Liberty Reservoir

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Owner - City of Baltimore, Department of Public Works

History - This 1,225 hectare (3,100 acre) impoundment was completed on July 8, 1954. It was constructed by the City of Baltimore for use as a public water supply. The dam crest is at an elevation of 126 m above sea level, and water overflowed the crest for the first time on February 6, 1956.

Physical/ Habitat Description - The North Branch of the Patapsco River is the primary tributary that feeds the reservoir. Other tributaries include Beaver Run, Keyer's Run, Prugh Run, Morgan Run, Locust Run, and Cooks Branch. Reservoir length is 18 km with a shoreline length at full pool of 131 km. The average depth is 59 ft with a maximum depth of 144 ft. 1