User:Leo Corben

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[edit] PACIFICA - Birth of an Empire

Synopsis of PACIFICA

Pacifica is the epic tale of a great and vast Athenian Empire that ascends to power through the conquest of South America and forms a military alliance with China, known as the Pacifican Alliance. This new oceanic agreement directly threatens world security and American interests abroad. The North Alliance (an American and Russian military pact) quickly responses with aerial blockades and economic sanctions against the Pacifican member nations, which ultimately leads to World War IV. Western America and Siberia are invaded and come under occupation by the Pacifican imperial armies. The cities of Washington and Moscow are destroyed by surgical air strikes.

(PACIFICA - written by Leo Corben)

Artist Statement

Writer and Artist - Leo Corben

The Classical Arts became the catalyst for the artists exploration and actualization for representative realism and creative writing. His charcoal and graphite drawings of the human form illustrate this notion. In addition, he provided background stories for his artwork to explain his figures, setting, style, and vision for each individual piece. The storylines continued to expand and evolve over time, until they had progressed into his literary works, known as Pacifica, Reichlandia, The Eternal Struggle - The Latin Mestizo Manifesto, The Solius War, Thy Legion, and The Dark Empire.

He portrays characters and subject matter that identify with love lost, culture clash, resistance against the social establishment, power of the state, and racial insanity. There is a call to arms within his message and shown in the madness to his style. Medieval imagery can be seen throughout several of his works that center around mythological creatures, futuristic warriors, and the magnificent goddesses that rule over them. He draws on the loves and pains of his life to express his stories on canvas and in written form. His struggle of life is a testament of mankinds ability to reach beyond their personal constructs and conquer their fears. And in doing so, he has demonstrated his character, values, and virtues. His life defines who he is through his noble actions and words. He pulls from all his worldly experiences and deeply rooted ambitions from which he can portray his fictional realm and share himself with others in the process. He reveals the demons that torment him. These shadowy elements are the manifestation of emotions and hardships suffered along the way. They fuel his anger and define his destiny.

Dualism and Symbolism play a vital role in the artists fictional writings and multi-medium artworks. These two priniciple concepts illustrate the struggle of power between light and darkness both in a phyical sense when it comes to his use of high contrast and also metaphorically woven through his philosophical perspective on life. Dualism represents the inner conflict within the artist, his underlining socio-political ideology, and ethical codes of morality. Symbolism is the driving force behind his motivation as an artist and his message of the truth that is expressed throughout the artists collection. Symbols can inspire a demoralized people, revolutionize a divided nation, and change the known world.

He desires to transcend the limitations cast down upon him and make his voice heard to all willing to listen. He has become his own symbol of the truth. For, he sees our reality engaged against its own human nature and shares these fascets of upheaveal within his stories. Because, they are apart of him and a reflection of his own struggles. It brought his concept of idealism to an even higher dimension of reality and the last measure to fulfill his destiny through his words. And those words relate to the struggles of life and the acceptance of death. For, he has expressed that one can not truly live until they have undertaken a spiritual death and have been reborn anew.

Mailing Address:

Writer and Artist of Pacifica
Leo Corben (aka Leonardo Valdez III)

Hemet, CA 92545

Myspace Site of Leo Corben

Store Front of Leo Corben

The Books of Leo Corben are for sale at



The Eternal Struggle



Storming to Power

Empire of Blood


The Art of Leo Corben

The Valdez Family Clan

Solius War

Thy Legion



The Birth of a New Mestizo Empire

Written By Leo Corben


The Latin Mestizo Front (LMF) is a Latin-based Mestizo nationalist group consisting of a right-wing organization that leads the Athenian separatist movement, for the empowerment and unification of Latin America and the independence of Athenia. The LMFs political ideology inherits its direction, principles, and values on the practical theories of capitalism, statism, and nationalism. We believe in an authoritarian system that rules a centralized government with certain militaristic and imperialistic tendencies. Therefore, we (the Party) oppose the governing systems of Democracy and Communism. We instead favor the strong will of the state with an aristocracy, a nation-state that has few checks and balances under a single-party institution. And it is this Latin system with a Greco-Roman perspective that will one day govern our Athenian Empire.

