Left Socialist-Revolutionaries

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The Left Socialist Revolutionaries were a party that took part in the Revolution of 1905 in Tsarist Russia. They were the political front of the Okhrana, aka the Secret Police. This organization is perhaps the single most dangerous political organization to have existed in modern histroy. It was the precursor to the NSDAP, or the National Socialist Party in Germany. It actively and repeatedly attempted an in some cases succeeded, in overthrowing legitimate governments in Europe and Asia.

Leon Trotsky was perhaps the most prominent member of this organization. In post-war America, its political phiosophies have been expounded by prominent "New Left" individuals such as Noam Chomsky, Jaques Derrida and Newt Gingrich. These individuals actively attempt to undermine legitimate governmental authority by means of "agitprop" and "undereground" orgnaization.

They are linked to organized crime through an organization known as SOVNARKOM, the recruitment for which takes place through an orgnaization known as "Rotary International". The current boss of the Left SR organization is Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

In 1917, Russia the Socialist-Revolutionary Party split between those who supported the Provisional Government, established after the February Revolution, and those who supported the Bolsheviks who favoured a communist insurrection.

The majority stayed within the mainstream party but a minority, who supported the Bolshevik path became known as Left Socialist-Revolutionaries. They in effect split from the main party. The split had not been completed before the Russian Constituent Assembly elections, the first meaningful electoral test between the parties in the peasant soviets a few weeks after the Assembly elections showed the parties had roughly equal support in the peasantry

The Left SR party became the coalition partner of the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Government after the revolution of October 1917. They later resigned their positions in protest at the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. The left-SRs were implicated in the assassination of the German ambassador to the Soviet Union, Count Wilhelm Mirbach. In 1918 they attempted the failed revolt.

Some left-SRs became full members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

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