Land Mine

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Land Mine board near the end of a game
Land Mine board near the end of a game
Part of the series on
drinking games

Pong games
Beer pong | w/ Paddles
Slam | Dartmouth

Table games
Flip cup | Boat race
Arrogance | Quarters
Land Mine

Word games
I Never | 21
Drink while you think

Card games
Kings | President/Asshole
Hi-Lo | Horserace

Binge drinking games
Keg stand | Power Hour
Funneling | Shotgunning
Strawpedo | Yard of ale
Edward Forty-Hands

This article is about the drinking game. For the explosive device, see Land mine.

Land Mine is a drinking game which involves players spinning a quarter and simultaneously drinking a beer. The game is popular on college and university campuses around the United States.


[edit] Equipment

1 smooth table (not glass), 1 quarter, loads of beer.

[edit] Game Play

Land mine is considered by some to be the "chess" of the drinking games. It is a game of strategy, where in the players try to trap others in their own area, and keep their area clear. Land Mine begins with each player opening a beer and placing it in front of their area, then a player starts to spin the quarter.

[edit] Rules

The game has players sitting around a table with designated areas, these areas are usually taped off, and are about two beer can widths in size. The players spin their quarter, and drink from their beer, after drinking their beer, the player must catch the quarter with only two fingers before the quarter stops. The players can only spin from their designated areas or drink. After some time, the players will accumulate empty beer cans which they can use to "Land Mine" an opponent. This happens after the player starts their spin and the player with the empty beer can slams his beer can over the top of the quarter. This makes a land mine, and makes the player who spun spin again. If the quarter goes off the table, they spin again, and if a quarter hits a can, the player drinks for each time it hits the can( the cans must be returned to their original position, it is usually a good idea to have a spotter). Also if a player hits a full beer on the table, the owner of the beer must finish it, or if its the players who spun the quarters beer, they must finish it. The games progress until there is either no beer left, or one player is blocked in completely and has no way of getting out. They must finish their beer, then dive through all the land mines clearing the table. Also if one of the players is to throw up after consuming too much beer, they MUST throw up on the table. Resulting in them being out of the game, and/ or ending the game for everyone depending on how much throw up is on the table.

[edit] Crush Rule

A variation to the removal of landmines consists of squeezing (or crushing) the can once it has been hit. The "crushed" can is replaced and if struck a second time is then removed from the table. This allows the game to keep a steady flow with cans being removed, assuming there isn't a player who will sacrifice a few drinks just to get rid of some land mines that are blocking him.

[edit] The Grenade

Another common rule is that of "the grenade". A player gets a grenade by finishing their beer and pulling the tab off of the can. This tab is now a "grenade" and can be fired at the quarter of the player who is spinning. Knocking over the quarter results in the spinning player to have to drink and spin again.

[edit] Strategy

The strategy is to block your opponent in and to make them drink as much as possible.