List of demons in Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue

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In Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue, the monsters here are called demons. Minions of Queen Bansheera use demon cards to create demons to destroy the Power Rangers and Mariner Bay. Special cards were also created to make a demon grow by simply launching the cards into the demon (or their remnants if blown to smithereens in normal size). Advanced cards would cause some demons to transform into their advanced form and also grow. It was later revealed that the monsters destroyed ended up in the Shadow World where the demons were imprisoned.


[edit] List of Demons

Here is a list of demons created by Queen Bansheera's minions in order of appearance:

[edit] Ghouligan

  • First Appearance: "Operation Lightspeed" (02/12/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Ken Merckx

A fire-based demon that escaped with the four demons from the Tomb of Forever and was the first to begin attacking Mariner Bay, first by setting a building on fire. He was the first demon that the Lightspeed Rescue Rangers faced. He could launch fire from his hands which also seemed to cause the gem in his torso to glow. He was destroyed when the Rangers opened fire on him with constant blasts from their Rescue Blasters. Was later seen in the finale of Lightspeed Rescue as one of the demons in the underground tomb in the Shadow World.

NOTE: Ghouligan is a partially recolored version of Psycho-Monster Red.

[edit] Magmavore

  • First Appearance: "Lightspeed Teamwork" (02/19/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Kim Strauss (1st time), David Lodge (2nd time)

A giant golem-like lava demon conjured by Jinxer that arrived in Mariner Bay in an asteroid. Defeated by the Lightspeed Megazord. Later Queen Bansheera awoke Magmavore in a new red form and it now wielded a large stone club. Magmavore was strong enough this time to smash the Lightspeed Megazord's saber in two. He then revived another monster the Rangers destroyed called Trifire in a more advanced form. The two monsters overpowered the Lightspeed Megazord and burrowed into the ground to rest before being called again, but were destroyed once and for all by the Supertrain Megazord.

[edit] Quakemon

  • First Appearance: "Trial by Fire" (2/26/2000)

A earthquake-based demon selected by Loki and conjured by Jinxer. It was created in giant size from rocks and pebbles that Jinxer caused to turn into a swarm of vampire bats which then transformed into the giant Quakemon. Had the ability to burrow through the ground. Killed by Lightspeed Megazord. Later it was summoned by the Shadow World's Gatekeeper in a zombie like state, but the Gatekeeper lost control when the Rangers broke his staff. Quakemon was later defeated and absorbed by Olympius in order for him to become strong enough to escape the Shadow World.

[edit] Whirlin

  • First Appearance: "Riding the Edge" (03/04/2000)
  • Voice Actor: John C. Hyke

A gargoyle-like tornado-based demon selected by Diabolico and conjured by Jinxer. Whirlin could summon and hide inside tornadoes and shoot energy blasts from his mouth. The tornados he created caused a space shuttle to lose control. He was the first to be destroyed by the Rescue Bird and then revived as a giant by Jinxer (Quakemon was created as a giant, so it seemed). Killed by Lightspeed Megazord's saber.

[edit] Fireor

  • First Appearance: "A Matter of Trust" (03/11/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Bob Papenbrook

A humanoid, sword-wielding fire demon summoned by Impus to find a fuel cell the Rangers were guarding. He created a giant lens over the city of Mariner Bay to cause the city's temperature to rise since the fuel cell was sensitive to high temperatures and would explode, destroying all of Mariner Bay. Fireor could also turn his right arm into a Dark Sword and could fire lasers from his eyes. Fireor was also somewhat cocky and was easily tricked into thinking the Rangers were defeated and summoned a massive fireball to engulf them but was tricked when the Rangers clung to him as he summoned it then leapt out of the way, forcing him to take the brunt of the blow and destroying him. Jinxer revived him as a giant but he was destroyed by the Lightspeed Megazord's Saber. Fireor was later summoned by the Shadow World's Gatekeeper to battle the Rangers in a zombie-like state, but the Gatekeeper lost control when the Rangers broke his staff. Fireor was able to escape the Shadow World along with the Rangers and two other monsters. The Lightspeed Solarzord absorbed his attacks and destroyed the monster again.

[edit] Gold Beaked Monster

  • First Appearance: "Wheels of Destruction" (03/18/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Neil Kaplan

A vampire bat-demon with a gold mask who was sent to cause trouble in Mariner Bay. The monster could create powerful updrafts using its wings, causing street tiles to be blown away and launched at the Rangers. He was easily destroyed by the Rescue Blasters.

