List of Axis war criminals

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The following is a list of people suspected of committing war crimes on behalf of Nazi Germany or any of the Axis Powers during World War II. It does not include people from Allied countries who were suspected of treason.


[edit] The Nuremberg Trials

Main article: Nuremberg Trials

[edit] Subsequent Nuremberg Trials

Main article: Subsequent Nuremberg Trials

[edit] The Doctor's Trial

  • Hermann Becker-Freyseng - Guilty, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment, commuted to 10 years
  • Wilhelm Beiglböck - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment, commuted to 10 years
  • Kurt Blome - Acquitted
  • Viktor Brack - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Karl Brandt - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Rudolf Brand - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Fritz Fischer - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 15 years
  • Karl Gebhardt - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Karl Genzken - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 20 years
  • Siegfried Handloser - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 20 years
  • Waldemar Hoven - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Joachim Mrugowsky - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Herta Oberheuser - Guilty, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment, commuted to 10 years
  • Adolf Pokorny - Acquitted
  • Helmut Poppendick - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment (released in 1951)
  • Hans Wolfgang Romberg - Acquitted
  • Gerhard Rose - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 20 years
  • Paul Rostock - Acquitted
  • Siegfried Ruff - Acquitted
  • Konrad Schäfer - Acquitted
  • Oskar Schröder - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 15 years
  • Wolfram Sievers - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Georg August Weltz - Acquitted

[edit] The Milch Trial

  • Erhard Milch - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 15 years (released in 1954)

[edit] The Judges' Trial

  • Josef Altstötter - Guilty, sentenced to 5 years imprisonment
  • Wilhelm von Ammon - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment
  • Paul Barnickel - Acquitted
  • Hermann Cuhorst - Acquitted
  • Karl Engert - Unfit to stand trial
  • Günther Joel - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment
  • Herbert Klemm - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
  • Ernst Lautz - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment
  • Wolfgang Mettgenberg - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment
  • Günther Nebelung - Acquitted
  • Rudolf Oeschey - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
  • Hans Petersen - Acquitted
  • Oswald Rothaug - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
  • Curt Rothenberger - Guilty, sentenced to 7 years imprisonment
  • Franz Schlegelberger - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
  • Carl Westphal - Committed suicide after the indictment, but before the beginning of the trial

[edit] The Pohl Trial

  • Hans Heinrich Baier - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment (released in 1951)
  • Hans Bobermin - Guilty, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment, commuted to 15 years (released in 1951)
  • Franz Eirenschmalz - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to 9 years imprisonment
  • Heinz Karl Fanslau - Guilty, sentenced to 25 years imprisonment, commuted to 15 years
  • August Frank - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 15 years
  • Hans Hohberg - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment (released in 1951)
  • Max Kiefer - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 20 years (released in 1951)
  • Horst Klein - Acquitted
  • Georg Lörner - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to 15 years
  • Hans LörnerGuilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment (released in 1951)
  • Karl Mummenthey - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 20 years
  • Oswald Pohl - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Hermann Pook - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment (released in 1951)
  • Rudolf Scheide - Acquitted
  • Karl Sommer - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to 20 years imprisonment
  • Erwin Tschentscher - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment (released in 1951)
  • Josef Vogt - Acquitted
  • Leo Volk - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, commuted to 8 years

[edit] The Flick Trial

  • Odilo Burkart - Acquitted
  • Friedrich Flick - Guilty, sentenced to 7 years imprisonment
  • Konrad Kaletsch - Acquitted
  • Otto Steinbrinck - Guilty, sentenced to 5 years imprisonment
  • Hermann Terberger - Acquitted
  • Bernhard Weiss - Guilty, sentenced to 2½ years

