List of Algerians

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This is a list of famous or important Algerians:


[edit] In the news

[edit] Artists

[edit] Authors and poets

[edit] Painters

  • M'hamed Issiakhem, painter, calligraphist
  • Mohamed Khadda, painter and sculptor
  • Baya Mahiedienne, female painter

[edit] Calligraphists

  • Mohamed Racim, Painter, Miniaturist, Calligraphist
  • Omar Racim, Painter, Miniaturist

[edit] Cartoonists

  • Ali Dilem, famous cartoonist
  • Slim, also know as Menouar Merabtene, famous cartoonist

[edit] Cinema artists

[edit] Actors

  • Yahia Benmabrouk, also known as "l'apprentit", comedian
  • Biyouna, female actor, dancer, comedian
  • Abderahmane Hadj, also known as "l'inspecteur tahar", comedian
  • Mohamed Fellag, actor and comedian
  • Hassan El Hassani, actor and comedian
  • Sid Ahmed Agoumi, actor
  • Sid Ali Kouiret, actor
  • Mohamed Hilmi, actor
  • Rouiched, actor
  • Farida Saboundji, actress

[edit] Directors & Filmmakers

  • Mohamed Lakhdar Hamina, Film director, Palme d'Or at the 1975 Cannes Festival, pioneer of Algerian cinema
  • Merzak Allouache, film director
  • Abdelkader Alloula, theatre producer
  • Salem Brahimi, Film producer

[edit] Musicians and Singers

[edit] Classical

  • Cheikh Larbi Ben Sari, composer and musician from the Tlemcen school of Andalusian music
  • Abdelkrim Dali, Master of Hawzi classical music
  • El Hadj Mohamed El Anka, Master of Chaabi classical music
  • Cheikh Mohamed El Ghafour, musician from the Tlemcen school of Hawzi music
  • Mohamed Tahar Fergani, musician and master of the Malouf classical style
  • El Hachemi Guerouabi, musician and reformer of the Chaabi classical style
  • Fadela Dziria, singer of Hawzi classical style music
  • Kamel Messaoudi, singer of Chaabi music
  • Warda El Djazaria, singer of classical Arab oriental music
  • Dahmane El Harrachi, a brilliant singer composer and songwriter of Chaabi music

[edit] Berber

  • Lounis Ait Menguellet, singer, musician
  • Idir, singer, musician, composer
  • Aissa Djermouni, master of the Chaoui song, performed at the Olympia in Paris in 1917
  • Matoub Lounes, rebel singer of Kabyle music
  • Djamel Allam, singer
  • Malika Domrane, singer
  • Cherif Kheddam, singer
  • Mohammed fellag, actor, comedian

[edit] Pop

[edit] Rai

[edit] International

  • Cheb Tarik, with various influences he blends an awesome musical gumbo ranging from Arabic, rai, reggae, funk, dance to disco

[edit] Leaders and politicians

[edit] Ancient Algeria

  • Massinissa, 3rd century BC, King of Numidia
  • Jugurtha, 2nd century BC, King of Numidia
  • Juba I, 1st century BC, King of Numidia under Roman rule
  • Juba II, 1st century BC, King of Numidia under Roman rule
  • Tacfarinas, leader of a rebellion against the Romans
  • Kahina, 7th century Queen, fought the Arab invasions
  • Tin Hinane, Queen of the Touareg

[edit] Early Islamic Algeria

  • Tarik Ibn Ziad, One of the first Berber princes converted to Islam, he conquered Iberia in the 8th century
  • Buluggin ibn Ziri, 10th century prince, founder of the city of Algiers (Al Jazair in Arabic)

[edit] Ottoman Algeria

  • Baba Aruj, 16th century corsair, leader of the Regency of Algiers
  • Khair ad Din Barbarossa, Brother and successor of Aruj
  • Hassan Agha, 16th century Prince of Algiers. Defeated Emperor Charles V in Algiers
  • Rais Hamidou, the last great leader of the Algerian Corsair Navy.
  • Salah Benmostefa, also Salah Bey, 18th century prince of Constantine

