Leucine zipper

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A helical wheel diagram of a parallel coiled coil.
A helical wheel diagram of a parallel coiled coil.

The leucine zipper is a type of structural motif found in parallel coiled coils. It is a common dimerization domain found in some proteins involved in regulating gene expression.


[edit] Structure

The main feature of the leucine zipper domain is the predominance of the common amino acid leucine at the d position of the heptad repeat. Leucine zippers were first identified by sequence alignment of certain transcription factors which identified a common pattern of leucines every seven amino acids. These leucines were later shown to form the hydrophobic core of a coiled coil.

Each half of a leucine zipper consists of a short alpha-helix with a leucine residue at every seventh position. The standard 3.6 residues per turn alpha-helix structure changes slightly to become a 3.5 residues per turn alpha-helix. Known also as the heptat repeat, one leucine comes in direct contact with another leucine on the other strand every second turn.

The bZip family of transcription factors consist of a basic region which interacts with the major groove of a DNA molecule through hydrogen bonding, and a leucine zipper region which is responsible for dimerization.

[edit] Biology

Leucine zipper regulatory proteins include fos and jun (the AP1 transcription factor), important regulators of normal development. If they are overproduced or mutated in a vital area, they may generate cancer. These proteins interact with the DNA as dimers (homo- or hetero-) and are also called basic zipper proteins (bZips).

[edit] References

  1. Landschulz WH, Johnson PF, McKnight SL. (1988) The leucine zipper: a hypothetical structure common to a new class of DNA-binding proteins. Science 240:1759-1764. PubMed abstract

[edit] External links

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