[edit] The IG Farben Trial

  • Otto Ambros - Guilty, sentenced to 8 years
  • Max Brüggemann - Unfit to stand trial
  • Ernst Bürgin - Guilty, sentenced to 2 years
  • Heinrich Bütefisch - Guilty, sentenced to 6 years
  • Walter Dürrfeld - Guilty, sentenced to 8 years
  • Fritz Gajewski - Acquitted
  • Heinrich Gattineau - Acquitted
  • Paul Häfliger - Guilty, sentenced to 2 years
  • Erich von der Heyde - Acquitted
  • Heinrich Hörlein - Acquitted
  • Max Ilgner - Guilty, sentenced to 3 years
  • Friedrich Jähne - Guilty, sentenced to 1½ years
  • August von Knierim - Acquitted
  • Carl Krauch - Guilty, sentenced to 6 years
  • Hans Kugler - Guilty, sentenced to 1½ years
  • Hans Kühne - Acquitted
  • Carl Lautenschläger - Acquitted
  • Wilhelm Mann - Acquitted
  • Heinrich Oster - Guilty, sentenced to 2 years
  • Hermann Schmitz - Guilty, sentenced to 4 years
  • Christian Schneider - Acquitted
  • Georg von Scnitzler - Guilty, sentenced to 2½ years
  • Fritz ter Meer - Guilty, sentenced to 7 years
  • Karl Wurster - Acquitted

[edit] The Hostages Trial

  • Franz Böhme - Committed suicide
  • Ernst Dehner - Guilty, sentenced to 17 years imprisonment (released on in 1951)
  • Helmuth Felmy - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment, commuted to 10 years
  • Hermann Foertsch - Acquitted
  • Kurt von Geitner - Acquitted
  • Walter Kuntze - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
  • Hubert Lanz - Guilty, sentenced to 12 years imprisonment (released on in 1951)
  • Wilhelm List - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released on medical grounds in 1952)
  • Ernst von Leyser - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment (released on in 1951)
  • Lothar Rendulic - Guilty, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment, commuted to 10 years
  • Wilhelm Speidel - Guilty, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment (released on in 1951)
  • Maximilian von Weichs - Unfit to stand trial

[edit] The RuSHA Trial

  • Heinz Brückner - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment
  • Rudolf Creutz - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment
  • Gregor Ebner - Guilty, released after the judgement due to time already served
  • Ulrich Greifelt - Guilty, sentenced to lifetime imprisonment
  • Richard Hildenbrandt - Guilty, sentenced to 25 years imprisonment
  • Otto Hofmann - Guilty, sentenced to 25 years imprisonment
  • Herbert Hübner - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment
  • Werner Lorenz - Guilty, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment
  • Konrad Meyer-Hetling - Guilty, released after the judgement due to time already served
  • Fritz Schwalm - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment
  • Otto Schwarzenberger - Guilty, released after the judgement due to time already served
  • Max Sollmann - Guilty, released after the judgement due to time already served
  • Günther Tesch - Guilty, released after the judgement due to time already served
  • Inge Viermitz - Acquitted

[edit] The Einsatzgruppen Trial

  • Ernst Biberstein - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
  • Paul Blobel - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Walter Blume - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to 25 years imprisonment
  • Werner Braune - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Erich_Ehrlinger Escaped justice, arrested in 1958, sentenced 1963 in Frankfurt to 12 years, released Aug 1965 Died? 2004
  • Lothar Fendler - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, commuted to 8 years
  • Waldemar Klingelhöfer - Guilty, released after judgement due to time already served
  • Walter Hänsch - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to 15 years imprisonment
  • Emil Haussman - Committed suicide
  • Heinz Jost - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 10 years
  • Waldemar Klingelhöfer - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
  • Erich Naumann - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Gustav Nosske - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 10 years
  • Otto Ohlendorf - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Adolf Ott - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
  • Waldemar von Radetzky - Guilty, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment (released in 1951)
  • Otto Rasch - Unfit to stand trial
  • Felix Rühl - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment (released in 1951)
  • Martin Sandberger - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
  • Heinz Schubert - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to 10 years imprisonment
  • Erwim Schulz - Guilty, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment, commuted to 15 years
  • Willy Seibert - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to 15 years imprisonment
  • Franz Six - Guilty, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment, commuted to 15 years
  • Eugen Steimle - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to 20 years imprisonment
  • Edward Strauch - Guilty, sentenced to death, died in hospital after suffering an epileptic attack

