Lingua sistemfrater

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Lingua sistemfrater
Created by: Pham Xuan Thai  1957 
Setting and usage: International auxiliary language
Total speakers:
Category (purpose): constructed language
 International auxiliary language
  Lingua sistemfrater 
Category (sources): A posteriori language with a predominantly Romance word stock and an Asian-based grammar
Language codes
ISO 639-1: none
ISO 639-2: art
ISO 639-3:

Frater (lingua sistemfrater), an a posteriori international auxiliary language, published in Frater (Lingua sistemfrater). The simplest International Language Ever Constructed, in 1957 by the Vietnamese linguist Pham Xuan Thai. The grammar can be compared to the grammar of Indonesian and this language can be a bridge with this people and other Asian peoples with particularly simple grammars.

Pham Xuan Thai gave it more than 6,000 words for the usage of a very extensible vocabulary.

[edit] Alphabet

This language uses only 18 letters:
"a, e, i, o, u" "b, d, f, g, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t"

- help for best pronunciation:
"j" is "z", "e" is "ei", and "o" is "ou"! All the other letters have her normal pronouciation according to the international phonetic alphabet.

[edit] Words

Words never change and are used as verbs, nouns, and adjectives!

[edit] References

  • Sudre, François. "Langue musicale universelle inventée par François Sudre également inventeur de la téléphonie". G. Flaxland, Editeur, 4, place de la Madeleine, Paris (France), 1866.
  • Pirro, Jean, und L. A.. "Versuch einer Universalischen Sprache". Guerin und Cie., Bar-Le-Duc (France), 1868.
  • Prof. Mainzer, Ludwig, Karlsruhe. "Linguo international di la Delegitaro (Sistemo Ido.), Vollständiges Lehrbuch der Internationalen Sprache (Reform-Esperanto)". Otto Nemmich Verlag, Leipzig (Germany), 1909.
  • De Wahl, Edgar. "Radicarium directiv del lingue international (Occidental) in 8 lingues". A.-S. "Ühisell" Trükk. Pikk Uul. 42, Tallinn, 1925.
  • Gär, Joseph. "Deutsch-Occidental Wörterbuch nach dem Kürschners "Sechs-Sprachen-Lexicon", mit kurzer Occidental-Grammatik". Kosmoglott, Reval, Estland, 1925/1928.
  • Pigal, E. and the Hauptstelle der Occidental-Union in Mauern bei Wien. "OCCIDENTAL, Die Weltsprache, Einführung samt Lehrkursus, Lesestücken, Häufigkeitswörterverzeichnis u. a.", Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart, 1930.
  • Bray, Mary Connell. "Introduction" in Alexander Gode et al. Interlingua-English: a dictionary of the international language. Storm Publishers, New York, 1951.
  • Pham Xuan Thai. "Frater (Lingua sistemfrater). The simplest International Language Ever Constructed". TU-HAI Publishing-House, Saigon (Republic of Vietnam), 1957.
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