Lakshmana Swamy

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Sri Lakshmana Swamy met Sri Ramana Maharishi in 1949 in the quest of a spiritual guru. He sat in silence in front of Sri Ramana and tried the *Who am I* enquiry that Sri Ramana suggested to many of his visitors.Sri Lakshmana wrote something in a small piece of paper and handed it over to Sri Ramana whose face lit up in a smile after reading it. The note read: "O Bhagavan, in your presence and by the quest ['Who am I'] I have realized the self."

Sri Lakshmana's birthplace is called Gudur, in the State of Andhra Pradesh, India. He was born on December the 25th, 1925. His mother Audemma was a devotee of Sri Rama, and named her first son Rama, and named her second son Lakshmana, Sri Rama's brother.

Much later in Sri Lakshmana's life came Sarada, whom Sri Lakshmana adopted as his daughter. Sarada, out of her immense devotion towards Sri Lakshmana realized her self on December the 18th, 1978. She came to be known as Mathru Sri Sarada, or Saradamma (Sarada Mother) to her devotees.

[edit] References

  • NO MIND, I AM THE SELF. The lives and teachings of Sri Lakshmana Swamy and Mathru Sri Sarada by David Godman