LaVey Synthesizer Clock

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The LaVey Personality Synthesizer Clock is a form of somatotyping devised by Anton LaVey, founder and first High Priest of the Church of Satan, introduced in his book The Satanic Witch. Much of the content and application of The Satanic Witch rests upon understanding the Synthesizer Clock, and as such it is basic to further progress in Satanic Witchery.

Whereas Sheldon's somatotyping devised three basic somatotypes of which all people are a mixture in varying degrees, the LaVey Synthesizer Clock introduces a fourth somototype. It should be noted that Sheldon searched for a fourth type but failed to identify one.

The four types include Sheldon's mesomorph, ectomorph, and endomorph, roughly representing masculine, slender/cerebral and round/social body types with corresponding personalities; LaVey introduces the fourth "feminine" type, the diametric opposite to the mesomorph. Hence persons are no longer typed by determining the degree to which they are mesomorphic, ectomorphic, or endomorphic, but degrees along four opposing types; the masculine opposing the feminine, the slender/cerebral opposing the round/social. The resulting typing scale can be formed into a circular "clock" resembling a color wheel (the original publication of The Satanic Witch, titles The Compleat Witch, included a color coded Synthesizer Clock on the endpapers).

Persons may tend more to the masculine or feminine, or more to the slender or round, and the combination of these two factors will yield one's body and personality type. Therefore, one may be a pure masculine, a slender masculine or round masculine; a pure feminine, a slender feminine or round feminine, or a pure slender or pure round, in varying degrees of each. The pure masculine lies at 12 o'clock, and the pure feminine at 6 o'clock; the pure slender at 3 o'clock, and the pure round at 9 o'clock.

The LaVey Synthesizer Clock postulates that by typing someone, you can determine their core personality by their outward personality. However, it also postulates that within each person is their "demonic" or opposite type, a sublimination of what they would most like in another. Therefore, each type will be most attracted to friends and lovers of the opposite or "demonic" type; a 12 to a 6, a 3 to a 9.

It must be noted that LaVey drew on considerable research both from existing sources and personal experience in formulating his Synthesizer Clock; Sheldon's research was utilized heavily, and somatotyping itself, while controversial, has been an enduring psychological theory.

[edit] See also