List of Are You Being Served? episodes

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The following is a list of episodes for the British sitcom Are You Being Served? that aired from 1972 to 1985. All episodes were 30 minutes long. A film was also made in 1977, for this see Are You Being Served? (film).

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Pilot (1972)

Title Screenshot Airdate Overview
Are You Being Served? (Comedy Playhouse) 8 September 1972 Due to reorganization within the Grace Brothers department store, the ladies department is forced to relocate to the floor occupied by the menswear department. Neither Mrs. Slocombe, nor Mr. Grainger, is pleased with the new arrangements, and both make their discontent known loudly, especially when there is an argument over the centre display stand. Guest starring Michael Knowles.

[edit] Series One (1973)

Title Screenshot Airdate Overview
Dear Sexy Knickers... 21 March 1973 Mr. Lucas, while trying to enlarge a pair of trousers, destroys them by putting his knee in them. Having also been reprimanded for being late, he tries to salvage his day by sending a note to Miss Brahms they meet after work. He attempts to throw the folded-up note across the room to Miss Brahms, but it instead ends up on the floor and is intercepted by Captain Peacock, who hands it to Mrs. Slocombe unread. A succession of misunderstandings ensues.
Our Figures are Slipping 28 March 1973 Sales figures for the department are falling, and Mr. Rumbold insists the staff stay behind after the store closes to learn about sales technique. Also, Mr Lucas asks Miss Brahms to go to the cinema with him and Mr. Rumbold tells Mr Lucas to "smile more" in an attempt to boost his sales record.
Camping In 1973-04-04 Due to a transport strike, the staff are forced to stay in the store overnight. They decide to make the best of the situation by appropriating tents from the sporting department and "camping" in the store. After struggling to erect their tents, and debating sleeping arrangements, the staff talk and sing over an electric "campfire". Guest starring Colin Bean.
His and Hers 4 April 1973 The staff are upset when Grace Brothers hires an attractive outside saleswoman (played by Joanna Lumley) to demonstrate their new unisex line of perfume, "His and Hers". In addition to taking away from their sales and cutting into their commissions, she is going so far as to offer free gifts to customers who purchase the perfume. The staff sabotage her stall, and she leaves, but this means they have to run the stall themselves.
Diamonds are a Man's best friend 18 April 1973 On the day they get their meager wages, the staff search frantically for a diamond lost in the store by a customer who is offering a £100 reward for its return. Though they initially all agree to split the reward among them, should any of them find the diamond, they soon team up, plotting to cheat one another out of the reward money, when each believes they have found the it. In the end, however, nearly all of the "diamonds" they've found turn out be stones that have fallen off of a dress. Guest starring Janet Davies and Elizabeth Larner.

[edit] Series Two (1974)

Title Screenshot Airdate Overview
The Clock 14 March 1974 As Mr. Grainger celebrates his 65th birthday, all the staff wonder whether he'll get the traditional cuckoo clock that means he is being retired. In the evening, the staff and Mrs. Grainger have dinner and Mr Rumbold tells Captain Peacock that Grainger is being given the cuckoo clock. However, Young Mr. Grace makes a late appearance and gives the clock to himself and gives Mr. Grainger another five years. Guest starring John Ringham.
Cold Comfort 21 March 1974 Due to fuel reserves being in short supply, Grace Brothers turn off the central heating, despite it being bitterly cold. While Mr. Rumbold secretly uses an electric fire, the floor staff use other methods to keep themselves warm until Captain Peacock finds out and takes all the devices to Mr. Rumbold's office. In attempt to hide the electric fire, Mr. Rumbold's office is set on fire.
The Think Tank 28 March 1974 After being down by £600 last week, Mr. Rumdbold forms a "think tank" to come up with ways to increase sales. Captain Peacock suggests a fashion show, which Mr. Rumbold then takes the credit for. But when this is performed, with the staff as the models, in front of Young Mr. Grace he doesn't like it and suggests a sale.
Big Brother 4 April 1974 Shoplifting is on the increase, so Mr. Rumbold decides to get CCTV installed and he recruits Mr. Clegg, formerly of CID, who searches the staff as they leave. From his office, Rumbold can watch everyone using the CCTV and he soon catches all the staff doing things they shouldn't. After being confronted, the staff come up with a plan to make Mr. Rumbold get rid of the cameras.
Hoorah for the Holidays 11 April 1974 Young Mr. Grace decides to have the whole store redecorated and will close the shop for two weeks in August. The management hope the staff will take their holidays during this time and offer them £5 "inconvenience money". When the staff refuse this, Young Mr. Grace offers them a choice of destinations that will pay for them to go to. Guest starring John Clegg.

