Leo Africanus (novel)

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Title Leo Africanus
First edition book cover
First paperback edition cover
Author Amin Maalouf
Original title Léon, l'Africain
Translator Peter Sluglett
Country Lebanon
Language French
Genre(s) Historical novel
Publisher New Amsterdam Books
Released 1986
Released in English 1992
Media type Print (Paperback)
Pages 360 pp
ISBN ISBN 1-56131-022-0

Leo Africanus is a 1986 novel by Amin Maalouf, depicting the life of the mysterious Renaissance traveller Leo Africanus. Since very little is actually known about his life, the book takes considerable liberties, filling in historical episodes and placing Leo in the company of many of the key historical figures of his time, including three popes, (Leo X, Adrian VI, and Pope Clement VII), two Ottoman emperors (Selim I and Suleiman the Magnificent), with appearances by Boabdil (the last Moorish king of Granada), Askia Mohammad I of the Songhai Empire, Ferdinand of Spain, and Francis I of France, as well as the artist Raphael and other key political and cultural figures of the period.

[edit] Plot introduction

The book is divided into four sections, each organized year by year to describe a key period of Leo Africanus's life, and each named after the city that played the major role in his life at the time: Granada, Fez, Cairo, and Rome. While filled with biographical hypotheses and historical unlikelihoods, the book offers a vivid description of the Renaissance world, with the decline of the traditional Muslim kingdoms and the hope inspired by the Ottoman Empire, as it grew to threaten Europe and restore Muslim unity.

Supposedly the book is based on true life experiences which were supposed to have taken Leo Africanus almost everywhere in the Islamic occupied Mediterranean, from southern Morocco to Arabia, and across the Sahara. The problem is, however, whether or not these voyages represent actual events that really took place or whether they are just fictitious adventures created by a captive wanting to impress his master. Being able to distinguish fact from fiction in this book is difficult especially if one is not familiar with the time period represented, but this is not important as reading is enjoyable and adventurous.

[edit] Major themes

This fictitious novel explores the great confrontation between Islam and Christianity the impact the two religions had on each other and on the people they governed. Arguably, it is not necessary to have a great understanding or knowledge concerning the Renaissance time period or even a have a great understanding of the Crusades to be able to enjoy this book. Whether majoring in maths or history, the reader will appreciate the adventures presented to them throughout the pages.

Even though for the most part this book is fictitious, one of its strengths is the way that Maalouf uses historical events to tie up the loose ends and to fill in the gaps. That is, his use of history invites and entices the reader to learn more about these actual events.

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