We do not condone Fascism or any form of Totalitarianism in its entirety, though we do incorporate certain ideological principles from that perceptive. We tend to lean more towards a right-wing stance, though we are not right-wing Authoritarians. Those principles that were included are not racist in nature, they only relate to the power and devotion to the State. Communism is sound and ideal for society, but failed to triumph as a stable and prosperous government; and there are many examples that illustrate this notion, such as Cubas social collapse into poverty, the fall of the Soviet Empire, and Red Chinas years of famine and lack of technology.

"Communist governments established policies that they claimed were Democratic, and thus representative of Marxs ideals. But these policies were actually undemocratic. For, example, Communist governments held local and national elections but limited the choice to only one candidate or to candidates of a single party. Legislatures that supposedly represented the people passed without question from all laws proposed by the Communist Party leaders. Constitutions that, in theory, protected peoples rights were repeatly violated by the Communist leaders. The centrally planned economy created serious problems, because it was inefficient. State-set prices did not reflect the actual cost of production, leading to waste of resources. The planned economy failed to provide high-quality goods and services and could not respond quickly to changes in consumer demand. In many cases, consumer goods and housing were in short supply, and state-run farms did not produce adequate supplies of food. The shorts occurred partly because worker productivity and creativity lagged. Workers had little motivation to be productive because their wages remained about the same regardless of how much they produced. In addition, the economy was not as fair as it may have appeared. The Communist Party leaders and members of the Soviet Union bureaucracy enjoyed privileges denied to other citizens. These people and their families had special access to government cars, well-stocked grocery stores, comfortable housing, and better health care. As a result, they achieved a significantly higher standard of living than the average citizen, despite similarities in monetary income. In Communist countries, individuals generally were free to do and say what they wished among friends and family. But they were not allowed to publicly criticize the Communist Party leaders or policies or to openly oppose the Communist system. Governments also did not permit people to establish organizations or publications that opposed Communism. In addition, writers who were critical of Communism were not allowed to publish their work. All these restrictions existed despite the fact that many Communist governments had constitutions claiming to guarantee the freedoms of speech, press, and assembly. Communists in most countries discouraged religious worship because they considered religion a threat to Communism. Church members found it more difficult to advance in their jobs and were not allowed to join the Communist Party." (Joan Barth Urban)

And Representative Democracy is not sufficiently adequate enough for our purposes either due to its social weakness, corruption, social divisions, and disorganized individualism. Its failure can be seen by the social degeneration, rebellious attitude, and self-destructive behavior within America by its masses; and there remains a high concentration of racial hatred (race and ethnic division) and organized crime (domestic terrorism) within their society.

"Many Democratic governments have collapsed during economic crises. The basic problem involved in the failures of such Democracies has been the inability to maintain sufficient agreement among either their people or their political leaders on the purposes of government. Crises have often aggravated and sharpened divisions and suspicions among various classes, groups, parties, and leaders. Excessive divisions have helped to block action by freely elected governments, often resulting in widespread public frustration and disorder. Democratic governments are likely to be unstable whenever people become deeply divided and suspicious of one another. Sometimes racial, ethnic, religious differences make Democracies difficult to operate. In such instances, the people may not see one another as legitimate and trustworthy partners in the enterprise of government. And Democracy did not take root everywhere. Some countries that adopted constitutions modeled after that of the United States later became dictatorships. These nations found that a constitution alone did not guarantee a Democracy. In Russia, a group or revolutionists set-up a Communist dictatorship in 1917 and halted Russias progress toward Democracy. Germany adopted a Democratic government in 1919, but Adolf Hitlers rise to power brought a Fascist dictatorship." (Alexander J. Groth)

Mission Statement

We must ensure the development and survival of our bloodline and our genetic order by any means necessary, by making a collective effort to establish our own homeland of Athenia. Thereby, we will be marking our place in the world as the society of the Mestizo people and the rebirth of a New Roman Empire.

This is our statement to the world and the true understanding of what the LMF is and meant to be. The Mestizo culture must be allowed to flourish and excel to the greatest of evolutionary heights at any cost. Even, if it means the lives of others, for our culture and our very lives are at stake here. And it is either them or us as the survivor and winner in the final outcome, for there is no other way. Regrettably, we may be forced to sacrifice or destroy a few people so that the many may live. Because, we do see that the means does justify the end result as rational conclusion unto itself.

