User talk:Leroy65X

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[edit] My answers

I added some answers to the Talk:Iranian Revolution#Deletion of intro sentences.

I didn't want to prolong the discussion lest it becoming futile in a manner parallel to that given by Godwin's law.

I randomly chanced upon your query on my user page. Unlike my talk page, when you enter something on my user page, then I don't see the "new message" tag upon logging in to my account.

I believe that if M.R. Pahlavi had not made concessions by appointing Bakhtiar with his subsequent departure, etc. then the he wouldn't have been driven out of power. Nonetheless, I have absolutely no objection to the article any longer; this is because these points are found within the article.

Any authentic and interested researcher can read the entire article and make its own judgement.

I appreciate your efforts to improve the article. Thank you.--Patchouli 00:49, 17 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Life under khomeini

Hi, I saw you add some references in that part. Thanks a lot.

Also I put some comments in Talk:Ruhollah Khomeini#Life under Khomeini to make this part NPOV. Maybe we have opposite attitudes about this issue, but I beleive we can make it NPOV if we are just and obey wikipedia policies. I'd like to know your idea and remind you that I am not a dogmatic irrational guy who want to force his idea.--Sa.vakilian 04:01, 22 October 2006 (UTC)

Hi, I don't have enough time to participate in editing that article and then in an editorial war. I put something in talk page. You can add NPOV one of them in the article. --Sa.vakilian 07:05, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Sorry, but I just can't

Dear Leroy,

I am so swamped with real-life work and duties and then my online volunteering that I can't take on anything else. Anyone that I would recommend would probably be swamped too. I'm sorry. Zora 03:03, 8 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] [complaint by anon]

Mr. X, Stop your biased and slanted views. We know you love the Brotherhood, but don't slant History [probably put in by anon circa 12-1-06 ]

[edit] Good work on Qutb article

Thanks for your work on the Sayyid Qutb article. It stands in the running for the best online introduction to him, largely thanks to you. This is all the more impressive as the English scholarship on him is still maturing. I know for a fact that this article has been used by a wide variety of sources and has significant influence. --Vector4F 10:08, 5 December 2006 (UTC)

Leroy65X, I'm inclined to agree with your dim view of Qutb, but it is a fact of policy (though often violated) that articles can't be structured in such a way as to advance an argument, except insofar as a neutral presentation of facts is suggestive in itself. We can and certainly should quote Qutb's critics, so long as they are either acknowledged experts in their fields or otherwise notable. What we are not to do is (for example): "Critics of Sharia insist that it presents an insufficient and outdated model for human society. However, these criticisms ignore that [Arguments for Sharia]..." That's fine, of course, in an essay, which rightfully aims to advance a point of view, but not encyclopedic. What is needed is to find notable critics who say something you might want to say, quote or paraphrase them appropriately, and make sure Qutb backers (he seems to have quite a few) don't bias the article in the other direction. In any event, never fear: even if only Qutb's words were presented, statements such as the entire world must be governed under Islamic law are likely to be seen (by most non-Muslims at least) as lunatic fringe, even if they go unrebutted (as they shouldn't).Proabivouac 17:37, 10 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Islamic Revolution

Unfortunately, Labour and tax laws in Iran is incomplete and doesn't provide a referenced and reliable historical background.

However, based on what I have heard the finance ministry (treasury department) started around 1910 and systematic taxation wasn't the way. Merchants would be taxed because they were the one making money.--Patchouli 04:50, 21 December 2006 (UTC)

People were supposed to pledge loyalty and pay taxes if their had merchants' incomes. That single source doesn't convince me that there was a due in addition to the income tax.--Patchouli 16:35, 21 December 2006 (UTC)

  • Furthermore, if you read the original text of the Iranian Constitution of 1906, then you will see that it was in no way democratic. In my opinion, it was almost as bad as Iran's current constitution. For example, women could not vote, advice of mullahs are sought after, and heretical books were prohibited.--Patchouli 16:45, 21 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] OBL

I guess I am unsure why it is indicating an you performed an edit of my entire post in the Talk section of the article. I don't actually see any difference in the posting, so what happened there?Arcayne 00:37, 10 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Valiyat-e faqih (book by Khomeini)

