Last of the Jedi characters

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These are the characters featured in Jude Watson's, The Last of the Jedi books.


[edit] Ferus Olin

Ferus Olin is a major character in the book Star Wars: The Last of the Jedi. He was the former Jedi apprentice of Siri Tachi who ultimately resigned from Jedi training because he suspected Anakin had deliberately withheld information about his friend Tru Veld's lightsaber, knowing it would fail in battle. Because of that a Jedi Padawan named Darra Thel-Tanis had died. Yet Ferus also felt responsible because he fixed Tru's lightsaber and kept it a secret, a violation of rules between master and Padawan.

Ferus was known for his rivalry with Anakin and it was Ferus who first warned Obi-Wan about Anakin. He sensed that Anakin's great gifts hid great unrest. He also had impressive powers and strengths of his own, often making Anakin jealous because of the praise Obi-Wan and other Jedi gave to him.

He was also a strict padawan, who was by-the-book and did nothing wrong to his master, although sometimes, his master's reckless behaviour affects him and makes him disobey orders, but for the cost of something good for the mission. He was careful with his impeccable exterior.

Ferus then started a business with his new civilian friend Roan Lands. They would find new identities and keep tabs on people who exposed wrongdoings in corporations. He and Roan later became officers in the Republic Army during the Clone Wars. Obi-Wan found him and helped Ferus get Roan to safety after being imprisoned by Imperial forces.

Ferus then decided to search for and remaining survivors of the Great Jedi Purge. He found Obi-Wan's old friend Garen in the caves of Ilum. He then went looking for Jedi Fay-Tor, who was believed to be held captive on Coruscant. After a long search, he found her, renamed as Solace. Solace, Ferus and Trever went back to the Jedi Temple to retrieve the lightsabers there. It was a trap and Ferus was captured.

Ferus escapes with the help of an old friend called, Clive Flax. They meet their friends on the outside and the information they tell him takes him and his friends to Naboo where Ferus faces the Inquisitor Malorum in an intense Lightsaber battle in the Theed power generator, where Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon had battle Darth Maul years before. Ferus wins the battle by Malorum falling to his Death in the central core. The Secret of Luke and Leia going with him.

As Ferus and his friends leave Naboo Ferus gets a message from Emperor Palpatine himself inviteing him to Coursacnt to speak. The Emperor wants Ferus to act as his double agent and if he doesn't comply, he will hurt and kill all those closest to him.

[edit] Trever

Trever is Ferus Olin's sidekick in the books The Last of the Jedi by Jude Watson.

A street kid from Bellassa. Trever met Obi-Wan when Obi-Wan was looking for Ferus who might be one of The Last Jedi alive. Ferus helped Trever because he had no one, his mother died in the Clone Wars, his father died in a Power Plant when the Empire took over Bellassa and his younger brother died in the Power Plant with his father. Trever had no one left he was all alone with no one so Ferus cared for him.

He helped Obi-Wan and ferus escape Bellassa and stowed away on their ship they wanted to take him back but Trever told them that he was reconised at the checkpoint in the prison and if he went back they would Execute him for helping Obi-Wan and Ferus escape.

Boba Fett was hot on their trail so they were forced to go to the planet Acherin where one of the last sieges of the Clone Wars toke place. It was a Separatist planet they were negotiateing a truce with The republic but when they got a look at The Empire they called off the truce and decided to keep fighting. they were forced down by a commander of the Acherin forces called, Raina. She toke them to their main city where they met Toma the leader of the Acherin forces.

They were all forced to leave Acherin as The Empire were about to destroy the City. Once they escaped they found a moving asteroid where they decided to set up a base for Jedi who survived Order 66. Obi-Wan headed for Polis massa while Trever and Ferus went to Ilum. Toma had told them that Garen Muln, Obi-Wan's friend.

After they had gotten Garen from Ilum they toke him back to the Moving Asteroid Garen was injured by Imperial Storm troopers and needed to recover. After that Ferus and Trever toke Obi-Wan to Tatooine. Then they head to Courscant where they heard from Garen that another Jedi called Fy-Tor-Ana had gone back to the Jedi Temple.

Ferus and Trever go to find Dexter Jettster for information on Fy-Tor-Ana. But his Cafe had been destroyed they asked around on any information on what happened to him they venture to the underworld where they get mixed up in some trouble the Dexter Jettster saves them.

[edit] Malorum

In the Star Wars Expanded Universe, Malorum was the first Grand Inquisitor appointed to head the Inquisitorius, which was formed in the early days of the Galactic Empire to prosecute Order 66. Tall and imposing, Malorum wore a dark maroon robe, similar to that worn by Emperor Palpatine. Viewed as Lord Vader's "pet", Malorum was assigned to investigate the asteroid field of Polis Massa, searching for information about the late Padmé Amidala. Malorum was assisted in this by Boba Fett, who also worked with the Inquisitor during later investigations on Naboo. Malorum's time on Naboo was frustrating, as Queen Apailana and other Naboo politicians stonewalled and refused to give him the information he needed.

Eventually, Malorum was reassigned to Bellassa, where he worked as the chief of security, training ISB agents on the planet. Malorum became obsessed with hunting down the escaped fugitive and ex-Jedi Ferus Olin, enlisting the help of bounty hunters such as Boba Fett and D'harhan to help crush the Rebel uprising on Bellassa.

Malorum was then assigned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. He set up his office in the former living quarters of Jedi Master Yoda. When stormtroopers captured Ferus, he interrogated him and asked him the name of the Jedi Ferus met on Bellassa. Ferus refused to talk, despite threats of execution.

Following his eventual death, Malorum was succeeded as Grand Inquisitor by Laddinare Torbin.

[edit] Garen Muln

Garen Muln appears in Jude Watson's, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Quest and The Last of the Jedi books.

Garen Muln is the life time friend's of Obi-wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi. Garen was stationed on Acherin during the Clone Wars. He was presumed dead but it was soon found out that Garen had survived. When Order 66 was executed Garen was negotiateing a truce with the Separatist commander when Order 66 happened. The Separatist commander who Garen had befriended helped Garen escape but Garen was injured by Imperial Storm Troopers on his escape. garen went to the planet of Ilum in the caves where Jedi apprentices went to get their Lightsaber crystals. Garen was rescued by Ferus Olin who had left the Jedi order when he was 18, also Siri's apprentice.

Garen gave Ferus his lightsaber saying he wont need it. Imperial Storm Troopers had blocked the exit to the cave and Garen was badly injured in their escape. Ferus toke Garen to the moving aseroid where Ferus was seting up a base for Jedi who Survived Order 66. Garen is now recovering on the asteroid and hasn't been seen or heard from since Last of the Jedi: A Dark Warning