[edit] Elestomp

Being unimpressed with Vypra's Vyprari, Loki decided to unleash one of his monsters and had Jinxer conjure this black elephant demon with an extra pair of eyes on his ears to cause trouble in Mariner Bay as well. Elestomp caused earthquakes by stomping the ground, as well as by planting his trunk into the ground and creating fissures that destroyed buildings as well as attack the Rangers. He was easily killed by the Unilaser.

[edit] Strikning

  • First Appearance: "Cyborg Rangers" (03/25/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Eddie Frierson

A lightning-based demon that wielded a staff and could shoot the spikes on its body that acted as lightning rods when he yelled, "Lightning Spikes Away!". He defeated the Rangers but didn't seem strong enough to defeat the Cyborg Rangers. In his second battle with the Cyborg Rangers, he caused them to malfunction with a blast of lightning, causing them to turn on their creators. Strikning then fought the Real Power Rangers when the Cyborg Rangers were destroyed. When he was brought back as a giant, the Rangers used the monster's ability to summon lightning with his spikes against him. Strikning embedded a few of his spikes in the Lightspeed Megazord but as the lightning struck the megazord, it grabbed Strikning, forcing the electricity to flow from its arms and into the monster, weakening him enough for the Rangers to destroy him with the Lightspeed Megazord's saber.

[edit] Smogger

A bullfrog-like gas-based demon selected by Vypra. He could hurl gas filled balls at the Rangers and expel flammable gas from its body and could also turn into a ball and roll away (an ability similar to the old Power Rangers monster, Soccadillo). He was easily defeated by the Red and Blue Rangers' Rescue cycles.

[edit] Trifire

  • First Appearance: "Go Volcanic" (04/08/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Dave Mallow

A fire-breathing dragon/Cerberus demon created by Impus to cause Mt. Jasmine to erupt. Could also summon energy beams from its' three mouths and wielded a double-bladed staff. Killed by Lightspeed Megazord. Was later revived in a stronger giant form by Magmavore and helped overpower the Lightspeed Megazord. Was destroyed once and for all by the Supertrain Megazord.

[edit] Liztwin

  • First Appearance: "Truth Discovered" (04/29/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Archie Kao

A dinosaur/dragon demon, with a second head for an arm/hand, unleashed by Vypra. He was sent to distract the Rangers as the then-evil Titanium Ranger made his escape. He was destroyed first by the Unilaser but then revived by Jinxer in an Advanced Form. Killed by Supertrain Megazord. Liztwin's Advanced Form (now human-sized) was summoned by the Shadow World's Gatekeeper in a zombie-like state but the Gatekeeper lost control when his staff was broken by the Rangers. Liztwin, Fireor and the Furnace Monster were able to follow the Rangers out of the Shadow World. Liztwin was destroyed again by the Supertrain Megazord's gatling blasters.

[edit] Demonite Clone

  • First Appearance: "Curse of the Cobra" (05/13/2000)
  • Voice Actor: David Stenstrom

When the three warriors retreated back to the Skull Cavern, Diabolico gave Demonite a magical card with a mirror on it and were sent to challenge the Rangers a second time. During the battle, Demonite used the card given to him by Diabolico to create a clone of himself. The Clone was just as strong and skilled as the real Demonite and was almost identical except that the clone had two swords instead of just one and had a different helmet with a blue visor. Carter however found a weakness in the Demonite Clone: whenever the real Demonite was injured, the clone would feel the same pain, he concluded that if the real Demonite were destroyed, so too would the clone. The five primary Rangers lured the three warriors away into an abandoned warehouse district while the Demonite Clone fought Ryan, the Titanium Ranger. Because of the Cobra Curse given to him by Diabolico the previous night, Ryan was weakened and was an easy target for the clone and was fighting a losing battle so the Rangers were forced to work quickly in order to help him. It wasn't until Carter destroyed the real Demonite that the Demonite Clone was destroyed as well, exploding in a flash of purple light and reverting back to the mirror card which shattered upon impact with the ground.

NOTE: The Demonite Clone is an American-made monster.