I can't find the ISBN of this book. I am looking for the primary source, not others commenting on his writing. In other words, the ISBN of the book that is exactly as Khomeini wrote it translated into English.--Patchouli 03:26, 10 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Talk:Iranian_Revolution#Has_mass_cultural_focus_on_Islam_.22been_a_1000000000000000.25_success.22.3F

See Talk:Iranian_Revolution#Has_mass_cultural_focus_on_Islam_.22been_a_1000000000000000.25_success.22.3F--Patchouli 23:36, 19 January 2007 (UTC)

I gave another response.--Patchouli 23:40, 19 January 2007 (UTC) Look again.--Patchouli 23:47, 19 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] No Ideologue

I am no ideologue who wants to endlessly insist on something. Sources can sometimes be wrong. Here is an example.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's letter to George W. Bush is believed to be the first correspondence between the presidents of Iran and the United States since 1980, when Washington broke off ties with Tehran over its holding of American hostages.

I personally added Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad's_letter_to_George_W._Bush#2003_missive which contradicts this.--Patchouli 00:09, 20 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Valiyat-e faqih

Salam. Why don't you translate the name? I prefer to use "Islamic Government" instead of persian title.--Sa.vakilian 06:16, 24 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Re: Valiyat-e faqih

Thanks for the heads up! Khoikhoi 02:00, 27 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Talk:Valiyat-e_faqih_(book_by_Khomeini)#Discussion.

See Talk:Valiyat-e_faqih_(book_by_Khomeini)#Discussion. You raise a good point, though I personally wish the entire planet spoke just one language. You can delete it from Talk:Valiyat-e_faqih_(book_by_Khomeini)#Discussion if you object to it. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Patchouli (talkcontribs) 20:37, 27 January 2007 (UTC).

Salam. Thank for your attempt. I think the result of the former survey[1] is valid for this new one. Because except Zora all of them supporters has voted after my suggestion. I guess we don't need a new survey.--Sa.vakilian 03:05, 2 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Divine right

Salam. Can you speak in Persian. I can't translate divine right to any familiar expression which know. If it mean "نصب الهی", Then as a shi's we accept it only for prophet and Imams. That's what qur'an has says about "اولوالامر".

ببینید از نظر شیعه مشروعیت ائمه ناشی از نصب الهی است اما غیر از ائمه هیچ کس دیگری برای حکومت نصب شده است. اما وقتی دسترسی به اما موجود نیست مدت ها بر اساس نظریه «سلطان عادل» عمل می شده وقتی این نظریه کارآیی عملی خودش را کاملا از دست می دهد ، امام خمینی در کتاب خود برای ممانعت از تعطیل بخش عمده ای از احکام سیاسی و اجتماعی اسلام بحث حکومت فقیه عادل را طرح می کند. این مشروعیت ناقض نصب الهی امام زمان نیست. یعنی مشروعیت به اضطرار است.

بعد هم در قانون اساسی گفته شده: "اصل ۱۰۷ - خبرگان رهبری

پس از مرجع عالیقدر تقلید و هبر کبیر انقلاب جهانی اسلام و بنیانگذار جمهوری اسلامی ایران حضرت آیت‏الله‏العظمی امام خمینی "قدس سره‏الشریف" که از طرف اکثریت قاطع مردم به مرجعیت و رهبری شناخته و پذیرفته شدند، تعیین رهبر به عهده خبرگان منتخب مردم است. خبرگان رهبری درباره همه فقهاء واجد شرایط مذکور در اصول پنجم و یکصد و نهم بررسی و مشورت می‌کنند هر گاه یکی از آنان را اعلم به احکام و موضوعات فقهی یا مساإل سیاسی و اجتماعی یا دارای مقبولیت عامه یا واجد برجستگی خاص در یکی از صفات مذکور در اصل یکصد و نهم تشخیص دهند او را به رهبری انتخاب می‌کنند و در غیر این صورت یکی از آنان را به عنوان رهبر انتخاب و معرفی می‌نمایند. رهبر منتخب خبرگان، ولایت امر و همه مسوولیت‏های ناشی از آن را بر عهده خواهد داشت. رهبر در برابر قوانین با سایر افراد کشور مساوی است."

