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Latvijas Republika
Republic of Latvia
Flag of Latvia Coat of arms of Latvia
Flag Coat of arms
Motto: "Tēvzemei un Brīvībai"  (Latvian)
"For Fatherland and Freedom"
Anthem: Dievs, svētī Latviju!  (Latvian)
"God, bless Latvia!"
Location of Latvia
Location of  Latvia  (orange)

– on the European continent  (camel & white)
– in the European Union  (camel)  —  [Legend]

(and largest city)
56°57′N 24°6′E
Official languages Latvian
Ethnic groups 59.0% Latvians
28.5% Russians
  3.8% Belarussians
  2.4% Poles
  6.3% others
Government Parliamentary democracy
 -  President Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga
 -  Prime Minister Aigars Kalvītis
Independence1 from Russia and Germany 
 -  Declared November 18, 1918 
 -  Recognized January 26, 1921 
 -  Proclaimed2 May 4, 1990 
 -  Completed September 6, 1991 
Accession to EU May 1, 2004
 -  Total 64,589 km² (124th)
24,937 sq mi 
 -  Water (%) 1.5
 -  January 2006 estimate 2,291,000 (143rd)
 -  2000 census 2 375 000 
 -  Density 36 /km² (166th)
93 /sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2005 estimate
 -  Total $29.214 billion (95th)
 -  Per capita $12,622 (53rd)
Gini? (2003) 37.7 (medium
HDI (2004) 0.845 (high) (45th)
Currency Lats (Ls) (LVL)
Time zone EET (UTC+2)
 -  Summer (DST) EEST (UTC+3)
Internet TLD .lv 3
Calling code +371
1 Latvia considers itself continuous with the first republic.
2 Secession from Soviet Union begun.
3 Also .eu, shared with other European Union member states.

Latvia (historically Lattonia, Lettonia, or Lettland), officially the Republic of Latvia (Latvian: Latvija or Latvijas Republika, Livonian: Lețmō), is a country in Northern Europe. Latvia shares land borders with Estonia to the north and Lithuania to the south – and both Russia and Belarus to the east. It is separated from Sweden in the west by the Baltic Sea. The capital of Latvia is Riga (Latvian: Rīga). Latvia has been a member state of the European Union since May 1, 2004.


[edit] History

Main article: History of Latvia

The territory of Latvia has been populated since 9000 BC with the proto-Baltic ancestors of the Latvian people settling on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea around the third millennium BC (3000 BC).[1]

Across Europe, Latvia's coast was known for its amber. The ancient Balts traded Latvian amber with Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire.

By 900 AD, four Baltic tribal cultures had developed: Couronians, Latgallians, Selonians, Semigallians (in Latvian: kurši, latgaļi, sēļi and zemgaļi).

A knight of the The Livonian Brothers of the Sword.
A knight of the The Livonian Brothers of the Sword.

At the end of the 1100s, Latvia was often visited by traders from western Europe who set out on trading journeys along Latvia's longest river, the Daugava, to Russia.

In 1180, Christian missionaries arrived. As the Balts did not readily convert and opposed the ritual of christening, German Crusaders were sent into Latvia[2] to convert the pagan population. By 1211, Christianity had effective control with the foundation stone for the Dome Cathedral in Riga laid.

In the 1200s, a confederation of feudal nations called Livonia developed under German rule. Livonia included today's Latvia and Southern Estonia. In 1282, Rīga and later the cities of Cēsis, Limbaži, Koknese and Valmiera were included in the Hanseatic League. From this time, Riga became an important point in west-east trading. Rīga, being the centre of the eastern Baltic region, formed close cultural contacts with Western Europe.

The 1500s were a time of great changes for the inhabitants of Latvia, notable for the reformation and the collapse of the Livonian nation. After the Livonian War (1558-1583) today's Latvian territory came under Polish-Lithuanian rule. The Lutheran faith was accepted in Kurzeme, Zemgale and Vidzeme, but the Roman Catholic faith maintained its dominance in Latgale and continues to do so today.

The seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries saw a struggle between Poland, Sweden and Russia for supremacy in the eastern Baltic. Most of Polish Livonia, including Vidzeme, came under Swedish rule with the Truce of Altmark in 1629. Under the Swedish rule serfdom was eased and a network of schools was established for the peasantry.

The Treaty of Nystad ending the Great Northern War in 1721 gave Vidzeme to Russia (it became part of the Riga Governorate). The Latgale region remained part of Poland as Inflanty until 1772, when it was joined to Russia. The Duchy of Courland became a Russian province (the Courland Governorate) in 1795, bringing all of what is now Latvia into Imperial Russia.

