Landulf III of Benevento

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Landulf III (died December 968 or 969) was prince of Capua (as Landulf V) and Benevento from 959 as co-prince with his father, Landulf II and brother Pandulf Ironhead, and from 961 only with his brother. According to the Chronicum Salernitanum, tenuit principatum una cum suo germanus annos octo, that is, "he had the principality solely with his brother for eight years." The Chronicum furthermore affirms the co-regency, a principle based on the indivisibility of the united Capua-Benevento as declared by Atenulf I in 900, when it says Beneventanorum principatum eius filii Pandolfum et Landulfum bifarie regebant . . . communi indivisoque iure, that is "the Beneventan principality was reigned in jointly by Pandulf and Landulf under indivisible common jurisdiction."

In Autumn 966, Pope John XIII led a Roman-Tuscan-Spoletan army against him, but Gisulf I of Salerno came to his rescue and no battle was given. The pope and Gisulf made a treaty at Terracina. In 968, Landulf's brother John was made archbishop of Capua by John XIII. Landulf took part in the campaign of 968, but retired in illness and died at Benevento leaving two sons: Pandulf and Landulf di Sant'Agata, both later princes of Benevento.

[edit] Sources

  • Caravale, Mario (ed). Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani: LXIII Labroca – Laterza. Rome, 2004.
Preceded by
Landulf II
Prince of Capua
Succeeded by
Landulf IV
Prince of Benevento