I can't understand divine right in this case. I think Abrahamian has made a mistake.--Sa.vakilian 03:30, 2 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Tahrir-ol-vasyleh

You might be interested in it.--Patchouli 10:36, 2 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Iranian revolution

Please write in the Talk:Iranian revolution why do you revert my new edition:[2]--Sa.vakilian 18:48, 3 February 2007 (UTC)

Excuse me. I didn't care to talk page. We can use the approach which was used in Hezbollah article. First we add whatever we find in the article. Then whe it reached to 117 kb we shorten it and made 8 new articles.--Sa.vakilian 18:53, 3 February 2007 (UTC)

Do you familiar with Persian language.--Sa.vakilian 03:49, 9 February 2007 (UTC)
Unfortunately most of historic texts which shows Islamic republic from inside POV are in Persian.--Sa.vakilian 15:31, 9 February 2007 (UTC)
I exactly mean most historic information from inside of Islamic revolution are in persian. For example can you find the commandment of Ayatollah Khomeini for Bazargan which released on Feb 4 or 5 in English.[3]--Sa.vakilian 16:06, 9 February 2007 (UTC)

جناب‌ آقای‌ مهندس‌ بازرگان‌ بنا به‌ پیشنهاد شورای‌ انقلاب‌، برحَسَب‌ حق‌ّ شرعی‌ و حق‌ّ قانونی‌ ناشی‌ از آرای‌اكثریت‌ قاطع‌ قریب‌ به‌ اتّفاِق ملت‌ ایران‌ كه‌ طی‌ اجتماعات‌ عظیم‌ و تظاهرات‌وسیع‌ و متعدد در سراسر ایران‌ نسبت‌ به‌ رهبری‌ جنبش‌ ابراز شده‌ است‌ و به‌موجب‌ اعتمادی‌ كه‌ به‌ ایمان‌ راسخ‌ شما به‌ مكتب‌ مقدس‌ اسلام‌ و اطلاعی‌ كه‌ ازسوابقتان‌ در مبارزات‌ اسلامی‌ و ملی‌ دارم‌، جناب‌عالی‌ را بدون‌ در نظر گرفتن‌روابط‌ حزبی‌ و بستگی‌ به‌ گروهی‌ خاص‌ مأمور تشكیل‌ دولت‌ موقت‌ می‌نمایم‌ تاترتیب‌ اداره‌ی‌ امور مملكت‌ و خصوصاً انجام‌ رفراندوم‌ و رجوع‌ به‌ آرای‌ عمومی‌ملت‌ درباره‌ی‌ تغییر نظام‌ سیاسی‌ كشور به‌ جمهوری‌ اسلامی‌ و تشكیل‌ مجلس‌مؤسسان‌ از منتخبین‌ مردم‌ جهت‌ تصویب‌ قانون‌ اساسی‌ نظام‌ جدید و انتخاب‌مجلس‌ نمایندگان‌ ملّت‌ بر طبق‌ قانون‌ اساسی‌ جدید را بدهید. مقتضی‌ است‌ كه‌اعضای‌ دولت‌ موقت‌ را هر چه‌ زودتر با توجه‌ به‌ شرایطی‌ كه‌ مشخص‌ نموده‌ام‌تعیین‌ و معرفی‌ نمایید. كارمندان‌ دولت‌ و ارتش‌ و افراد ملت‌ با دولت‌ موقت‌ شما همكاری‌ كامل‌ نموده‌و رعایت‌ انضباط‌ را برای‌ وصول‌ به‌ اهداف‌ مقدس‌ انقلاب‌ و سامان‌ یافتن‌ اموركشور خواهند نمود. موفقیت‌ شما و دولت‌ موقت‌ را در این‌ مرحله‌ی‌ حساس‌ تاریخی‌ از خداوندمتعال‌ مسئلت‌ می‌نمایم‌. --Sa.vakilian 16:18, 9 February 2007 (UTC)روح‌الله الموسوی‌ الخمینی‌

