Last Train

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This article concerns Contract Bridge and uses terminology associated with the game. See Contract bridge glossary for an explanation of unfamiliar words or phrases.

In the card game Bridge, Last train refers to the bid just below game level in the agreed suit. Such a last train bid is typically made in a bidding in which one of the partners has denoted slam interest.

A survey in the magazine The Bridge World showed a strong consensus approving the Last Train convention, with the following definition:

“Any time there is only one call that indicates slam interest or further slam interest without raising the partnership’s level of commitment, it is a Last Train slam-try, unrelated to the strain named (unless followed by an uninvited further action).”

The convention is named after the Monkees song Last Train to Clarksville.

[edit] Examples

1 - 3;

4♣ - 4

The 4 bid suggests to partner extra values (i.e. 3 was at the high range), inviting partner to consider slam exploration.

1♠ - 4;


The 4 bid asks responder to consider bidding slam with extra values (4D is a splinter bid showing 4+ Spades).