LIFECYCLE Fundraising

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LIFECYCLE Fundraising

LIFECYCLE Fundraising is a UK registered charity which provides funding for charitable projects to improve the lives of children worldwide. This is achieved through a combination of fundraising events, corporate sponsorship and individual donations.


[edit] History

LIFECYCLE Fundraising was founded by Michael Padmanathan in late 2004, with the idea of giving something back to the community. It started out as a series of informal fundraising events among a network of friends and acquaintances, but has since expanded to organising both corporate and private fundraising activities on a substantial scale.

During 2005, LIFECYCLE became a UK registered limited company, an organisational member of the Institute of Fundraising [1] and a member of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations.[2] The main highlight of 2005 was the Fundraising Ball in April, which attracted 300 guests and raised in excess of £25,000. This was used to fund the construction of a children's home and three nursery schools in Sri Lanka.

In the first quarter of 2006, LIFECYCLE expanded its operations to include new corporate social responsibility and private wealth management programmes. LIFECYCLE Fundraising has recently become a registered charity in the United Kingdom and was registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales on the 19th April 2006.[3]

[edit] Activities

LIFECYCLE Fundraising is a fundraising organisation dedicated to working with children's charities, which enables individual and corporate members to organise fundraising events of their choosing and to specify how and where the funds will be allocated. LIFECYCLE provides services such as sponsorship forms, web space and ticketing facilities, as well as promoting these events among its members.

LIFECYCLE does not charge for its services and offers a commitment that "no commissions, wages or admin costs are deducted from the donations received."[4]

[edit] Successes

LIFECYCLE's focus in 2005 was on the areas most affected by the Tsunami disaster, particularly in the country of Sri Lanka. Through a combination of fundraising events and donations from members, LIFECYCLE was able to provide funding for various projects, including:

  • the construction of a children's home in eastern Sri Lanka, in partnership with Arobanam Children's Fund[5]
  • the production of an English teaching pack, in partnership with Volunteers for English in Sri Lanka[6]
  • the servicing of 12 solar powered radios for radio listener groups in Madagascar, through the Dodwell Trust

In 2006, as well as continuing to fund reconstruction efforts in Sri Lanka, LIFECYCLE is expanding its operations with new projects in countries to include Bulgaria, Nepal, India and Madagascar. LIFECYCLE has completed the following projects in the first quarter of 2006:

  • provision of two new wells, a pharmacy and five latrines in Madagascar, in partnership with AZAFADY
  • a successful, life-saving heart operation for a girl of 16 months in Sri Lanka, in partnership with the SHIVA Charity

[edit] Registrations & affiliations

  • LIFECYCLE is a UK registered charity, with registered charity number 1113789.[3]
  • LIFECYCLE is an organisational member of the Institute of Fundraising, registration number Z62539.[1]
  • LIFECYCLE is also a member of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations, number 6566.[2]

[edit] Notes and references

  1. ^ a b Institute of Fundraising - professional membership body for fundraisers in the United Kingdom
  2. ^ a b National Council for Voluntary Organisations - the umbrella body for voluntary organisations in England
  3. ^ a b Charity Commission for England and Wales - the regulatory body for charities in England and Wales
  4. ^ LIFECYCLE Fundraising - LIFECYCLE Fundraising website
  5. ^ Arobanam Children's Fund - May 2006 Newsletter, with photo of the newly built LIFECYCLE children's home (MS Word format)
  6. ^ Volunteers for English in Sri Lanka - UK registered charity providing English teaching in Sri Lanka