I added a new part by my own information.Iranian revolution#Oppositions groups and organizations I tried to write all of the important groups, but please check it.--Sa.vakilian 19:47, 10 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Khomeini

Please see my note on the talk page. Thanks. Sangak 19:05, 12 February 2007 (UTC)

thank for your comment. I agree with you. Take care. Sangak 19:10, 13 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Reverting

Please see [4]. Do not revert my edits without discussing them. Mullahcracy is in violation of WP:NEO, it states "neologisms should be avoided in articles". Furthermore, it is not even a word, see [5]. It is a neologism. Any further discussion will be taken place at [6]. Agha Nader 21:56, 13 February 2007 (UTC)Agha Nader

[edit] A problom

I think the information is insufficient."Dr. Homa Darabi after 50-lashes, punishment for violation of sharia. Darabi had attended a family gathering were men other than her father and brother were present." As I know there are too many mixed party in Iran and if government wants to punish all of them, then it may include more than 20 million persons. At least I was present in some of them when I was child. Thus there should be happened something worse like drinking alcohol, etc. Furthermore there isn't such punishment in Islam for mixed party.--Sa.vakilian 19:25, 15 February 2007 (UTC)

This is one example of these parties [7] and I can find too many others for you. So the caption of that picture misinforms people.--Sa.vakilian 19:55, 15 February 2007 (UTC)
I disagree with you. We put photograph which show hanging or flogging without enough description. We've write "Islamic Regime’s public execution" or "50-lashes, punishment for violation of sharia" without describing what they had done correctly. This is not fair and just. This misinformed people. I don't want to say there isn't such punishment but they have some reasons even if they aren't reasonable in west. Thus we shouldn't put them without correct description. These captions are completely biased and POV. They just represent one POV.--Sa.vakilian 03:36, 16 February 2007 (UTC)
I removed that quotation because I'm sure I made some mistakes. I've wanted some of my Iranian friends to translate it. Please wait.--Sa.vakilian 03:36, 16 February 2007 (UTC)
Do you know which sins must be punished with lash? I really believe that missing information results in misinformation. --Sa.vakilian 18:32, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Translation

Finally I prepared the translation of Ayatollah Khomeini's commandment.[8] Two other Iranians help me with it. Now please read it carefully and tell me does it sound good in English? God bless you.--Sa.vakilian 03:52, 20 February 2007 (UTC)

I added commandment(not quotation) in The Provisional Revolutionary Government. Please do whatever you find necessary. --Sa.vakilian 16:34, 21 February 2007 (UTC)
I told that it's not a quotation. It's a commandment and its correct place is " The Provisional Revolutionary Government".--Sa.vakilian 16:58, 21 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Your POV editions

Salam. You based your editions on some of anti-Islamic revolution scientists while the others have different ideas. I put some comments for you in talk page. It's not fair to look at Islamic revolution just from outside viewpoint. God bless you --Sa.vakilian 03:22, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

I don't want to say you have bad-faith or you want pushing POV but I oppose to add only negative interpretation of some notable scientists to describe post revolutionary conditions. We should add both negative and positive interpretation.--Sa.vakilian 03:45, 22 February 2007 (UTC)
I have a question. How much information do you have about inside of Islamic republic.
It's common idea that Islamic republic has oppressed women.
Do you know the chief of Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps in Hamedan was a woman,Marzie Dabbaq who later became the representative of parliament.
Do you know the speaker of Muslim Student Followers of the Imam's Line who captured U.S. embassy was a woman, Masumeh Ebtekar who later became the head of the Environment Protection Organization of Iran during the administration of President Mohammad Khatami, and is currently a city councilwoman elect of Tehran.
This is one of the aspects of the revolution which western reporters don't want to see them.--Sa.vakilian 07:49, 22 February 2007 (UTC)
I hope my comment haven't annoyed you. I meant that when we use interpretation we should use both POV not one of them. Keddie's quotation was a negative one:while other groups were misled by Khomeinist statements giving "a democratic interpret ion of the future Islamic Republic. Also this quotation is not clear as I told in the talk page. --Sa.vakilian 17:09, 22 February 2007 (UTC)
Do you know that I myself spoke with Sadeq Tabatabaee, spokeman of Bazargan government, and he said Imam insist on fulfill referendum as soon as possible. --Sa.vakilian 17:36, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] big long quote in Iranian Revolution

Hi. Please see Best. Farhoudk 09:23, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Assembly of Experts

Should we add how to cook an egg to this article as well?