[edit] Cobra Monster

  • First Appearance: "The Cobra Strikes" (05/27/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Richard Cansino

The Cobra Monster is a curse infecting serpent demon that was placed as a tattoo on Ryan Mitchell by Diabolico, and the Cobra Monster is found in the Tomb of Forever, formed by one of the cobra statues. The Cobra monster was destroyed when Ryan used his Titanium Axe to cause a pillar to collapse on the monster. One of its' snake heads was seen underneath that pillar and hissing before going limp and dissolving into dust. Upon his demise, Ryan's tattoo disappeared permanently.

NOTE: The Cobra Monster is a recolored and modified version of Snizzard.

[edit] Thunderclaw

  • First Appearance: "Olympius Ascends" (08/19/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Bob Papenbrook

This red stag beetle demon was summoned by Vypra to accompany her, Loki, Jinxer and an army of Batlings in an invasion of the Lightspeed Aquabase. They would invade the Aquabase by having Olympius disguise himself as one of the four Rangers he captured (Chad, Kelsey, Dana and Joel) to open the main entrance to the base. However, Olympius wasn't successful as Carter found him out, and the two fell into the pool in the weapons bay; the two of them ended up washed up onto the beach, where the army eventually teleported to after the four captured Rangers were freed from the star on the weakened Olympius. Vypra and company left Thunderclaw to deal with the Rangers. Thunderclaw possessed great strength and used it to his advantage against the Rangers early on, but things were turned around as Carter pummeled him with a Battle Booster punch. The Rangers then used the Spectra Blast of their V-Lancers to take out Thunderclaw, but then Jinxer reappeared to throw in a growth card. With Thunderclaw now a giant, the Rangers called for their Rescue Zords (and of course, the creation of the Lightspeed Megazord), and soon they were joined by Ryan who came in with his Max Solarzord. After a quick pummeling on the monster (who was now able to fire green lightning bolts from his eyes), the two Megazords merged to make the Lightspeed Solarzord. It then used its laser cannons to extinguish Thunderclaw.

Thunderclaw was later summoned by the Shadow World's Gatekeeper in a zombie-like state to battle the Rangers, but the Gatekeeper lost control when his staff was broken. Thunderclaw was defeated and absorbed by Olympius in order for him to become stronger and escape the Shadow World. Despite being absorbed by Olympius, Thunderclaw was one of the monsters seen in the large group in the tomb Queen Bansheera opened in the finale of Lightspeed Rescue.

[edit] Shockatron

  • First Appearance: "A Face From the Past" (08/26/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Herbie Baez

An electric cyborg demon sent to destroy power plants. His appearance was similar to Devimon only more robotic. Killed by Lightspeed Megazord. Shockatron was later summoned by the Gatekeeper in the Shadow World in order to battle the Rangers, but the Gatekeeper lost control over him and the other monsters when his staff was broken. Shockatron, along with several other monsters, was defeated and absorbed by Olympius in order for him to become strong enough to escape the Shadow World. Despite being absorbed, Shockatron was last seen in the finale of Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue in the underground tomb of the Shadow World when Queen Bansheera opened the gate.

[edit] Spellbinder

  • First Appearance: "The Queen's Return" (09/02/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Kirk Thornton

This mystical wizard-like demon was summoned to hold the ceremony that would bring Queen Bansheera back to Mariner Bay. He was white in color with a ceremonial metal symbol on his chest, with a half-circle-shaped golden head with glowing green eyes, and he wielded what was called a Death Windchime staff (which was a golden staff with a skull on it). He nearly completed his chant to bring back the Queen but was interrupted by the Rangers (who besides their intent on stopping the ceremony also came in to save Ryan, who was captured by Vypra and the Batlings when he tried to stop the ceremony himself). Spellbinder was tough and he easily overpowered Carter until Ryan rushed in and slashed at the demon with his battle axe, allowing Carter to then fire his V-Lancer at the demon. It seemed for a minute like he was down, but then he got right back up and, in a rare occurrence for this season, was able to make himself grow without needing any growth cards! At giant size he continued his ceremonial chant, just as the Rangers brought in the Lightspeed Megazord and Max Solarzord. Spellbinder manhandled the Megazords, and was even able to block the Lightspeed Megazord Saber slash. The Rangers then combined the zords to make the Lightspeed Solarzord, but unfortunately the image of Queen Bansheera appeared. As Bansheera created a tidal wave intent on sweeping away Mariner Bay, Ryan jumped out of his Max Solarzord and stopped the flow of power that was bringing about the wave; he did so by smashing the power source, a crystal orb, with his battle axe. The waves disappeared, as did the image of Bansheera, and the symbol on Spellbinder's chest fell off and crumbled completely. Spellbinder was now extremely weakened, giving the Rangers the opportunity they needed to finish their job. They used the Lightspeed Solarzord laser cannons to bring about the end of Spellbinder, and his destruction caused the planets to fall back out of their rare alignment, ending the ceremony once and for all.

