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Lièpvre (German:Leberau) is a town and commune of the Haut-Rhin département, in Alsace, France. The 8th century saint and abbot, Fulrad, built a monastery here. He also brought relics of Saint Cucuphas to this monastery.

A statue of Fulrad at Lièpvre.
A statue of Fulrad at Lièpvre.


[edit] Geography

The municipality nests in the heart of the valley of Lièpvrette [1](that the Carolingian documents named Laimaha or Laima and those in more recent Latin Lebera or Lebraha and than Ribeaupierre's subjects called "Landbach" takes out of the main chain of Vosges in the neighborhood of the Col de Bagenelles (Vosges) ; she pours at first towards the northeast, at the same time as the chain, and reaches Sainte Marie-aux-Mines. Lebraha's primitive name is doubtless of Celtic origin and seems to result from the word Labar ( Latinized shape) where from term Valle Leporus by 1200. One meets also in this time Levremouster's name which is the name Lièpvre's dialect. Downstream, Lièpvrette receives the waters of Rauenthal, come from Brézouard (right bank, confluence to Echéry). She crosses Sainte Croix-aux-Mines where she receives the waters of the valleys of the Petit and Grand Rombach and arrives at Lièpvre. There it is enlarged with the waters of Rombach which crosses Hingrie and Rombach-le-Franc. Below Lièpvre, the river crosses between the castle ruined with Frankenbourg and castle of Haut-Koenigsbourg then crossbar the municipality of famous Scherwiller since the victory of duke Antoine in May, 1525 against the Revolt of the Rustauds and Châtenois. She joins then Giessen (= Scheer in the former titles) which comes of Val de Villé, and all the reunited waters pour in l’Ill below Sélestat.

The municipality of Lièpvre is lined with summits of the massif of Vosges : in the South Brézouard (on 1229 m), Taennchel (992 m) and Haut-Koenigsbourg (775 m), in the North Altenberg (880 m), Chalmont (703 meters in height - in German called Karlsberg), the Rocher du Coucou (819 m) and Frankenbourg (768 m). The link of the North is Altenberg (880 metres) separate Valley of Lièpvre of the Val de Villé. By sinking into the valley of Rombach situated in the middle of the village one finds the Col de la Hingrie in 749 metres. A road built in 1905 completely opened up Rombach-le-Franc who is in 2 km of Lièpvre. This road leads to the hamlet of Hingrie situated in 7 km of Lièpvre and farther still Col de Fouchy. The village owes its name to the river which sprays him and its origin in Lièpvre's convent. Of the top of Vosges in the plain of Alsace, Lièpvrette goes through a sort of aisle 25 km in length, rather wide so that one was able to build there in various places of villages and localities. Lièpvre occupies about the center of this aisle and which was during very for a long time the most renowned main conglomeration of the Valley of Lièpvre. Lièpvre is 275 meters in height

Distances and localities (it exists there 102) :

Agely, Anvers, Aspygoutte, la Baisse des noyers, la Basse maisse, la Basse Mathis, la Brode, Bois l'Abbesse, Grand Breuil, le Petit Breuil, la Brode, le Calvin, Chalmont, Champs Le moine, Champs Germain, Champs grosse tête, Champs Hache, Champs Haton, Clos pré,la Collinière, la Craintole, Creux pré, Creuse de la Gely, Creux pré, Derrière la fabrique, Derrière la Grand rue, Derrière l'église, Devant Chalmont, Devant le Bois, Devant le Rain Brûlé, Devant Ménabois, Devant Musloch, Devant Vesprés, Doynières, l'Entregoutte, Estary, Faubourg de Sainte Marie, Faubourg de Sélestat, Fourrière de la fête, Fourrière de l'église, Fourrière de la place,Frarupt, la Gely, Genaugoutte, la Grande Baisse, les Grands Champs, les Grands Jardins, les Grands prés, les Gros Champs, Grandes fourrières, Grands jardins, le Gravier, la Halle, Hauts champs, la Haute Echevé, la Herrschaft, Aux Grands Zônés, le Kast, Estary, au Lundi, les Eveaux, le Haut Ménèchamp,Hoimbach, Kesbel, Musloch,Ménabois, Mollembach, Montplaisir, le Passé, Pairis, Paquis du Bas, Picaupré, la Pinasse, la Petite Baisse, les Prés Monts, le Pré Saint Alexandre, Prés de la Mule,Prés de l'étang, Prés de Mollenbach, Pré de la Dame, Pré Trinquart, Raincorn, Rain des Bolles, le Rain Brûlé, le Rain de la Mule, le Rain des Brulattes, Sous la Craintole, Sous la Raincorne, Sous le canal, Sous le Clos pré, Spiacôte, Spiemont, Sur la plaine, Sur le chemin, Sur le Ravin, Sur les Vignes, la Vaurière, Vesprés, la Vielle Papeterie, le village, Votembach

  • Municipal Banns

Musloch's hamlet among Lièpvre and famous Sainte Croix-aux-Mines in 1445 to have been the refuge of the farmers of the Valley of Lièpvre who surprised the Armagnacs spirit to go to Lorraine, by imposing them a cutting defeat near the Rocher des Violons[2] is called in 1517 Museloch, in 1782 Mauslauch. The name results from the mine which was exploited from XV-th century. In the XVIII-th century one finds Misloch or Meusloch who was a formed hamlet about thirteen families. One discovered to it in 1545, an mine which was named the mine Saint Anne. In 1750 she was abandoned because the exploitation was too much expensive.

Chalmont 703 metres in height. Called Nannenstol in Charlemagne's diploma in 774, then Chainement in 1517, Challemont in 1596, sometimes Charlemont and Karlsberg during the German occupation. In dialect Chalmont is called Chânemont.

Spiemont: in German named Stemberg. The abbot Grandidier says that he could involve Stophanberg called back in Charlemagne's diploma in 774 for Lièpvre's convent. But it is recognized for a long time that Stophanberg is other than Haut-Koenigsbourg.

[edit] The region is at first occupied by a hermit

A monk carrying Bobolinus's name had settled near Lièpvre where he had built a hermitage called Bobolinocella. Certain columnists think that it could involve Andaldovillaré mentioned in Charlemagne's charters and who would be the wooden hamlet the Abbess (who was a part before 1789 of La Vancelle, the Bas Rhin and who was connected then with the municipality of Lièpvre), the others more numerous tilt rather for Saint-Hippolyte. This hermitage of Bobolinocella's name is mentioned in Charlemagne's diploma in 774. A monk carrying Bobolinus's name would have existed as abbot in Italy, he will become the 37th bishop of Vienna. Another monk carrying Bobolinus's name would have been indicated as monk of Stavelot's abbey in Belgium. This abbey Benedictine was based in 648 by Saint-Remacle to evangelize Stavelot-Malmedy's region near Liège [3]. This person would have registered a testimony of certain Genechselo dated Esherico the 16th year of Sigebert III's administration, king of Austrasia (at the beginning of 648 the end of 650). This act the original of which disappeared was formerly in the archives of the abbey of Saint-Denis. Genchieselo admits to have taken leaves in a fight arisen in his house having pulled died from man [4].

Escherico's name is close and very similar to that of the hamlet of Echéry to Sainte-Croix-aux-Mines who belonged to the Duchy of Alsace, maybe at first to duke Attic father of Sainte Odile, boss of Alsace. Later these lands passed in Luitfried II's hands of which the two threads, Leuthard and Hugue granted these lands to the girl of this last one, Irmengarde 804-858)[5] who built in this place a small sanctuary. Irmengarde will become in year 821 the woman of Lothaire I (795-855)[6] . Afterward Echéry's lands will become the property of the monks of Gorze ( the Moselle) .Un monk of named Gorze Blidulphe will settle down at about X-th century with some other monks in this place to create Echéry's convent. Due to the silver mines that they had discovered they were able to develop the priory which become soon celebrates in all the region and in Lorraine.