The promises Peter the Great made to the Baltic German nobility at the fall of Riga in 1710, confirmed by the Treaty of Nystad and known as "the Capitulations," largely reversed the Swedish reforms. The emancipation of the serfs took place in Courland in 1817 and in Vidzeme in 1819. In practice, the emancipation was actually advantageous to the nobility because it dispossessed the peasants of their land without compensation. The social structure changed dramatically, with a class of independent farmers establishing itself after reforms allowed the peasants to repurchase their land, landless peasants numbering 591 000 in 1897, a growing urban proletariat and an increasingly influential Latvian bourgeoisie. The Young Latvians (Latvian: Jaunlatvieši) movement laid the groundwork for nationalism from the middle of the century, many of its leaders looking to the Slavophiles for support against the prevailing German-dominated social order. Russification began in Latgale after the January Uprising in 1863 and spread to the rest of what is now Latvia by the 1880s. The Young Latvians were largely eclipsed by the New Current, a broad leftist social and political movement, in the 1890s. Popular discontent exploded in the 1905 Revolution, which took on a nationalist character in the Baltic provinces.

World War I devastated the country. Demands for self-determination were at first confined to autonomy, but full independence was proclaimed in Riga on November 18, 1918, by the People's Council of Latvia, Kārlis Ulmanis becoming the head of the provisional government. The War of Independence that followed was a very chaotic period in Latvia's history. By the spring of 1919 there were actually three governments- Ulmanis' government; the Iskolat led by Pēteris Stučka, which proclaimed an independent Soviet Latvia and whose forces, supported by the Red Army, occupied almost all of the country; and the Baltic German government of "Baltic Duchy" headed by Andrievs Niedra. Estonian and Latvian forces defeated the Germans at the Battle of Cēsis in June 1919, and a massive attack by a German and Russian force under Pavel Bermondt-Avalov was repelled in November. Eastern Latvia was cleared of Red Army forces by Polish, Latvian, and German troops in early 1920.

A freely elected Constituent Assembly was convened on May 1, 1920 and adopted a liberal constitution, the Satversme, in February 1922. This was partly suspended by Ulmanis after his coup in 1934, but reaffirmed in 1990. Since then it has been amended and is the constitution still in use in Latvia today. With most of Latvia's industrial base evacuated to the interior of Russia in 1915, radical land reform was the central political question for the young state. In 1897, 61.2% of the rural population had been landless; by 1930 that percentage had been reduced to 23.2%. The extent of cultivated land surpassed the pre-war level already in 1923. Innovation and rising productivity led to rapid growth of economy, but it soon suffered the effects of the Great Depression. Though Latvia showed signs of economic recovery and the electorate had steadily moved toward the center during the parliamentary period, Ulmanis staged a bloodless coup on May 15, 1934, establishing a nationalist dictatorship that lasted until 1940. Most of the Baltic Germans left Latvia by agreement between Ulmanis' government and Nazi Germany after the conclusion of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. On October 5, 1939, Latvia was forced to accept a "mutual assistance" pact with the Soviet Union, granting the Soviets the right to station 25,000 troops on Latvian territory. On June 16, 1940, Vyacheslav Molotov presented the Latvian representative in Moscow with an ultimatum accusing Latvia of violations of that pact, and on June 17 great numbers of Soviet forces occupied the country. Fraudulent[2] elections for a "People's Saeima" were held, and a puppet government headed by Augusts Kirhenšteins led Latvia into the USSR. The annexation was formalized on August 5, 1940.

The Soviets dealt with their opponents - prior to the German invasion, in less than a year, at least 27,586 persons were arrested; most were deported, and ca. 945 persons were shot. While under German occupation, Latvia was administered as part of Reichskommissariat Ostland. Latvian paramilitary and Auxiliary Police units established by occupation authority actively participated in the Holocaust. More than 200,000 Latvian citizens died during World War II, including approximately 70,000 Latvian Jews murdered during the Nazi occupation. Latvian soldiers fought on both sides of the conflict, including in the Latvian Legion of the Waffen-SS, most of them conscripted by the occupying Nazi and Soviet authorities. Refusal to join the occupying army resulted in an imprisonment, threats to relatives or even death.