As for Spellbinder, he was later summoned by the Shadow World's Gatekeeper to battle the Rangers, but the Gatekeeper lost control of him when his staff was broken. Olympius defeated and absorbed Spellbinder in order to become strong enough to escape the Shadow World.

[edit] Moleman

  • First Appearance: "The Fifth Crystal" (09/16/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Ken Merckx

A mole demon. He invented a laser powered by Vypra's stolen Starlight Crystals. Killed by the V-Lancers. Moleman was seen in the finale in bansheera's tomb when she opened it.

[edit] Cyclopter

  • First Appearance: "The Chosen Path" (09/23/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Richard Epcar

A Cyclops demon created by Loki to prove to Olympius that he could still create powerful monsters. He trained under Chad's sensei. Killed by Omega Megazord. Cyclopter was later seen as one of the monsters in the Shadow World in a zombie-like state in "Olympius Unbound" although he wasn't one of the monsters summoned by the Gatekeeper in "Sorcerer of the Sands". Cyclopter was defeated and absorbed by Olympius in order to become strong enough to escape the Shadow World. Despite being absorbed by Olympius, Cyclopter was seen in the Shadow World's underground tomb when Queen Bansheera opened it in the finale.

In the year 2025, it is revealed that Cyclopter appeared as a playable video game character in a game the S.P.D. Rangers were playing in the episode Stakeout. Additionally, Cyclopter, having somehow escaped the Shadow World, or possibly just another identical monster, can be seen as one of the patrons at Piggy's café.

[edit] Mantevil

A strong blue mantis demon that accompanied Olympius in an attack downtown. He had an Infinity Symbol on his chest (just like a future monster, Infinitor). When Carter was reliving yesterday again (like the episode title indicates) he was able to stop Olympius from firing the Rangers' own Rescue Bird at the other Rangers by using his new Red Mobile Armored Vehicle, unlike the first time when Olympius was successful. Mantevil tried to run away from battle, but Carter readied up the Red Mobile Armored Vehicle and fired several missles at the scurrying demon. He missed his target the first few times but was eventually able to blow up the mantis demon. However, after a brief scuffle between the Rangers and Olympius, Jinxer made Mantevil grow, and the Rangers then called for the Omega Megazord. Unfortunately Mantevil proved to be too strong for it, so the Rangers called for backup in the form of the Lightspeed Solarzord and the Supertrain Megazord. With the combined power of the Lightspeed Solarzord's lasers and the Supertrain Megazord's Gatling Blasters, Mantevil was destroyed.

[edit] Vilevine

  • First Appearance: "As Time Runs Out" (10/07/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Kim Strauss

A plant demon that Olympius used to attempt to bury Loki and Vypra alive. Vilevine also planted seeds on the Rangers' morphers that would eventually open and release a toxic cloud of spores that would kill not only them but everyone in Mariner Bay. The Rangers were able to survive by flying into space in the Max Solarzord and releasing all of the spores into space. Vilevine was killed by Omega Megazord.

[edit] Freezard

  • First Appearance: "In the Freeze Zone" (10/21/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Steve McGowan

An ice-spewing green cobra-like demon that attacked the Rangers after a training simulation where Chad tested out his new Thermo Blaster. He first put Ms. Fairweather into a deep freeze by spewing the ice directly at her, and then swallowed four of the five Rangers in his cold stomach. Carter, the only one who wasn't swallowed, was able to make an escape when Olympius and Freezard were distracted by Vypra and Loki, who brought back the newly-resurrected Diabolico with them. Later, Freezard and Olympius came back again, as the other Rangers were almost frozen to death inside of Freezard. They were freed when Carter fired his Thermo Blaster at Freezard's stomach, causing his body to overheat and regurgitate the Rangers. Then all the Rangers fired their Thermo Blasters to seemingly decimate the demon, but Jinxer soon made him grow, and thus, the Rangers called on their Lightspeed Solarzord and Max Solarzord. Unfortunately for them, however, Olympius darkened the skies, causing the Solarzords to lose power. Freezard was then able to get in a few surprise strikes of his own, which greatly weakened the Solarzords. Their only solution now was to call on the Omega Megazord, which they did after bringing their Solarzords back into the light to recharge them. The Omega Megazord used its Shuttle Spear to put the ultimate meltdown on Freezard - in other words, to destroy him.

