Liger Zero

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The Liger Zero is a type of Zoid, one of over two hundred species of biomechanical life forms that provide the basis for TOMY’s model kit, anime, and comic based Zoids franchise. The Liger Zero is the main characters' Zoid of Zoids: New Century Zero (the first Zoids series to be dubbed into English), and Zoids: Fuzors, was the subject of a Game Boy Color game, and was the centre of Hasbro's New American Release marketing campaign. All this has made the Liger Zero the most recognised Zoid in Western fandom.

Liger Zero

Bit Cloud's Liger Zero in the second episode of Zoids: New Century/Zero.
Liger Type
Helic Republic
Crew 1
Weight 85 tons
Depth 22.4 m
Height 8.3 m
Maximum Speed 307 km/h
Weapons Laser Fangs, Strike Laser Claws (4), AZ 208mm Double-Barrelled Shock Cannon, AZ 108mm High-Density Beam Gun
Equipment Changeable Armour System (CAS), Ion Turbo Booster Unit, Downforce Stabilizers (2)


[edit] Overview

The Liger Zero is a Lion (or Liger)-type Zoid, used primarily by the Helic Republic. Some Liger Zero variants are used by the Guylos Empire. Unlike the Blade Liger, the Liger Zero is not a derivative of an older design, but rather a completely new Zoid.

Unlike most Zoids, which are man-made mechanical bodies constructed around techno-organic cores, the Liger Zero is based directly on the body of a wild Zoid, in this case the wild Liger used as the basis for the Shield and Blade Ligers. As a result, the Zero is more agile, more responsive and more intelligent than a comparable, conventionally-built, Zoid.

Its signature attack is the "Strike Laser Claw", which is utilised by supercharging its claws with laser energy to enhance the power of a claw swipe, allowing it to smash and tear through thick enemy armour.

[edit] CAS

Because it is derived from a wild Zoid body, the basic Liger Zero does not carry any ranged weapons. To overcome this limitation, the Zoid was designed to allow its external armour to be swapped out and replaced with other components. The different armour types, known as Changing Armour System (or CAS) Units, allows the Zoid to take on different characteristics and adapt to different roles. (The CAS was changed to the "Conversion Armour System" in the dub anime.)

Liger Zero Schneider (Cutter or Slicer in German)
The first CAS Unit for the Liger Zero (second in the anime), the CP-17 Schneider Unit is designed for close combat. The unit features seven energy blades mounted on the Liger Zero's head and sides (five around the head, one on each flank), which can be used to cut through enemy Zoid armour and energy shields. Additionally, the Zero Schneider features improved speed and acceleration through the use of a series of powerful boosters, and possesses an energy shield.
Liger Zero Jager (anime)
Liger Zero Jager (anime)
Liger Zero Jager (Hunter in German)
The second CAS Unit (first in the anime), the CP-20 Jager Unit is designed for reconnaissance and high-speed strike operations. The Jager unit's main features are a pair of large ion boosters mounted on the Zoids back, which provide the Zoid with incredible speed and acceleration while improving the Zoid's agility. The Zero Jager features advanced radar and sensory systems, but also reduces the Zoid's overall level of armour protection.
Liger Zero Panzer
Liger Zero Panzer
Liger Zero Panzer (Armour or Tank in German)
The third CAS Unit, the CP-21 Panzer Unit is designed for heavy assault and long-range bombardment. The armour reduces the Zoid's speed and agility, while increasing its overall level of protection and drastically increasing its firepower. The unit sports two heavy cannons in addition to numerous concealed missile launchers. The Panzer system also can be speculated to have some interference with the cooling system, as shown in the anime. The anime also depicted a Panzer-equipped Liger Zero as being close to immobile due to its weight, although the technical specifications from the Battle Story reveal that Panzers are still capable of moving at a respectable 285 km/h.
Liger Zero X
The first and only CAS Unit developed by the Guylos Empire, the 'X Unit' is a specialised electronic warfare and assault unit. The X Unit features powerful jamming systems, as well as sophisticated stealth features that make the Zoid very hard to detect. Additionally, the X Unit is equipped with a pair of powerful blades that allow it to discharge electricity as a weapon. This CAS was later instrumental in the development of the Energy Liger.
New Japanese Release Liger Zero Phoenix and Liger Zero Falcon
New Japanese Release Liger Zero Phoenix and Liger Zero Falcon

[edit] Blox-CAS

After the success of the Gairyuki's 'Blox Changing Armour System', the exiled Helic Republic chose to adapt the Blox-CAS technology to the Liger Zero platform. Unlike the three Support Zoids that make up the Gairyuki's Blox-CAS, each CAS Unit for the Liger Zero is designed to function as an independent Blox Zoid, and only one Blox-CAS Unit can be used at any time.

Liger Zero Phoenix
Designed from the components of the Phoenix Blox Zoid. By combining with the Phoenix, the Liger Zero gains full flight capabilities, while retaining its incredible agility. In addition, the Liger Zero gains the use of the Phoenix's considerable arsenal.
Liger Zero Falcon
Utilising the components of the Jet Falcon Blox Zoid. Like the Zero Phoenix, the Zero Falcon has full flight capabilities, but with a far greater top speed. Also like the Zero Phoenix, the Zero Falcon has full access to both Zoids' weapons.

