Laurie Driver

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Laurie Driver is a fictional character who occasionally appears in the cult comic, Viz. Most strips revolve around him murdering hitchikers and unsafe (and illegal) working practices, which this strip satirises.

In one strip, he is stopped by a police motorcyclist who tells him he's shedding his load. The police officer inspects his tachograph, telling him he's doing too many murders and tells him to rest at some point. While this parodies unsafe working practices, it's also a satirical reference to Peter Sutcliffe. This is framed in a preceding scene where he goes to a diesel mechanic to get an engine misfiring fixed, saying:

"It sounds like sounds like God saying, "Bell ringing" over and over again."

After this is fixed, he thanks him:

"Kill Women. Cheers."

Further shorter strips have used this as a premise for their humour. The murders aren't shown, but are humourously alluded to in one story where Laurie works as a driving instructor. He tells the trainee to use the clutch and throttle, only for the penny to drop when he tells him to "wrap her in a carpet and dump her in a layby." This suggests that killing women is a mandatory activity for all Lorry Drivers.