[edit] The creation of Lièpvre's village

Lièpvre (Leberau in German, Lebera or Lebraha in Latin - In German the valley of Lièpvre takes Leberthal or Leberachtal's name and in Latin that of Lepora Leporeacensis vallis) is a big village situated on the brook which carries Lièpvrette's name, named in the former Carolingian titles Laimaha, notably in Charlemagne's diplomas in 774 [7] and of Lothaire I in 854 and fluvius Laima in Fulrad's will in 777. The village is based by a future abbot of Saint-Denis, Fulrad, whose parents had immense possessions in Alsace. These possessions had been seized by Clovis which had redistributed them to some property owners of whom the parents of Fulrad. Riculfe, the father of Fulrad possessed indeed lands to Saint Hippolyte but also in the other places of Alsace. The region was doubtless already known by the young person Fulrad due to his parents who often took him in this region which he appreciated so much. Valley of Lièpvre was then a place where took place narrow contacts between populations on each side of the Rhine. It is doubtless the reason for which Fulrad will think of creating a convent to take foot on the other side of the border to serve Carolingian cause. Very close were also the descendants of the benefactors of Wissembourg's abbey, among whom one meets Boniface's name, carried by a brother of Fulrad. In the will it mentions that it has two brothers: Gausbert and Boniface and a sister Waldrade. His parents, Riculfe and Emengarden were not Alsatian, but were been similar in Welfs ( Gueldes). They belonged to the same yard as Pépin-le-Bref, Carloman II ( 768-771 ). The homeland of Fulrad's origin is not so Alsace but Mosellane which is the cradle of Welfs [8]. En 770 Fulrad begins the construction of a priory to Fulradocella, Lièpvre's primitive name. It took then Leberaha's name, where from comes Leberau's name, formed with the name of the river which pours into the village: Leber to whom was joined the diminutive To the whom means prairie or campaign. The monks begin then to take foot in the valley and begin to cultivate lands. In 774, Charlemagne approves Lièpvre's foundation in a diploma sent since Duren and assures him at the same opportunity several other properties situated in the royal domain of Kintzheim's neighborhood with straight ahead of meadow and hunting. The first important matter which made Fulrad to open up the valley was the creation of a road leading of Alsace in Lorraine and crossing all the valley. It received Pépin-le-Bref's license in 750 to lead works. One came from serfs of Saint-Dié ( Saint Déodat's ) region of the Valley of Galilée who are mirrored at once to cultivate forests and to make necessary works. This road succeeded by Lièpvre to join the plain of Alsace. The road was not the one that we know today, because Sainte Marie-aux-Mines did not count at the time. She passed by Petit Rombach connected today with Sainte Croix-aux-Mines to end on the other side of Vosges in Lusse. It is finally only from 18th century, by 1761 that was constructed another road passing this time this by Col de Sainte Marie-aux-Mines.

[edit] Fulrad begins the creation of a convent to Lièpvre

In year 770 Fulrad begins the construction of a priory to Fulradocella ( future Lièpvre). It is around this priory works of which are going to last 8 years when is going to develop Lièpvre's village. From the first year of sound reign, on January 13, 769, Charlemagne donated him Saint-Dié's convent. This establishment placed in around thirty km of Lièpvre owes its birth to the concession of a territory of the royal treasury by the king Childéric II at the time of the mayor Wulfoald. This person had been accused of high treason to have plotted against Pépin the Brief. Translated into justice it will be condemned to death, but on Fulrad's intervention it will have safe life. In return he will give in to the king of the possessions belonging to him, of which Saint-Mihiel abbey in the diocese of Verdun [9] . On September 14, 774, Charlemagne grants the other properties to his friend Fulrad, situated in the royal domain of Kintzheim's neighborhood with straight ahead of meadow. To assure the maintenance of Lièpvre's convent, Charlemagne grants besides towards 781 a vast area of forests untied from the Kintzheim's royal domain and grants to the abbey of Saint-Denis all the tithes of Lièpvre's nearby lands. He took then the name of convent of Holy Alexander and Holy Cucuphas whose his founder enriches him [10]. Holy Alexander's relics were at first to transport in Paris, then transferred to Lièpvre. In year 835 the relics of Holy Alexander and Holy Cucufat were transferred to the abbey of Saint-Denis. One does not know exactly in which circumstances the translations of the relics of Cucufat and Alexander were transferred in Saint-Denis, very certainly under Hilduin's abbatiat, abbot of Saint-Denis. Cucuphas's relics, martyr of Barcelona (the fine IIIth beginning of IV th century) were doubtless brought back by Spain and not of Rome between 777 and 778 to the time when Sulaiman Ibn-Al Arabi governed the region of Barcelona. This same Soulaiman had made his submission for Pépin the Brief towards 756-753 and the bones must be returned in Long pole by the Spaniards avoiding the Moslems and given to Fulrad who has them to set to Lièpvre [11]. The ancient parochial church to him was dedicated and the cult went on until XVth century. In 750 Fulrad became abbot of Saint-Denis and begins alteration works of the abbey Merovingian. These works begin after Pépin-le-Bref's death that it had so faithfully served and before that of Carloman in 771. On February 24 775, the abbot Fulrad dedicates the church reconstructed by Saint-Denis in the presence of Charlemagne. Karlsruhre's library in Germany keeps a manuscript which the monks of Saint-Denis had sent towards 830 to their colleagues of Reichenau on Lake Constance. The manuscript contains the description of the basilica of Saint-Denis, consisted in 799, the 32nd year of the administration of the king Charles (Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhre) Fulrad had based meanwhile the other convents, of which notably to Salonne near Castle Salt marshes (Moselle) but also to Saint Hippolyte of whom the village was only in some kilometres of Lièpvre. In Bade-Wurtemberg one owes him notably the creation of Esslingen-am-Neckar's convents near Stuttgart, near Herbrechtingen near Heidengeim and near Hoppentenzell near Stockach to the North of Lake Constance. Territories given up to the abbot Fulrad exceeded the limits of the Valley of Lièpvre. The possessions extended also beyond the plain of Alsace, Saint-Hippolyte, Roderen, Rorschwihr, Orschwiller, Haut-Koenigsbourg. It also included the complete municipalities of Lièpvre, Rombach-le-Franc and Sainte Croix-aux-Mines with the exception of the mountain of Saint Pierre. The summit of Chalmont makes also left for the possessions of Lièpvre's priory as well as the mountain of Taennchel. Fulrad was also an owner of Saint Germain's church to Widensolen whom he built between 777-784. Fulrad also receives properties in Sarreguemines's region, as well as Blittersdorf and Auersmacher (near Sarrebruck, in the Saar) by fortunate parents of Pépin-le-Bref and generous givers from whom names are quoted in particular: Theudericus, Haribertus. Another less known person, Ermelindus, to bequeath to Fulrad of the possessions to Kochelingen and Fechingen and maybe Vöklingen in the Saar. During year 764 the count Ruthard who well knew Fulrad to have accompanied him up to Holy Maurice Cost it gave up him a group of possessions situated in Brisgau, to Binzen, Rummingen, Tumringen, Küttingen, Wollbach, Haltingen, Eimelfingen and Oettligen. The possessions resulted from Alamans which their had been seized. On September 23, the count Wido, future marquees of Brittany gave the other possessions to Fulrad of whom villae in Alsace and in Saulnois: Guémar ( Ghermari), Orschwiller ( Andaldovillare), Ribeauvillé ( Ratbertovillare), Grussenheim ( Geucinhaim), Andolsheim ( Ansulfishaim), Schafersheim, in the neighborhood of Colmar and Sélestat, etc.... Ruthard is certainly one of the persons the most close to Pépin-le-Bref. It is indicated three times in the projects in which Saint-Denis is implied. From 753 at the beginning of 754, Pit sends him with Fulrad to welcome the Pope Stephen II in Argonne's holy Maurice. The importance of negotiations led by Fulrad at the expense of Pépin-le-Bref with the Popes Zachary ( 741-752 ), and Stephan II ( 752-757 ) should not be demonstrated any more. The pope Zachary approves inauguration. Of Pépin-The-Bref by Saint-Boniface in 752. On February 26 757, the pope Stephan II gives permission to the abbot Fulrad to build convents on his own lands or those that he bought or received from his parents he ties up relations privileged with Franks [12]. It is following the merits that Fulrad obtains from the pope Stephen II the abbey of Saint-Denis. Furad was used with a lot of zeal and patience with the popes Zachary, then Adrian to obtain the pallium to the archbishop of Reims, Abel and to his successor Tilpin. The testimonies that it brought to the pope Adrian on the righteousness and the knowledge of Tilpin to permit to be raised to the rank of archbishop. In the death of Stephan II, it is his brother Paul Ier ( 757-767 ) who will be his successor. There are six popes' bulls where Fulrad's name is quoted: four of the Staphan II signed in 757 , two of Adrian I, one of the 781 and other one of the 774. In Fulrad's death on July 16 784 [13] Lièpvre's village is already rather prosperous. According to the former necrology of the Abbey of Saint-Denis, the body of the abbot Fulrad was at first interred in Saint-Denis, then transferred to Lièpvre's priory on February 17 during one year which is not clarified. The epitaph which raised to him the monk - scholar of Anglo-Saxon origin, Alcuin, mentions that " Fulrad was the most illustrious of all the abbots who governed the abbey of Saint-Denis. He lived in the highest respect and in the almost general approval, loved by five popes, three kings and most great men of her century ". The donation of Lièpvre's domain is confirmed much later by Lothario I in a diploma sent by Verdun on August 4, 854 which clarifies that only the abbey of Saint-Denis is an owner of all these possessions and that they can be on no account alienated to someone else.

