Li Ying College

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Li Ying College
School type Chinese Imperial
Established circa 1075 AD
Head of School Tang Fu Hsieh
Location Present day Kam Tin, Hong Kong

Li-Ying College was one of the first schools established in Imperial Hong Kong. It was founded circa 1075 AD during the Song Dynasty[1][2].


[edit] History

The founder "Tang Fu Hsieh" (Tang Foo) was a native of Kiangsu province in China. The school was located in the area known today as Kam Tin, New Territories in Hong Kong. The school's was well known for its large library of Chinese classics[1]. In imperial times, schools were designed with a strong emphasis on the imperial exam systems, which were used to prepare court staff members. By the Qing Dynasty, the Chinese government in 1662 and 1664 brought down schools as a strategy against Ming Dynasty loyalists. The school was in ruins by the early 19th century[1].

[edit] Notable Alumni

  • 1259 - The first jìnshì 进士-degree was granted to "Huang Shih".
  • 15th/16th/17th Century - Several scholars gained jǔrén 举人-degrees.
  • 1685 - A descendent of the founder, "Tan Wen Wei" was granted a degree in "Chin-shih" and was appointed district magistracy in Chekiang.
  • 1754 - "Chiang Shih Yuan" of Tai Po District earned a jìnshì 进士-degree and became well known for his literary accomplishments in southern China.
  • 1789 - "Tang Ying Yuen (Tang Kuen Hin)", a well-known local calligrapher, passed his military examination (chu jen). He later built the "So Lay Yuen Study Hall" at "Shui Tau Tsuen" in Kam Tin.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c Sweeting, Anthony. [1990] (1990). Education in Hong Kong, pre-1841 to 1941. HK University Press. ISBN 9622092586
  2. ^ Bryn Mawr College. "Brynmawr Eastasian pdf." "" Retrieved on 2007-03-15.