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This is the Flare Protocol, It does not contain any part of the Simple protocol.

[edit] Sample Session

A user connects and the server asks for his/her action followed by the protocol version

 Server>>Leon SVER|Ñ|1

Leon logs in using the LDSP1 protocol

 Leon>>Server USER|Ñ|Leon|Ñ|barbiegirl|Ñ|LDSP1

The server says that his login details are correct

 Server>>Leon USER|Ñ|200

He asks for his Buddy list

 Leon>>Server GINF|Ñ|1

The server replys with his buddy list, with his two friends john who is offline and Alex who is online

 Server>>Leon BUDD|Ñ|Alex|{ST}|ON[NL]john|{ST}|OFF[NL]

Leon starts a conversation with Alex

 Leon>>Server PMSG|Ñ|Leon|Ñ|Alex|Ñ|Hey!

The server tells Alex what Leon just said

 Server>>Alex PMSG|Ñ|Leon|Ñ|Hey!

Alex replys to Leon

 Alex>>Server PMSG|Ñ|Alex|Ñ|Leon|Ñ|Hello! What are you doing today?

The server tells Leon what Alex just said

 Server>>Alex PMSG|Ñ|Alex|Ñ|Hello! What are you doing today?

While Leon and Alex are talking, the server tells everybody their Buddy Lists as a user has just signed in

 Server>>Leon BUDD|Ñ|Alex|{ST}|ON[NL]john|{ST}|ON[NL]

This does not update Alex' buddy list as nobody has signed in, But it still sends it

 Server>>Alex BUDD|Ñ|Leon|{ST}|ON[NL]Roy|{ST}|OFF[NL]

10 Minutes later the server updates everybody's buddy lists again as Alex has signed out

 Server>>Leon BUDD|Ñ|Alex|{ST}|OFF[NL]john|{ST}|ON[NL]

This does not update john's buddy list as nobody has signed out on his, But it still sends it

 Server>>john BUDD|Ñ|Leon|{ST}|ON[NL]