[edit] The possessions of Lièpvre's priory are connected with the royal basilica of Saint-Denis

In the will drafted by Fulrad in 777 to Héristal[14] he wished that after the death all the possessions which it had acquired, bought or received are intended for the abbey of Saint-Denis [15] of which he was an abbot from 750 to 784. In this will which was for a long time analyzed by Mr Tangl and Fleckenstein, it enumerated all the possessions which had to pass under the control of Saint-Denis. This precaution was dictated by main concerns that its possessions are not scattered by some rivalries of which it anticipated consequences after the death. It took care of endorse the will by most high-ranking persons of his time. There were notably the possessions which certain Widon had given, placed him partially in Mortenau, then in Alsace, notably to Guémar, Saint-Hippolyte, Andolsheim, Sundhoven, Grussenheim and Ribeauvillé. This donation had been endorsed in 768 by Pépin-le-Bref, in a charter by which it fell to Fulrad the possessions which this abbot had given up to him while he felt in danger of death [16]. These possessions allow to make an idea of the limit and the description of the royal domain alienated in favour of Lièpvre's convent which included so three villages of the Valley of Lièpvre (Lièpvre, Rombach-le-Franc, Sainte Croix-aux-Mines) The other historians added that the mountain of Chalmont would be other than Nannenstol mentioned in Charlemagne's diploma in 774 whom in dialect is called Chânemont [17]. A doubt remains however as for the origin of this name [18] Stophanberg (Haut Koenigsbourg) but also it seems Taennchel the possessions of Lièpvre's priory made left because the monks of the priory took their pigs until the summit of this mountain so that they can eat the acorns of the oaks which sprinkled the ground [19]. Fulrad received from his sister Waldrade Ansulsishaim's villa which he connected with Holy Alexander to Lièpvre. In this will is also mentioned the possessions granted by Charlemagne in 774 whom declared will to give the other possessions to Fulradovilla ( Lièpvre's ) [20] convent of which several other wooded wood situated in Alsace, being a part of the Kintzheim's fiscal walking. These forests were situated to Garmaringa ( Guémar), Odeldinga (near Orschwihr) and Ridmarca [21]. It authorized besides the monks of Lièpvre graze to to the crowds in all the settled of Kintzheim's walking, even except indicated limits. These properties untied from the royal domain, such as those that were a part of seigneuries of Widon and Riculfe are not mentioned in this charter signed in 774, but are indicated in Fulrad's will. The possessions of Lièpvre's convent extended also of Frarupt's brook until that of Molembach and ended in Fersta and in Bogenstrein ( Ramstein). In the other forests the rights of usage and meadow exercised in common between the nearby municipalities and Lièpvre's prieuré, what often caused disputes, notably with the inhabitants of Rombach-le-Franc. [ Fulrad also mentions in his will the possessions received from certain Chrodradus on July 17, 767 (Sixteenth August calends of the 13-th year of Pepin-the-small's administration. It arranged several possessions in Germany in the pago Brisagavinsi (Brisgau) of which Rummingen, Tamingen, Kütthenhen, Haltinge, Emeldingen, Birizen and Oetlingen. Chrodradus, count of Alsace of 27/09/749 in 15/11/769 died on August 31 in year 790 [22]. Another importing person, Ruthard who was considered as an aristocrat sold also to the abbot Fulrad of the possessions. This person is mentioned in three Pepin-the-small's diplomas: in 752 , 753 and 759. Widensolen's church, district of Colmar does not appear in Fulrad's will drafted in 777, but in a copy which he executed a little later [23].

[edit] After Fulrad's death, the possessions of Lièpvre's priory are the object of greed

As long as lived Fulrad and Charlemagne that is until the death of this last one in 814, the monks of Very Lièpvre did not have to be afraid. No Lord would have allowed to question rights and possessions of the priory. However from 843 the emperor Lothario Ier gives up to certain Erchanguer count of Nordgau or Low Alsace [24] Quuningishaim ( Kintzheim's former) fiscal walking which had been given in 774 to Fulrad by Charlemagne. It hoped also to monopolize of the forest which depended on it and which was a part good of Lièpvre's priory [25]. During the interview among the three brothers, Lothario, Lewis and Karl to tighten the links of their alliances, the abbot Lewis, the son of the count Roricon and Charlemagne's Rotrude girl who obtained the abbey of Saint-Denis in 841, took advantage of it to try to remove the possessions of the priory’s of Lièpvre and Saint Hippolyte to grant them in fief, or as one said then in precarious profit, to a Lord of Conrad Ier's name, count of Argovie, brother of the empress Judith and Emma, wife of Lewis II of Bavaria and member of the influential family of Welfs which had married Gisèle, girl of the emperor Louis le Débonnaire. The monks of Saint-Denis, more conscious than their abbot opposed wildly to this seizure and carried affair in front of the assembly of the bishops reunited at the request of the king of France to Verberie, near Compiègne in 853, by producing them Fulrad's original will and the bull of the pope Stephan II which granted all the convents which this abbot could base in the vast e of his realm. The council of Verberie consisted of four archbishops and seventeen bishops cut in favor of the monks and pronounced that Lièpvre's priers could be never alienated or dismembered whatever excuse it is of the abbey of Saint-Denis. The letter synodal dated August 27 853 is sent personally to Conrad to warn it of consequences which it would have to undergo in case of passage in force [26].

