List of Battlestar Galactica (1978, 1980) locations

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The science fiction television series Battlestar Galactica and Galactica 1980 presents various locations, spaceborne and planetary.

Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] A

[edit] Antilla

Antilla is a planet settled by humans and occupied by Cylons.

[edit] Arcta

Arcta is an ice planet (Ice Planet Zero) where a Cylon Pulsar is based.

[edit] C

[edit] Caprica

Main article: Caprica

[edit] Cimtar

Cimtar is the location of the ambush that starts the Destruction of the Twelve Colonies.

[edit] Caprica City

Main article: Caprica City

[edit] E

[edit] Earth

Earth is a planet where the thirteenth tribe of Kobol settled.

[edit] Equellus

Equellus is the planet where the Cylon Centurion Red Eye resides. It was settled by Colonial Pioneers.

[edit] G

[edit] Gamoray

Gamoray is a Cylon colony planet where the Battlestar Pegasus and Battlestar Galactica attack.

[edit] I

[edit] Ice Planet Zero

see Arcta

[edit] Ice Station Thule

Lieutenant Boomer once was assigned to Ice Station Thule.

[edit] K

[edit] Kobol

Main article: Kobol

Kobol is the planet of origin for the thirteen tribes of Kobol.

[edit] L

[edit] Lunar 1

Lunar 1 is a lunar penal colony of the Eastern Alliance of Terra.

[edit] Lunar 7

Lunar 7 is a lunar base of the Western Coalition of Terra.

[edit] M

[edit] Molecay

Molecay is where the Battle of Molecay takes place.

[edit] Moon

The Moon is where Apollo 11 lands.

[edit] P

[edit] Paradeen

Paradeen is a planet colonized by Terrans.

[edit] Proteus

Proteus is a Colonial prison planet outside of the Home Star System. It was neglected and forgotten, leaving the guards and prisoners to their own devices over the centuries.

[edit] R

[edit] Red Planet

The red planet is the refuge of Count Iblis, after his crash.

[edit] S

[edit] Sectar

Sectar is a planet containing a settlement called Serenity of Colonial Pioneers.

[edit] Serenity

Serenity is a Colonial settlement on the planet Sectar

[edit] Starbuck's Planet

Starbuck crashes on a planet, builds a Cylon friend, and gets a child.

[edit] T

[edit] Terra

Terra is a planet wracked by war caused by two large alliance coalitions, one referred to as the Western Alliance, the other the Eastern Coalition. The planet was settled by a splinter group of the thirteenth tribe.

[edit] Tomb of the Ninth Lord of Kobol

The Tomb of the Ninth Lord of Kobol is located on the planet Kobol, and contains a starmap with the location of Earth. The tomb is the tomb for the last lord of Kobol, and is similar to an Egyptian Pyramid. It is located in a desert area of Kobol.

The new series analog for the tomb is the Tomb of Athena.

[edit] Twelve Colonies

Main article: Twelve Colonies

[edit] U

[edit] Umbra

Umbra is a city on Caprica.

[edit] References

    [edit] See also