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Map highlighting Liptó county in the Kingdom of Hungary
County seat in 1910 Liptószentmiklós
SK Liptovský Mikuláš
Area in 1910 2246 km²
Population in 1910 86,900
Present country Slovakia

Liptov (-Slovak:, Hungarian: Liptó, German: Liptau, Polish: Liptów, Latin: Liptovium) is the name of a historic administrative county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary. Its territory is presently in northern Slovakia. Today it is only an informal designation of the corresponding territory.


[edit] Geography

Liptov county shared borders with the Austrian land Galicia and the Hungarian counties Árva (Orava), Turóc (Turiec), Zólyom (Zvolen), Gömör-Kishont (Gemer-Malohont) and Szepes (Spiš). The county's territory was situated along the upper Váh river between the High Tatras and the Low Tatras. Its area was 2,247 km² around 1910.

Today, the territory of the former Liptov county largely corresponds to the Ružomberok District and Liptovský Mikuláš District in northern Slovakia. Three villages (Liptovská Teplička, Štrba and Štrbské Pleso) are now in the Poprad District.

[edit] Capitals

Heraldry of Liptov
Heraldry of Liptov

The capitals of the county were the Liptov Castle and the villages of Liptovská Mara and Partizánska Ľupča since 1677 the capital was Liptovský Mikuláš.

[edit] History

Liptov county as a Hungarian comitatus arose before the 15th century. In 1918 (confirmed by the Treaty of Trianon 1920), Liptov county became part of newly formed Czechoslovakia.

During World War II, when Czechoslovakia was split temporarily, Liptov was part of independent Slovakia. After World War II Liptov county was in Czechoslovakia again. In 1993, Czechoslovakia was split and Liptov became part of Slovakia.

[edit] Demographics

Population by language (1910 census):

  • Slovak = 78,098
  • Hungarian = 4,365
  • German = 2,591

[edit] Subdivisions

Map of Liptov county in 1910
Map of Liptov county in 1910

In the early 20th century, the subdivisions of Liptó county were:

Districts (járás)
District Capital
Liptószentmiklós Liptószentmiklós, SK Liptovský Mikuláš
Liptóújvár Liptóújvár, SK Liptovský Hrádok
Németlipcse Németlipcse, SK Partizánska Ľupča (formerly Nemecká Ľupča)
Rózsahegy Rózsahegy, SK Ružomberok
Urban districts (rendezett tanácsú város)
Rózsahegy, SK Ružomberok

[edit] See also

[edit] External links


Comitatus of the Kingdom of Hungary (1896)

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