The abbot Lewis of Saint-Denis had, not long after the misfortune of hang between the hands of the Normans. I obtained the freedom only after a strong ransom paid with several churches and the abbey of Saint-Denis she even and all the priers of France it of Germany who depended on it. Lièpvre's priory participated in its way of paying a strong sum of money for Lewis's liberation abbot of Saint-Denis. After the liberation, the abbot Lewis in sign of reward asked that after the death all the incomes of the abbeys of Saint-Denis were used for their food and the conversation of their church and to come to the need of the poor men of their district [27]. Charles le Chauve, king of France, whose Lewis was similar and arch-chancellor, approved this disposal in a diploma dated Compiègne of the year 856.

[edit] The kings, the emperors and popes declare themselves defenders of Lièpvre's priory

One must to Dom Doublet [28] and to Dom Michel Félibien [29] have opened the way to the studies of a big part of documents stored in the abbey of Saint-Denis a part of which concerns particularly Lièpvre and Fulrad. One of the first authors to bend over the authenticity of diplomatic acts and papal concerning Saint-Denis and on the rebound Lièpvre, was the father Henschenius who published in February, 1658 an eulogy on Fulrad [30]. In 1672, the Modest father of Saint Amable, started again in his tour works and published in his second volume a note on Fulrad [31]. Later it is Mabillon who will praise Fulrad of whom one finds a wide chapter in its second volume appeared in 1686 [32]. It is due to Mabillon that Dom Félibien was able to give in his History of Saint-Denis Fulrad's more complete life. Later it is the abbot Rapp, the former vicar general of Strasbourg in 1878 who will publish a work on the abbot Fulrad [33]. Finally another work on Fulrad's life was published in 1902 by the Father Marc Dubruel who even makes today authority [34]. Some chapters on Fulrad's life were also resumed in the Review of Alsace in 1901 and 1902. Most of the acts concerning the former priory of Lièpvre are situated today in the national archives in Paris and in. Another part of archives can be consulted in the National Library in capital of Lorraine. The other isolated documents concerning Saint-Denis and Lièpvre are stored in her to Karlsruhre and also to the concerning more particularly connections with Ribeaupierre. The letters of the great men, the bulls of the popes, the royal diplomas where it is Fulrad's question are very numerous. First bulls granted tuned by the Roman pontiffs to the abbot of Saint-Denis are in the number six: four are signed by the pope Stephan II in 757; two of Hadrian in 774 and 781. The authenticity of all these acts is not questioned. One finds also thirteen authentic diplomas of the time of Pepin-the-Small, four under Carloman, and twenty under Charlemagne. Count acts exist in originals in the national archives. Late Jules Tardif published them in his Ancient memorials by analyzing them and by inventorying them. Some of these details mention Lièpvre's priory [35].

The first to be granted its support for Lièpvre's priory was Charlemagne himself who there 774 brought its support for the abbot Fulrad for the creation of a priory to Lièpvre in a diploma by assuring him properties situated in the royal domain of. In February 847 Charles-le-Chauve confirm the possessions and the privileges of Lièpvre's convent. This donation is also confirmed by his son eldest on October 21, 843 which renews donations made by Charlemagne granting in Saint-Denis Lièpvre's priory, Vallis Fulradis of which several possessions and forests situated in Alsace and in the country of Salonne [36]. Dans this document Valley of Lièpvre is mentioned on August 4, 854 the same emperor renew that the possessions of Lièpvre's priory make left well for the abbey of Saint-Denis [37]. About ten years later this privilege is renewed by his son Lothaire II. In 856 Charles-le-Chauve confirm the capacities of the abbot Louis, relative to the use of Lièpvre's incomes. The Pope ( 858-867 ) confirmed the aforementioned charter on April 18 862. Lothaire II, king of Lorraine who come in Alsace to Epfig will renew on June 12 866 the diploma when the emperor Lothaire I that his father had given twelve years previously in favor of Lièpvre's convent. In Worms's treaty concluded towards 876 among the 3 brothers, Charles le Chauve, Louis le Germanique and Lothaire I, it was decided that the possessions of Lièpvre's priory had to remain between the hands of the abbey of Saint-Denis. Louis le Chauve sent the diploma to the pope Léon IV to seal this alliance and to obtain his approval. On June 5, 903, Robert, grandfather of Hugues Capet, obtains from Charles-le-Simple, from letters to assure the monks of Lièpvre against all the attempts of appropriation of the abbots of Saint-Denis. In 903, the possessions of Lièpvre's abbey, cross dominated by Louis IV king of Germania. With Charles's fall of Simple dethroned with the vaussaux in 922, Henri l' Oiseleur, king of Germania imposes his control on all Lotharingie ( 923-923 ) and emperors Othon. The 15 October 980 Lièpvre which was crossed dominated by Louis IV, by Henri Loiseleur and by that of Othon, returns in abbey of Saint-Denis. Othon II, king of Germania and emperor of West lets know to the abbot Robert that Lièpvre's pripry is a part of the abbey of Saint-Denis. It leaves him also the care of naming the admitted of this convent. These formulations are resumed on January 26, 1056 at the request of Agnès his wife and of Henri IV his son in a diploma sent since Strasbourg [38]. All these details confirm that Lièpvre's convent, as well as quite complete valley were a part then of Alsace. But they passed soon towards the Duchy of Lorraine when dukes obtained the advocatie of Lièpvre's convent.. The pope Nicolas II reminds he as well as Lièpvre's convent been a part of possessions of Saint-Denis in a bull of April 18, 1061 [39]. The English pope ( 1154-1159 ) goes to the same by reminding that the possessions of the Alsatian priory have to stay in the patrimony of Saint-Denis. This bull is signed on December 18, 1156. The pope in a bull dated let know October 11, 1259 that the abbey of Saint-Denis enjoys all the temporal jurisdiction in Lièpvre's village [40]. In 1342 , 1348 and 1354 Lièpvre is confirmed in the rights of the abbey of Saint-Denis. The pope who rose on the papal throne in 1342 will confirm all the privileges granted to Lièpvre's priory. The emperor Charles IV who reigned at the time gave on April 27, 1348 orders to put the abbey of Saint-Denis shielded from the appropriations which desired several Lords, as ecclesiastical as laic [41]. The same prince of passage to Sélestat on May 12, 1354 will renew all the privileges to the prior of Lièpvre granted by all the kings, his predecessors and those that had tuned the emperor Charlemagne, Charles le Chauve and Henri III [42]. The pope Alexandre IV also grants his support for the monks of Lièpvre in 1388. In 1396, Charles II, duke of Lorraine declares itself defender of Lièpvre's convent. Following frequent changes of sovereign power of the history of Alsace, the monks of Lièpvre were often despoiled of a part of their possessions because not being able to defend itself by themselves. That is why they are going to appeal to defenders more generally called dedicated. They were at first the noble persons of Echéry who play an important role by guaranteeing the territorial integrity of the possessions of the monks of Lièpvre. This noble family had grown rich due to the exploitation of mines). She appears only from 1232. But a tragic event interrupted their prosperity in 1284: the richest in them was " treacherously " put to death by his own cousins, and Landvogt of Alsace deprived them the castle. The successors of Echery were then dukes of Lorraine. In 1377 Hattstatt is charged by the prior of Lièpvre of defender the valley. Things were can be not as simple as it appears to it, because the monks of Saint-Denis ask the king of France, Charles VI to intervene with duke of Lorraine so that this one restores the possessions, the justice, jurisdiction and seigniory of the Valley of Lièpvre with several other righteousness and memberships which had been given by the kings of France in Saint-Denis. At the beginning of XVth century the abbey of Saint-Denis had completely lost Valley of Lièpvre and in spite of the interventions of Charles VI, she was never able to to get back the lost possessions. Hattstats has to swear allegiance and defend rights and privileges of the priory, then in 1384, it receives half of the provost ship of the Valley of Lièpvre. It had sworn on the relics of the saints to protect the priory and to maintain there the interests of the monks. Hattstatt guarded Valley of Lièpvre until their extinction in 1585. In archives one finds notably certain Burchard of Kintzheim's Rathsamhausen and Henri de Rathsamhausen, knight chastelain of Kaysersberg loaded to protect the possessions of the convent. There were several branches of the family of Rathsamhausen which are all interred in the vault station wagon of the church Midsummer Day to Sélestat. In the documents of the XVth in the XVIIIth century the possessions of Lièpvre appear under the naming of " ground of Saint-Denis " which one finds for properties crossed on the subject of Saint Georges in Nancy from 1502.