See also: Assembly of Experts for Constitution--Gerash77 16:59, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Necessity of support of Majoity

umm, interesting ... though I suspect you can find plenty of quotes by Khomeini contradicting the idea that the support of the majority is necessary for the state to be Islamic.

This a problematic issue in last 3 decades in Iran. This because of different POV about people role in Shi'a thought. I think we can find both ideas in Khomeini's Quotations, but the main contradiction is between Shi'a Kalam and some of Imam Ali's Hadiths. Imam Ali's quotation is more strange than Khomeini's one. This is one of them. Behold, by Him who split the grain (to grow) and created living beings, if people had not come to me and supporters had not exhausted the argument and if there had been no pledge of Allah with the learned to the effect that they should not acquiesce in the gluttony of the oppressor and the hunger of the oppressed I would have cast the rope of Caliphate on its own shoulders, and would have given the last one the same treatment as to the first one. Then you would have seen that in my view this world of yours is no better than the sneezing of a goat.[9]

I can say that there isn't consensus about Shi'a POV. Thus you can see contradiction between Mesbah Yazdi and Khamenei (non of them are reformist)!!! --Sa.vakilian 17:28, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

I want to mail you but there isn't thus I put my massage here. I think western scientists have difficulties in understanding Middle East especially Iran. You should know numerous things about our culture to understand it comprising pre-Islamic thoughts(The meaning of Shahnshah and Farra izadi, etc), Mysticism (The meaning of Qutb, suluk, ...), Islam (the meaning of politics in Islam), Shia (the meaning of Imam, martyrdom , marja, ...), multi-nationality Persianism (Iran is an old multi-nationality country with dominant culture ). Unfortunately they don't have enough knowledge about these ideas and can't communicate with them correctly. For example can find description about difference between usage of Shah before and after the name. What is the difference between Shah Reza and Reza Shah? Or do you hear anything about mystic interpretation of Islamic revolution. Do you familiar with Entezar(Expectation) of Faraj(opening) in Shi'a idea? In my POV Iran is the mind and soul of Muslim countries and the tradition is flowing. If you'd like to speak more about them you can mail to me.--Sa.vakilian 19:12, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Re: big long quote in Iranian Revolution

I don't think the quote is long at all, but that's just my opinion. I disagree that there should be a separate section in the article just for quotes. They should be moved to Wikiquote instead. Also, I found Iranian Revolution very hard to read due to the POV, cleanup, unreferenced, and expand tags in almost every section. What happened? Khoikhoi 06:17, 23 February 2007 (UTC)

That's not quotation and its essential to maintain that commandment in the article.--Sa.vakilian 16:30, 23 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Iran, culture and society

Salam Alaykum.

I introduce you a good site which may help with understanding Iran's culture and society more.:[10] I read it and enjoyed a lot. Most of information is correct, and their approach is fantastic.--Sa.vakilian 16:44, 23 February 2007 (UTC)

Are you there.--Sa.vakilian 16:47, 23 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] --Sa.vakilian 17:08, 23 February 2007 (UTC)Iranian revolution

That's fine. But I want to speak more with you. Your editions are very well and rev one of them because of some mistake.--Sa.vakilian 16:53, 23 February 2007 (UTC)

I propose discussing about problems in the talk page of Iranian Revolution. Please write your idea there:Talk:Iranian_Revolution#Rearrangement and Talk:Iranian_Revolution#POV:Referendum_of_12_Farvardin--Sa.vakilian 17:08, 23 February 2007 (UTC)
Salam. My dear friend, don't bother yourself to achieve my satisfaction. Please do whatever you find good. I put comment on talk page or tag if I don't satisfied. Then we can debate and build consensus.--Sa.vakilian 02:58, 26 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Structure