The Soviets reoccupied the country in 1944-1945, and further mass deportations followed as the country was forcibly collectivized and Sovietized; 42,975 persons were deported in 1949. Influx of laborers, administrators, military personnel and their dependents from Russia and other Soviet republics started and by 1959 ethnic Latvian population had fallen to 62%. During the Khrushchev Thaw, attempts by national communists led by Eduards Berklavs to gain a degree of autonomy for the republic and protect the rapidly deteriorating position of the Latvian language were suppressed. In 1989 the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a resolution on the "Occupation of the Baltic States," in which it declared that the occupation was "not in accordance with law," and not the "will of the Soviet people". A national movement coalescing in the Popular Front of Latvia took advantage of glasnost under Mikhail Gorbachev, opposed by the Interfront, and on May 4, 1990, the Supreme Soviet of the Latvian SSR adopted the Declaration of the Restoration of Independence of the Republic of Latvia, subject to a transition period that came to an end with Latvian independence on August 21, 1991, after the failure of the August Putsch. The Saeima, Latvia's parliament, was again elected in 1993, and Russia completed its military withdrawal in 1994.

The major goals of Latvia in the 1990s, to join NATO and European Union, were achieved in 2004. Language and citizenship laws have been opposed by many Russophones (Latvian is the official language and citizenship was not automatically extended to some former Soviet citizens - mostly ethnically Russian - who settled during the occupation, or to their descendants). The government denationalized private property confiscated by the Soviet rule, returning it or compensating the owners for it, and privatized most state-owned industries, reintroducing the prewar currency. After a difficult transition to a liberal economy and its re-orientation toward Western Europe, Latvia still has one of the lowest standards of living in the EU, though its economy has one of the highest growth rates.

[edit] Politics

Ingrīda Ūdre, former Speaker of Saeima, the Latvian parliament.
Ingrīda Ūdre, former Speaker of Saeima, the Latvian parliament.
Main article: Politics of Latvia

The 100-seat unicameral Latvian parliament, the Saeima, is elected by direct, popular vote every four years. The president is elected by the Saeima in a separate election also every four years. The president appoints a prime minister who, together with his cabinet, forms the executive branch of the government, which has to receive a confidence vote by the Saeima. This system also existed before Second World War.

In a nationwide referendum on September 20, 2003, 66.9% of those taking part voted in favour of joining the European Union. Latvia became a full-fledged member of the European Union on May 1, 2004. Latvia has been a NATO member since March 29, 2004. Although membership in the EU and NATO were the major goals of Latvia through the 1990s, Latvian politicians today are often criticized for being unable to gain benefits out of Latvia's membership.

Latvia has had strained relations with Russian Federation due to Russian discontent with Latvian language and citizenship policies, as well as Latvia's requests for Russia to recognize it as continuous with the first Latvian Republic and acknowledge consequences of Soviet occupation. As of 2007, however Latvia's relationship with Russia seems to be improving.

[edit] Administrative divisions

Main article: Districts of Latvia

Latvia is divided into twenty-six districts (rajoni). There are also seven cities (lielpilsētas) that have a separate status. Latvia is also historically, culturally and constitutionally divided in four or more distinct regions, see regions of Latvia.

  1. Aizkraukle District
  2. Alūksne District
  3. Balvi District
  4. Bauska District
  5. Cēsis District
  6. Daugavpils District
  7. Daugavpils (city)
  8. Dobele District
  9. Gulbene District
  10. Jēkabpils District
  11. Jelgava District
  12. Jelgava (city)
  13. Jūrmala (city)
  14. Krāslava District
  15. Kuldīga District
  16. Liepāja District
  17. Liepāja (city)
  1. Limbaži District
  2. Ludza District
  3. Madona District
  4. Ogre District
  5. Preiļi District
  6. Rēzekne District
  7. Rēzekne (city)
  8. Rīga District
  9. Rīga (city)
  10. Saldus District
  11. Talsi District
  12. Tukums District
  13. Valka District
  14. Valmiera District
  15. Ventspils District
  16. Ventspils (city)
Map of the districts of Latvia in alphabetical order.
  • Abrene District (1919-1940), the eastern part of which was annexed to Russia in 1944;
    the legal status of the annexed portion is disputed -- the western part of the former district is now in Balvi District.

