List of Brazilians

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This article is part of the
List of Brazilians series

This is a list of well known Brazilians, ordered alphabetically within categories:


[edit] Actors

[edit] Architects and urbanists

[edit] Artists

Main article: List of Brazilian artists

[edit] Diplomats

Main article: List of Brazilian diplomats

[edit] Film directors

Main article: List of Brazilian film directors

[edit] Executives and Business Entrepreneurs

[edit] Explorers and discoverers

Main article: List of Brazilian Explorers

[edit] Foreigners who explored or discovered in Brazil

[edit] Fashion Designers

  • Clodovil Hernandes
  • Gilson Martins
  • Guilherme Guimarães
  • Vivian Crettol
  • Mara MacDowell da Costa (Mara-Mac Mariazinha)
  • Alexandre Herchcovitch
  • Ocimar Versolato
  • Tufi Duek
  • Zuleika Angel Jones, also know as Zuzu Angel

[edit] Geologists

  • Alberto Betim Paes Leme (1910-??).
  • Aluízio Licínio de Miranda Barbosa (Alto do Rio Doce-MG, 1916)
  • A.P. Lobo.
  • Bhaskara Rao Adsumilli
  • Antonio Tomás dos Santos Ferreira da Silva.
  • Arnaldo de Carvalho Gramani
  • Átila Carvalho de Godoy.
  • Ben Edmestone Barnes (London, UK,1903-Rio de Janeiro,1969)
  • Benjamin Bley de Brito Neves, prolific tectonicist and hydrogeologist. Professor at IGC-Universidade de São Paulo.
  • Benedito Paulo Alves (Ouro Preto,1917-Belo Horizonte,19??)
  • Carlos Maurício Noce.
  • Carlos Schobbenhaus, brilliant geologist and main responsible for the publication of the different Geologic, Tectonic and Mineral Deposits of Brazil by CPRM.
  • Djalma Guimarães (Santa Luzia, MG, 1895-belo Horizonte,1973)
  • Eberhard Wernick.
  • Edison José Milani, is contributing outstandingly for the petroleum geology of Brazil.
  • Eduardo Antonio Ladeira.
  • Elmer Prata Salomão
  • Emiliano Cornélio de Souza.
  • Euzébio Paulo de Oliveira (1905-??)
  • Evaristo Penna Scorza (1899-1969)
  • Fernando Flávio Marques de Almeida (Rio de Janeiro, February 2, 1916), one of the most outstanding geologist of the 20 century; he is still active in researching, teaching, lecturing, andpublishing in the 21st Century.
  • Fernando Flecha Alkmim Prominent professor of Tectonics at the Escola de Minas de Ouro Preto.
  • Glycon de Paiva (1927-??)
  • Guilherme Estrella Director of Exploration and Production of PETROBRÁS. During his management, Brazil reached self-sufficiency in oil production.
  • Hardy Jost expert geologist in gold and diamonds.
  • Heinz Ebert one of the greatest tectonicist of the 20 Century.
  • Jad Salomão
  • Jaime Duchini, outstanding exploration geologist for gold.
  • João Henrique Grossi Sad, ex-director of GEOSOL and a dedicated Professor of Geology at the Escola de Minas de Ouro Preto and Institute of Geosciences, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.
  • John Van Nostrand Dorr II(born in New York City, May 16, 1910; deceased, December 23, 1996, Bethesda, Maryland).He lived about one fourth of his life doing geology in Brazil.
  • José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva (June 13, 1763–April 6,1838).
  • José Ferreira de Andrade Jr. (1925-??)
  • José Jayme Rodrigues Branco
  • J.C.J.Conceição
  • José Augusto Sartori Loyola Brandão
  • Louis Agassiz
  • Louis de Loczy (Hungria, 1897-Brazil, Rio de Janeiro,1980)
  • Luciano Jacques de Moraes (1924-??)
  • Luciano Tavares Siqueira
  • Luiz A. P. Gamboa
  • Luiz Flores Moraes Rego (1920-??)
  • Manoel Teixeira da Costa (????-1979)
  • M.C.Lana
  • Miguel Arrojado Ribeiro Lisboa (1894-??)
  • Mikhail Lomonosov
  • Milton Guimarães Bueno do Prado, dynamic exploration geologist and entrepreneur in junior mining company.
  • Nikolai Alexandrovitch Kudryavtsev
  • Naldo Torres, ex-President of GEOSOL and outstanding manager of drilling projects for several mineral deposits.
  • Nivaldo Destro
  • Orville Adalbert Derby (Kellogsville, New York, July 23, 1851, — Rio de Janeiro, November 27, 1915) was an American geologist who worked in Brazil particularly for the DNPM, CPRM.
  • Othon Henry Leonardos I (1925), famous geologist of 20th Century and productive writer on geology and history of sciences and mining in Brazil. He was for many years Director of the School of Geology of Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Member of several world geological societies.
  • Othon Henry Leonardos Jr.
  • Otto Nordenskjöld.
  • Paulo Ercichsen de Oliveira (1911-1969)
  • Paul Ferrand (França, 1855-Ouro Preto,1895)
  • Paulo Pereira Martins
  • Pedro De Moura (1925-??).
  • Pedro Victor Zalán
  • Per Teodor Cleve.
  • Peter Szatmary.
  • Reinhard Adolfo Fuck, famous petrologist of IGC-UnB.
  • Reinhard Maack (Germany, 1982 - Brazil, 1969)
  • Ronald Fleischer, outstanding exploration geologist, tectonicist and metallogeneticist.
  • Sérgio Estanislau do Amaral
  • Sergio Nertan Alves de Brito, entrepreneur, expert on geology of foundations dams, and on slope stability of excavations both open pit and undergroud.
  • Sérgio Estanislau do Amaral.
  • Sérgio Luiz Martins Pereira Director of São Bento Mining Co.
  • Vargas de Bedemar.
  • Viktor Leinz (Germany, 1936 - São Paulo, Brazil, 19??, founder of the Course of Geology of Universidade de São Paulo and writer.
  • Wilhelm Ludwig von Eschwege, author of Pluto Brasiliensis.
  • Vladimir Porfire'v.
  • Walter K. Link, USA geologist. Controversial organizer of Oil Exploration in Brazil.
  • Yociteru Hasui, Outstanding tectonicist. Professor at IGC-Universidade de São Paulo. Prolific writrer on geological sciences.