Let us discuss about the structure of the article:talk:Iranian revolution#Rearrangement then improve each section. Do you agree with my proposed structure. If not, please write yours.--Sa.vakilian 18:02, 5 March 2007 (UTC)

I scan ideology and it looks good. Please tell me your idea about my new suggestion in talk:Iranian revolution#Slight change in rearrangement. Do you a student of political study?Sa.vakilian(t-c)--10:33, 10 March 2007 (UTC)
I answer your suggestions one by one. I'm post-gra student and it will finish soon EnShallah.Sa.vakilian(t-c)--16:16, 10 March 2007 (UTC)
Are you here.Sa.vakilian(t-c)--16:22, 15 March 2007 (UTC)
خواهش می کنم. خدمت از ماست
Its your favor to me, I'm in your service.
Let discuss about structure at present and try to achieve consensus. Sa.vakilian(t-c)--16:31, 15 March 2007 (UTC)
I put it there. Also please explain more about the second note.Sa.vakilian(t-c)--16:31, 15 March 2007 (UTC)
I answered.Sa.vakilian(t-c)--18:03, 15 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Timeline of Iranian revolution

I made a new article as I told. Sa.vakilian(t-c)--17:55, 15 March 2007 (UTC)

I suggest to add your information in this article. I think we can achieve consensus about structure of Islamic revolution after completion of this article.Sa.vakilian(t-c)--19:23, 15 March 2007 (UTC)
Can you please help me with completion of the timeline and then return to Iranian revolution.--Sa.vakilian(t-c) 07:01, 20 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Haft sin

Salam bro. How are you. Happy Noruz for you.--Sa.vakilian(t-c) 14:54, 21 March 2007 (UTC)

Salam Bro. I saw your User:Leroy65X/sandbox. That's great. Now I'm certain you're not a graduate student or something else. You have great knowledge about Islam and Shia. We could speak more about these issues if you were familiar with Persian or at least Arabic.

This is my POV about what you've written Ayatollah Khomeini's leadership, though always determined and confident, was not without change. Throughout his many writings and speeches, Khomeini's views on governance evolved.: Ayatollah Khomeini changed from a Javaheri Faqih(traditional Shia Usuli Jurist) to a Jurist who believe in Fiqh of Maqasid(Functionalist approach in Fiqh.) It means he found and declared that we can't govern on the basis of Resala Amalia. We should use reason more than before and discover the results of Ahkam in the socio-economical life. This is because of transformation of issues during the time. Maybe he discovered a missed tradition again which is exist in Nahj al-Balagha while the other jurists neglect it systematically because it has narrated by Sunnis.

An advice from your little brother, Please read An order to Maalik al-Ashtar and tell me your idea.--Sa.vakilian(t-c) 13:32, 26 March 2007 (UTC)
As I now Zorastrian right is "Good thought, Good saying, Good manner". However We call this "Hekmat" and it doesn't belong to anybody. You may find it in ancient India or China as well. Hekmat belongs to Human being, although many people have forgot it. You can refer to Frithjof Schuon idea and too more in Rumi poems. You find religions and sects too different when you look at Fiqh or Symbolic manners. But you find them similar when you look at from Mystic POV. I'm not against Fiqh but unfortunately Religions has reduced to Fiqh and Symbolic manner and some institutions like mosques and churchs.

As Rumi says

"چونکه بی رنگی اسیر رنگ شد           موسوی با عیسوی در جنگ شد"
When the colorlessness is captured by the color          then Jewish fought with Christian.

--Sa.vakilian(t-c) 03:57, 28 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Military achievement

Salam. How are you?(Hale shome chetore?) One thing which you may underestimate because of living in the country which has never been invaded is military achievement of Islamic revolution. It's too important for Iran as a country with great and glorify history and vast foreign threats to have strong forces in the country which has been conquered numerous times by foreign invaders and lost important parts of its territory after 1800. People may accept lack of liberty by they can't bear defeat against invaders. Although Shah's army was the 5th army of the world but it was dependent to U.S. weapons and consultants and fight for the U.S. interests. Thus it hasn't legitimacy in Iran.

