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Lantea (Stargate address (Milky Way) (Pegasus Galaxy) is a fictional planet from the Stargate science fiction universe. Lantea is the planet on which the Ancient City of Atlantis is located and thus the primary planet of the series Stargate Atlantis.


[edit] About the planet

Lantea is a planet mostly covered with water although there exists a single large continent, roughly the size of North America, 15 million square miles in size that can be reached from Atlantis with a Puddle jumper in about 25 minutes. There exists at least two animal life forms on the planet; a whale-like animal called Flagisalis by the Ancients, and a giant lobster-type creature that is approximately the size of a Volkswagen Beetle, the name of which is currently unknown.

Life on the planet faces two great natural dangers: first every twenty to thirty years the oceans gets unseasonably warm which creates an extremely strong storm that can cover nearly 20% of the planet and cause great destruction. Another danger of the planet is a coronal mass ejection that happens about every 15,000 years and would be strong enough to wipe out all life on the planet. The Ancients were able to expand the shield of Atlantis to cover most of the planet the last time, saving most of the life forms on the planet.

Furthermore, at the bottom of the ocean, there exists a very thin layer that separates the water from the magma beneath which can provide a plentiful source for geothermal energy and was indeed an attempt made by the Ancients in the past.

[edit] History

[edit] Early History

After the Ancients left Earth between 10 - 5 million years ago with their city they finally resettled on a planet in the Pegasus galaxy which they called Lantea. There Atlantis was sitting as an island on the water and from this planet the Ancients started to explore their new home galaxy, seeded life on planets and built a whole new network of Stargates, this time using a new design. To protect their new home the Ancients built a large network of defense satellites stationed all across the Lantean system. To have an alternative power source for their city the Ancients also built a moving geothermal energy drilling station on the ocean floor.

While exploring the galaxy the Ancients, which were called the Lanteans in this galaxy, encountered the Wraith, which soon started to take over the galaxy, thus beginning a 100 year long war with the Ancients. During this war the Wraith sent many ships to Lantea to destroy Atlantis. On their way they destroyed the whole satellite network, save for one and attacked the city from the orbit, however the Ancients were able to repell the attacks. However unknown to them one Wraith cruiser of the first attack wave survived and crash landed into the ocean where it laied for over 10,000 years. Finally the Ancients sunk Atlantis on the ocean floor and left the city for their old home, Earth.

[edit] Modern History

10,000 years later, Atlantis was discovered by the Atlantis expedition from Earth which now inhabits the city. Later the mainland became home to the Athosians, humans from the Pegasus galaxy that were later resettled on a new planet by the Ancients of the warship Tria, who returned to Atlantis and were subsequently killed by the Asurans.

In the Season 3 episode First Strike, the Asurans attacked Atlantis with a beam weapon through a Stargate in orbit so Atlantis left, abandoning the planet to go to M12-578 to land and settle there as its new home planet. Atlantis however was damaged in the attempt and dropped out of hyperspace far from the new planet with many of the crew hurt and with only 24 hours power remaining.

[edit] External links

Prominent locations in Stargate Edit
Planets Earth | Abydos | Altair | Cimmeria | Chulak | Dakara | Langara | Lantea | Ne'tu | Othala | Orilla | Tollana
Facilities Alpha Site | Atlantis | Stargate Command
Other Pegasus Galaxy | Celestis