[edit] Dukes of Lorraine seize gradually possessions of Lièpvre's priory

A diploma dated VIIIth century, during Charlemagne's administration, prescribed to duke of Lorraine, admitted by Saint-Denis, for all the domains belonging to convents based by Fulrad in Alsace, to protect them against quite invasion and unlawful intrusion from territory. Duke of Lorraine had to intervene militarily in every case of appropriation which could threaten the interests of the monks. It is doubtless following this diploma that dukes of Lorraine took excuse to interfere more and more in the business of the Valley of Lièpvre to the detriment of Lièpvre's priory. In the beginning this intervention makes in a courteous way and without brutality. Dukes of Lorraine doubtless had knowledge of the rich mines of lead and iron, brass money in the Valley of Lièpvre from the year 963 run by the monks of Echéry. Of the time of Gerard, bishop of Toul, it is question already of the tithe which have to pay the mines of the Valley of Lièpvre [43]. Gerard d' Alsace duke of Lorraine from 1049 till 1070 who was invests in 1048 by the emperor Henri III, seized in 1052 tithes and markets, as well as all the rights of the Valley of Lièpvre of which Saint Blaise, near Sainte Marie-aux-Mines. In this operation it is he seems supported by Brunon, former bishop of elected Toul pope under the name of Leon IX, which in Lorraine had obtained the liberation. The nobility of Lorraine which had not adopted him will try to create him troubles. The emperor Henri III supported him and supplies her troops which allowed him to overcome his opponents. The Abbey of Saint-Denis in the tour entered conflict with duke of Lorraine who showed himself determined to defend Lièpvre's priory. It is after 1065 that was doubtless consisted Charlemagne's false diploma which confirmed the set of the possessions of Saint-Denis situated in the Empire, but it was in vain. In 1078, the son and the successor of Gerard, duke Thierry made the possessions usurped to Yves abbot of Saint-Denis and Lièpvre's Manassès prior. This charter sent by Saint-Dié is countersigned by Pibon, bishop of Toul, Thierry bishop of Verdun, Rembald provost of Saint-Dié and three counts and several Lords [44].

Charles, duke of Lorraine, seizes completely possessions and domains of Lièpvre's priory in 1400. On April 16, 1502, Lièpvre is put back between the hands of the pope by the bishop of Verdun. The pope reunites him in the collegiate church of Nancy. The monks of Saint-Denis complain with the king of France Charles VI, which wants to restore the possessions in 1404. In 1405 Saint-Denis tempts a new approach directly by addressing duke of Lorraine, but in vain. The monks of Saint-Denis and Philippe de Villette, his abbot, demanded the authority of Charles VI king of France, to be them restored. The king by writing several times to duke during two years never had answer. The king ordered then his Vitry's bailli to send one or two of his officers with the representatives of the abbey to obtain the answer of duke. The letter is dated October 24, 1404 since Paris [45]. Both went in Nancy, in the fixed day, but always not having found there duke, they returned to it next March 13. But duke Charles remained firm and gave in no way to the king of France. The primatial of Nancy enters ownership of the incomes of Lièpvre's priory and that of Saint-Hippolyte which depended on it. At the beginning of sixteenth century it is Dommartin's Warin, a bishop of Verdun, who possessed him there commend. The prelate having put handed him between the hands of the pope, Alexander VI reunites him in the request of duke of Lorraine, René II, duke of Lorraine, in the Saint George collegiate church of Nancy on April 16, 1502.. [46]. The church primatial of this city, based in 1602, entered ownership of Lièpvre's incomes and that of Saint-Hippolyte, 1742 and reunited in that of Saint George, to form only an one and only dependence. The pope Pie VI by a bull dated November 19, 1777, confirmed with Louis XVI's letters of patent of January, set up the primatial of Our Lady of Nancy as a bishop's palace suffragist of Trier and as a chapter cathedral. It is as such that this priory enjoys a part of the tithes of Lièpvre, Saint Hippolyte, Sainte Marie-aux-Mines Lorraine and Sainte Croix-aux-Mines as well as the right of patronage of the cures of the four municipalities of the Valley of Lièpvre.

[edit] The slow agony of Lièpvre's priory

The church of the convent would date the time of Charlemagne : she was big and spacious. According to the columnist of Senones, the monk Richer (who lived in the XIIIth century), the emperor had made cover the marble ground of various colours. This marble tiled floor was removed in 1577 by Christophe de Bassompierre, Grand Master of the finances of Lorraine, which transferred the whole in its Haroué's castle. Today, there is any more no vestige. Lièpvre's priory possessed for a long time relics which attracted the believers. One indicates in 1229 that Lièpvre's priory is compromised in the point to succumb under the weight of its debts. The abbot of Saint-Denis, Odon, lends him 530 pounds parisis to take on the income that the abbot pulls every year of it. By 1271 a settlement of account appears that Lièpvre's priory has already paid off a good part of its loan and does not owe any more in Saint-Denis than 100 payable pounds in five years. The prior of Lièpvre makes a loan of 80 pounds by 1365 to repair the church of the church ravaged by the English commanded by Cervolle's Arnaud says Archiprêtre.

In the XIV-th century the prior of Franconville's Lièpvre, Eudes, executed a stained glass for the monarchal church. This work does not exist any more, but we know, due to two rudimentary plans, dated 1596, that in the lower register, Charlemagne, occupying the central panel, was represented by Fulrad (left panel) and of Roland and Olivier (right panel)[47].A list raised on May 16, 1509 enumerates, before the confusions of the reform and the devastation of the Boorish, the inventory of the possessions situated in the priory. The same year the priory was visited with Toul's suffrages, two canons of Saint Georges and some clerics, among others Vautrin Lud, canon of Saint-Dié. They found there a reliquary with Holy Alexander's bones, an arm of money containing a bone of the arm of this saint : eight other wooden reliquaries bronzed, gold-colored copper and ivory containing relics not determined [48] In 1602 one indicates that a quite broken reliquary which would contain Holy Alexander's relics [49]. An inventory made in 1746 enumerates missals, chalice, pinafore dresses and the other ornaments, but does not speak any more about relics [50].

