Liénard equation

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In mathematics, more specifically in the study of dynamical systems and differential equations, a Liénard equation is a certain type of differential equation.

During the development of radio and vaccum tubes, Liénard equations were intensely studied as they can be used to model oscillating circuits. Under certain additional assumptions Liénard's theorem guarantees the existence of a limit cycle for such a system.


[edit] Definition

Let f and g be two continuously differentiable functions on R, with g an odd function and f an even function then the second order ordinary differential equation of the form

{d^2x \over dt^2} +f(x){dx \over dt} + g(x) = 0

is called Liénard equation. The equation can be transformed into an equivalent 2 dimensional system of ordinary differential equations. We define

F(x) := \int_0^x f(t) dt
x1: = x
x_2:={dx \over dt} + F(x)


\begin{bmatrix}  x_1 \\ x_2  \end{bmatrix} =  h(x_1, x_2)  :=  \begin{bmatrix}  x_2 - F(x_1) \\ -g(x_1) \end{bmatrix}

is called Liénard system.

[edit] Examples

[edit] Liénard's theorem

Given a Liénard system which satisfies the additional properties

  • g(x) > 0 for all x > 0
  • \lim_{x \to \infty} F(x) := \int_0^x f(t) dt\ = \infty
  • F(x) has exactly on positive root at p, F(x) < 0 for 0 < x < p and F(x) > 0 and monoton for x > p

then the Liénard system has a unique and Stability theory limit cycle surrounding the origin.

[edit] External links

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