Therefore, the ultimate ends of our goals are more important than the means to get there, because we are threaten by the world and have no other way achieve survival. And ones survival is essential for life and the progression of a society. So, whether you believe we are right or not, ones survival out weights every moral boundary or civilized law when it comes down to the critical decision of life and death. One must be fit to survive in a hostile and chaotic world, for if you are not fit than you will surely cease to exist or suffer in pain for the remainder of your life. The world will destroy you, unless you fight back and struggle for your own survival. And it is this point that defines us so clearly in our understanding and perception on life. We are simply fighting for our survival as a culture, for if we dont then we shall ultimately perish. And one cannot pursue change without action. We must commit to any action that brings about the birth of our nation, whether we see it as morally right or wrong. For, it is in compliance of the greater good.

Our purpose will always be to establish Athenia as a nation and eventually as an empire. Athenia is our vision and our destiny. Athenia (a warrior state) is a mythological entity that will one day manifest itself into a reality and lead a social crusade to save humanity from destroying itself and the world, for the final battle of human survival as brother rises against brother. And the Latin culture will flourish once again in the form of a Mestizo world power.


The Partys main objective is to reestablish the Latin state of Latium as Athenia and advocate the unification of Latin America into a global superpower pact, known as the Latin Federation (Lacon) with Athenia leading this economic and military union. And once our guerrilla forces reach sufficient numbers in strength, we will begin the independence of Athenia from Ecuador.

It has been chosen due to its fragile government, geographical size, and proximity too both Peru, the Panama Canal, and the Pacific Ocean. The majority of the Galapagos Islands are considered a natural wildlife preserve with very few inhabitants and resources of importance. Nevertheless, the Ecuadorian government will probably attempt a quick resolution to resolve the conflict through small amphibious assaults or air raids, and then by diplomatic negotiations, or ask for international intervention by the United Nations or the United States. Though, we believe that Ecuador and her allies will not be able to endure a long-term conflict due to anti-government sympathy from the peasant indigenous class, lack of military funds for continuous overseas operations, and the logistical difficulty of retaking the islands by force. Once we are in position, we will be able to obtain victory within four to six months of heavy fighting against Ecuadorian forces.

We cannot honestly justify or rationalize our future seizure of the islands in order to establish our own nation-state, because we do not presently have a rightful claim of ownership to the Galapagos Islands as a people. However, we will out number the native population of villagers on those islands by the time of our day of independence from Ecuador and hence we will be the majority. And our majority right will then be exercised as our proclamation to governor ourselves as an independent people and culture separate from Ecuador. Those native villagers (9,700 is the total native population of the Galapagos Islands) that meet our requirements for citizenship and desire to stay may do so. They will be given the chance to join us before hostiles erupt with Ecuadorian forces.

Our desire for direct confrontation or guerrilla warfare will only be for the last stage of our plans. We will only select political and military targets once we move into this final phase for our independence. The native civilian population of Ecuador will be spared from intentional harm, though there may be some accidental losses. Our use of total war will not be pursued until after we are a nation and only if deemed necessary for the survival of our State. Our formation into a separatist movement is only a drastic measure to revitalize our Mestizo culture for our nationalist struggle, our eternal struggle for genetic progression, cultural self-preservation, and independent sovereignty. And secondly, it is our aggressive response against our natural enemies, which are those individuals or groups who choose to oppose us out of fear, ignorance, prejudice, and/or racism. We do not condone physical or direct violence toward anyone at this time, instead we approve of active social resistance in a non-violent format through the use of propaganda, peaceful demonstration and protest.

We speak of separatism and use cultural references in order to define who we are and what direction we are going. It is not to say that we are better than others due to our culture or racial mixture. We believe in the human rights and the initial equality of mankind at birth, hence all men and women are created equal. We are not a racist group by any means. We do not believe in racial hatred or racial judgments based on skin color or race. Though, we do see everything as culturally and racially relative in society, for they are significant to everyone and are apart of social functionality. So, we use the social standards that are rationally acceptable and are used as the essential quality for social interaction and identity. And for one to apply these social standards to perceive or act upon something that is relative or incline to culture and/or race does not make it a racist action or thought.

Our very foundation is based on the racial mixture of races, which define and compose our roots. We believe in a Latin-version of a heterogeneous society spanning throughout all of Latin America that will be cultivated and unified as a great warrior empire of Mestizos. For, we are of mixed blood, we are Mestizos. And even though, we appear in different shades of skin color, facial characteristics, or ethnic backgrounds. We are all connected, we all belong together as a newly recognized, separate, and present culture within our own homeland. Even, if we have to fight and die to achieve this aim.