[edit] Series Three (1975)

Title Screenshot Airdate Overview
The Hand of Fate 27 February 1975 One of the directors is retiring from the Board due to ill health, and Mr. Rumbold is being considered for the position. If he gets the position, Captain Peacock will take over from him and Mr. Grainger and Mrs. Slocombe both want to replace Peacock. Meanwhile, Mr. Humphries reveals he can read palms and when he reads Captain Peacock's it leads the staff to believe he and Rumbold will both be promoted, while Mrs. Slocombe's palm says she will have a man at her feet.
Coffee Morning 6 March 1975 Following Mr. Grainger being late from his coffee break, Mr. Rumbold and Captain Peacock institute a book that must be signed and timed when people take their tea break, coffee break or go to the toilet. The other staff then agree to refuse to sign it, and when Mr. Grainger becomes the first person to refuse he is fined 50 pence. Mr. Mash then calls a "go slow" to make the management give in to their demands.
Up Captain Peacock 13 March 1975 As a reward for being at Grace Brothers for 20 years, Captain Peacock is given the key to the executive washroom and access to the executive dining room, both of which annoy Mr. Grainger in particular. Meanwhile, the whole floor is annoyed when their lunch hour is delayed by one hour until 2pm and Mr. Grainger thinks about ringing the Factory Inspector. Guest starring Donald Hewlett, Michael Knowles and Jeffrey Segal.
Cold Store 20 March 1975 Mr. Lucas has a girl coming to visit him, so he tries to pretend he has a cold to get the day off work. Captain Peacock gets Sister (played by Joy Allen) check his temperature who says he is perfectly normal. However, Mrs. Slocombe has got a cold and Miss Brahms, who has an injection to prevent her getting a cold, refuses to work with her. Captain Peacock then decides that the solution is that Mr Lucas work with Mrs. Slocombe for the day, but he still tries to get sent home sick by falling down the stairs aided by Mr. Mash. Guest starring Pamela Cundell and Gordon Peters.
Wedding Bells 27 April 1975 Mrs. Slocombe argues with Captain Peacock and Mr. Rumbold when she refuses to sell certain items. Young Mr. Grace announces to the department that he intends to ask someone in Grace Brothers to marry him, having been a widower for 40 years. He then invites Mrs. Slocombe for tea, and the staff think he is going to ask her to marry him. However, he merely wants her advice on whether to ask Miss Robinson, of the Jewellery Department, and by accident puts him off marriage completely. Guest starring John Clegg.
German Week 3 April 1975 Young Mr. Grace decides to have a "German Week" where the department will sell only German goods. However, after two days they have only made 64 pence, so Mr. Rumbold and the floor staff decides to make the department have a more German feel by dressing up and serving German wine. Guest starring Joanna Lumley.
Shoulder to Shoulder 10 April 1975 When Young Mr. Grace decides that he only have afford to have half of the department decorated, the Ladies Wear Department are forced to temporarily relocate to the Men's Wear Department while the work is being carried out. They soon arguments about how much display space Mrs. Slocombe should be allowed.
New Look 17 April 1975 After closing time, the staff open the Suggestion Box, only to find that they are no useful suggestions. However, they then decide to have background music and a recorded voice to boost sales. When cash is offered to do the voiceover, all the floor staff want the recorded voice to be theirs. But, Young Mr. Grace later decides to use his own voice. Guest starring Felix Bowness.

[edit] Christmas Special (1975)

Title Screenshot Airdate Overview
Christmas Crackers 22 December The staff are called to an early morning meeting to decide on ways to boost Christmas sales figures. However, Young Mr. Grace has already decided that all the floor staff will have to wear novelty costumes, something which none of them are to happy about.

[edit] Series Four (1976)