[edit] Algeria when was occupied by France

  • Emir Abdelkader, 19th century leader of the resistance against French colonisation.
  • Hadj Ahmed Bey, last Bey of Constantine. Fought the French army during two sieges in 1836 and 1837
  • Lalla Fatma N'Soumer, 19th century female leader of the Kabyle resistance against the French.
  • Cheikh Amoud BenMokhtar, Head of the Touareg resistance against France, 1877 to 1912
  • Mohamed El Mokrani, 19th century leader of the Kabyle resistance against the French
  • Emir Khaled, grandson of Emir Abdelkader, leader of a rebellion against French rule in Algeria in the 20th century
  • Messali Hadj, Founder of the first North African and then Algerian Nationalist Parties.

[edit] Revolutionary War of Independence

  • Abane Ramdane, political leader of the independence war, author of the "political over military" and "interior over exterior" principles.
  • Krim Belkacem, independence war hero, Vice president of the provisional government of Algeria.
  • Larbi Ben M'hidi, Commander of Zone 5 during the independence war
  • Mostefa Benboulaid, Commander of Zone 1 during the independence war
  • Mourad Didouche, Commander of Zone 2 during the independence war.
  • Zighout Youcef, Commander of Zone 2 during the independence war
  • Colonel Amirouche, independence war hero.
  • Ferhat Abbas, President of the provisional government of Algeria before independence, 1958-1961
  • Yacef Saadi, fighter in the independence war in the Battle of Algiers. Also actor in film by the same name after independence.
  • Ali Ammar, also known as Ali la Pointe, independence war hero.
  • Hassiba Benbouali, female hero of the independence war
  • Djamila Bouhired, female hero of the revolution

[edit] Independent Algeria

[edit] Religious figures

  • Augustine of Hippo, Christian theologian
  • Abdelhamid Benbadis, 20th century religious reformer

[edit] Scholars and Academics

[edit] Historians

  • Mohamed Harbi independence war historian
  • Mahfoud Kaddache historian

[edit] Scientists & Philosophers

  • Frantz Fanon, psychologist
  • Mohamed Arkoun, author, philosopher, historian
  • Malek Bennabi, social and religious philosopher
  • Ibn Qunfudh Al Qassantini, 14th century astronomer and mathematician
  • Mouloud Mammeri, anthropologue, poet, writer
  • Djilali Liabes, Minister for Scientific Research from 1992 to 1993
  • Jacques Derrida, philosopher
  • Louis Althusser, marxist philosopher

[edit] Explorers and travellers

[edit] Architects

[edit] Sports

  • Lakhdar Belloumi, football player, world cup participation in 1982, 1986
  • Noureddine Morceli, athlete, 1500 m world and olympic champion
  • Hassiba Boulmerka, female athlete, 1500 m world and olympic champion
  • Aziz Derouaz, handball player
  • Mahieddine Khalef, football player and trainer
  • Ali Fergani, footbal player and trainer
  • Rabah Madjer, football player, 2 world cup participations with Algeria, European champion with Porto, etc...
  • Rachid Mekhloufi, one of the founding fathers of the Algerian football team
  • Abdelhamid Kermali, one of the founding fathers of the Algerian football team
  • Said Brahimi, one of the founding fathers of the Algerian football team
  • Mostefa Zitouni, one of the founding fathers of the Algerian football team
  • Abdelaziz Bentifour, one of the founding fathers of the Algerian football team
  • Zinedine Zidane, one of the greatest football players of all time, born in France but of Algerian descent
  • Sofia Boutella, rhythmic gymnast in France she played in several nike-commercials, she also is a model for H&M. She's a french national of Algerian descent

[edit] Other

[edit] Famous Westerners in Algeria

  • List of Westerners in Algerian History

[edit] Famous Algerians abroad

  • Elias Zerhouni, Head of the US National Institutes of Health, graduated from Algiers University's School of Medicine.
  • Salah Brahimi, Consultant (Strategic Advisory Services), and former Adviser & Senior Cofinancing Officer, CGIAR, Vice Presidency for Sustainable Development, The World Bank
  • Rym Brahimi - Former CNN Reporter and currently H.R.H. Princess Rym Ali of Jordan
  • Yves Saint-Laurent - Famous Fashion Designer

[edit] See also

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