According to a plan established in 1549 by Bichler Michel, judge mines, representing for the house of Austria and superintendent of Sainte Marie-aux-Mines's part of Lorraine, the only sanctuary remained still (the conventional buildings had already disappeared); it was a basilica for three naves with transept and three apses and a square bell tower. She existed still in the XVIIth century. Mr Bichler made statements and sketch of the church of Lièpvre's priory. It supplies descriptions of the church such as she existed in this time. The ledge of the outside wall of the choir of the former convent was decorated with heads of oxen, rams, muzzles and lions. On August 2, 1652, the mayor of Lièpvre and some inhabitants become alarmed at the decay of Lièpvre's priory with the lease-holder and ask that it begins repairs. The roof of the church is in very bad state as well as the tours of the chapel. The collateral two are completely burned following the war of thirty years. They ask the lease-holder to advance the necessary money to make repairs. They also demand ropes to ring the bells of the church of the priory and to make charities as formerly.

In 1666, the nave was damaged, only the choir remained still . In the former panes of Lièpvre's church one perceived the image of the abbot Fulrad with these words : do mea cuncta Deo hic, and on the other side Charlemagne's portrait with this registration : trusting haec jubeo. Dom Alliot of Moyenmoutier's abbey who visited in 1704 Lièpvre's prieuré called in a letter sent to Dom Mabillon that the church remained still complete : " there is staux, and in the heart of the presbytery a glazing in several panels on one of which one sees Charlemagne sat on a throne with a scepter in the hand ". He adds, that in the feet holds an abbot ( Fulrad) who holds in hand a roller with this legend : Do omnia bona mea Deo [51]. With the wars of XVIIth century, the priory undergoes the other damages [52]. In 1704 the father Benoît Picart assures that he does not stay any more up than a part of the church.

The priory is once again burned a bit further, doubtless accidentally, and on June 18, 1738, Saint Georges's chapter crossed a treaty to restore her such as she was before, for the price for fifty Louis or [53]. In spite of repairs, the church priory remained still well ruined and shaky. A new visit of the priory is organized on August 3, 1717 by the canons of the badge Saint Georges's church of Nancy together with the priest of Lièpvre, François Louis Ferry [54]. It spring of this visit that the pavement of the nave is in very bad state and that there are any more no pavements in the collateral. The panes of the choir of the church are also ruined. The roof of the church turns out also in bad state, and to seal breaches, one put " swains ". In spite of these precautions, it is always raining of all the sides. They agree unanimously to make repairs. They notice also that the wall of the entrance of the church, towards the village, is cracked and that it threatens to overthrow all the time. During the visit, the priest of Lièpvre announces also that he exists in a very former small wooden safe, the rests of the relics of Holy Alexander [55]. One possesses some details on buildings and on church of Lièpvre's convent due to the abbot Ingold who found in the archives of Karlsruhe a ancient plan with some precision. This plan was a cavalier sight of the church : it was a building with transept with apse flanked with two abseils ; the choir, very short, which preceded the apse, was heightened with five walking. Seven square pillars of every edge separated the nave of bottom - quoted, of which each was enlightened with five windows. Everything this gives the idea of a rather spacious vessel which could have 35 or 40 meters in length. Near the transept, near the side gospel, was the unique bell tower[56].

According to the abbot Grandidier (It is in 1775 and 1776 that the abbot Grandidier took charge of Lièpvre's priory) but also of the father Louis Laguille [57] this church would be that what is more built Fulrad in the VIIIth century. But it seems maybe too beautiful. Of any time one is allowed go gladly to age monuments, and same error was especially easy to the XVIIIth century, when the archaeology of the Middle Age did not still exist. This church and all the priory had to suffer from the passage of Armagnacs and uprising of the Boorish.

[edit] The complete disappearance of Lièpvre's priory

The rests of Lièpvre's convent were demolished in 1751, and the material used for the construction of the Rombach-le-Franc's parochial church and Lièpvre's church. The former choir of the convent became a chapel under Saint Georges's invocation until the Revolution of 1789. To Lièpvre the auction of the biends of the Chapter Saint Georges took place only on June 17, 1791. The inhabitants bought the plough able ground over Chalmont. The municipality saved itself copses and meadows in the middle of the hillside and the State seized the forest which is even today a national forest. The chapel was sold as property national and transformed into particular house. Soon industrial buildings replaced the former priory, so that there is any more nothing of Fulrad's work. Even the recollection of the illustrious monk disappeared among the population. There is any more no cult in honor of the Holy. The own of the diocese of Strasbourg does not mention it. During the Revolution, in 1790 , the valley of Lièpvre was incorporated into the department of the Height - Rhine and did not depend any more on the Lorraine. Before 1790, time when one abolished convents in all France, this chapel was sold as property national and transformed into particular house; one still saw there stained glasses carrying the portraits of Fulrad and Charlemagne. One saw there also a grave on which was represented a profile of feminine bust, the head of which was decorated with a long plait. One believed in the region that this grave contained the rests of a girl of Charlemagne, but this opinion did not rest on any foundation, any coming registration to support this opinion widely spread in the population. On the other hand, what is proved, it is that the choir of the church of Lièpvre's convent contained the ashes of the Lords of Echéry who had their castle in the heart of the valley of Petit Rombach, on the municipality of Sainte Croix-aux-Mines, and who were the sub-dedicated or authorized agents of duke of Lorraine and consequently defender of the monks of Lièpvre. It is doubtless in this quality that they received the honor to be buried in Lièpvre's convent. Fact is widely proved because one found on a grave stone which covered these very well preserved graves registration in Gothic style " Hie Ligent die von Echeric und ruwent in gottes frieden " (Here are buried those of Echéry, that they rest in peace). This stone was removed with the chapel in 1790 and placed as altar stone in the Lièpvre's parochial church. She was moved in 1842, when one changed the altars of this church and is at present placed in Lièpvre's cemetery. In 1816, the ground on which was built Lièpvre's priory was acquired with Rissler, which installed there a factory of tissues, then it crossed in the family Dietsch in 1844 and in 1959 in the kitchens Schmidt situated today Avenue Clemenceau. In the last century Romanic sculptures of the former priory were still preserved in the enclosure of the factory. Next to the church is a Romanic chapel of the end of XIth century (ossuary ?) but transformed in the XVIIth century with coupled windows, columns and in full port arches. Big gravestone of the Lords of Echery of XIVth century. According to the fragments found during the excavations of XIXth century, one removed rubble of the fragments of albite, what proves that the convent received and was decorated with numerous marble fragments and of porphyry. One knows that this stone results from Roman time, that the Roman used and appreciated particularly. The discovery of these walls proves that a part of the buildings of the convent extended between the church and the main road in Lièpvre's exit. Skeletons found in the top indicate still that the cemetery of the monks was in the sleeping. During these searches made in 1850, was found no pavement, no cut or sculptured stone. A single silver coin, in Antoine's effigy, duke of Lorraine, was removed from clearings. However one discovered bad lucks of any kind and numerous fragments of porphyries green and red, human bones were dug up. In several places, the earth was calcined. Of this ground one removed scoria’s of iron, copper and some coal. Although that these discoveries establish by in a formal way the place of the Abbey, they prove however that buildings had a rather considerable importance [58] One even sees today old four borders between the various copses of the municipality. Most disappeared, but it remains there four after the brook of Vaurière, among Rombach-le-Franc and Lièpvre. They are numbered and carry the initials of Holy Georges's chapter of Nancy which succeeded Lièpvre's priory Benedictine from 1512, namely bishop's butt with two letters S.G. (Saint Georges). They are practically the last vestiges of the former donation of Charlemagne. It is in 1512 that Saint Georges's chapter entered ownership of the priory of Lièpvre and his rights and powers. Until this date, the monks of the order of Saint sanctimonious disserve the parishes of the Valley of Lièpvre. In 1536 we find one named Blaiser, a priest - chaplain to Lièpvre, then Jean Humbert, cleaned out in the Valley of Lièpvre and living in Holy Cross. Lièpvre and Holy Cross are the most old parishes of the Valley. Firmin cleaned out to Lièpvre and another document of 1661 speaks about " Holy Sebastian’s Confraternity". It is during the priesthood of the priest Morel that was established " Estat of Pensions ", censes and inheritances belonging to the consorce of the Lièpvre's parochial church. The successor of Jean Morel harmed the parish until 1719. After Jean Cucufat Henry, we find:

