List of BASIC dialects by platform

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List of BASIC dialects by platform: This is a list of dialects of the BASIC computer programming language, sorted into groups for better conceptual organization.

There is also an alphabetical list of BASIC dialects. These two lists should contain the same information. However, accidental differences may arise, so if you are looking for something, check both lists.

About these groupings: Some BASIC dialects group nicely by the platform (operating system and/or computer architecture) they are targeted for. Some BASICs group nicely by some other category, rather than a particular platforms. Other dialects are notable for being explicitly engineered to be cross-platform. Finally, some BASIC dialects do not fit into any of these groups -- mostly one-to-one dialect/platform pairs.


[edit] Platforms

[edit] Acorn

  • BBC BASIC was developed in 1981 as a native programming language for the MOS Technology 6502 based Acorn BBC Micro home/personal computer, mainly by Roger Wilson. It was a version of the BASIC programming language adapted for a U.K. computer literacy project of the BBC. The language was ported onto many other processors and platforms including the RM Nimbus. A version for Windows is now available. It is possibly one of the most accessible and flexible variants of BASIC due to the inclusion of many low-level commands in all dialects of the language.

[edit] Amstrad

[edit] Apple I/II/III

  • Apple Business BASIC
  • Applesoft BASIC — Based on the same Microsoft code that Commodore BASIC was based on. Standard on the Apple II Plus and Apple II Europlus.
  • Integer BASICSteve Wozniak's own creation. Was originally known simply as "Apple BASIC". For the BASICs available at the time, it was extremely fast and memory-efficient. Only supported integers. Came as standard on the Apple I and original Apple II
  • MD-Basic — Morgan Davis devised this compiled basic for his Pro-line BBS system (a Unix shell work-alike) and released it publicly with a set of utilities. MD-Basic could compile Applesoft for more speed and efficiency or Basic could be written to it native.

[edit] Apple Macintosh

[edit] Atari 8-bit (400/800/XL/XE/etc)

[edit] Atari TOS

  • FaST Basic
  • ST BASIC — The BASIC that came with the Atari ST. Interpreter only.
  • GFA-BASIC - A popular alternative to ST Basic. Interpreter and Compiler.
  • LDW-BASIC - An early BASIC compiler for the Atari ST.
  • Omikron BASIC - A dialect of BASIC that was popular in the German Atari market. Interpreter and Compiler.
  • Hi-Soft Basic - A dialect of BASIC that was largely compatible with Microsoft GW-BASIC. It was also backwards compatible with ST BASIC source code. Compiler only.
  • STOS BASIC A version of BASIC for the Atari ST designed for game programming. Predecessor of AMOS BASIC on the Amiga and "grandparent" to the Klik & Play series of authoring tools. Interpreter and Compiler.

[edit] Commodore Amiga

  • ABasiC — Relatively limited. Initially provided with Amigas by MetaComCo.
  • ACE (Amiga) — A Compiler for Everyone — A freeware BASIC compiler that is AmigaBASIC compatible and contains extra features, some of which exploit the Amiga's hardware and operating system. [6] [7]
  • AmigaBASIC — Somewhat easier than ABasiC, see MS BASIC for Macintosh.
  • AMOS BASIC — A version of BASIC for the Amiga designed for game programming. A descendant of STOS BASIC on the Atari ST. Later derivatives included AMOS Professional (aka AMOS Pro) and Easy AMOS.

[edit] Commodore 8-bit (VIC-20/C64/etc)

  • Commodore BASIC (aka CBM BASIC) — Was integrated in the ROM of CBM's 8-bit computers. Built on an early version of 6502 Microsoft BASIC. There were several versions – the most well known was Commodore Basic V2, used most prominently on the VIC-20 and the Commodore 64.
  • geoBASIC — BASIC for use with GEOS
  • Blitz Basic Compiler System considered a very FAST compiler
  • Oxford Basic Professional Basic Compiler

[edit] Commodore BASIC extensions

[edit] CP/M

  • BASIC-E (aka submarine BASIC) (CP/M)
  • MBASIC — Further development of OBASIC, also from Microsoft. MBasic was one of the BASICs developed from Microsoft. Came with a line editor), that for example ran under CP/M.
  • OBASIC — From Microsoft.
  • CBasic From Digital Research

