Laplacian matrix

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In the mathematical field of graph theory the Laplacian matrix, sometimes called admittance matrix or Kirchhoff matrix, is a matrix representation of a graph. Together with Kirchhoff's theorem it can be used to calculate the number of spanning trees for a given graph.

[edit] Definition

The Laplacian of a graph G is defined as

L: = DA

with D the degree matrix of G and A the adjacency matrix of G.

More explicitly, given a graph G with n vertices, the matrixL:=(l_{i,j})_{n \times n} satisfies

l_{i,j}:=\left\{ \begin{matrix}  \deg(v_i) & \mbox{if}\ i = j \\ -1 & \mbox{if}\ i \neq j\ \mbox{and}\ v_i\ \mbox{adjacent}\ v_j \\ 0 & \mbox{otherwise} \end{matrix} \right.

In the case of directed graphs, either the indegree or the outdegree might be used, depending on the application.

[edit] Properties

For a graph G and its admittance matrix L with eigenvalues \lambda_0 \le \lambda_1 \le \ldots \le \lambda_{n-1}:

L is always positive-semidefinite (\forall i, \lambda_i \ge 0).

The multiplicity of 0 as an eigenvalue of L is the number of connected components of G.

λ1 is called the algebraic connectivity.

The smallest non-trivial eigenvalue of L is called the spectral gap.

[edit] See also

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