Our racially-mixed blood is the first step for our survival as people and dominance over the world. Because, it has been scientifically proven that heterogeneous societies are socially and genetically stronger from the mixture of races, cultures, values, and ideals then that of pure blooded groups. When there is sufficient technology available in the years to come. We will genetically tailor our off-spring at birth, keeping only the most healthy, enhanced, and varied genes.

The United States consists of the greatest number of Mestizos in all of Latin America, the other Mestizo dominate countries or territories include; Central Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Eastern Brazil, Belize, Panama, and Costa Rica. The other countries or areas within Latin America have strong majorities of either Europeans or Indigenous people. Those people will be welcomed and accepted into our Party and our State through our Latinization process. However, they'll probably remain amongst their own homelands due to family ties, individual circumstances, national loyalty, racism, or content in own environment and lifestyle. And the majority of them would probably reject our Mestizo culture, perspective, and way of life. They would see it as foreign or an alien threat to their very existence. And therefore they would see Mestizos as not part of their racial, ethnic, or national backgrounds. Because, a true Mestizo would probably not be generally accepted by either Europeans or Indigenous people as one of their own.

If, you were to go to Italy or Spain, they would see you, a Mestizo, as nothing more than a foreigner and not one of them, not a European. And the same goes for Indigenous people too. You being of Mestizo blood, were to go down to Oaxaca, Yucuatan, or the Amazon rain forests, they would see you as an outsider from another race and not an Indigenous Native like them.

Ideological Impurity

We believe in Ideological Impurity. And what we mean is simply that we assimilate different ideologies to compose are own grand belief system, even if some viewpoints or philosophies may indirectly oppose each other. There essential values, means of action, and goals is what we pursue. The Party and State is everything; it is father and mother, life and death, protector and provider. Our believes must be kept impure in its structure but not allow intrusion, corruption, or destruction by other hostile or opposing ideologies. Our ideals must accept all that is the best, strongest, and most respected of all social and political ideologies, which is workable and favorable to our own.

We believe that everything must be mixed, diversified, impure, or a composition of many things. Those things that are unmixed, singular, or pure stand against our beliefs and are recognized by us as that of an opposing and/or threatening nature. Though, it does not necessary mean all those things of purity are evil or an enemy to us. We do accept the right of purity to exist in society as a concept, substance, or nature.

Destine Right

Destine Right is the principle believe that all things happen for a singular reason. Everything is related and has a reason for being and doing. Therefore, you cannot ignore yourself, your neighbors, your environment, or the world in its entirety. The universe and you are one. And action or force is the only true constant in time, space, and life. For, every action you do, there is an equal or opposite reaction. So, you must commit yourself to action in order to change, grow, or succeed in whatever you do. You must move forward by any means or risk, in order to become greater than what you are. And you can evolve or become a better person by enduring the pain and tribulations of the world, instead of turning away or running from confrontation; because if you dont then you simply exist in life. You have the right to fulfill your destiny and your human nature. So regardless, if you succeed or fail in life, it is your destiny, your right to fight, and your struggle of life.

Morality is explained as a system of conduct based on the principles of right and wrong. It comes down to determining what is right and what is wrong within a composite system of rule for an entire civilization or ones particular group, because our human nature must exist with such a code of ethics or moral law to live by within a society. For, we are rational beings with conscious awareness that makes us differ and superior to the animal kingdom. We have the capacity to think and consciously relate to our natural world, others of our being, and ourselves in the reflection within are own mind. Athenian Morality is determined by ones actions, words, consequences of actions, and cultural opinion towards our human nature. We hold morality quit differently than most industrialized nations or modernized cultures due to our openness of sexuality, personal freedoms, and a value system focused on the importance of culture and mixation. We believe that there is no moral law or barrier set by religion or God for humanity, only law and order based on rational reasoning, justice, liberty, and a humane perspective. So, you do not need to believe in God to be moral. Our spiritual beliefs and the Pantheism religion will be followed and embraced in our society, but remains more as a guide than a law of the land. And human nature plays a vital role in morality not just as a cause or focal point of it, but as a major part of its existence as a whole and cultural environment is the counterpart.

What is morally good in one particular culture is a result of how that culture developed. All cultures moral values are relative, thus we cannot judge the values of other cultures. The modern civilization of mankind is not the pinnacle of human achievement but a series of adjustments. All cultures should judge themselves at some time in their development and we must come together on these issues as a united world.