[edit] Cybiko

  • Cybasic — very simple interpretter, no graphics
  • Cybiko B2C — converts BASIC to C for compilation. Graphics, sound, RF

[edit] Galaksija


[edit] IBM Midrange Systems

[edit] J2ME (Java-Enabled Mobile Phones)

  • CellularBASIC J2ME Open-Source On-phone Mobile BASIC Interpreter for Java-Enabled Handhelds Mobiles Smartphones and PDAs

[edit] Microsoft DOS and clones

  • ASIC
  • BASICA — (aka BASIC Advanced, Advanced BASIC) — Available in ROM on IBM PCs. Later disk based versions for PC-DOS.
  • GBasic — interpreter with many graphics routines.
  • GW-BASICBASICA compatible; independent of IBM ROM routines. Came with versions of MS-DOS before 5.0
  • IBM Cassette BASIC — Built in to the first IBM PCs. Ran independently of DOS and used audio cassettes as a storage medium.
  • Moonrock Basic Compiler — Small Compiler.
  • MOLE Basic — Merty's Own Language Extension BASIC.
  • Professional Development System Quick Basic Variant with improved Compiler
  • QBASIC — Came with versions of MS-DOS from 5.0 to 6.22.
  • QuickBasic — Extended QBasic variant (to be more precise, QBasic is a reduced QuickBasic) . Was the commercial version of Qbasic. Came with a compiler.
  • Revelation BASIC (MS-DOS)
  • Turbo Basic A commercial BASIC compiler for DOS from Borland. (successor of BASIC/Z) (see PowerBASIC)
  • UBASIC — interpreter with many mathematical routines. Strong emphasis on number theory. Can work with many-digit numbers, complex numbers.
  • Visual Basic DOS and Visual Basic DOS Professional were Quick Basic 4.5/PDS7.1 modified to produce DOS windows. A far more powerful compiler than any of the VB Windows variants up to version 4.
  • ZBasic was first released by Zedcor (Tuscon, AZ) in mid 1985. There were versions for MS-DOS, Apple, Macintosh CP/M and TRS-80 computers. In the 1991, 32 Bit Software Inc. (Dallas, TX) purchased the MS-DOS version and expanded it. Zedcor concentrated on the Apple Mac market and rename it Future Basic. ZBasic was very fast, efficient and advanced.

[edit] Microsoft Windows

[edit] Newton OS 1.x/2.x

  • NS Basic for Newton — A special full version of Basic that also included special extensions for the Newton OS, including, but not limited to Handwriting Rec. and Touch Screen Interface. Commercial product which is still somewhat supported and for sale in Mail Order Edition only for $99.95. (Note that even through the company's site says the retail version is available it isn't and you will only get an email with the product and the handbook mailed to you.)

[edit] Palm OS

  • On-board interpreters and compiliers
    • HotPaw Basic[12] (aka yBasic, nee cbasPad Pro) — interpreter with GUI and sound functions. Shareware, $18.95 (as for December 11, 2005) [13]
      • cBasPad — small Basic interpreter of the same author. Freeware.
        • cBasPad5 — cBasPad version for Palm OS 5 and above. Freeware.
    • iziBasic[14] — an easy-to-use BASIC Compiler that runs on the Palm OS device and produces stand-alone applications. Includes terminal mode and support for Palm OS GUI. Shareware, $25 (as for December 11, 2005).
      • tinyBasic — small Basic interpreter of the same author. Freeware with source.
    • SmallBASIC[15] — Basic interpreter for Palm OS and other patforms. Can do "scripts" which look and can be launched like applications. Free software with source.
    • Palm Basic[16] — Basic interpreter for Palm OS. Freeware.
    • PicoBASIC Integer[17] — Basic interpreter for Palm OS. Freeware. For some reason, it is not available at the author's site, but can be easily found with google.
  • Cross-compiliers
    • NS Basic — IDE and Bytecode-interpreter. Commercial, $154.95 (as for December 11, 2005).
    • HB++[18] — IDE and compiler. Commercial, starts from Euro 140.
    • AppForge[19] allows Visual Basic and Visual Basic .NET to cross-compile applications for Palm OS, Windows Mobile, RIM BlackBerry, and Symbian OS.