Independence is one of the most important goal of revolution as people wanted in their slogans. Initially it doesn't have military meaning but the situation of Iran made it necessary. Then Iraq's invasion urged Iranians to improved their techniques and tactics of fighting. On the basis of Islamic ideology which makes martyrdom as a reasonable goal and by using weapons of the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. Islamic republic could develop its own military forces. Iran could defend its territory for the first time after 1800 and even it could defeat invaders in some cases. Islamic republic establishes military industries and its forces with their own Islamic ideology and weapons become powerful. Because of using fragmented and distributed forces there isn't threat of coup while you can see coups in our neighbors like Pakistan and Turkey. Finally these weapons and tactics show their beneficiaries in Israel-Hezbollah conflicts.

Therefor it's one of key issues in legitimacy and performance of Islamic republic of Iran. Although military and police forces of Islamic republic are the most powerful organizations in Iran but they've been supported by public opinion and although liberals who live in Iran criticize some institutions like Guardian Council they have rarely criticized military and police forces. I think we should mention the issue in the section of achievements of Islamic revolution. --Sa.vakilian(t-c) 05:14, 29 March 2007 (UTC)

Can you please tell me my mistakes in writing? I want to correct my English. God bless you.--Sa.vakilian(t-c) 17:25, 29 March 2007 (UTC)
Your answer was very good but I think you made a mistake when you compare Iran with its neighbors like Iraq. Iraq, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kuwait and so on are countries which have been separated from Turkey, Iran and Russia. They aren't real state and should rely on the regional as well as global powers. When I speak about threats I never compare Iran with its neighbors but I pay attention to history. I can mention at least 5 great invasions and more than 50 great wars in the history of my country. Can you imagine foreign invasion. And about your question I should say there are critical debates in Iran and many people ask and many people answer. There isn't consensus in Iran about the war. But it wasn't important in my comment. I think it relates to other articles and we can speak about it if you'd like.--Sa.vakilian(t-c) 04:12, 30 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Great achievement

Salam Leroy, How are you?

I propose to put Iranian revolution and Ruhollah Khomeini in Wikipedia:Vital articles and they accepted:Wikipedia talk:Vital articles#Eurocentreism.--Sa.vakilian(t-c) 10:52, 31 March 2007 (UTC)

Salam. Leroy(Is it your name?). What's your idea about that discussion:Wikipedia talk:Vital articles#Eurocentreism--Sa.vakilian(t-c) 15:35, 31 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Ruhollah Khomeini

Salam. I read that article and I think you've done a great work by adding good information. Just some part are terrible. I think Ruhollah khomeini#Islamic constitution and its opposition should be rewrote and explain my reason in the talk page. I think some parts are not necessary like Hostage crisis. We can merge it with Relationship with other Islamic and non-aligned countries, Rushdie fatwa and some other issues in one section, International relation. --Sa.vakilian(t-c) 15:02, 1 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Timeline

Salam. How are you Leroy?

There are some problems in Timeline of Iranian revolution. Can you please add sources. Unfortunately I don't have any English book in this case. In addition please participate in this debate:Talk:Timeline of Iranian revolution#January 7 (17th of Dey 19) 1978 and tell us from which date do you prefer to begin this timeline.--Sa.vakilian(t-c) 04:37, 3 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Timeline

I appreciate your efforts, I really do. I am just not sure about where it should start, probably because I am no expert on the build up to the Iranian revolution. To be honest though, I don't really agree that it should start as early as you have proposed. --Rayis 17:03, 4 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] MEK

Salam. Have you ever seen about this issue[11]. Do you think we should add more about it in the Iranian revolution--Sa.vakilian(t-c) 03:31, 5 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Hizb ut-Tahrir

Hi, I see you are trying to improve the article on Hizb ut-Tahrir. While I like what you are trying to do, your time may be better spent editing other pages. If you look at the history of the page you will see several waves of edits by different users, none of whom have had much success in keeping the content on its ties to terrorism on the page. KazakhPol 17:34, 6 April 2007 (UTC)