[edit] Battle Story appearances

The Liger Zero was initially developed in ZAC 2100, by the Guylos Empire. However, the Helic Republic stole the design and the prototype, and were able to put the Zoid into production before the Empire could. The first Liger Zeros were deployed in ZAC 2101, and were essential in the defeat of the berserk Death Stinger.

A special unit of Liger Zeros, the Flash Division (also called the Ray Force or Lightning Force), was established and used to spearhead the Helic assault on the Dark Continent of Nyx. The Flash Division, led by Ray Gregg, was confronted by the Eisen Dragoons, and was nearly destroyed by their new Zoid, the Berserk Führer. Only the arrival of Helic reinforcements saved the unit from annihilation.

Liger Zero Imperial, with both standard armour (left) and the X Unit CAS
Liger Zero Imperial, with both standard armour (left) and the X Unit CAS

Despite losing the prototypes, the Guylos Empire eventually created their own version of the Liger Zero, known as either the Liger Zero EM or Liger Zero Imperial. While this version was identical in all regards to the Republic Liger Zero, excluding colour, it also had its own CAS Unit, the Liger Zero X. The X was used against the Republic forces in an attempt to prevent them from deploying the Madthunder, an effort that proved unsuccessful. Later the Liger Zero X units were used by Gunter Prozen's forces during his coup attempt, only to be destroyed by the combined Helic and Guylos militaries. Information gathered from the creation and deployment of the Liger Zero X was later used to develop the Energy Liger.

The surviving elements of the Flash Division were later re-equipped with Zero Phoenixes and sent on a near-suicidal assault to recapture a Republic base. They nearly succeeded until Seismosaurus appeared, destroying them as they bought time for the Gairyuki they were escorting with their lives.

One surviving Liger Zero Phoenix (which possibly started life as a Liger Zero X), piloted by Ray Gregg himself, took on Emperor Wolff Muroa's Energy Liger and lost. The Zoid survived, and was later upgraded to utilise the Jet Falcon B-CAS.

[edit] Media appearances

[edit] Anime

[edit] New Century Zero

The Liger Zero's "Black Box", or Organoid System.
The Liger Zero's "Black Box", or Organoid System.

The Liger Zero first appeared in Zoids: New Century Zero. The Liger Zero was a unique Zoid that would not allow anyone to pilot it. However, Bit Cloud, a young Zoid warrior was able to pilot the Zoid - or was seemingly chosen by it to be its pilot. During the course of the series, Bit discovered that the Zoid was an "Ultimate X", a Zoid equipped with a "Black Box", or "Organoid System"; a self supporting artificial intelligence program that allowed it to think for itself and learn from past experiences, becoming more powerful than other Zoids.

[edit] Fuzors

In Zoids: Fuzors, RD used a Liger Zero; unlike in New Century Zero, the Liger Zero was not a unique Zoid, and was actually considered to be low-tech (No other Zeros were seen during the series, but the dialogue indicated that there were others like it).

RD's Liger Zero was slightly different to the one used in the previous series; the cockpit had a second seat, and the black detail on the canopy is changed to white. Also during either of its fusions with the Fire Phoenix or Jet Falcon, the facial armour of the Zero remains, with the facial armour of the B-CAS layered over the top.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
Liger Zero Phoenix fusing
Liger Zero Phoenix fusing

During the course of the series, the Liger Zero gained the ability to fuse with a wild Zoid, the Fire Phoenix. With the Phoenix, RD and the Zero became near unbeatable; with only other Fuzors (Blake's Buster Fury and the Matrix Dragon) being able to equal it.

Despite this, the Fire Phoenix was destroyed by Blake's Gairyuki during a battle, sending RD and the Liger into a severe depression. Some time later, RD encountered an ancient Zoid in a ruin. The Zoid, once revived, revealed itself to be the Jet Falcon, and combined with the Liger Zero. Using the Zero Falcon, RD discovered that his Zoid was the legendary "Alpha Zoid" that he had been searching for.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Genesis

A single Liger Zero appeared briefly, in a flashback in an episode of Zoids: Genesis.

[edit] Manga

[edit] Chaotic Century

Multiple Liger Zeros appear in the latter issues of the Chaotic Century manga. After sustaining serious damage fighting the Death Stinger, the Zoid Core of Caesar (Van's Blade Liger) is transplanted into the next-generation Liger Zero chassis. Several other Liger Zeros appear, two piloted by Viola and Rosso. These Zeros were produced normally.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Just prior to fighting Raven's Berserk Fury Shadow Edge, the Liger Zero is upgraded further, resulting in Liger Zero Caesar The King. This Zoid, designed by Melissa Su, is similar in appearance to the Liger Zero, and is equipped with a pair of laser blades.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Galaxy Quest Planet Zi

The Liger Zero X's sole appearance is in the obscure comic Zoids: Galaxy Quest Planet Zi. The Zoid was used by Maya, one of the chief protagonists.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

While fighting alongside Kugo's König Wolf, the Liger Zero X was cut in half by a Flyscissors and destroyed. Maya survived, however, and later took up piloting a Unenlagia

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Models

[edit] New Japanese Release

  • Assembly required. (Snap-together, no glue needed. Scissors or X-acto knife recommended for trimming off excess plastic bits.)
  • The model's colours are moulded into the plastic, and it does not need any paint; however some details are pre-painted.