Cultural Integrity (the Purge) relates to our Destine Right and the Will of the State. It is a national security reference to the safety of our cultural livelihood, sovereignty, and the genetic evolution of our race and culture. If, our Cultural Integrity is threaten by any means and by anyone person, groups, or nations. Then our entire Athenian Empire, our Party, and our future populace will feverishly move to the eradication of that particular threat. Our imperial forces will rush to completely annihilate this hostile target, without mercy or withdraw. Even, if it means the total destruction of a nation, people, or family clan. Our campaign of war will continue until every one and every thing is eliminated. And it will not be stopped until every man, woman, child, and livestock perishes; to be left virtually baron of inhabitants. We shall purge our enemies into nothingness. This foreign policy represents the act of total war for us. However, we will accept prisoners when they offer or accept surrender.

Cultural Idealism is everything that relates to ones culture and how mixed it is through ideas, race, and technologies. We believe the more mixed a culture is, the more whole, flexible, and enduring it will be as a civilization; for example, the genetic make-up of a person is very significant to ones ability and/or character to struggle and overcome. An impure person or culture is typically genetically stronger due to its impurity, because the genetic profile is more varied, adjustable, and resourceful than one that is particular or specialized in its purity. It has been proven that no culture is completely pure being that all mankind evolved together and share a common genetic bond. Though, there are those people who believe in their racial purity due to strong differences in physical characteristics and skin color.

Why Latin Mestizo?

Why do we call ourselves Latin Mestizo? If, we are not Roman or Latin? We primarily speak English and Spanish. We do not speak the Latin or Italian languages. Then, why do we use the term Latin in our the political party's name and in the definition of who we are as a people? These are all good questions. For, it is important to know who you are and what you are before you can move forward in any direction.

We are not pureblooded born Latin Europeans from the countries that were once the provinces or colonies of the Roman Empire. And we are not directly linked by Race or Ethnicity to Latium, which was the birthplace of the Roman Empire. For, Latium still remains the land of hills and valleys that surround Rome. We are by definition Mestizos. Our mixation defines us as a renewed race and culture.

We are the descents of a world empire that stretched across three continents. We are the mixed offspring from many hundreds-of-generations that have carried on the legacy of the Roman Empire. The legacy of war, conquest, and assimilation. The legacy of a warrior people who were determined to conquer the world and merge their culture with everyone along the way. They united Europe by doing so, civilized the roaming bands of heathens by making them Roman, and established a professional army of soldiers with diverse ethnic backgrounds. These Roman citizens and soldiers belong to something greater than themselves. It was a unity of mixed blood that transcended all boundaries, politics, religions, and races. Blood born of blood in the arenas and on the battlefield, where Romans fought side-by-side with different cultures and ethnicities against their common enemies.

In the beginning, there were Romans and slaves during early years of Rome's Democratic Republic and the early part of the Roman Empire. As the Empire expanded with its newly conquered territories, it absorbed and assimilated different cultures and people into its process of Romanization. The citizen army of the Roman Legions that once held only Roman noblemen and land-owners (Italians), now included many other races within its ranks. The racial composition of what a true Roman is began to change in order to encompass the growing multi-racial and multi-cultural society that it had become over the centuries.

The later years of the Western Roman Empire was composed of a large majority of different ethnic Europeans throughout its domain. The Italian Romans were no longer in control of their own birthright, but replaced several times by different barbarian tribes, Spanish born (Iberian) Generals, and North African incursions. And there were also many Non-European Romans that were apart of the Roman government, the merchant industry, and the Legions; such as Egyptians, Africans, Israelites, Mongols, Persians, Arabians, and Huns. The years prior to the collapse of the Roman Empire only one-in-four legionnaires were an Italian within the Roman Imperial Legions.

And even, the majority of Gladiators who became Roman citizens were not Italian or European. Therefore, the Roman Empire can be defined as a heterogeneous society that included many people from all over the world. So, what does it mean to be Roman? When the meaning of Roman becomes simply a class title of imperial citizenship that does not describe one's ethnic, racial, cultural, or religious background. We are the continuation of that composition, mixation, and differation. A mixation of blood that can not be denied. This is the life we choose, because its who we are by birth and by blood.

What is Latin?