[edit] Sinclair computers, derivatives, and clones

[edit] SORD computers

  • APU BASIC version of CBASIC for computers with the arithmetic processor (APU)
  • BASIC-68K structured BASIC for the M68/M68MX running in 68000 mode under CP/M-68K
  • BASIC-II structured BASIC for 8 bit computers (M23, M68 in Z80 mode, etc)
  • CBASIC standard BASIC interpreter for 8 bit computers, also known as APU BASIC when the arithmetic processor is installed
  • GBASIC a version of CBASIC with SORD Graphic Language extensions for the M23 with graphics board, M68/M68MX in Z80 mode, etc

[edit] Symbian OS phones and PDAs

[edit] Texas Instruments

[edit] TRS-80 Models I/III/IV

  • TRS-80 Level  I BASIC (TRS-80) — based on TinyBASIC
  • TRS-80 Level II BASIC (Tandy / Radio Shack TRS-80) — based on Microsoft BASIC
  • Microsoft Level III BASIC (Tandy / Radio Shack TRS-80)
  • Zedcor ZBASIC
  • Vernon Hester's MultiDOS SuperBASIC (DOS command extensions and others features)
  • Various TRS-80 DOS Specific Extensions: TRS-DOS BASIC, NEWDOS-80 BASIC, and others.

[edit] TRS-80 Color Computers

[edit] Unix / Linux

BASIC dialects for Unix, Linux, and other UNIX-like platforms:

[edit] Categories

[edit] DEC derived

BASIC dialects which originated at Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), or are derived from same:

Since the assets of the old DEC are now owned by HP, see also #HP derived.

[edit] Embedded devices / microcontrollers

There are two different ways of licensing commercial compilers on Microcontrollers, either to sell a compiler that works with any of a range of cheap chips, or to give away a compiler that only works with the vendor's more elaborate controller board.

  • "Pay up front" compilers
    • PIC BASIC — BASIC designed for use with Microchip PIC family
    • Bascom — For Atmel AVRs and the multi-vendor 8051 chip
    • and something for the other MCU vendors, Hitachi, Rabbit, Zilog,...
  • "Pay per chip" compilers
    • PBASIC — A BASIC designed for use with the BASIC Stamp microcontroller.
    • Picaxe Basic — made for education in England. Comparable to the Basic Stamp v1, but cheaper.
    • Tiger-BASIC — High Speed Multitasking BASIC for microcontrollers of the BASIC-Tiger family.
    • Basic-Atom and many more.
    • ARMbasic a BASIC for ARM CPU modules produced by Coridium Corp
  • There are also open source compilers available:
    • Great Cow BASIC — An open-source BASIC for Microchip PIC microcontrollers

[edit] Embedded inside other software

[edit] HP derived

BASIC dialects which originated at Hewlett-Packard (HP), or are derived from same:

Since HP now owns the assets of the old DEC, see also #DEC derived

[edit] Scripting languages based on BASIC

[edit] Video game consoles

[edit] Multiple platforms

Some BASIC dialects explicitly target multiple platforms:

[edit] Miscellaneous BASIC dialects

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1.   CocoaBasic - an Interactive software Development Environment for mixing Cocoa and Basic. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  2.   Staz Software. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  3.   TNT Basic Online. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  4.   8-Bit Product Reviews: BASIC XL, BASIC XE / programming / commercial. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  5.   8-Bit Product Reviews: BASIC XL, BASIC XE / programming / commercial (See above). Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  6.   Projects. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  7.   ACE: A Compiler for Everyone. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  8.   CoolBasic Home - the ultimate game programming language. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  9.   CoolProducts forums -. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  10. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  11.   Make games with ethosBasic!. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  12.   Bas - BASIC interpreter. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  13.   HotPaw Software for Palm OS. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  14.   HotPaw Software for Palm OS. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  15.   iziBasic for Palm OS / aldweb Site. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  16.   SmallBASIC - Cross-platform Free BASIC. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  17.   Homepage of Palm Basic. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  18.   picoBASIC Integer. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  19.   Handheld Basic - The best development environment for Palm™ Powered handhelds. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  20.   Use industry standard tools and languages to develop mobile and wireless applications. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  21.   FBSL : Free Basic Script Language ( introduction ). Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  22. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  23.   BBCBasic - MDFS::Software.$.BBCBasic. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  24. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  25. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  26. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  27.   KoolB - Brian Becker's Projects. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  28. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  29. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
  30.   OWBasic. Retrieved on 2005-12-18.
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