Let Sleeping Dragons Lie!

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See also: Mighty Max (toyline)
Mighty Max episode
"Let Sleeping Dragons Lie!"
Episode no. 5
Prod. code
Airdate 1993
Where United States
List of all Mighty Max episodes

"Let Sleeping Dragons Lie!" is the 5th episode of Mighty Max TV series.


[edit] Plot

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Posing as Loki, Skullmaster convinces a nordic sorcerer called Ravendark to awaken the Doom Dragon from its enchanted sleep. Ravendark has been cursed to live within the cave-like belly of the dragon for thousands of years - when he leaves, he takes the form of a raven. Skullmaster tells Ravendark that if the sorcerer awakens the beast, he will lift Odin's curse in return.

SKULLMASTER (AS LOKI):"Excellent Ravendark - work the spell to wake the dragon, and shatter this world that holds me captive."

RAVENDARK: "And, Odin's curse, Dark Lord, will be lifted as well?

SKULLMASTER: "When next you leave the dragon's mouth, you will not transform into a bird of ill-omen, but retain the form of man that you now hold."

If the dragon is woken, it will break open the world; Skullmaster is happy for this to happen, as it would allow him to leave his prison.

Max is summoned by Virgil while grocery shopping, taking a portal to Norway. The three scale the cliff beneath the dragon, arriving at its stone, open mouth. Norman makes an address to the slumbering lizard, revealing that he fought this dragon before. They enter the dragon's throat, Virgil sensing that Ravendark's awakening spell is almost complete.

Amongst the various treasures in the dragon's throat, Norman finds the hammer and helmet of Thor - it is revealed that Norman was Thor.

They come across Ravendark, who is nearly finished casting the spell. Norman charges him, but Ravendark stops him with a blast of energy. They try to talk him out of waking the dragon. Skullmaster's voice sounds from the acidic pit through which he has been communicating with Ravendark, demanding to know the cause of the delay. He realises Max is there, and orders Ravendark to wake the dragon. Ravendark finishes the spell, and the dragon awakes.

Fire rushes toward them from its belly - exulting that he is free of his curse, Ravendark casts a spell of protection for himself. Max, Virgil and Norman try to escape from the dragon's mouth, but Max falls behind and seeks shelter from the flames in an empty treasure chest. Virgil and Norman escape out the dragon's mouth just as it blearily rears its head to the sky.

Virgil and Norman attempt to combat the dragon - with little success - while in the dragon, Max encounters Ravendark. He tries to convince Ravendark of 'Loki's' true identity and intentions, and tells him that his curse will not have been lifted. Ravendark loses patience, and tries to kill Max.

RAVENDARK: "My master wants your head and hour hat. Perhaps I'll give him both in a single package."

Max escapes out the dragon's mouth, surfing a golden shield. Ravendark chases him, transforming into a bird as soon as he is outside the dragon. Realising that Skullmaster has lied to him, he agrees to help Max, Virgil and Norman put the dragon to sleep.

Through careful timing, Norman and Virgil coordinate a plan - Norman will lure the dragon to the portal at the base of the cliff, so that Virgil, Max and Ravendark can enter its belly, where the spell must be worked to return it to sleep. This is a success, Norman managing to distract the dragon from its cracking the world in two, and the others entering the dragon's stomach.

Skullmaster talks to them, taunting Ravendark that he doubt's the sorcerer will go through with the sleeping enchantment. He talks of a 'price'. It is revealed that the price is blood - specifically, Ravendark's blood. The wizard casts a spell on Virgil and Max that sends them from inside the dragon.

MAX: "Price? Who said anything about a price?"

RAVENDARK: "Only blood can quench this fire."

MAX: "Whoah, whoah don't look at me. The blood-mobile came to my school just last week!"

RAVENDARK: "My blood, my soul!"

MAX: "Wait, doesn't that mean-?"

VIRGIL: "It is the way of the cosmic balance, Mighty-One."

RAVENDARK (Casting a spell which envelops Max and Virgil and kinetically sends them up through the dragon to freedom): "Leave this place - this is not for your eyes."

MAX (Disappearing, heading out of view): "Wait! There must be another way...!"

(RAVENDARK lifts a dagger from his robes)

SKULLMASTER: Ravendark?!

(It glints, and he plunges it down)


The dragon collapses, returning to slumber, and Max and Virgil find Norman. Virgil says that Ravendark 'paid the ultimate price for trafficking with evil gods', but that he 'acquitted himself well in the final moments'. Norman throws the hammer of Thor out to sea, and Virgil reveals to Max that centuries before Norman was known (amongst many other names) as 'The Hurler'. Max finds this hysterically funny.

[edit] Characters

Max, Virgil, Norman, SkullMaster, Ravendark, Doom Dragon (presumably Níðhöggr)

[edit] Educational Epilogue

Max is at his desk talking about Norway and that the suns never sets from may to july for 2/3 of the country.

[edit] Trivia

  • Norman was the inspiration for Thor, Sir Lancelot and Little John.
  • This episode takes ideas from the Doom Zone "Doom Dragon", although the dragon in the toy was green, wingless and vastly smaller and less appocalyptic than its TV counterpart. Also, in the playset the sorceror went by the name of Doom, as opposed to Ravendark.

[edit] References

Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to:
Preceded by
"Day of the Cyclops"
Mighty Max episodes Followed by
"Rumble in the Jungle"