Freezard was later summoned by the Shadow World's Gatekeeper in a zombie-like state to battle the Rangers but the Gatekeeper lost control when his staff was broken. Freezard was defeated and absorbed by Olympius in order for Olympius to become strong enough to escape the Shadow World.

[edit] Infinitor

  • First Appearance: "The Mighty Mega Battles" (10/28/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Paul Schrier

A powerful red-and-blue dragon-knight warrior that wielded a sword and shield and looked very similar to his master, Olympius. He could deflect the Rangers' energy weapons using the Infinity Symbol on his chest (this same Infinity Symbol was also seen on Mantevil's chest). He was extremely powerful, to the point that every single attack the Rangers used - including the V-Lancers - didn't even faze him. In fact, the only way he was even barely scratched was when Olympius fired a blast at Joel, who just in time moved out of the way and caused the blast to hit Infinitor instead. The two demons retreated, but later Infinitor came back, and laid waste to Clark Fairweather's car, nearly taking down the esteemed scientist with it (if it had not been for Joel rescuing him). After seeing Ms. Fairweather hold Clark (whom Joel didn't realize was her brother at the time), Joel first morphed and then tackled Infinitor in a fit of rage, even punching him while he was down. Chad came in to help, but both he and Joel were simply no match for Infinitor (who soon called in a squadron of Batlings to finish them off). That is, not until Ms. Fairweather told them to punch in a new code on their Battle Boosters, which gave both Joel and Chad their new Mega Battle armor. They were easily able to handle both Infinitor and the Batlings, and Joel was able to break Infinitor's shield before finishing him off using the Mega Battle armor's fanblades. However, Infinitor was not done, for Jinxer did his usual duty of throwing in a growth card to make this troublesome demon become a giant. The Rangers (the others having joined up with Joel and Chad at this point) called on the Lightspeed Megazord and Max Solarzord. Much like with the giant battle against Freezard, though, Olympius darkened the skies to make it a more unfair battle as far as the Rangers were concerned. Infinitor was able to best both of the Megazords, so the Rangers then summoned the Omega Megazord. However, Infinitor knocked it down also. In a last-ditch effort, the Rangers were able to get it to grab the Lightspeed Megazord Saber (which was dropped in the battle). The Omega Megazord then used the Lightspeed Megazord Saber slash to put a true end to Infinitor once and for all.

[edit] Monster Egg

  • First Appearance: "The Great Egg Caper" (11/03/2000)

A monster egg given to Jinxer by Olympius to raise until it hatches into a powerful monster. The egg, however was stolen and was eventually broken during the struggle.

NOTE: If the egg were to hatch, the silhouette of the monster is seen with red eyes, a pear-shaped, red, manta ray themed body with a horn, and has cobra-shaped tentacles.It drifted over the flaming city of Mariner Bay during Olympius' story telling Jinxer about it. Its appearance was similar to Trakeena's giant monster form seen in "Trakeena's Revenge Part 2".

[edit] Bird Bane

  • First Appearance: "The Great Egg Caper" (11/03/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Michael Sorich

A goofy king of birds demon used by Jinxer to retrieve a monster egg. Killed by Supertrain Megazord.

[edit] Memorase

  • First Appearance: "The Last Ranger" (11/08/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Marc Caldera

