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The Lihyanites (Arabic,اللحيانيين )were a tribe of northern pre-Islamic Arabia, known from Old North Arabian inscriptions dating to ca. the 6th to 4th centuries BC. Dedanite is used for the older phase of the history of the Al-'Ula oasis (Biblical Dedan), in northwestern Arabia, some 110 km southwest of Teima, the difference between Dedanite and Lihyanite being set by convention.
[edit] Literature
- Lozachmeur, H (ed.) 1995. Présence arabe dans le croissant fertile avant l'Hégire. (Actes de la table ronde internationale Paris, 13 Novembre 1993). Paris: Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations. pp. 148. ISBN 286538 2540. [1]
- Werner Caskel, Lihyan und Lihyanisch (1954)
- F.V. Winnett "A Study of the Lihyanite and Thamudic Inscriptions", University of Toronto Press, Oriental Series No. 3. [2]