[edit] Geography

Map of Latvia showing cities
Map of Latvia showing cities
Main article: Geography of Latvia

Located on eastern shore of the Baltic Sea Latvia lies in East European Plain. It consists of fertile, low-lying plains, largely covered by forest, mostly pines, the highest point being the Gaiziņkalns at 311.6 m (1,020 ft). Common species of wildlife in Latvia include deer, wild boar, fox, beaver and wolves[3] The Latvian climate is humid, continental and temperate in nature, with temperatures varying on average from -5 to +15 °C,[4] providing warm-water ports and water to more than 3,000 lakes and over 12,000 rivers, only seventeen of which are longer than 100 kilometers (sixty miles). The major rivers include the Daugava, the Lielupe, the Gauja, and the Salaca. An inlet of the Baltic Sea, the shallow Gulf of Riga is situated in the northwest of the country. Latvia's coastline extends for 531 kilometers. Its neighbors include Estonia on the north (267 kilometers of common border), Lithuania on the south (453 kilometers), Belarus on the southeast (141 kilometers), and Russia on the east (217 kilometers). Prior to World War II, Latvia bordered eastern Poland, but as a result of boundary changes by the Soviet Union, this territory was attached to Belorussia, Latvia also lost part of the former Abrene District i.e. 6% of its territory to Russia for the same reason.

[edit] Economy

Main article: Economy of Latvia

Since the year 2000 Latvia has had one of the highest (GDP) growth rates in Europe [3]. In 2006, annual GDP growth was 11.9% and inflation was 6.2%. Unemployment was 8.5% - almost unchanged compared to the previous two years. However, it has recently dropped to 7%, partly due to active economic migration, mostly to the Republic of Ireland and United Kingdom. Privatization has been mostly completed, except for some of the large state-owned utilities. Latvia is a member of the World Trade Organization (1999) and the European Union (2004).

The fast growing economy is regarded as a possible economic bubble, because it is driven mostly by growth of domestic consumption, financed by a serious increase of private debt, as well as negative foreign trade balance. The prices of real estate, which increases at amount approx. 5% a month (due to lack of tax legislation that could prevent speculations in real estate market), are perceived to be too high for the economy, which mainly produces low valued goods and raw materials. As stated by Ober-Haus, a real estate company operating in Poland and the Baltics, the prices of some segments of real estate market have been stabilized as of summer 2006 and some experts expect serious reduction of real estate prices in the near future. The government introduced special program to reduce inflation and remain high growth rates recently [4]. The main points of the plan are:

  • to create a non-deficit country budget for the current 2007 year and a buget with a surplus for 2008 and beyond
  • to tax any transaction concerning real estate that has been in a person's possession less than three years
  • to increase control of credit
  • to increase energy effectiveness in homes and business to guard against possible rises in energy costs
  • to increase work productivity and stimulate competition in business

Latvia plans to introduce the Euro as the country's currency but, due to the inflation being above EMU's guidelines, this is unlikely to happen before 2010.

[edit] Demographics

Residents of Latvia by nationality (As of 1 January 2006)[5]
Latvians 59.0%
Russians 28.5%
Belorussians 3.8%
Ukrainians 2.5%
Poles 2.4%
Others 1.9%
Lithuanians 1.4%
Jews 0.4%
Estonians 0.1%

Latvia's population has been multiethnic for centuries, though the demographics shifted dramatically in the twentieth century due to the world wars, the emigration and removal of Baltic Germans, the Holocaust, and occupation by the Soviet Union.

Latvians and Livonians, the indigenous peoples of Latvia, now form c. 60% of the population; 28.5% of the inhabitants are Russian.[6]. Approximately 54% of the ethnic Russians living in Latvia are citizens of Latvia. People who arrived whilst Latvia was occupied by the USSR, and their descendants born before 1991, must be naturalized to receive Latvian citizenship. Over 100,000 persons have been naturalized in recent years.

In some large cities (e.g. Daugavpils and Rēzekne), Russians and other minorities outnumber Latvians. Minorities from other countries such as Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, etc., also live in Latvia. The share of ethnic Latvians had fallen from 77% (1,467,035) in 1935 to 52% (1,387,757) in 1989.[7]. In 2005 there were even fewer Latvians than in 1989, though their share of the population was larger - 1,357,099 (58.8% of the inhabitants).

The official language of Latvia is Latvian, which belongs to the Baltic language group of the Indo-European language family. Another notable language of Latvia is the nearly extinct Livonian language of Baltic-Finnic subbranch of Uralic language family, which enjoys protection by law, Latgalian language - a dialect of Latvian - is also protected by Latvian law as historical variation of Latvian language. Russian is by far the most widespread minority language, also spoken, or at least understood, by large sections of the non-Russian population.