[edit] The Krupp Trial

  • Friedrich von Bülow - Guilty, sentenced to 12 years imprisonment
  • Karl Adolf Ferdinand Eberhardt - Guilty, sentenced to 9 years imprisonment
  • Eduard Houdremont - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment
  • Max Otto Ihn - Guilty, sentenced to 9 years imprisonment
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Janssen - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment
  • Heinrich Leo Korschan - Guilty, sentenced to 6 years imprisonment
  • Alfried Krupp - Guilty, sentenced to 12 years imprisonment plus forfeiture of property
  • Hans Albert Gustav Kupke - Guilty, sentenced to 2 years, 10 months imprisonment
  • Werner Wilhelm Heinrich Lehmann - Guilty, sentenced to 6 years imprisonment
  • Ewald Oskar Ludwig Löser - Guilty, sentenced to 7 years imprisonment
  • Erich Müller - Guilty, sentenced to 12 years imprisonment
  • Karl Heinrich Pfirsch - Acquitted

[edit] The Ministries Trial

  • Gottlob Berger - Guilty, sentenced to 25 years imprisonment (released in 1951)
  • Ernst Wilhelm Bohle - Guilty, sentenced to 5 years imprisonment
  • Richard Walther Darré - Guilty, sentenced to 7 years imprisonment (released in 1950)
  • Otto Dietrich - Guilty, sentenced to 7 years imprisonment (released in 1950)
  • Otto von Erdmannsdorf - Acquitted
  • Hans Kehrl - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment (released in 1951)
  • Wilhelm Keppler - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment (released in 1951)
  • Paul Körner - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment (released in 1951)
  • Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment (released in 1951)
  • Hans Heinrich Lammers - Guilty, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment (released in 1951)
  • Otto Meissner - Acquitted
  • Gustav Adolf Steengracht von Moyland - Guilty, sentenced to 7 years imprisonment (released in 1950)
  • Paul Pleiger - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment (released in 1951)
  • Emil Johann Puhl - Guilty, sentenced to 5 years imprisonment
  • Karl Raschke - Guilty, sentenced to 7 years imprisonment
  • Karl Ritter - Guilty, released after the judgement due to time already served
  • Walter Schellenberg - Guilty, sentenced to 6 years imprisonment
  • Wilhelm Stuckart - Guilty, released after the judgement due to time already served
  • Edmund Veesenmayer - Guilty, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment (released in 1951)
  • Ernst von Weizsäcker - Guilty, sentenced to 7 years imprisonment (released in 1950)
  • Ernst Wörmann - Guilty, sentenced to 7 years imprisonment (released in 1951)

[edit] The High Command Trial

  • Johannes Blaskowitz - Committed suicide
  • Karl-Adolf Hollidt - Guilty, sentenced to 5 years imprisonment (released in 1949)
  • Hermann Hoth - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment (released in 1954)
  • Georg von Küchler - Guilty, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment, commuted to 12 years (released in 1953 on medical grounds)
  • Wilhelm von Leeb - Guilty, released after judgement due to time already served.
  • Rudolf Lehmann - Guilty, sentenced to 7 years imprisonment
  • Hermann Reinecke - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 1954)
  • Georg-Hans Reinhardt - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment (released in 1952)
  • Karl von Roques - Guilty, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment, died in 1949 in jail
  • Hans von Salmuth - Guilty, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment, commuted to 12 years
  • Otto Schniewind - Acquitted
  • Hugo Sperrle - Acquitted
  • Walter Warlimont - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 1954)
  • Otto Wöhler - Guilty, sentenced to 8 years imprisonment (released in 1951)

