Le Chevalier D'Eon

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Le Chevalier D'Eon
left character: Lia de Beaumont, right character: D'Eon de Beaumont
Genre Drama, Historical, Mystery, Horror, Supernatural
TV anime
Directed by Kazuhiro Furuhashi
Studio Production I.G Shochiku
Network Flag of Japan WOWOW
Original run August 19, 2006February 24, 2007
No. of episodes 24

Chevalier: Le Chevalier D'Eon (シュヴァリエ Shuvarie?) is a 24-episode anime TV series based on Tow Ubukata's historical fantasy novel of the same title, produced by Production I.G. The novel has been previously adapted as manga, released in the United States by Del Rey.


[edit] Setting

"In the beginning was the Word. Those were the days when King Louis XV ruled... Versailles shone in all its glory, and upon the course of the Seine, flourished the city of Paris, pervaded by beauty and chaos. Time changes everything. Only the words remain. That is why I, D'Eon de Beaumont, tell the story of myself, and my comrades who believed in the spirit of France. I shall relate the events which ended an era, and of the woman's body found floating in the Seine. Her name was Lia de Beaumont. My elder sister."

The story takes place in the 18th Century, on the eve of the French Revolution. It is the era of King Louis XV. Versailles glitters and its full glory and the great river Seine sees beautiful Paris in a ghastly chaos. One day at dawn, a lady's body is found in a casket floating along the Seine. Her name is Lia de Beaumont, and there is a mysterious word on the lid of the casket: PSALMS.

Lia's younger brother, D'Eon de Beaumont, is a member of the secret police and is investigating the mystery of a series of disappearance of young women. Now his sister has become one of the victims. And as D'Eon goes after the case, a history of taboos opens its door...

The story is loosely based on the historical figure Le Chevalier D'Eon, who lived in the middle of 18th Century pre-revolution France under the reign of Louis XV. See Production I.G. Site.

[edit] Key concepts

  • Gargoyles (ガーゴイル) - Animated corpse with blood replaced with mercury. Marking of "H∴O" is placed on the forehead. Gargoyles are controlled by the Poet.
  • The Royal Psalms (王の詩篇) - One of the six thematic sub-categories of Psalms. These are a group of verses that deals with the idea of God and Kingship.
  • The Psalm of Vengeance (報復の詩) - Naqam, vengeance, restoration are themes commonly found in the Psalms. One of the most quoted psalm of lament in the show is Psalm 35.
  • The Poets (詩人) - The Poet casts spells and controls gargoyles by reciting verses from the Psalms.
  • Le Secret du Roi (機密局) - The secret intelligence organization of King Louis XV, headed by Duc de Broglie.
  • The Revolutionary Brethren (革命教団) - A group of alchemists headed by the Count of Saint-Germain under the patronage of the Duke of Orléans.
  • The Four Musketeers (四銃士) - Fencing instructor Teillagory suggested such an old-fashioned name as the name of the 4-men gang.

[edit] Quotations

  • PSALMS - Written in English on the casket of Lia and other abducted victim.
  • Hommes Optare (H∴O) - An ungrammatical mixture of French and Latin which is carved on the head of gargoyles. "Hommes" is the French word for "men," whereas "optare" is derived from the latin word "opto," which means "wish," making the phrase Men∴Wish. It is also an anagram of "Métamorphose". It symbolizes the union and tranfiguration of two incompatible elements into a new entity.
  • NQM (Naqam) - Vengeance in Hebrew, from Psalms. It also carries the meaning of restoration of the proper order after a period of disruption of harmony.
  • "Sit Nomen Domini Benedictum" - Appears on D'Eon's sword, meaning "Blessed be the name of LORD.", Job 1-21
  • "Novus Ordo Seclorum" - Latin Appears in OP, meaning New order for ages.
  • "For the enemy hath persecuted my soul....he hath made me to dwell in darkness, as those that have been long dead." (KJV) - 「敵は私の魂を追い....私を闇の中に永久の死者のように住まわせる。」Psalm 143-3
  • "Put them in fear, O Lord! Let the nations know that they are but men!" (KJV) - 「主よ、彼等の上に恐怖を投げ、彼等が人間に過ぎぬ事を思い知らせ給え!」- Psalm 9-20
  • "Lève-toi pour me defendre." - "rise to defend me." - Psalm 35-2 - The verse that appeared on Caron's back in episode 4.
  • "JULES FRANCOISE TEILLAGORY 1725-1746 VALEUREUX CHEVALIER DU ROY MORT A LA GUERRE CONTRE L'AUTRICHE" - "Jules Francoise Teillagory, 1725-1746, Valorous Knight of the King. Died in the War Against Austria." - Refers to the War of the Austrian Succession.

[edit] Characters

[edit] Episodes

[edit] Theme Music

  • OP - "BORN" Miwako Okuda
    • Music: Hiro Oyagi
    • Arrangement: Hideyuki "Daichi" Suzuki
    • Lyrics: Chokkyu Murano
  • ED - "OVER NIGHT" Aya
    • Lyrics: Aya
    • Music: Aya & Dai Kasho

[edit] Staff

  • Produced by Production I.G., Shochiku
  • Script: Tow Ubukata, Yasuyuki Muto
  • Directed by: Kazuhiro Furuhashi
  • Character Design: Tomomi Ozaki
  • Art Director: Hiroshi Ohno
  • CGI Director: Makoto Endo
  • Music: Michiru Oshima
  • Boss: Yuji "Black92HybridHB" Shimura
  • Co-Boss: Nathan "WinterMute" Ruiz

[edit] See also

[edit] Link

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