The population is mostly Christian, the largest group being Lutheran (556,000, according to 2003 data; 24% of total population), with smaller percentages Roman Catholic (430,405, 19 %) and Eastern Orthodox (350,000, 15 %).

There are also Jews (9,883 in 2005) in Latvia who are now mainly a remainder from the past, as during World War II the Jewish Community (according to the last official census in 1935 there were 93,479 Jews in the country, or approximately 5% of the total population) was mostly killed. There are 182 known Muslims living in Latvia, total number of Muslims in Latvia, however, is estimated to be much larger - from 500 to 12 000.

There are about 600 Latvian neopagans Dievturi (The Godskeepers) whose religion is based on Latvian mythology.[8] About 35 % of the total population is not affiliated with a specific religion and may be agnostic or atheist.

[edit] Culture

Between the thirteenth and nineteenth century, Baltic Germans, many of whom were originally of non-German ancestry but had been assimilated into German culture, formed the upper class. They developed a distinct cultural heritage, characterised by both Latvian and Russian influences. It has survived in German Baltic families to this day, in spite of their dispersal to Germany, the USA, Canada and other countries in the early 20th century. However, most indigenous Latvians did not participate in this particular cultural life. Thus the mostly peasant local pagan heritage was preserved, partly merging with Christian traditions, for example in one of the most popular celebrations today which is the midsummer festival, or Jāņi.

Jāņi is a paganic celebration of the summer solstice, celebrated on the feast day of St. John the Baptist. In the nineteenth century Latvian nationalist movements emerged promoting Latvian culture and encouraging Latvians to take part in cultural activities. The nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth century is often regarded as a classical era of Latvian culture.

After incorporation into the USSR, Latvian artists and writers had to follow the Socialist realism style of art. During the Soviet era, music became increasingly popular, with the most popular being songs from the 1980s. At this time, songs often made fun of the characteristics of Soviet life and were concerned about preserving Latvian identity. This aroused popular protests against the USSR and also gave rise to an increasing popularity of poetry. Since independence, theatre and scenography have become the most notable branches of Latvian culture.

[edit] International rankings

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Juris Dreifelds: Latvia in Transition (Cambridge University Press: 1996).
  • Jānis Rutkis (editor): Latvia: Country & People (Latvian National Foundation, Stockholm: 1967).
  • Arveds Švābe: The Story of Latvia - A Historical Survey (Latvian National Foundation, Stockholm: 1949) (see below).
  • These Names Accuse-Nominal List of Latvians Deported to Soviet Russia (Latvian National Foundation, Stockholm: second edition, 1982) (see below).
  1. ^ Data: 3000 BC to 1500 BC. The Ethnohistory project. Retrieved on 2006-08-06.
  2. ^ Election "results" were accidentally issued early by the Soviet press service. They were published in the news in London 24 hours before the polls closed.
  3. ^ Nature of Latvia:List of species retrieved March 7, 2007
  4. ^, retrieved on March 7, 2007.
  5. ^ Naturalization Board of the Republic of Latvia: Figures and facts, retieved on 7 March 2007.
  6. ^ Latvian Central Statistical Bureau
  7. ^ [1]
  8. ^ Statistics of approved parishes in Latvia (as of 1-1-2004) retieved on 7 March 2007

[edit] External links

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[edit] Government

[edit] Other

  • AABS (the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies) - an international educational and scholarly organization. Site hosted by Washington University.
  • Baltic Times - English language weekly in the Baltic States, published in Riga.
  • - Places of Latvia. Guide, calendar and more...
  • Latvia tourism - Tourism information sponsored by Latvian Tourism Development Agency
  • Latvija - Official Portal of Latvia by Secretariat of Special Assignments Minister for Electronic Government Affairs
  • - Personal web site of Silvija and Peters Vecrumba
  • Latvians Online - Online Latvian community, site edited by Andris Straumanis, Minnesota, USA
  • - English version of the Latvian public policy site by Providus and the Soros Foundation.
  • The Latvian Institute - professional organization publishing information on Latvian society, economy, culture and history
  • Latvia on Wikitravel
  • Analysis of Freedom in Latvia (pdf file) -Freedom House publication "Nations in Transit 2006". Authored by J.Dreifelds.
  • Latvia : Country Studies - Published in 1996 by the Federal Research Division, Library of Congress.Authored by J.Dreifelds.
  • National Statistics Agency (in Latvian and English. For English press upper right hand corner "EN")
  • Latvia Tourism Brochures - Official publication by European Travel Commission (ETC)
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