Title Screenshot Airdate Overview
No Sale 8 April Grace Brothers decide to open at 8.30am in order to attract customers on their way to work. The idea is a great success with takings up, but by the afternoon the floor staff decide to make sure takings are the same as the Monday before to avoid having to come to work at 8.30 every day, so they try to put people off buying things. Guest starring John Bardon and Gordon Peters.
Top Hat and Tails 15 April Young Mr. Grace wants the Ladies and Men's Wear department to form a ballroom dancing team to enter the nation Golden Shoes Competition, and when a financial reward is offered all the staff are happy to take part. When rehearsals, Young Mr. Grace watches them to decide whether they are good enough.
Forward, Mr. Grainger 22 April When Mr. Rumbold goes to Swansea for a month long sales seminar, Mr. Grainger is placed in charge, much to Captain Peacock's annoyance. Mr. Grainger soon makes himself very unpopular because of how he runs the department. However, very soon Mr. Rumbold comes back as the hotel in Swansea has flooded and everyone ignores Mr. Grainger.
Fire Practice 29 April Young Mr. Grace warns Mr. Rumbold that there will be a fire practise, but refuses to tell him at what time. Meanwhile, an Arab Emir arrives in the department wishing to buy a pair of trousers for his wife, but no one is allowed to touch her, so measuring her proves difficult. While they are completing the sale, the fire alarm goes off and the staff response means they all have to stay behind that evening and practise what to do if there is a fire.
Fifty Years On 5 May Mrs. Slocombe reminds everyone that her birthday is approaching, and the rest of the staff work out that she will be 50. They then buy her a present, practise singing "Happy Birthday" and Mr. Humphries has a special cake made. However, when the cake is revealed and it says "50" Mrs. Slocombe is horrified. Guest starring Mavis Pugh.
Oh, What a Tangled Web 12 May Both Captain Peacock and Mr. Rumbold's secretary Monica Hazelwood are late, and it is rumoured that they are having an affair. Mrs Peacock (played by Diana King) arrives at the store as does Miss Hazelwood's father, and an inquiry has to be held after both Mrs. Slocombe and Mr. Grainger are attacked and Captain Peacock explains what happened between him and Miss Hazelwood.

[edit] Christmas Special (1976)

Title Screenshot Airdate Overview
The Father Christmas Affair 24 December Grace Brothers decides to have electric Father Christmas models, but this is soon cancelled when they go wrong. Young Mr. Grace then decides to offer £50 to a member of the department, including Mr. Rumbold, to dress up as Father Christmas and give gifts to the children. Young Mr. Grace gets a young boy to decide which one of the staff will be Father Christmas, and the boy decides on Mr. Grainger. Meanwhile, Mr. Grainger is worried about his annual performance to entertain the residents of an old people's home.

[edit] Series Five (1977)

Title Screenshot Airdate Overview
Mrs Slocombe Expects 25 February When the male staff hear Mrs. Slocombe talking to Miss Brahms about a "happy event", they think that Mrs. Slocombe is pregnant. However, it turns about to be her cat that is expecting, and Mrs. Slocombe asks Mr. Rumbold if the cat can give birth in the fitting room so she can be near it. When he refuses, Mr. Harman smuggles it in. Meanwhile, Young Mr. Grace tries to show the staff how to improve sales.
A Change is as Good as a Rest 4 March The floor staff are summoned to the Board Room, and while they wait for Mr. Rumbold and Young Mr. Grace they look in the file on the table which says they are all to be replaced. In protest they decide to resign and Mr. Grainger does so first. However, they are then told that all the staff are merely changing departments for a week. Mr. Grainger asks for his job back, but Mr. Humphries and Mr. Lucas have already been promoted, so he is made Junior Assistant. Later, The staff are moved to the Toy Department for the week and Mr. Rumbold tries to get Mr. Grainger his old job back.
Founder's Day 11 March To celebrate Young Mr. Grace's 80th birthday, the staff plan a This Is Your Department, a spoof of This Is Your Life, to show, with the help of Young Mr. Grace's memoirs, how he has affected all of their lives Meanwhile, Mrs. Slocombe and Miss Brahms argue when a customer (played by Tim Barrett) wants to buy two fur coats, one for his wife and one for girlfriend.
The Old Order Changes 18 March After visiting the United States, Young Mr. Grace decides on the new idea of American informality in the hope of increasing sales. This includes all the staff calling each other by their first names, dressing in their own clothes and background music. However, after a week or so Young Mr. Grace returns from China and has a new set of ideas. Guest starring Jeffrey Holland and Bernice Adams.
Take-Over 25 March Having been told a rival store is attempting a take-over of Grace Brothers, the staff soon worry for their jobs. Mr. Rumbold then comes up with a plan to make sure the take-over is voted against at a Shareholders' Dinner, and when money is offered all the staff volunteer to dress up as shareholders who can't get to the dinner. Mr. Harman and Mrs. Slocombe dress up as Lord and Lady Stableforth with Miss Brahms as their daughter Lavinia with Mr. Grainger as Sir Richard Ryan. Meanwhile, when the chef and waiters can't get there, Mr. Humphries is forced to stand in as chef with Mr. Lucas and Captain Peacock as the waiters. Guest starring Mavis Pugh.
Goodbye Mr Grainger 1 April Mr. Grainger has become increasingly bad-tempered, something which is not helped by him losing the centre display stand to Mrs. Slocombe for "bra week". The rest of the staff agree that he has to go, and when Mr. Harman tells of Mr. Grainger of their decision he resigns first. However, the following day he comes in and apologises for his bad mood. The reason for the change of mood he revealed when he tells them he was won the The Pools. His unread resignation letter is then handed back and he agrees to stay on, but Mr. Humphries soon speaks to The Pools firm and Mr. Grainger has not won anything.
It Pays to Advertise 8 April Grace Brothers decide to make an advert, set in a cocktail bar, to increase sales. This is filmed in the department using the staff as actors and with Mr. Humphries as the director. Meanwhile, Mr. Humphries and Mrs. Slocombe have been chosen to be made into life-size models to represent the average man and woman in the street. Guest starring Ferdy Mayne.