[edit] The Auschwitz Trial

Main article: Auschwitz trial

  • Hans Aumeier - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • August Bogusch - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Therese Brandl - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Arthur Breitwiser - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
  • Alexander Bulow - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment
  • Fritz Buntrock - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Luise Danz - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
  • Erich Dinges - Guilty, sentenced to 5 years imprisonment
  • Wilhelm Gehring - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Paul Gotze - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Maximilian Grabner - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Hans Hofmann - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment
  • Rudolf Höß - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Karl Jeschke - Guilty, sentenced to 3 years imprisonment
  • Heinrich Josten - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Oswald Kaduk - Guilty, sentenced to 25 years imprisonment
  • Hermann Kirschner - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Hans Koch - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
  • Josef Kollmer - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Johann Kremer - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
  • Hildegard Lachert - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment
  • Arthur Liebehenschel - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Anton Lechner - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
  • Eduard Lorenz - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment
  • Herbert Ludwig - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Maria Mandel - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Adolf Medefind - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
  • Karl Mockel - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Kurt Mueller - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Erich Muehsfeldt - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Hans Münch - Acquitted
  • Detlef Nebbe - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
  • Alice Orlowski - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment
  • Ludwig Plagge - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Franz Romeikat - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment
  • Richard Schroeder - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment
  • Hans Schumacher - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Karl Seufert - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
  • Paul Szczurek - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Harvey Taunt - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Johannes Weber - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment

[edit] The Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials

Main article: Frankfurt Auschwitz trials

  • Stefan Baretzki - Guilty, sentenced to Life plus 8 years imprisonment
  • Emil Bednarek - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
  • Wilhelm Boger - Guilty, sentenced to Life & 15 Years Imprisonment
  • Perry Broad - Guilty, sentenced to 4 years imprisonment
  • Klaus Dylewski - Guilty, sentenced to 5 years imprisonment
  • Willi Frank - Guilty, sentenced to 7 years imprisonment
  • Emil Hantl - Guilty, sentenced to 3½ years imprisonment
  • Karl Höcker - Guilty, sentenced to 7 years imprisonment
  • Franz-Johann Hoffmann - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
  • Oswald Kaduk - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
  • Josef Klehr - Guilty, sentenced to life & 15 years imprisonment
  • Dr. Franz Lucas - Guilty, sentenced to 3 years, 3 months imprisonment
  • Robert Mulka - Guilty, sentenced to 14 years imprisonment
  • Willi Sawatzki - Acquitted
  • Willi Schatz - Acquitted
  • Herbert Scherpe - Guilty, sentenced to 4½ years imprisonment
  • Bruno Schlange - Guilty, sentenced to 6 years imprisonment
  • Friedrich Schlüter - Guilty, sentenced to 4½ years imprisonment
  • Johann Schobert - Acquitted
  • Willi Stark - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment
  • Kurt Uhlenbroock - Acquitted

[edit] The Buchenwald Trial

  • Max Schobert - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Josef Kestel - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Hermann Grossmann - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Hermann Helbig - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Hans Wolf - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Hubert Krautwurst - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Emil Pleissner - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Richard Köhler - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Friedrich Wilhelm - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Hans Merbach - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Hans Theodor Schmidt - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Hermann Pister - Guilty, sentenced to death, died in prison
  • Dr. Hans Eisele - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
  • Helmut Roscher- Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
  • Phillip Grimm - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
  • Albert Schwartz - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
  • Hermann Hackmann- Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
  • Gustav Heigel- Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
  • Guido Reimer - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
  • Anton Bergmeier - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
  • Otto Barnewald - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
  • Peter Merker - Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to 20 years
  • Franz Zinecker - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
  • Josias Erbprinz zu Waldeck und Pyrmont Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 20 years
  • Dr. Werner Greunuss - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 20 years
  • Dr. Edwin Katzenellenbogen - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
  • Ilse Koch - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, committed suicide in 1967
  • Wolfgang Otto - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment
  • Dr. Arthur Dietzsch - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment
  • Walter Wendt - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment, commuted to 5 years
  • Dr. August Bender - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, commuted to 3 years

