Leopold Cohn (Author)

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Leopold Cohn (January 14, 1856, Zempelburg-1915) was a German author and philologist.

He received his education at the gymnasium at Culm, West Prussia, and at the University of Breslau, whence he was graduated as doctor of philosophy in 1878. In 1884 he became privatdozent at the Breslau University, in 1889 was appointed librarian, and in 1897 received the title of professor.

[edit] Works

On Greek literature:

  • "De Aristophane Byzantio et Suetonio Tranquillo Eustathi Auctoribus," Leipzig, 1881
  • "Untersuchungen über die Quellen der Plato-Scholien," Leipzig, 1884
  • "De Heraclide Milesio Grammatico," Berlin, 1884
  • "Zu den Paroemiographen," Breslau, 1887
  • "Zur Handschriftlichen Ueberlieferung, Kritik und Quellenkunde der Paroemiographen," Leipzig, 1892.

On Jewish literature:

  • "Philonis Alexandrini Libellus de Opificio Mundi," Breslau, 1889
  • "Philonis Alexandrini Opera quæ Supersunt" (with Paul Wendland), vol. i, Berlin, 1896; vol. ii, ib. 1897; vol. iii, ib. 1898; vol. iv, ib. 1902.

He has contributed to the "Jewish Quarterly Review" (Oct., 1892) "The Latest Researches on Philo of Alexandria," and (ib. 1898) "An Apocryphal Work Ascribed to Philo of Alexandria"; to the "Neue Jahrbücher für Classisches Altertum" (1898, pp. 514-540) "Philo von Alexandria"; and to "Philologus" (1899, Supplement vii, pp. 387-436) "Einteilung und Chronologie der Schriften Philos."

Cohn is the author of the essay on "Griechische Lexikographie," in "Handbuch der Klassischen Altertumswissenschaft," 3d ed., ii, part i, Munich, 1900. He also contributed articles on Greek grammarians to Pauly-Wissowa's "Real-Encyclopädie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft."

[edit] References