the game to help Nicole and George thwart Karzac. He carries one of the stones to the inner-sanctum of Tezcatlipoca's temple. He can't however reach the slot for the stone and is surprised by President Grasiento who tries to strangle him. The two almost fall in to the deep pit which separates the Mirror's platform from the rest of the room but is saved by Raoul who happily let's his mother fall to her death (thus fulfilling the prediction Nico received in London). He however cowers at the presence of Tezcatlipoca and Titipoco is able to climb on him and place the stone in its slot.

[edit] The Hendersons

The Henderson couple, Pearl and Duane return in Quaramonte and once again assist George. Pearl is used to distract General Grasiento's assistant, Renaldo and Duane helps George with his prison brake. The two apparently drove all the way to Quaramonte just to go shopping. Duane however seems to have his own agenda and claims to be on a top-secret mission from Uncle Sam. Conveniently for the player this includes rescuing Miguel from Prison.

[edit] Conchita Garcia

Owner of a local mining company. Grasiento is believed to have sabotaged the mining operation to allow Oubier to discover Tezcatlipoca's pyramid. Conchita assists both George and Nico though plays a very minor role beyond that. She is very feministic and surrounds herself with male-secretaries, one of whom is revealed to wear only a Hawaiian shirt and a speedo if the player triggers certain dialogue choices.

[edit] Miguel

A musician supposedly arrested for playing traditional Quaramontean music, but who is suspected of being an anti-government agent and thus sentenced to death. George busts himself and Miguel out of jail with the help of Duane Henderson. Miguel leads George and Nico to a boat that takes them up-river. He is believed to have been killed when a helicopter guns down the boat at night.

[edit] Father Hubert

A priest who was stranded in the jungle 11 years ago and lives in a tree-house occasionally visiting a native village. He discovers Nico and realises that she has been bitten by a venonymous river snake. Regardless of knowing of a curing root he refuses to go to the village to retrieve it and only agrees if the player completes a medial task for him (pressing his collar). The player may later discover through the dialogue with the shaman that Hubert has several children, all conceived on the same week on the night of the Monkey Dance.

[edit] Shaman

The Shaman tells the story behind the spirit stones and gives George the root he needs to heal Nico.

[edit] Rio

A little fisher boy George meets in the Caribbean. Rio provides George with a broken bicycle, a fish, a conch and later a boat-trip to Zombie Island. At first he tries to intimidate George when he reveals his desire to go to Zombie Island but once they arrive Rio refuses to leave his boat. He however lends George a fishing net to help him up the rocky cliff-face.

[edit] Others

[edit] Mr. Glease

The owner of the Glease Gallery in Paris which shows displays of Mayan pots and Gleases own paintings. He plays a rather minor role apart from revealing that Quaramonte is where Oubier gets his artifacts from. Despite owning a gallery in France Glease is British. To George he reminds of an older version of Lobineu, right down to the ponytail.

[edit] Inspector Moue

Moue, a character believed to have been killed in the first game (then a Sergeant), is mentioned to have actually gone into hiding in a piece of dialogue between George and Nico. He is revealed to have gotten a sudden promotion.

[edit] Renaldo

Secretary and assistant to General Grasiento. He imprisons George catching him trying to bust Miguel out of jail. He plays no great role after the prison-break.

[edit] Professor Oubier

A French archaeologist suspected of having murdered his wife, an actress named Carol Kleimachs. He becomes addicted to drugs and the unwitting pawn of Karzac. He is confronted by George in Quaramonte but seems oblivious of Nico's abduction. He finally meets Nico in London where he steals the Jaguar Stone under orders from Karzac. Aboard Karzac's boat he is told the truth and immediately shot dead by Karzac.

[edit] The Ketch Sisters

Mina and Frost Ketch are the descendants of Captain Frederic Ketch, the pirate who stole the Eagle Stone from the Spanish. They are also the owners of the Frederic Ketch Memorial Museum. They've taken their niece Emily as their ward after her parents were killed. When the play meets them they are planning on refurnishing the museum with the help of Mr. Bronson, but George reveals Bronson's true intentions and he is driven off. Frost is the slimmer of the two and more formal, whereas Mina is shorter and fat and, as her sister puts it, delightfully excentric.

[edit] Bronson

A land-developer hired to refurnish the Frederic Ketch Memorial Museum. George leaves him hanging from a flag-pole after which he reveals Bronson's true plans to the Ketch sisters, the plans to build a multi-story, pirate-themed hotel. He is last seen as George leaves for Zombie island, pushed off the pier by the Ketch Sisters.

[edit] Emily

The niece of the Ketch sisters. She calls George Jaws and asks a lot of questions. She's good friends with Rio though her aunts don't like him. It was recently revealed that Revolution's intentions were for her to be a ghost. The clues given were how the aunts didn't want to talk about her and how Rio missed her and how she suddenly turned around to talk to George in a fade (that is usually mistaken for a glitch).

[edit] Haiku McEwan

Haiku McEwan is the teen star of the film-adaption of Treasure Island being filmed on Zombie Island. He plays Jimbo Hawkins, as he explains he got the director to change the name of the lead character. Haiku explains that he was named Haiku by her mother because when he was born, he was so small and beautiful, he reminded her of a Japanese poem. Additionally Limerick is his middle name.

[edit] Sharon Cowalski

The female-lead of Treasure Island. She wears a pink skin-tight supposedly period-accurate outfit and obnoxiously long boots. Last seen fainting.

[edit] Harris (Flash)

The sole camera-man of Treasure Island. The origins for his nickname are never explained, though it doesn't appear to have anything to do with photography.

[edit] Bert Savage

Haiku's stunt-double is a muscle-bound man, three times his age and has a British accent as well as brunette hair (even though Haiku is a blonde). He has had a long career in films and was previously in the army.

[edit] Robert Foster (Easter egg)

In an Easter egg scene in the London underground station the player may trigger the tunnel scene where Nico witnesses Robert Foster, the hero of Beneath A Steel Sky, being devoured by the monster living in the crack of the subway tunnel wall, despite Nico's warnings that "[she has] played this game before!"

[edit] Ghost (Khan) (Easter Egg)

In the London underground station, a ghost appears near the weighing machine, but vanishes shortly after. This ghost bears a resemblance to Khan near the end of the first game on the train when he's disguised as an old lady.