[edit] War-responsibility trials in Finland

Main article: War-responsibility trials in Finland

  • Toivo Mikael Kivimäki - Guilty, sentenced to 5 years imprisonment
  • Antti Kukkonen - Guilty, sentenced to 2 years imprisonment
  • Edwin Linkomies - Guilty, sentenced to 5½ years imprisonment
  • Johan Wilhelm Rangell - Guilty, sentenced to 6 years imprisonment
  • Henrik Ramsay - Guilty, sentenced to 2½ years imprisonment
  • Tyko Reinikka - Guilty, sentenced to 2 years imprisonment
  • Risto Ryti - Guilty, sentenced to 10 years hard labour
  • Väinö Tanner - Guilty, sentenced to 5½ years imprisonment

[edit] Bucharest People's Tribunal

Main article: Bucharest People's Tribunal

  • Gheoghe Alexianu - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Ion Antonescu - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Mihai Antonescu - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Constantin Vasiliu - Guilty, sentenced to death

[edit] International Military Tribunal for the Far East

Main article: International Military Tribunal for the Far East

  • Muto Akira - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Kimura Heitaro - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Tojo Hideki - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Oshima Hiroshi - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released 1955)
  • Matsui Iwane - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Minami Jiro - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released 1955)
  • Doihara Kenji - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Sato Kenryo - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released 1955)
  • Hiranuma Kiichiro - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released 1955)
  • Hashimoto Kingoro - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released 1955)
  • Kido Kōichi - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released 1955)
  • Hirota Koki - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Koiso Kuniaki - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released 1955)
  • Shigemitsu Mamoru - Guilty, sentenced to 7 years imprisonment (released 1950)
  • Hoshino Naoki - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released 1955)
  • Kaya Okinori - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released 1955)
  • Nagano Osami - died of natural causes during trial period
  • Araki Sadao - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released 1955)
  • Itagaki Seishiro - Guilty, sentenced to death
  • Togo Shigenori - Guilty, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment, died in prison 1949
  • Shimada Shigetaro - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released 1955)
  • Okawa Shumei - unfit to stand trial after suffering nervous breakdown
  • Hata Shunroku - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released 1955)
  • Oka Takasumi - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released 1955)
  • Suzuki Teiichi - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released 1955)
  • Shiratori Toshio - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released 1955)
  • Umezu Yoshijiro - Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released 1955)
  • Matsuoka Yosuke - died of natural causes during trial period

[edit] Khabarovsk War Crime Trials

Main article: Khabarovsk War Crime Trials

  • Mitomo Kazuo - Guilty, sentenced to 15 years imprisonment
  • Kawashima Kiyoshi - Guilty, sentenced to 25 years imprisonment
  • Onoue Masao - Guilty, sentenced to 12 years imprisonment
  • Kikuchi Norimitsu - Guilty, sentenced to 2 years imprisonment
  • Yamada Otsuzo - Guilty, sentenced to 25 years imprisonment
  • Kajitsuka Ryuji - Guilty, sentenced to 25 years imprisonment
  • Sato Shunji - Guilty, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment
  • Takahashi Takaatsu - Guilty, sentenced to 25 years imprisonment
  • Karasawa Tomio - Guilty, sentenced to 18 years imprisonment
  • Nishi Toshihide - Guilty, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment
  • Kurushima Yuji - Guilty, sentenced to 3 years imprisonment
  • Hirazakura Zensaku - Guilty, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment

[edit] Others

[edit] German

[edit] Italian

[edit] Japanese

[edit] Palestinian