Diabolico sent this memory-erasing demon with to attack Mariner Bay. Memorase was purple and white in color, wore a golden cape, was armed with a spear and seemed to have an accent of some sort (perhaps Australian). While Dana was medically attending to a young boy who was injured in the attack, the other Rangers intercepted Memorase, who proved to be a strong adversary. In battle he was able to disappear, leaving his cape behind, and then reappear with a stealthy attack. However, hence his name, Memorase produced loud sonic waves that, after bringing the four Rangers to their knees, erased their memories as Rangers. He left when Dana arrived, and of course, Dana was too late. She brought the memory-deprived Rangers back to the Aquabase, where Ms. Fairweather fed them video archives of their personal and heroic memories as Rangers in an attempt to restore their memories. Unfortunately, Memorase attacked the city again, and Dana snuck out of the Aquabase, against her father's wishes, to confront him. Chad, Joel and Kelsey regained their memories successfully but the archive machine overloaded before it was done with Carter. While Carter was staggering in confusion, the other three were sent to help Dana, but they were stopped by a squadron of Batlings, while Memorase easily overpowered Dana. Just when it looked like Memorase was ready to erase Dana's memory, Carter (having finally regained his memories after watching Dana struggle) stopped him from carrying out the devious deed. The Rangers then used their Thermo Blasters on Memorase and knocked him out, but Jinxer interfered, of course. One growth card of his later, Memorase was a giant. Dana called for the formation of the Lightspeed Solarzord to take on the demon. Memorase fired at the Rangers, but the Lightspeed Solarzord absorbed his attack, and proceeded to use the energy with its laser cannons to permanently erase Memorase's existence.

[edit] Gatekeeper of the Shadow World

  • First Appearance: "Sorcerer of the Sands" (11/09/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Michael Sorich

This demon was guarding the gateway between Skull Castle and the Shadow World. He resembled a skeleton warrior that wore knight's armor and had a rhino-like monster head on his left shoulder. He was in possession of a staff that he could use to summon and control past monsters. He was ordered by Olympius to bring the Rangers to the Shadow World and then summoned past monsters. However, the Rangers discovered the secret to how he was able to control the monsters and destroyed his staff with their Thermo Blasters, causing the monsters to also attack him and Olympius. He, along with Olympius, were trapped in the Shadow World by Diabolico and became separated. When Olympius found him he was lying half-buried in the sand. After Olympius absorbed the past monsters and gained his more powerful dragon-like form, the Gatekeeper begged Olympius to share some of his powers but was shoved away. Olympius brought the Gatekeeper with him out of the Shadow World and helped him and Jinxer battle the Rangers in Mariner Bay. He was last seen grown to giant size along with Olympius and destroying some buildings but was never seen after that.

[edit] Shadow World Monsters

  • First Appearance: "Sorcerer of the Sands" (11/09/2000)

On orders from Olympius, the Gatekeeper summoned an armada of undead monsters to battle the Rangers in the Shadow World. Joel claimed that they had already destroyed them all, although some of the monsters that were summoned had never been seen before. One of these monsters was the Furnace Monster (Chanbaano) and another was Mermatron (Golem Zairen). The other monsters that were summoned by the Gatekeeper at this time were Quakemon, Fireor, Liztwin (in his Advanced Form), Thunderclaw, Spellbinder, Shockatron, Freezard and strangely enough, Arachnor and Treevil (who would later be seen in future episodes). The monsters could shoot energy beams from their mouths at the Rangers and the Gatekeeper could control them using his staff, but once the Rangers destroyed the Gatekeeper's staff with the Thermo Blasters, the monsters also began attacking Olympius and the Gatekeeper. Since Diabolico destroyed the gateway and stole the key from Olympius, the only way for him to escape from the Shadow World was to conquer all of the defeated monsters and absorb their powers. In "Olympius Unbound", Olympius battled the remaining monsters (minus three of them who had escaped the Shadow World to battle the Rangers) summoned by the Gatekeeper in "Sorcerer of the Sands" and seem to inhale them in the form of white mist, causing him to mutate into a more draconic form (although it was revealed later on in the season finale that not all of the monsters in the Shadow World were absorbed by Olympius, he only seemed to absorb the monsters that were summoned by the Gatekeeper).

NOTE: Following the Japanese version, the never-before-seen monsters would have been Zombeast (the skull-themed zombie demon), Papetongu (the brightly-colored flower demon), and Golem Buroogen (the dark blue moth demon) from Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGo-V. Also, Zombeast's face was seen on Queen Bansheera's skirt when she obtained her bodily form.

