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For other uses, see LEV (disambiguation)

A Phantoma class combat LEV
A Phantoma class combat LEV
Vic Viper (Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner)
Vic Viper (Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner)

LEV stands for Laborious Extra-Orbital Vehicle. It is a type of Mecha in the Zone of the Enders universe. Although LEVs are outclassed by the more powerful Orbital Frames in both the game and anime, in the latter they are shown to be capable of occasionally destroying an Orbital Frame with concentrated firepower. LEVs are characterized by their large, cumbersome appearance.

There is however, the exception of the Vic Viper. This sleek, transformable LEV is a hybrid of Orbital Frame and LEV technology, possibly utilizing powerful innovations studied from Orbital Frame Jehuty. [1] Although it is in the LEV category, the Vic Viper has shown to be able to actually outclass many Orbital Frames...especially the enhanced model piloted by Leo Stenbuck in Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner. It is also capable of taking a large amount of punishment most LEV's would buckle under despite its slender appearance.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

There were two Vic Viper prototypes piloted by Leo Stenbuck and Rock Thunderheart. Thunderheart's Vic Viper is presumably destroyed before the start of the second game.[2]

[edit] Notable LEV

  • Bizac

Bizac are special task Acremos units. It appears in The Fist of Mars as an enemy.

  • Bizac S

Bizac S is a modified version of Bizac. It is stronger then Bizac.

  • Caliburnus

Caliburnus is a strong LEV with stronger defence then other lEVs. It appears in The Fist of Mars. It is piloted by Semyl Shambrow

  • Dreizehn

Dreizehn is a LEV with a long range projectile weapons. It appears in The Fist of Mars.

  • HarutMarut

HarutMarut is a large LEV that resembles Tempest. It is used to control the rioters in Mars. It is created and piloted by Dezeele Zephyrs.

  • Justeen

Justeen is a LEV used by BIZ. It has more aglity then other LEVS. It appears in The Fist of Mars as a playable frame.

  • Ned LEV

Ned LEV is a special LEV made for Ned. It appears in The Fist of Mars as an antagonist.

  • Phantoma

Phantoma is a basic military LEV, once commonly used both by the space force and BAHRAM.

  • Reinforced LEV A

Reinforced LEV A is the basic fighter LEV unit used by Mars. It is equip with a machine gun. The appear as the main basic antagonist in The Fist of Mars.

  • Reinforced LEV B

Reinforced LEV B are basic LEV fighter. Thet appear in The Fist of Mars as regular enemies. It is epuip with missles.

  • Reinforced LEV C

Reinforced LEV C is another basic LEV use by mars. It is equip with a beam gun. It appears in The Fist of Mars as enemies.

  • Security Force LEV A

Security Force LEV A is a LEV equip with a hand gun. However, it isn't very strong.

Vic Viper is the only LEV that is able to fly. It has the ablity to transform form a humanoid mech to a ship. It is piloted by Leo Stenbuck.

[edit] Sources

[edit] See also