User talk:Lars

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello, and welcome to Wikipedia! We're glad to have you here. Just wanted to let you know--the image you just uploaded appears to be from a copyrighted source. Please add source information by going to the image page (type Image:NAMEOFIMAGE in the text box) and editing it to add source information. If your image is in the public domain, or licenced under the GFDL, then it's OK to use; if not, you have to claim fair use, which may or may not stand up. See Wikipedia:Copyrights for details. Best wishes, and ask at Wikipedia:Help desk if you have any questions. Yours, [[User:Meelar|Meelar (talk)]]

OK, sorry, I wasn't aware you had taken the photo. Thanks very much, and welcome again, [[User:Meelar|Meelar (talk)]] 20:02, 2004 Aug 17 (UTC)