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Link-local is the term used to designate the automatic configuration of layer 3 IP adresses which is used in both IPv4 and IPv6. IPv4 addresses are in the range from to when no other IP addressing assignment is available, e.g. no connectivity to a DHCP server.


[edit] IPv4

Based on RFC 3927, IPv4 uses the 169.254.* (link-local) set of addresses. In the RFC the technique for IPv4 is called IPv4 Link-Local (IPV4LL). Microsoft refers to this as Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) or Internet Protocol Automatic Configuration (IPAC).

[edit] IPv6

For IPv6 autoconfigration is based on RFC 2462.

[edit] Stateless autconfiguration

Allows an IPv6 host to obtain a unique address using the IEEE 802 MAC address.

[edit] Stateful autoconfigration

An IPv6 host uses a DHCPv6 server which keeps a record of the IP address and other configuration information for the host.

[edit] Combined Stateless and Stateful

Used with the Managed Address Configuration and Other Stateful Configuration flags in the ICMPv6 Router Advertisement messages.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

  • RFC 3484 — default Address Selection for Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)