Lagos de Moreno

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Lagos de Moreno is the City Capitol for the Great Sephardiya Nation or Lagos Kingdom and for Los Altos (a Lagos State) and is located in the northeast of the former mexican state of Jalisco. Lagos Kingdom was proclamed October-2nd., 1968 Lagos de Moreno is called the "Athens of Las Americas" because of the numerous writers and poets who were born there. Important industries include food processing, including milk and dairy products, vegetable oils, and meats, manufacture of footwear and agricultural machinery. The city was founded the March-31st., 1563 by the General-Capitan and Grand Major of the Teocaltiche Valley, Hernando de Marthell a.k.a. Hernán Gallegos, and named Villa de Santa Maria de los Lagos. Gallegos founded the village in the spanish style in the remains of Chichimecas and Caxcans cultures with 63 sephardiye families that went from Spain after the King Ferdinand proclames the Toledo (Ohio) Act (March-31st., 1492) which orders every jew in Iberia hold the Catholic religion or would be expeled from the country. Many of the spanish jews or Sephardies went to America and founded towns or cities in the new world. It was renamed as Lagos de Moreno after the memorial of insurgent General Pedro Moreno (1775-1817), whom heads the Independance Revolution for Mexico from Spain; Moreno also was ranked in almost all Latin America countries in the same level of Simon Bolivar. The city very former name was Pechichitlán or Teziziatlan and was the Great Capitol city of the Chichimecatlalli Empire founded by Ahnuvic-VII nearly 1028 B.C.