Laser vision

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Laser Vision is a superpower that is held by many comic and cartoon characters, namely by superheroes or supervillains. Heroes to have this power include Cyclops from Marvel Comics, Superman from DC Comics,Darkseid (a villian in Superman), David Jones from College Roomies from Hell!!!, Ace Bunny from Loonatics Unleashed, and Apollo from Marvel Comics. Laser vision is usually depicted as a beam of excited particles that are projected from someone's eyes. This means that “laser vision” often includes particle beam weapons in addition to actual lasers. Often, laser vision is shown to bounce off of mirrors. True laser beams have massive power requirements with limited damage to the target, but with amazing range. Particle beams use less power with more damage to the target, but the beams power tapers off dramatically with distance, especially through a fluid medium. Laser vision does not include photographic abilities, it is only the ability to shoot lasers out of the eyes.