Liberal Party

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Liberal Party is the name of dozens of political parties around the world. It usually designates a party that is ideologically liberal, meaning that they advocate individual rights and civil liberties, and sometimes left wing, meaning that they are egalitarian and believe in the redistribution of wealth from rich to poor. However, there are also some Liberal Parties which subscribe to classical liberalism and therefore support a mostly unregulated free market, or who are actually more conservative in nature than their opponents, or whose views are right wing, libertarian, or difficult to categorise.

Further information: liberal parties


[edit] Present-day parties

Nation Party
Åland Liberals for Åland
Andorra Liberal Party of Andorra
Aruba Aruban Liberal Organization
Australia Liberal Party of Australia, Liberal Democratic Party
Austria Liberal Forum
Bangladesh Liberal Party Bangladesh
Brazil Liberal Front Party
Liberal Party
Canada Liberal Party of Canada

Provincial parties affiliated with the federal party includes Manitoba Liberal Party, New Brunswick Liberal Association, Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia Liberal Party, Prince Edward Island Liberal Party, and the Yukon Liberal Party. Autonomous povincial liberal parties with ties to the federal party includes Ontario Liberal Party, and Alberta Liberal Party. Unaffiliated and independent provincial parties includes the British Columbia Liberal Party, Parti libéral du Québec and Saskatchewan Liberal Party.

Colombia Colombian Liberal Party
Cuba Cuban Liberal Union
Denmark Venstre (Denmark), Liberalisterne
Egypt Liberal Party
Finland Liberals
Germany Liberals/Free Democrats
Gibraltar Liberal Party of Gibraltar
Haiti Liberal Party
Honduras Liberal Party of Honduras
Hong Kong Liberal Party
Iceland Liberal Party (Frjálslyndi Flokkurinn)
Italy Italian Liberal Party
Japan Liberal Democratic Party
Kosovo Liberal Party of Kosovo
Lithuania Liberal and Centre Union
Macedonia Liberal Party of Macedonia
Montenegro Liberal Party of Montenegro
Morocco Moroccan Liberal Party
The Netherlands People's Party for Freedom and Democracy
Nicaragua Constitutional Liberal Party
Paraguay Authentic Radical Liberal Party
Philippines Liberal Party
Russia Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (in fact, isn't very liberal; more right-wing and nationalistic)
Rwanda Liberal Party
Serbia Liberals of Serbia
Serbian Liberal Party
Sri Lanka Liberal Party of Sri Lanka
Sweden Liberal People's Party
Liberala Partiet (minor party, started in 2005)
Switzerland Liberal Party of Switzerland
Ukraine Liberal Party
United Kingdom Liberal Democrats
Liberal Party (not the same as the historic Liberal Party, see below)

[edit] Defunct parties of the name

Nation Party
Argentina Liberal Party
Armenia Liberal Party
Australia Commonwealth Liberal Party
Belgium Liberal Party
Brussels Liberal Party
Reformist Liberal Party now merged into Mouvement Réformateur (French-speaking)
Bolivia Liberal Party
Chile Liberal Party
Croatia Liberal Party
Finland Liberal Party
Liberal People's Party
Germany Liberal Union
Greece Liberal Party
Isle of Man Manx Liberal Party
Israel Liberal Party
Italy Italian Liberal Party
Liberal Party
Japan Liberal Party
Netherlands Liberal State Party
Liberal Union
Liberal Party
New Zealand Liberal Party
Liberal Party (1963)
Liberal Party (1992)
Paraguay Liberal Party
Puerto Rico Liberal Party
Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) Southern Rhodesia Liberal Party
Serbia Liberal Party
South Africa South African Liberal Party, outlawed by the Apartheid regime
Sweden Liberal Party of Sweden
United Kingdom Liberal Party, merged into Liberal Democrats
Uruguay Liberal Party
United States Liberal Party of New York
United States - Utah Territory Liberal Party (Utah)

[edit] In combination

The term Liberal is also used in combination with:

  • Democratic
Further information: Liberal Democratic Party
  • National
Further information: National Liberal Party
  • People's
Further information: Liberal People's Party
  • Progressive
Further information: Progressive Liberal Party
  • Reform
Further information: Liberal Reform Party
  • Social
Further information: Social Liberal Party
  • Radical
Further information: Radical Liberal Party

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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