Leader of the Official Opposition (Quebec)

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This is a list of the leaders of the opposition party of Quebec, Canada since Confederation (1867).

Note that the leader of the Opposition is not always the leader of the political party with the second-largest number of seats, in cases where the leader of that party does not have a seat.

There was no Leader of the Opposition until March 1869, when the government's second budget was introduced.

  Name Took Office Left Office Party
     Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière 1869 1878 Liberal
     Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau 1878 1879 Conservative
     Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière 1879 1883 Liberal
     Honoré Mercier 1883 1887 Liberal
     Louis-Olivier Taillon 1887 1890 Conservative
     Jean Blanchet 1890 1891 Conservative
     Félix-Gabriel Marchand 1892 1897 Liberal
     Edmund James Flynn 1897 1904 Conservative
     Pierre-Évariste Leblanc 1905 1908 Conservative
     Joseph-Mathias Tellier 1909 1915 Conservative
     Philémon Cousineau 1915 1916 Conservative
     Arthur Sauvé 1916 1929 Conservative
     Camillien Houde 1929 1931 Conservative
     Charles Ernest Gault 1931 1932 Conservative
     Maurice Duplessis 1932 1936 Conservative
     Télesphore-Damien Bouchard 1936 1939 Liberal
     Maurice Duplessis 1939 1944 Union Nationale
     Adélard Godbout 1944 1948 Liberal
     George Carlyle Marler 1948 1953 Liberal
     Georges-Émile Lapalme 1953 1960 Liberal
     Yves Prévost 1960 1961 Union Nationale
     Antonio Talbot 1961 1961 Union Nationale
     Daniel Johnson, Sr 1961 1966 Union Nationale
     Jean Lesage 1966 1970 Liberal
     Robert Bourassa 1970 1970 Liberal
     Jean-Jacques Bertrand 1970 1971 Union Nationale
     Gabriel Loubier 1971 1973 Union Nationale
     Jacques-Yvan Morin 1973 1976 Parti Québécois
     Gérard D. Lévesque 1976 1979 Liberal
     Claude Ryan 1979 1982 Liberal
     Gérard D. Lévesque 1982 1985 Liberal
     Robert Bourassa 1985 1985 Liberal
     Pierre-Marc Johnson 1985 1987 Parti Québécois
     Guy Chevrette 1987 1989 Parti Québécois
     Jacques Parizeau 1989 1994 Parti Québécois
     Daniel Johnson, Jr 1994 1998 Liberal
     Monique Gagnon-Tremblay 1998 1998 Liberal
     Jean Charest 1998 2003 Liberal
     Bernard Landry 2003 2005 Parti Québécois
     Louise Harel 2005 2006 Parti Québécois
     André Boisclair 2006 2007 Parti Québécois
     Mario Dumont 2007 present Action démocratique du Québec

[edit] See also

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Politics of Quebec
v  d  e
Lieutenant-Governor: Lise Thibault | Former lieutenant-governors
Premier: Jean Charest | Former premiers
Opposition Leader: Mario Dumont | Former Opposition Leaders
Government of Quebec: Cabinet · Government departments
National Assembly: Current assembly · Government House Leader
President of the Assembly: Michel Bissonnet
National Question: Quebec nationalismQuebec federalist ideology
Quebec sovereignty movementReferenda on independence: 1995 · 1980
Elections; Quebec general election, 2003Quebec general election, 2007
Political parties: Parti libéral du QuébecParti QuébécoisAction démocratique du QuébecParti vert du QuébecQuébec solidaire
Other provinces and territories: BCABSKMBONQCNBNSPEI • NL • YU • NT • NU
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