Lieb (onomastics)

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Onomastics and disambiguational information about the Jewish and Christian surnames "Lieb-", "Lipp-", etc.

On onomastics in Judaism, there are many leb-, lieb- or lip- style variant names and surnames; Lebeck, Lebenhart, Lebenn (Leben- style), Lebensbaum, Lebensohn, Lebenstein, Lebermann, Lebold, Lejbowicz, Lebram, Lebrecht, Löbusch/Lebus, Lieb, Lieben, Liebenberg, Liebenthal, Lieber, Lieberg, Lieberman, Liebermann, Liebert, Liebig, Liebman, Liebmann, Liebner, Liepman, Liepmann, Liepold, Lipchowitz, Lipinski, Lipka, Lipke, Lipkin, Lipman, Lipmann, Lipniacki, Lipnotsky, Lipnowsky, Lipper, Lippert, Lippmann, Lippmann-Lissingen, Lipsey, Lipsky, Lipson, Lipstein, Lepsky, Lipa, Liper, Liperis, .. etc;
and Leip/Leib- style are: Leibson, Leipen, Leipheimer, Leipman, Leipnik, Leippner, Leipziger, Leiser, Leisersohn, Lebert.. etc

According to Nelly Weiss, surname Liebermann is translated form of Eliezer/Elazar.

And besides, Lippmann, Liebmann style name is botanical name (cf.Eichen-baum, Myrthen-blut, Rosen-blatt, Wein-stock..) from Slavonic word "lipa" (lime, or linden). Nelly Weiss says lip- style Slavonic names and surnames connected and changed to Lieb- style names later. Then, origines of these names merged more than 4 roots (Levi, Leyb (from Löwe, from 'Ari), and place names).


[edit] Supposed forms:

/ mann
-ert sohn
*Lieb/Liebe Liebmann
Liebert Liebsohn
Lib Libmann
Libert Libsohn
*Liep Liepmann
Liepert Liepsohn
Lip Lipmann
Lipert Lipsohn
Lief, Leff, Lev
Levert, Levertov
Leibert Leibsohn
Leip Leipmann
Leipert Leipsohn

[edit] Lieb

[edit] Liebe

[edit] Lieber

See below Leiber also

[edit] Lipp

  • Wilma Lipp (b.1925), Austrian soprano ([]), see also German article.

[edit] Lipps

Last names

[edit] Lips

  • Johann Heinrich Lips, Swiss painter
See also
Lip, Lippe, Lippen (de), Lippi

[edit] Leib, Leip, Laib, Laip

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Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
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Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

der Leib means body in German (<-> Seele, soul).

Also German word der Laib means loaf (cf.Lebkuchen, chleb, chleba). See also bread.

Last names
  • Conrad Laib (Conrad Laibl, Conrad Leib) (c.1410, Enslingen - after 1460), German-Austrian painter ([1])
  • Wolfgang Laib, see German article

[edit] Leiber

[edit] Leibermann, Leiberman

There are many instances that Leiberman is a miss-spelling of Lieberman- Ezra Leiberman, Kara Leiberman, thos're miss-spellings of Ezra Lieberman, Kara Lieberman. See also Liebermann article:

  • Jon Leiberman (Jonathan Leiberman)
  • Robert Leiberman, different person with Robert Lieberman

[edit] Leb-

German word das Leben means the life (cf.Chayyim), and leben is to live.

der Lebemann means playboy.

Jewish Leb- is also variation of Löb (lion, "Leo").

[edit] Leben


[edit] Leber

German word Leber means liver.

  • Titus Leber (), ([2])

[edit] -recht

Lebrecht, Leberecht is a German (or Germanised) name:
  • Fürchtegott Lebrecht (1800, Memmelbach, Bavaria - 1876), German Jewish educator (JE)
Given names

[edit] Leberecht

[edit] Liebmann

See Liebmann article

[edit] Liebermann

See Liebermann article
  • Liebermann von Wahlendorf, a Jewish nobility

[edit] Liepmann

[edit] Lippmann

There are several people with the surname Lippmann:

[edit] Lippman

  • Alfons Jan Lippoman 1834 - 1900 Polish rolnik; redaktor

[edit] Lipmann

[edit] Lipman


[edit] Liefmann, Leffmann

[edit] Leibmann, Leibman


[edit] Gottlieb

See Gottlieb article

[edit] Liesermann

Liesermann, Lieserman is Germanised fom of Eliezer:

[edit] Liebert

[edit] Liepert

[edit] Lippert

Keith Lippert - VADM (ret) Former Director DLA, Former Chief of Navy Supply Corps

  • Andreas Lippert (b.1942), Austrian prehistorian ([3])
  • Anni Lippert, a cartoonist
  • Bill Lippert
  • Georg Lippert (1908 Vienna -1992), Austrian architect, father of Andreas ([4])
  • Gerhart Lippert, (*1937), deutscher Volksschauspieler
  • Howard Vernon, born Mario Lippert (1914 - 1996), Swiss actor
  • Jan Lippert 1877 - 1951, Polish działacz społeczny i narodowy
  • Julius Lippert (historian) (1839-1909), Czech historian
  • Julius Lippert
  • Michael Lippert
  • Peter Lippert (1879-1936)
  • Rudolf Lippert, (*1935), deutscher Tischtennisspieler
  • Wolfgang Lippert, (*1952), deutscher Entertainer
  • Katie fucking Lippert 1989 pimp at heart.
See also Lipp, Lipiner, Lippiner, Lippold, Lipold

