Liberal Party of Minnesota

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The Liberal Party of Minnesota is a minor political party with membership in Minnesota that subscribes to social democratic principles. The political party was created by former members of the Grassroots Party of Minnesota, and its official party symbol is a rainbow flag.

[edit] Philosophy

The three core values of the Liberal Party of Minnesota are liberty, equality, and democracy. These core values have laid the foundation for the party's list of fundamental values, that in turn lay the foundation for the party's platform and position papers.

In a similar method followed by the New Party the Liberal Party of Minnesota will endorse candidates from any political party that agrees with most of its platform and philosophy and has a likely chance of winning the election. Their platform is as follows:

  1. We believe in Freedom of conscience – You have the right to think as you wish.
  2. We believe in Freedom of religion – You have the right to worship as you please. The government has no business either supporting or opposing religion in general or any specific religion.
  3. We believe in Freedom of speech – You have the right to express your views, whatever they may be. We believe that only in the free marketplace of ideas can truth emerge.
  4. We believe in Civil Rights – We oppose discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation or gender.
  5. We believe in Universal Public Education – We believe that universal access to basic and higher education is consistent maintaining informed citizenship and the ability to participate fully in society.
  6. We believe in a Social Safety Net – We Recognize that circumstances beyond mortal control play a part in all our lives, a basic social safety net shall be available to all who need it, not as a permanent lifestyle, but rather as a helping hand to get back on one's feet.
  7. We believe in Employee’s Rights - We spend most of our lives working. Work is the foundation of our economy and a major part of the glue holding together communities. The employee is an equal business partner with the employer, and as such, has the right to collectively bargain for terms of employment.
  8. We believe in Environmental Protection - Contrary to some people's opinions, it is possible to both protect the environment and sustain economic growth. We support taking all reasonable and responsible steps to protect the environment and the species contained therein.
  9. We believe in Strong Families - The family is the primary social unit in America. It must be respected, and encouraged in all its forms. Government should make policy with this in mind.
  10. We believe in Personal Responsibility - With rights come responsibilities. Exercising our rights means taking responsibility for our actions, and their effects on others.
  11. We believe in Free Trade & Free Enterprise – The capitalist economic system is the most efficient solution to providing for peoples' wants and needs. Government's role is that of a regulator, not a controller of industry, and any regulation must only be for the good of society as a whole, and not for the benefit of any one entity.
  12. We believe in the Rule of Law - Law is the framework in which society operates. There can be no society without justice. Justice means that those who commit crimes must be made to answer for them, and that the criminal code is fair and wisely constructed. When criminal actions go unpunished, respect for the law weakens. The law applies to all, including all agents of the government.
  13. We believe in Free and Fair Democratic Elections – Representative Democracy is the best system to protect the rights and freedoms of the citizens. Through Our “Voter Bill of Rights” we shall promote election law reforms that shall strengthen and improve our democracy.
  14. We believe in foreign policy that keeps America strong, safe and that is committed to democracy, freedom and human rights at home and abroad.

[edit] Voter's Bill of Rights

A major theme of the Liberal Party of Minnesota is election law reform, and it has outlined a Voter's Bill of Rights, with proposals for free and fair elections.

[edit] References