[edit] Heroes and historical figures

  • Admiral Tamandaré, military combatant, war veteran, Father of the Navy.
  • Aimberê, Tupinambá Chieftain, leader of the Tamoio insurgency against Portuguese colonizers, was killed in battle.
  • Ana Néri, pioneering nurse, assisted Brazilian forces on the battlefield, Mother of Nursery.
  • Anita Garibaldi (1807-1849), revolutionary combatant, fought in Brazil and Italy, was married to Giuseppe Garibaldi.
  • Barão do Amazonas, Admiral of the Navy, war hero, led the decisive Battle of Riachuelo.
  • Bárbara de Alencar, mother of the Independence and Republic.
  • Bento Gonçalves, military commander, led a separatist movement.
  • Chico Mendes (1944-1988), murdered rural leader and martyr of ecological movements in the Amazon.
  • Duke of Caxias, military commander, nationalist leader, Father of the Army.
  • Frei Caneca (1779-1825), a priest, martyr of the independence, executed.
  • José Bonifácio, Patriarch of the Independence.
  • José Plácido de Castro, military combatant, nationalist leader; led the Acre revolution.
  • Luis Gonzaga Pinto da Gama (1830-1882), abolitionist leader.
  • Manuel Beckman, led an insurgency movement against the Portuguese Crown, executed by hanging.
  • Maria Quitéria (1792-1853), martyr of the fight for Independence.
  • Padre Feijó, leader of the Independence.
  • Princess Isabel (1846-1921), Princess Imperial of Brazil, second daughter of Emperor D. Pedro II, signed the abolition of slavery in Brazil.
  • Luiz Carlos Prestes, Communist leader, of the "Coluna Prestes".
  • Tiradentes (1746-1792), leader of a failed conspiracy against the Portuguese, executed by hanging.
  • Tristão de Alencar Araripe, republican leader assassinated by Brazilian Empire forces.
  • Vladimir Herzog (1937-1975), Croatian-Brazilian journalist, tortured and murdered by the military dictatorship, became a martyr for the democratic resistence.
  • Zumbi dos Palmares (1655-1695), African-born leader of a slave revolt, murdered by the Portuguese Crown.

[edit] Intellectuals and thinkers

  • Anísio Teixeira (1900-1971), educator
  • Benjamin Sodré
  • Benjamin Constant, abolitionist and republican
  • Caio Prado Jr. (1907-1990), writer, publisher and sociologist
  • Dalmo de Abreu Dallari, jurist and university professor
  • Darcy Ribeiro (1922-1997), anthropologist and educator, scientific leader and politician
  • Francisco José de Oliveira Vianna (1883-1951)
  • Fernando de Azevedo (1894-1974)
  • Florestan Fernandes (1920-1995), sociologist
  • Gilberto Freyre (1900-1987), sociologist
  • Heráclito Sobral Pinto (1893-1991), jurist and civil rights activist
  • José do Patrocínio, liberal abolitionist and republican
  • Mário Ferreira dos Santos, philosopher
  • Nisia Floresta Augusta (1810-1885), early feminist
  • Olavo de Carvalho, philosopher
  • Leonardo Boff, friar, theologian, silenced by the Vatican due to his socialist stance
  • Milton Santos (1926-2001), geographer, writer and university professor
  • Paulo Freire (1921-1997), educator and university professor
  • Raymundo Faoro (1925-2003), jurist

[edit] Models

See also: Category:Brazilian models

[edit] Male

  • Newton Maia Salomao Alves
  • Marcelo Boldrini
  • Anderson Dornelles
  • Alvaro Jacomossi
  • Felipe Matarazzo
  • Bruno Santos
  • Evandro Soldati
  • João Vellutini
  • Alexandre Verga
  • Rafael Verga
  • Paulo Zulu
  • Alex Schultz
  • Alex Eckshmidt
  • Victor Pecoraro
  • Rafael Monteiro
  • Raphael Laus
  • Caco Ricci
  • Daniel Aguiar
  • Tiago Riani
  • Leandro Becker
  • Mateus Verdelho
  • Romulo Pires
  • Andre Rezende

[edit] Monarchs

Main article: List of Brazilian monarchs

[edit] Music

Main article: List of Brazilians in music

[edit] Classic composers

[edit] Politicians

See also: List of Brazilian presidents

[edit] Religious leaders

[edit] Reporters and TV Celebrities

[edit] Sports

Main article: List of Brazilians in sport

[edit] Writers and Poets

Main article: List of Brazilian writers

[edit] Science and technology

Main article: List of Brazilian scientists

[edit] Foreign scientists and engineers who lived in Brazil

[edit] Others

  • Iruan Ergui Wu, Taiwanese-Brazilian boy, focus of an international scandal

[edit] See also

List of people by nationality, List of Brazilian Jewsen:List of geologists