[edit] Lebert

[edit] -ing, -inger

[edit] Liebing

  • Liebing, Mannersdorf an der Rabnitz, Burgenland
Personal names

[edit] Liebinger

[edit] Leibing

  • Stefan Leibing, musician

[edit] Leibinger

  • Berthold Leibinger, see German article
  • Peter Leibinger
  • Richard Leibinger

[edit] Liebherr

  • Hans Liebherr
  • Isolde Liebherr
  • Willi Liebherr

[edit] Libitzky, Liebitzky

  • Emil Liebitzky (), ([])

[edit] Liebsch, Liebscher

  • Klaus Liebscher (), ([6])

[edit] Lipps, Lips

  • Stanisław Gustaw Liebhart 1897 - 1968, Polish ginekolog-położnik; profesor

[edit] Liebsohn, Libson

[edit] Lipson

Last names
  • Benjamin Lepson

[edit] Lipsky, Lepsky

Lipsky, Lipski
  • Adam Lipski d. "opo1633" dworzanin Sigismund III Vasa; dowódca lisowszczyków
  • Andrzej Lipski 1572 - 1631 kanclerz wielki koronny; biskup krakowski
  • Antoni Lipski 1904 - 1938 działacz komunistyczny
  • Antoni Jan Lipski 1860 - 1930 członek pruskiej Izby Panów; powstaniec wielkopolski
  • David Lipsky
  • Eleazar Lipsky
  • Feliks Aleksander Lipski d. 1702 wojewoda kaliski
  • Franciszka Lipska 1864 - 1944 działaczka robotnicza
  • Jacek Lipski 1799 - 1872 konstruktor hutniczy
  • Jacek Jan Lipski 1892 - 1925 bibliotekarz; historyk
  • Jan Lipski 1589 - 1641 prymas Polski
  • Jan Lipski d. 1673 sędzia ziemski kaliski; poseł
  • Jan Lipski d. 1683 starosta czchowski; sądecki i perejasławski; poseł; pułkownik
  • Jan Lipski d. 1832 poseł; generał major; pamiętnikarz
  • Jan Lipski 1892 - 1943 działacz gospodarczy
  • Jan Aleksander Lipski 1690 - 1746 podkanclerzy koronny; biskup krakowski; kardynał
  • John Lipsky
  • Józef Lipski d. 1752 poseł; kasztelan bełski i łęczycki
  • Józef Lipski 1894 - 1958 dyplomata; ambasador RP w Berlinie
  • Józef Egidiusz Lipski 1769 - 1812 generał major milicji gnieźnieńskiej w powstaniu 1794
  • Kasper Zygmunt Lipski d. "ok. 1656" wojewoda rawski
  • Konstanty Samuel Lipski d. 1698 arcybiskup lwowski
  • Leon Wincenty Lipski 1902 - 1943 działacz ruchu robotniczego
  • Ludwik Lipski 1900 - 1937 działacz komunistyczny
  • Michael Lipsky
  • Prokop Lipski d. 1638 pisarz ziemski kaliski; poseł
  • Sam Lipski
  • Stanisław Lipski d. "ok. 1510" prepozyt płocki; podkanclerzy książąt mazowieckich
  • Stanisław Lipski 1880 - 1937 kompozytor; pedagog; pianista
  • Tadeusz Lipski 1725 - 1796 kasztelan łęczycki; generał-lejtnant; komediopisarz
  • Wojciech Lipski 1805 - 1855 działacz polityczny i gospodarczy
  • Doctor Drakken (Drew Theodore P. Lipsky)
  • Motor Ed (Eddy Lipsky)
See also: Lipinski/Lipinsky, Lipnicki, Lipowski/Lipovsky/Lepofsky, Lipczynski/Lipczyński...

[edit] Liebkind

Liebeskind, Libeskind, Lipkin

  • August Jacob Liebeskind (1758-1793), see German article
  • Hans Albrecht Liebeskind
  • Marcus Libkind
  • Arthur M. Lipkint
See also Lubetkin, Liubetkin/Lyubetkin

[edit] Liebknecht

See Liebknecht article

[edit] Lieberkühn

[edit] Liebruder

  • Krzysztof Liebruder 1592 - 1659, Polish kaznodzieja luterański; autor podręczników

[edit] Liebstein

Liebstein von Kolowrat / von Liebstein und Kolowrat / von Kolowrat-Liebsteinsky (Kolovrat-Libštejnský) is a Bohemian nobility

  • Anna von Liebstein und Kolowrat, see Joachim Andreas von Schlick (de)
  • Franz Anton Graf von Kolowrat-Liebsteinsky / František Antonín Kolovrat-Libštejnský
  • Johann Wilhelm Liebstein von Kolowrat, see Ernst Albrecht von Harrach (de), Archbishop of Prague
  • Ulrich Tista von Liebstein, see Bělá pod Bezdězem (de)
    See also Libštejn/Liestein (nobility), and Kolowrat (de)
  • Jay Lovestone (born Jacob Liebstein) (1897-1990), Lithuania-born US Jewish politician

[edit] Herzlieb

[edit] See also