Latin has many different meanings to many different people. It has one clear definition in Italy and a completely different one in Latin America and the United States. Latin is a person and language relating to or originating from Latium. However, it refers to us (Mestizos) as being in the present location of the Latin America region, which includes those areas such as South America, Central America, Caribbean, and the American Southwest. Latin America was once identified as the Non-Anglo region of the Americas. Although, the label pertained to the Spanish and Portuguese Empire's large dominance within that region. However, those two vast empire's collapsed many years ago, and there mixed descents now remain in those regions. We are also those mixed descents. However, we see the Roman Empire as the true cradle of the ancient world, and not Mesopotamia. The Roman Empire is our mystical tale of Atlantis. Life truly came of age during those ancient times, which brought forth the birth of new empires.

The Roman Empire colonized Iberia (Spain). And Spanish Empire rose to be a world power and conquered much of Central and South America. Where they established a physical and cultural connection through their conquests of the Aztec Empire and Inca Empire. The Spanish Conquistadors raped, pillaged, and murdered many hundreds-of-thousands of native people. Though, they brought forth the creation of a new empire by conquering and mixing their blood with the Aztecs. The Mexican Empire ascended into greatness as an empire of Mestizos, until they were defeated by the United States. These Mestizo descents share a blood connection to both the Aztecs and the Spanish. And the Spanish are the mixed descents of the Roman Empire.

Iberia had many settlements within its borders by Mediterranean cultures before the Romans conquered its lands; there were Greek, Carthagian, Moors, and African settlements. Once, the Roman Empire arrived and colonized Iberia, they brought forth civilized order by establishing many settlements of their own. Roman officials and soldiers took wives from local tribes and bared children that mixed with other races and cultures. Germanic tribes arrived as well and integrated with people there in North Iberia. Spain finally unified under Fernando and Isabella. They're Christian crusade defeated the Muslims. However, there still remains a strong presence of Moorish Muslim culture in Spain's southern province of Grande to this very day.

These mixed bi-cultural (Aztecs - Indigenous Natives and Spanish - Latin Europeans) people residing in Latin America refer to themselves as Latinos, who are the true Mestizos with a connections to Rome. Latino is a Spanish translation of the word Latin. These Mestizo people have accepted it, embraced it, and applied it through the many nations that lie within the geographical region known as Latin America. And we are no different. We believe in that terminology and use it to define ourselves.

We are the personification of that cultural integration and the legacy of a mixed empire that is not bound by time and space. However, there are some Mestizos and Indigenous people within Latin America that do not accept the terminology or label of Latino or Latin. They even deny their Spanish heritage and roots. For Example, there are some Mexican-Americans that refuse to be identified, defined, or labeled as Hispanic, Hispano, Latin, or Latino. We are not here to argue against them or their viewpoints. However, these are terms and labels that are widely used by many governments, media networks, and cultural groups to describe the Latin American people in South America, Central America, and the United States of America. We understand the controversy over these ethnic, racial, and cultural names and how they are applied to generalize a large community of different people. It is generally known that Spanish and Italian people do not consider themselves Hispanic, Latin, or Latinos. Italians from Latium do not see themselves as Latin or Roman in this present day, even though they would have the most right to do so. The Italians who live in Rome see themselves as Roman, but its not widely used or openly expressed by many people.

Hispano, Hispania, and Hispana does apply to the Spanish people of Spain, but is rarely used by the Spanish people and its media. Many Latin Americans see themselves as Spanish, but not necessarily a Spaniard or belonging to the Spanish race or culture. Hispano in the several US states (Colorado, New Mexico) describes Spanish-Americans who are the descents of Spanish Jews and Spanish Missionaries.

Hispanic is a political label that was used by President Nixon to describe the growing numbers of minorities (non-whites) all ready born here, residing in the US, or coming from Latin America and/or Spanish-speaking countries that were not European. Though, there is a large number of those minority people who have accepted and use that label to describe themselves. The majority people from Latin America are the descents of a Spanish ethnicity, culture, or connection, whether they accept it or not. We accept it and the world accepts that truth. But, does it make it true?

Secondly, the meaning of Latin applies to the dominating language of those areas being Spanish or a sub-dialect form of Spanish; and the Spanish language originates from the Latin language. Though, it does not have an amorous or romantic relationship to Europeans in particular, it just has a connection to the Indo-European Language Group. And we see the Roman Empire as the cradle of the past that united the world under one voice and one light. Latin was once widely taught, spoken, and used within Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. There were many people of Non-European heritage who spoke and wrote in Latin and Greek during those ancient times due greatly by influence of the Western and Eastern Roman Empires.

