Lambda Delta Alpha

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Image:LDA2 color seal.jpg The LDA crest, described below.

Lambda Delta Alpha is a local fraternity located at Ripon College in Ripon, Wisconsin. Of the ten fraternities that have existed on the campus of Ripon College in its one hundred and fifty year history, Lambda Delta Alpha (often abbreviated LDA) has endured from its inception as a local fraternity until the present. Although LDA is currently inactive as a student organization, attempts are in the works to raise membership numbers and return LDA to its previous status.


[edit] Ideals

Lambda Delta Alpha is founded on the three ideals of scholarship, brotherhood and duty. The three Greek letters stand for Logomanein, Dikaios and Adelphatos which are Greek for scholarship, duty and brotherhood respectively.

[edit] History

Lambda Delta Alpha was founded on January 6, 1925 by a group of twelve men who were dissatisfied with the current Greek life situation at Ripon College. Their first house came to be called Tracy House where they remained until the early 1950s when LDA moved to a house known as Merril-Baker. LDA lived in Merril Baker a few short years until the then president of the college forced them to move into the newly built Brockway Hall where they have resided since. In 1959 Lambda Delta Alpha decided to join the national fraternity Delta Upsilon which is the largest non-secretive fraternity in the US. During the period known as the DU period house membership peaked at over forty members until September 24, 1984 when LDA dissolved ties with Delta Upsilon and became a local fraternity once again. The reasoning behind this was that DU wanted to increase chapter dues to an enormous sum which was seen by the brothers to be infeasible. The only way to keep their fraternity afloat was to become Lambda Delta Alpha once more. Nevertheless, LDA still retains ties with DU alumni and even retains some of their traditions.

[edit] Symbolism

The crest incorporates the old LDA crest and some elements of the DU crest. The six stars on the left represent the six original pledges which when combined with the six on the right form the total original membership. The parchment represents the unifying constitution with particular emphasis on scholarship and the motto of DU "Justice, Our Foundation" printed in Greek. Further, the open visor represents non-secrecy, the shield combines versions of the pins actives and pledges wear, the scales DU's ideal of Justice. The candles represent both the light of knowledge and also the three stages of house membership; pledge, active and alumnus. The handshake represents LDA's friendship with other Greek organizations and with Ripon College, the lance represents Duty, and the three rings symbolize the three stages of LDA's history being LDA, Delta Upsilon and LDA once again. The traditional colors of Lambda Delta Alpha are Red and Blue.

[edit] Philanthropy

Lambda Delta Alpha traditionally held the LDA Car Smash each fall during which participants contribute a small amount of money and are given the opportunity to destroy a donated car . All proceeds go to Diabetes research. Also, each Valentines Day LDA held the Valentine's Day auction and donates proceeds to the American Heart Association.