[edit] Series Six (1978)

Title Screenshot Airdate Overview
By Appointment 15 November The staff return from their holidays, and Mr. Tebbs has replaced Mr. Grainger as Head of Men's Wear. The staff are soon told that The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh are making an official visit to the borough, and they might be coming to Grace Brothers. The staff rehearse what to do if the Royal couple visit and on the day they all dress up in their finery and then watch them in the street below from Mr. Rumbold's office window.
The Club 22 November The staff are offered a room in the basement that they can turn into a club. Young Mr. Grace says he will spend up to £300 on decorating it, so when the decorators give their estimate as £500, the staff offer to do the job themselves and pocket £50 each. However, the job soon proves more difficult than they first thought. Guest starring Mavis Pugh.
Do You Take This Man? 29 November Mrs. Slocombe becomes engaged to a Greek man called Mr Mertaxis, and her wealthy American uncle Wendal P Clark (played by Norman Mitchell) has offered to pay for the reception and will buy the couple a house as a wedding present. However, on the morning of the wedding, the best man (Gorden Kaye) brings bad news: The groom is already married, and his wife has demanded that he return home to Greece. The staff, looking to exploit the uncle's generosity, decide to fake the wedding ceremony right in the store, with Mr. Humphries as the "groom" and Mr. Tebbs playing a Greek Orthodox priest. Guest starring Felix Bowness.
Shedding the Load 6 December After continuing falling sales, it is decided that one of the floor staff will have to be made redundant and the management decide to let the staff decide who. After a secret ballot, which results in everyone, save for Mr. Humphries, getting one vote, the staff gather at the store on the weekend to battle it out. However, Young Mr. Grace announces that the cutbacks have been cancelled and that he is giving himself a three-day week instead.
A Bliss Girl 13 December A stall to sell "Bliss" perfume has arrived on the floor, but because of the thick fog, the Bliss salesgirl has not arrived. Mr. Humphries is then made to man the stall. This means that the Menswear Department is undermanned, so Mr. Rumbold orders a furious Captain Peacock to work the counter. Guest starring Jan Holden and Bernice Adams.

[edit] Christmas Special (1978)

Title Screenshot Airdate Overview
Happy Returns 26 December It is Young Mr. Grace's birthday, and the staff sing the traditional birthday song for him and partake of the traditional free lunch. They later rehearse their cabaret performance for Young Mr. Grace's birthday party, a ballet called The Ballet of the Toys. A professional cabaret troupe will also be performing at the party, and when the troupe arrives, it turns out they themselves will be performing The Ballet of the Toys, which forces the staff to go to Plan B.

[edit] Series Seven (1979)