  • François Louis Ferry ( 1719-1723 )
  • Paul Joseph Pot d‘Argent ( 1723-1732 )
  • Collin (1732-1734)
  • Jean Deviot ( 1734-1744 )

In 1744, Jean Morel became Vice-chancellor of Lièpvre and Rombach-le-Franc's parish. It is he notably who took care to finish lawsuit concerning the distribution of the tithe, instituted on the subject of Saint Georges in Nancy. It forced by all the legal means the church primatial to rebuild Lièpvre's parochial church, and to the usurpers of the possessions of the church to be restored all that they had possessed inequitably. Due to his energy and its multiple steps, the vice-chancellor Joly of Morey obtained in 1748 a favorable judgment which terminated numerous lawsuits. The classification of tithes was concluded by judgment of duke of Lorraine.

[edit] Perceived on the current church

Lièpvre's current church which is on Rombach-le-Franc's road was reconstructed probably by 1752, but there was in this place a church from the XIIIth century placed under the invocation of Holy Alexander which was frequented by the inhabitants of Rombach-le-Franc and Lièpvre for Sunday masses, marriages, funerals who was destroyed during the war of 30 years. The elements of the Lièpvre's parochial church were gone up with former rests resulting from the priory of Lièpvre and the church Holy Alexander. In the church a gravestone removed with the chapel in 1790, was placed as altar stone in the Lièpvre's parochial church, but it was uncalled-for when in 1843 one changed the altars of this church. She contained the rests of the last Lord of Eckerich died in 1381. They were leaned in the wall of the church, but these elements have since summer moved in front of the entrance of the church One of the most curious objects which contained the chapel is the baptism which one even sees today under the bell tower of the church It is stone and has the shape of a chalice. The bottom forms a square which is decorated on its four faces of sculptures subjects of which seem pulled by the Apocalypse of Holy Jean. The stone which serves of base is also decorated with symbolic subjects.

The big bell of the Lièpvre's parochial church results also from the convent of Holy Alexandre. She carries the date of 1542. This bell was melted by an artist of Lorraine, Jean Lamperti native of Deneuvre, by Baccarat. This village had formerly a collegiate church based in 1301 under Saint Georges's title by Henri Sire of Blamont and Deneuvre and Cunégonde his woman. Lamperti exercised there during long years the profession of long-distance skiers; their bells competed under the report quality and the elegance, with those of the most famous factories and their fame widely exceeded Lorraine. Two constancies distinguished them: the presence of Saint Georges's medallion and one finds them on Lièpvre's bells Notice sur deux anciennes cloches du Val de Lièpvre. Bulletin pour la conservation des monuments historiques </ref>. According to the popular legend she was hidden in a meadow near Lièpvre during the war of 30 years, from the approach of the Swedes who ravaged the valley in the 1635's and 1636 and notably the convent. She was dug up a century later and risen on the bell tower of the church. One notices there two medallions of which the one represents Saint Georges bringing down the dragon and the other one the Virgin Mary with the child Jesus accompanied with angels, playing different instruments. On the bell have bed: O sancta Married and sancte Cucufate martir orate pro nobis; and more low :Maria am named in honor of God and of the Virgo Marie was faict. Who was this Saint Cucufat ? A martyr died for the faith in Barcelona in Spain on July 25 303. One reads in saint Cucufat's acts that the relics were given to Charlemagne by the wali of Barcelona Sulaiman Ibn-Al Arabi and that the abbot Fulrad having obtained them from the emperor, put down deposited them in the church of Lièpvre's priory which he had based [59]. Were they complete relics? The Spaniards claim that Holy Cucufat's body is in Barcelona and that one carried in France only his leader. A part of these relics stayed in Lièpvre till the beginning of XIX th century. One worshipped this relic in the sacristy which was contained in a small wooden reliquary, decorated outside with sculptures. Another part of relics was transported by Hildouin, abbot of Saint-Denis ( 835 ) in the abbey. Four head of columns resulting from the former convent serve at present in Lièpvre's church of bases for banners. The small chapel [60] which one sees to the right of the church was built with the rests of the former priory. It is all which stays of the former convent [61]. On February 6, 2004 the frescoes of XIIIth century were discovered under the vaults of the choir of the ancient church during the renovation of the parochial church. These frescoes could date years 1200-1250 what would have anything of amazing because one knows that a chapel was in the place of the choir which was protected and of which the rest was demolished in 1752 to leave place with the bigger current church.

[edit] Personalities connected to the municipality

[edit] Places and monuments

  • Fountain Saint Alexandre

Situated in hundred meters of former Lièpvre's abbey, the monks looked there for the water. This former fountain which is before Lièpvre's exit, in the direction of Musloch, always exists and is dated 1550. This fountain was doubtless redone and one surrendered to it in a certain time of the year in pilgrimage. The water of this fountain was renowned blessed.

  • Chapel / ossuary

Next to the church of Lièpvre's Assumption, in the cemetery, is a Romanic chapel of the end of XI th century but transformed in the XVIIth century in ossuary with coupled windows, columns and in full port bearing.This chapel was classified Ancient memorial on March 22, 1934 (ministerial Decision: MH1934 / 03 / 22).

  • Musloch's chapel

This chapel is placed under the invocation of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and placed in front of the former school. She even has a cellar and would have been built on the place of an former house destroyed by a fire in 1903. This one would have even served of inn during the revolution. The chapel is inaugurated Monday of the Pentecost in 1905 by the Priest Legay.