[edit] Mermatron

  • First Appearance: "Sorcerer of the Sands" (11/09/2000)

A female goldish bat-like siren/mermaid demon. Mermatron was one of the previously unused (or perhaps unseen) demons seen in the Shadow World that was summoned by the Gatekeeper. The Gatekeeper seemed to have some control over Mermatron as well as the other monsters until the Rangers destroyed his staff with the Thermo Blasters. Without his staff, the Gatekeeper and Olympius were also attacked by Mermatron and the other monsters. Mermatron apparently had two forms and was destroyed in her second, more-powerful form. In the Shadow World, Mermatron was defeated and absorbed by Olympius in order for him to escape. In the video game, Mermatron can release flying projectiles.

NOTE: Mermatron's name comes from the Lightspeed Rescue Playstation video game.

[edit] Furnace Monster

  • First Appearance: "Sorcerer of the Sands" (11/09/2000)

The Furnace Monster was one of the unseen/unused monsters seen that was summoned by the Gatekeeper in the Shadow World (Chanbaano in Kyuukyuu Sentai Go Go V). Resembles a cross between a furnace and a motorcycle. The Furnace Monster was controlled at first by the Gatekeeper using his staff until the Rangers destroyed it with their Thermo Blasters. The Furnace Monster, along with several others, followed the Rangers into a cave while chasing them. It was one of the three monsters (along with Fireor and Liztwin) to escape through the portal in the Shadow World with the Rangers. Once they emerged from the Shadow World, the three monsters grew to the same colossal size as the Supertrain Megazord and fought it. The Furnace Monster and Liztwin held onto the Supertrain Megazord while Fireor attacked it with his sword. However, both Liztwin and the Furnace Monster were destroyed at the same time by the Supertrain Megazord's gatling blasters.

[edit] Aquafiend

  • First Appearance: "Neptune's Daughter" (11/11/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Peter Greenwood

A sea turtle/kappa demon summoned by Diabolico to steal Neptune's trident. It was the only demon in Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue who was not weakened by water. In fact, this monster was found living in water. It stole King Neptune's trident to drain all of the water from Mariner Bay so that Diabolico and the rest of Queen Bansheera's forces could invade the Aqua Base without having to worry about the water. Chad was able to retrieve the trident after struggling with Aquafiend for it. He was destroyed by the Thermo Blasters but was revived as a giant by Vypra. Somehow King Neptune's trident magically grew to match Aquafiend's size and he used it against the Omega Megazord, but could not defeat them and was destroyed. Aquafiend's face was later seen on Queen Bansheera's skirt when she obtained her bodily form.

[edit] Arachnor

  • First Appearance: "Web War" (11/13/2000)
  • Voice Actor: Catherine Battistone

A spider demon who allied with the demons to gather food for her hatchlings. Strangely enough, Arachnor was first seen when she was summoned by the Shadow World's Gatekeeper in a zombie-like state to battle the Rangers. Arachnor was also defeated and absorbed by Olympius in order to become strong enough to escape the Shadow World. Despite being absorbed by Olympius, she seemed to return. Killed by Red Trans-Armored Ranger. Arachnor's face was also seen on the skirt of Queen Bansheera's skirt when she was able to obtain her bodily form.

[edit] Treevil

  • First Appearance: "In the Limelight" (11/14/2000)
  • Voice Actor: John C. Hyke

A tree demon summoned by Jinxer for Vypra. Strangely enough like Arachnor, Treevil was first seen as one of the monsters that the Shadow World's Gatekeeper summoned in a zombie-like state and was defeated and absorbed by Olympius in order to escape the Shadow World. Despite being absorbed, he was created/recreated. Killed by Lightspeed Megazord.

[edit] Abominus

  • First Appearance: "PRLR Video Game"

A purple cycloptic demon with some eyes on his body. His face appears on Queen Bansheera's skirt, and was never seen before (not even in the Shadow World). Abominus appears in the Playstation video game. In the game, he is a rapid kicker and can blast a powerful laser from his single eye.

NOTE: Abominus is another GoGoV monster and his name (on GoGoV) is Godai. His name on Lightspeed Rescue comes from the Playstation video game. In GoGoV, he could turn humans into cards and extract their energy through the cards.

[edit] See also

Power Rangers monsters
Mighty Morphin monsters (Season One) - (Season Two) - (Season Three) - Zeo monsters
Turbo monsters - In Space monsters - Lost Galaxy monsters - Lightspeed Rescue Demons - Time Force Mutants
Wild Force Orgs - Ninja Storm monsters - Dino Thunder Mutations - S.P.D. Criminals - Mystic Force monsters
Operation Overdrive monsters