Title Screenshot Airdate Overview
The Junior 19 October When Mr. Tebbs retires, Mr. Humphries and Mr. Lucas are both promoted, so Mr. Rumbold and Young Mr. Grace accept candidates for the junior position. Harry Goldberg, a gifted salesman with an endearing personality, immediatley makes him popular with all the staff, except Captain Peacock, who Mr. Goldberg say he used to know.
Strong Stuff This Insurance 26 October The staff gets the opportunity to participate in a lucrative group insurance scheme that will land them all sizable pensions upon retirement. Unfortunately, they must first pass through a phyical examination. In an effort to shape up without spending too much money, Mr. Humphries enlists his former ballet instructor (played by Amanda Barrie) to get them up to snuff. Guest starring Joy Allen.
The Apartment 2 November Mrs. Slocombe is rendered temporarily homeless after squatters invade her new flat. After her co-workers fail to provide accommodation, Young Mr. Grace allows her to move into the store's Furniture Fitting Department. Mrs. Slocombe turns the floor into a cozy home-away-from-home, but her space is soon invaded when a transport strike forces her co-workers to move in. Guest starring Jeffrey Holland.
Mrs. Slocombe, Senior Person 9 November Mr. Rumbold takes ill with a nasty bout of food poisoning and Young Mr.Grace appoints Mrs. Slocombe to take his place. Clearly relishing her new role, Mrs. Slocombe holes up in Mr. Rombold's office, descending to the commoners only to flaunt her executive status. However, when sales in the Ladies' Department begin to skyrocket in her absense, Mrs. Slocombe fears that she'll be given the boot once Mr. Rumbold gets back. Guest starring Avril Angers and Gorden Kaye.
The Hero 16 November Mr. Franco (played by Jackie Pallo) of the Sports Department uncovers an embarassing secret about Captain Peacock and spreads gossip amoung the entire department store. To save face, Captain Peacock's colleagues urge him to challenge Franco into a boxing match. At the last minute, however, Captain Peacock withdraws and Mr. Humphries steps in to defend Captain Peacock's honour.
Anything You Can Do 23 November When the staff complains one too many times about the food and service in the canteen, the caterers issue an ultimatum: present them with a written apology or man the canteen themselves. To preserve their dignity, they choose the latter option, but very quickly find the subtle art of cookery quite challenging. Guest starring Ronnie Brody.
The Agent 30 November Mr. Goldberg is running a lucrative side business recruiting his colleagues for higher paid sales positions in competing department stores. When Mr. Humphries and Mrs. Slocombe recieve offers for the job of their dreams, Mr. Rumbold and Captain Peacock struggle to find a way to make them stay, without actually giving them rises. Guest starring Jeffrey Segal.

[edit] Christmas Special (1979)

Title Screenshot Airdate Overview
The Punch and Judy Affair 26 December The Gentleman's and Ladies' departments become pariahs when they choose not to take part in a company-wide strike. In an attempt to regain favour, the departments stage a life size Punch and Judy show to entertain the children of the store's staff. Mr. Humphries directs, Mr. Lucas and Miss Brahms play the title roles, and Mrs. Slocombe brings convincing masculinity to the role of Police Woman.

[edit] Series Eight (1981)

Title Screenshot Airdate Overview
Is It Catching? 9 April Mr. Goldberg and Mr. Lucas are replaced by Mr. Grossman and Mr. Spooner, and Young Mr. Grace steps down, handing over the reins to his brother, Old Mr. Grace. Meanwhile, Mr. Humphries contracts a rare malady known as "Marine's Disease," and the entire staff is quarantined in the basement to prevent it from spreading. Guest starring John D. Collins.
A Personal Problem 16 April Captain Peacock's marriage is on the rocks again, but this time, it is Mrs. Peacock who is guilty of philandering. When the cuckold Captain suspects his wife's mysterious lover is none other than Mr. Rumbold, he goes to great lengths to make sure he catches them in the act. Guest starring Jack Haig.
Front Page Story 23 April Old Mr. Grace decides to publish an in-store magazine and appoints Mr. Humphries as its editor. Mr. Humphries finds himself up to his neck with the gossip column, but his greatest challenge proves to be ensuring the staff bonuses by orchestrating a beauty contest with Miss Brahms as the ringer.
Sit Out 30 April Sales dip so low that Old Mr. Grace is forced to cut everyone's salary by 10%. Insulted, the staff takes to the roof to protest, but their attempts to rally the rest of the world to their cause hits a snag when a fire breaks out.
Heir Apparent 7 May
Closed Circuit 21 May
The Erotic Dreams of Mrs. Slocombe 28 May

[edit] Christmas Special (1981)

Title Screenshot Airdate Overview
Roots? 24 December

[edit] Series Nine (1983)

Title Screenshot Airdate Overview
The Sweet Smell of Success 22 April
Conduct Unbecoming 29 April
Memories are Made of This 6 May
Calling All Customers 13 May
Monkey Business 20 May
Lost and Found 27 May

[edit] Series Ten (1985)

Title Screenshot Airdate Overview
Goodbye Mrs. Slocombe 18 February
Grounds For Divorce 25 February
The Hold Up 4 March
Gambling Fever 11 March
The Night Club 18 March
Friends and Neighbours 25 March
The Pop Star 1 April

[edit] References

  • Richard Webber, "I'm Free! - The Complete Are You Being Served?", Orion Books, 1999