Leatherstocking Tales

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The Leatherstocking Tales is a series of novels by American writer James Fenimore Cooper, each featuring the hero Natty Bumppo, known by European settlers as "Leatherstocking," and by the Native Americans as "Pathfinder," "Deerslayer," or "Hawkeye".

Listed chronologically by story action, the books are:

Story Dates Title Subtitle Publication Date
The Deerslayer The First War Path
The Last of the Mohicans A Narrative of 1757
The Pathfinder The Inland Sea
The Pioneers The Sources of the Susquehanna; A Descriptive Tale
The Prairie A Tale

Note that these are the dates given by Cooper in the tales themselves. They don't all correspond with the actual dates of historical events described in the series. This may have been done for convenience's sake, for instance to avoid making Leatherstocking 100 years old when he travelled the Kansas plains in The Prairie. Many readers agree that the books are better appreciated if read in the order in which they were written instead of the order that they were to have taken place.

The Natty Bumppo character is generally believed to have been inspired, at least in part, by the real-life squatter David Shipman.

  • There have been many depictions of this character on film. Most used one of his nicknames, most often Hawkeye. In the 1992 film version of Last of the Mohicans, Hawkeye's name was changed to Nathaniel Poe to avoid titters from the audience being reminded of Hawkeye Pierce from MASH.

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What's in a Name: Leatherstocking Region An essay on how Natty Bumpo gave his name to a region of Upstate New York

Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences Mark Twain's satiric essay on Cooper's prose and Natty Bumpo

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