[edit] Notes and references

  1. ^ The abbot Antoine Rice, the resident priest to Attigny-la-Tour, charged by duke Léopold to list all the parishes of the Duchy of Lorraine in 1702, calls Lièpvrette " L' Ebre "
  2. ^ Henri Bardy: Un souvenir des écorcheurs, Saint-Dié, 1898
  3. ^ Les limites mérovingiennes de l'abbaye de Stavelot-Malmedy , 1967, Terra Incognita, 140 p.
  4. ^ (Alain Stoclet: Autour de Fulrad de Saint-Denis, pp.498-499) & Christian Wilsdorf: Les destinées du Prieuré de Lièpvre jusqu'à l'an 1000, p.121, Annuaire de la Société des amis de la bibliothèque de Sélestat, 1963
  5. ^ Irmengarde of Tours been born in 804 died 23/03/851 in Angers
  6. ^ Emperor of Germania born in Altdorf in 795 in Germany, died on September 29, 855 to Prum, Germany
  7. ^ This parchment is in the National Archives, Paris , France, under the côte K6 , n°3
  8. ^ J.Fleckenstein, Fulrad von Saint-Denis und der fränkische Ausgriff in den süddeutschen Raum: G.Tellebach, Studien und Vorarbeiten zur Geschichte of fränkischen und frühdeutschen Adels, Fribourg-en-Brisgau, 1957 , p.9-39
  9. ^ Stoclet A. - Autour de Fulrad de Saint-Denis, p. 67-68
  10. ^ "Cella, quam onfra vasta Vosgo aedificavi, ubi sanctis cocovatus requiescit, super fluvium laima, quae dicitur Fulradi cella" say Fulrad in his will of 777 whoms is in National Archives inder the côte: K7, n°1
  11. ^ Dubruel J. - Fulrad abbé de Saint-Denis, Revue d'Alsace, 1902, p. 138
  12. ^ Abbé Grandidier: Histoire de l'église et des évêques-princes de Strasbourg depuis la fondation de l'évêché jusqu'à nos jours, Strasbourg, 1776, François Levrault, p. 437
  13. ^ It is by Argenteuil's obtuary column, drafted in 1300 that one learns the exact date if Fulrad's death. the name of Fulrad is in the folio 247 reverse, 337 reverse. This obtuary column is in National Library, the latin collection, fund n°12781
  14. ^ Archives Nationales,Paris,France, cote: K7 n°1 A - AEII 40
  15. ^ Testament von Fulrad von Saint-Denis, Neues Archiv, t. XXXII, 1906, p.207 and Fleckenstein, p.9-30
  16. ^ La donation de Charlemagne au prieuré de Lièpvre en 774, p.6
  17. ^ Archives Nationales, Paris, France, K6, n°3
  18. ^ The others historians assert that Nannenstohl is Rombach-le-Franc's locality called today Naugigoutte
  19. ^ Schweighaeser: Antiquités d'Alsace
  20. ^ Aliqua loca silvestra ... in pago Alsaciense, ex marca fisco nostre Quuningesheim
  21. ^ Burner's village, today disappared situated near Sélestat
  22. ^ Archives Nationales, Paris, France, K5, n°6 who would seem datet Xth century
  23. ^ Les destinées du prieuré de Lièpvre jusqu'à l'an mil, p. 122
  24. ^ It is that one reads to the back of Lothaire's diploma in 854 " confirmatio Hlotharii imperatoris of sylvâ pertinente ad Folradi villare, quam absytaxit Erkengarus comes de audo Wilvillare"
  25. ^ Auguste Kroeber: Diplôme de Lothaire, roi de Lorraine pour le prieuré de Lièpvre, Revue d'Alsace, 1867, P. 527-528
  26. ^ The names of the bishops are: Wenilon of Sens, Paul of Rouen, Almaric of Tours, Hinmar of Reims, Teutbold of Langres, Ansegaud of Avranches, Pardule of Laon, Hrothalds of Soissons, Inmons of Noyons, Ieminfrid of Beauvais, Erpoin of Senlis, Hilmerad of Amiens, Agius of Orleans, erloin of Constance, Balfrid of Bayeux, Gunther of Evreux, Gerard of Lisieux, Balfrid of Bayeux, Gunther of Evreux, Gerard of Lisieux, Hildelbrand of Seez, Jean of Aurun,Godelsad of Châlons-sur-Saoône and Braiding of Mâcon
  27. ^ Mabillon, tome III,p.65 and Félibien, book 2, p.86 and 875
  28. ^ Histoire de l'abbaye de Saint-Denys, Paris, 1626
  29. ^ Histoire de l'abbaye de saint Denis en France, 1706
  30. ^ Acta sanctorum of Bollandistes, Paris 1626, tome V, p. 32-41, Amiens
  31. ^ Monarchie sainte, II, p. 241, Paris, 1672
  32. ^ Acta sanctorum ordinis sanscti Benedicti, p. 334-342
  33. ^ Rapp: Saint Fulrade, abbé de Saint Denis, Strasbourg, 1883
  34. ^ Fulrad, abbé de Saint-Denis, Colmar , Librairie Huffel, 1902, 158 p.
  35. ^ Monuments historiques, cartons des rois, 1866, Archives nationales,
  36. ^ Archives Nationales, Paris, France, côte K 10, n°5
  37. ^ "Cellam quam in sua propriera in pago Alsacense in loco, qui dicitur Fulradovilare vir reliosus Fulradus a novo suo opere construxerat" - Histoire de l'église de Strasbourg, tome 2, p. 238
  38. ^ "Monasterii in honorem S.Alexandri constructi in valle Lepraha dicto un pago Alsaciensi - Diplôme de l'empereur Henri III october 16, 1056 - Archives Nationales, Paris, K19, n°3
  39. ^ This document appears in Rolf Gross's work: Papstukunden in Frankreich 9, Banns Diozese, Paris II, Abtei Saint-Denis, Gottingen, Vandenhoeck 1, Euprecht, 1998, n°17, P. 1
  40. ^ "Villam et prioratum de Lebraha cum temprali judisdictione et omnibus pertinensis suis - Doublet, p. 594
  41. ^ In this diploma Lièpvre is qualified as Abbatiola in pago Alsatiae, qua dicitur lebraha - Archives de Meurthe et Moselle, Nancy
  42. ^ Doublet, book 3, p. 986. This parchment is in National Archives, Paris under the côte K47, n°27
  43. ^ Schoepflin: Alsatia Illustrata, Vol.I, p.43
  44. ^ Archives of the Meurthe and Moselle, G.393/1. this act is sometimes suspected
  45. ^ Archives Nationales, Paris, France, S 2238
  46. ^ Saint-George's collective church, based in the XIVth century, by Raoul, duke of Lorraine in the place whre is today the city hall of Nancy, was demolished in 1742
  47. ^ Robert Will: Le vitrail de Charlemagne à Lièpvre, évocation d'une oeuvre d'art disparue au XIVe siècle in CAAAH, 1978, p. 236
  48. ^ Archives de Meurthe and Moselle, G.394
  49. ^ Archives de Meurthe et Moselle, G 394
  50. ^ Revue d'Alsace, 1901, p.236
  51. ^ AMP Ingold: Mabillon en Alsace, Colmar, 1902, P¨. 84
  52. ^ Origine de la maison de Lorraine, p.215
  53. ^ Archives of Meurthe and Moselle G 394
  54. ^ Died on April 15, 1725. The gravestone is embedded in the Wall of the parochial church, to the left, by the middle of the nave
  55. ^ Journal et relations de voyage fait au Val de Lièpvre par Claude Thiebaut, chanoine du chapitre Saint Georges et le sieur Hussard , tabellion et procureur du chapitre, - Archives of Meurthe and Moselle B.400
  56. ^ Les correspondants de Grandidier: correspondance entre Dom La Forcade, Dom Poirier et Grandidier -Revue Catholique d'Alsace, p. 1-13, 1893
  57. ^ Histoire de la province d'Alsace, Strasbourg, 1727, tome 1, p. 100
  58. ^ Archives Degermann, 3566 - Mairie de Sainte Marie-aux-Mines
  59. ^ Vita et actus beati Dyonisii . Bibliothèque Nationale, ms latin 2447 et ms 1509
  60. ^ Classified ancient memorial by Ministerial decision on march 22, 1934
  61. ^ Quoted by Léonard Fischer on notes historiques sur Lièpvre et l'Allemand Rombach. Revue Catholique d'Alsace, 1910,p.2

[edit] Bibliographies

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Author's nameless work:

  • Die Tage des Vier und fechsunszwanzigften februars 1844 in Leberthale, Zu Schlettstadt, bei F. Helbig, Buchbruder - Strassburg, bei Schmidt und Bruder und Mariakitch, bei Gergard, Buchhanler, 30 pages (Speak about the flood to Lièpvre in 1844)