We do accept those Mestizos, who speak another language, such as Portuguese, English, Castilian Spanish, Mexican Spanish, Italian, Latin, Spanglish, Nahuatl or other indigenous dialects. And whether they claim to be Hispanics, Latinos, or Mexica Indigenous does not matter to us. We do not discriminate against our related people or against anyone else for that matter. However, for a person to be considered a Latin Mestizo, they must be within these geographical, social, cultural, and linguistic requirements.

And lastly, we will recreate a new Latin Empire over all of Latin America as a Mestizo Empire, which will represent a Mestizo wonderland. Those people within Latin America who do not wish to be incorporated into our new world will be respected and excluded as their own sovereign state and culture, most likely; Haitians, Jamaicans, Incas, Mayans, Chileans, and Argentines. Primary, those people who have been isolated or wish to keep their race preserved and do not want to willing mix with others on a large-scale; the dominating majority of these Latin American people being Black, Native Indigenous, Asian, or European.

Mestizo means a mixed person of both European and Native Indigenous descent. And those people who are considered bi-cultural or multi-cultural in the Spanish terminology. It encompasses a variety of different racial and ethnic mixes with having some Latin or Spanish relationship. It has come forth as its own unique culture, which is presently seen throughout Latin America; from the Chicanos of the west, to the Puerto Ricans of the east, and down to the Brazilians to the south. We wish to unite all these people into one Latin-based society as a Latin Mestizo culture in our homeland of Athenia.

We are not specifically a Hispanic (Hispanic-American), Chicano (Pocho or Mexican-American), Mexican (Mexicano) or even Native Indigenous (Azteca) nationalist group. Though we welcome them all into our ranks as eligible party members because each of them is related to us in a direct way by heritage. Regardless of their racial classification or political labels, we see them as part of ourselves whether they do or not. We are a Latin Mestizo nationalist group, attempting to reclaim our rightful place from the fallen empires of our forefathers. So, we may establish a new empire from their legacy in Latin America.

What is an Athenian?

An Athenian will be a mixed person of Native Indigenous and of European decent from Latin America. Once Athenia is created as a nation-state, Athenian will then mean a racially mixed Latin American person that is a native or inhabitant of Athenia. The Athenian civilization can be identified as the mixed descents of the Latin bloodline. Regardless, of our historical circumstances of the racial mixing or cultural fusion of our opposing parent-cultures, right or wrong, we cannot deny our racial make-up or ourselves. And we should not, because like it or not we are both races; both the European and the Indigenous races.

We must respect, accept, and learn from all other races, especially from our enemies and our parent-cultures. And we must accept both the good and evil acts of our parent-cultures, but who is good and who is evil? Does it matter? Not one race, culture, or society can claim to be socially perfect or morally just; every race has at one time have been both the conqueror and the conquered, the victimizer and the victim, the slave owner and the slave, or the rapist and the raped. Its human nature, and the winner is the one who can survive and triumph over their enemies. And it has been scientifically proven that heterogeneous societies are socially and genetically stronger from the mixture of the races, cultures, values, and ideals.

Therefore, we do not associate entirely with the Indigenous (Aztecs, Mixtecs, Mayans, Toltecs, Olmecas), Latin Europeans (Spanish, Portuguese, Romanians, and Italians), or even the Mestizos (Chicanos, Tejanos, Puerto Ricans, Cubanos, Brazilians) people. We accept them all as they are or with their different levels of racial and ethnic characteristics, languages, lifestyles, social class, and values. Because, we recognize them all as part of ourselves, related to each other and us by history, heritage, and geography. And we will continue to converge them together into a heterogeneous community under Athenia as we reestablish this ancient Latin culture into a new one, which is distinctively separate in its own individuality as the Athenian culture from both Southern Europe and Meso America.

We are a reborn race of the Latin civilization from largely Hispanic and Chicano bloodstock that is to be melted together once we have migrated and settled on to our new homeland. This Mestizo migration is focused mainly from Southwestern America to the Galapagos Islands, which is our promise land and the golden soil of the soon to be actualized Athenia. However, this social system is not a multi-national or mutli-cultural in development that we speak of, rather the total assimilation of similar and related races and ethnic groups into one official mother-culture. Hence, our society is not a toss salad of different races, but a melting pot of race mixing.

(2007 Preview of The Eternal Struggle)

© 2007 Copyrighted by Leonardo Valdez III (Leo Corben). All Rights Reserved.