The Liger Zero kit comes on ten frames, along with a battery-operated motor, two jaw pieces, a semi-transparent canopy cover, sixteen rubber caps and a small grey pilot figure. The Liger Zero is moulded in white, grey and black, with gold teeth and claws and an orange canopy. The Zero features paint details on the canopy, body, teeth and boosters. To reflect the fact that the Liger Zero was a Guylos design stolen by the Helic Republic, stickers for both factions appeared on the sticker sheet.

The Liger Zero’s construction isn’t overly complex or difficult, putting it roughly in the middle of the range for Zoid complexity. Despite having a similar leg design and motion to the Shield Liger, it does not reuse any parts from older kits. The Liger Zero uses a pair of "AAA" sized batteries for motion. Once activated, the Zoid walks forwards with its jaws chomping. The Liger Zero features a pair of opening boosters on its back, as well as poseable claws and deployable stabilisers.

TOMY also released thee upgrade kits for the Liger Zero, the Schneider, Jager, and Panzer CAS Units. Each upgrade kit took the form of an additional set of armour that could be connected onto the Liger Zero's body in place of the Zoid's existing armour, drastically changing its appearance and fictional capabilities.

The Liger Zero was released in 2001, with production continuing semi-regularly until about 2004.

[edit] Liger Zero X

A second version of the Liger Zero was released by TOMY in 2001, as a Guylos Zoid. It was moulded in grey, with dull gold structure components, red armour, green eyes, and silver claws. The caps were recoloured black, and a blue pilot was included.

In addition, a new CAS Unit, the X armour, was included in the release. The CAS was moulded in black, blue, and dull gold. Four translucent blue 'hatches' were incorporated into the shoulder armour. The small pegs on the shoulder armour panels made it difficult to keep the components on the Zoid.

[edit] New American Release

NPR Liger Zero
NPR Liger Zero

The Liger Zero was re-released in North America by Hasbro, in 2001. This version is identical to the NJR version, except for the packaging. In 2003, the Zoid was re-released in the updated packaging used by the Hasbro range, but no other changes were made.

The 2001 release of the Zoid was also released in the first wave of the New Pacific Release, in near-identical packaging.

[edit] New American Release Zero X

Hasbro released the Liger Zero X in North America. Like the NAR Liger Zero, this version was identical to the NJR version, and was later released as part of the New Pacific Release.

The instruction book for the NAR Liger Zero X indicated that the Zoid belonged to the Helic Republic. The label sheet is unchanged from its Guylos Empire version, and photographs of the Zoid on the box display the Guylos stickers. This contradiction was also present in the New Pacific Release, which used the new box art style, and displayed the Helic Republic’s symbol on the box. Again, the insignias on the label sheet and in the photographs remained Guylos.

[edit] NAR Liger Zero Schneider

Hasbro released a third version of the Liger Zero, as an American Toys "R" Us exclusive in 2003. This version included both the Liger Zero and the CP-17 Schneider armour, with the Liger Zero’s white components altered to a light tan colour. This is the only time a Customise Parts upgrade was released in the United States.

[edit] Holotech Liger Zero

A fourth Liger Zero variant was planned for release by Hasbro in 2003. This version featured white frames moulded in clear plastic, and removed some of the paint details. The New American Release was cancelled before the Holotech Liger Zero reached production.

[edit] Liger Zero Phoenix

NPR Liger Zero Phoenix
NPR Liger Zero Phoenix

TOMY released a new version of the Liger Zero in 2003. Known as the Liger Zero Phoenix, this version was recoloured with light blue armour in place of the white, and also included a display stand. The model kit also included a blue version of the Fire Phoenix, and along with the Battle Story and technical details, information regarding the Liger Wild Zoid was printed on the box.

[edit] Fuzors

Fuzors Liger Zero Phoenix
Fuzors Liger Zero Phoenix

Another version of the Liger Zero Phoenix was released in Japan in 2004, as a part of the Fuzors model line. This version reverted back to the original black and white colour scheme of the Liger Zero, but lacked the painted details on the head. The Phoenix was recoloured in metallic red and clear yellow, and renamed Fire Phoenix to match the anime. Additionally, the Zoid came with a small R.D. figure in place of the standard pilot figure.

[edit] Liger Zero Falcon

A second Liger Zero version was released as a part of the Fuzors line. This version was identical to the Fuzors Liger Zero Phoenix, but included the Fuzors-version Jet Falcon in place of the Phoenix.

[edit] Liger Blue Souga

Another Liger Zero was released as a hobby magazine exclusive in late 2005. This version featured light grey armour and blue structure, along with bright green caps. Additionally, a new CAS was also available for this Zoid as a mail-in offer; the CAS was cast from resin, as opposed to plastic, and came unpainted. The Liger was limited to a thousand items, the CAS to only a few hundred.

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